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Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv Empty Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv

Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:38 pm
Pretty plants, potent poisons


The twins walked out of the mission office with a new mission. They were to gather hemlock, a dangerous poison that could be applied to items and weapons to cause respiratory failure. The mission itself seemed rather easy, go to a field and pick some flowers, but this was actually the most dangerous mission they had received yet. If they weren’t careful, they could end up accidentally poisoning themselves. They also saw that they may have another shinobi joining them, but it wasn’t set in stone.

The two boys headed home to get prepared for the mission. Katsu putting on a newly acquired body suit that covered all but his head. Masaru on the other hand, had to gather a pair of rubber gloves to go with his normal black outfit. They were bright yellow, and clashed terribly with his black jacket and pants, but safety would always be more important than fashion. While they weren’t expecting an attack of any kind, Masaru also put on a flak jacket over his normal jacket. This was another piece of equipment that had recently acquired, and he wanted to get accustomed to wearing it. Finally, they grabbed two black duffle bags so that they would have a place to store all of the plants they  harvested. With this done, the two headed out to go find some hemlock.

Katsu strode past the village gate guards, showing them their mission dossier as they passed. They made quiet the pair, Katsu in his bodysuit and his brother in a flak jacket and yellow gloves. Unable to let it pass he had to turn to his brother as they walked, “So why are you already wearing them? You could just put them on when we get there.” He received an annoyed look from Masaru, “I am going to be wearing these things for hours, and I am going to have to avoid accidentally touching my face or mouth the whole time. I am currently making sure that as long as I have these on I don’t touch my face in anyway to condition myself to not do it later. I am sure I will get sweaty and want to wipe it away, but while these things are on, I will not touch my face in anyway. You better remember not to do it either.”

Katsu let out a laugh. “Fine fine, wear your gloves. I wont touch my face, I am not actually stupid. You know that right?” Masaru shrugged at him, leaving the question hanging in the air as he kept walking. Katsu quickly caught up, “Hey! Don’t ignore me. I am not stupid damnit!” The two continued to squabble back and forth as they journeyed the three miles to the pasture indicated by the mission. 

[WC 462]
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
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Clan Focus : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv Empty Re: Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv

Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:26 am
A woman possessing rather lengthy strands of lavender hair made her way towards the desired spot that indicated pastured that was needed to be harvested for today's mission. Harvesting in general wasn't a big deal. The main challenge of today's mission was the fact that it wasn't normal plants being harvested, but one's that possessed highly toxicity. So toxic that even any skin contact could cause a reaction of a rash of sorts. This meaning that Aroma would meddle to take care of not letting any of the plant make contact with her flesh. Resulting in her wearing some temporary long gloves that she wouldn't mind disposing of, in place of the long gloves that would usually be worn with her common outfit.

She was very intrigued by this type of deadly herb. Having done her resource and learning that hemlock was also a cause of death in many animals who have accidentally grazed amongst a patch that might have a few sneaky hemlocks amongst the vegetation bunch. Which would result into the failure of their respiratory and then death. Not really a pleasing why to go. But interesting indeed. Aroma was ready to learn more about this plant and accompany the partner for today's mission. Since she was given the option to join in on another's active going objective for this particular augmentation. She would be nearing the destination while wearing her dispos gloves that stopped passed her elbows, and again with regular outdoor wear. Her flashy dress being switched for a normal shirt and sweats.
{WC: 257}
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Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv Empty Re: Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv

Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:59 pm
The twins reached the pasture and stared at the multitude of plants. Flowers and other shrubs dotted the landscape, but the ones that interested them were the three to five feet tall plants with purple or red spots on the bottom half of the stalks. “Do we just rip them out of the ground?” Masaru shrugged, “Not really sure, didn’t see any manuals for, how to harvest a deadly poison for beginners. I think they tend to keep that information secret so people aren’t poisoning people left and right. Probably should have asked when we got the mission.” He glanced at the plant, sadly not having any ideas better than his brothers. 

Katsu shrugged and bent down near the plant, doing his best to pull it up by the root without crushing its stem. He didn’t think hemlock was poisonous in the air, but that didn’t mean he wanted to find out the hard way. He pulled, slowly increasing the strength until the roots ripped from the ground. He then proceeded to stick the plant in one of the bags they had brought. “That might have worked. I mean we have the plant so, I guess it worked?” He made a conscious effort to keep his hands away from his face.

It was then that the boys noticed Aroma. It was good to see their, friend? Again. They thought she was their friend, but it wasn’t like they had discussed it. That wasn’t something adults did and they had enough trouble not being looked at as children with their size and childish actions. Masaru, still having clean gloves waved to her. “Hey Aroma, I assume you are our partner for gathering hemlock? Any idea how we harvest this stuff?”

[WC 289]
[TWC 751]
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
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Clan Focus : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv Empty Re: Mission: Pretty Plants, Potent Poisons [B-Rank]inv

Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:35 pm
With a kunai being withdrawn from one of her present pouches, Aroma proceeded to dig around some of the fragments of dirt that surrounded her choice of hemlock. Her body was lowered at the edge of the pasture, going to work while taking care to avoid any physical contact with the toxic plants. The blade of her kunai pushed the dirt away from their veiny roots, and then with her gloved hand Aroma brushed away any lingering loose grains. From the corner of her eye bindings, the woman noticed the two twins that she was familiar with.

She seen as the young twins was hard at work. They did good at taking care to dig the highly toxic plants from their roots like that. It was clever to avoid cutting any part of the plants stems. With that the lavender woman continued with the work. Carefully digging up the plants by their roots amd moving them over towards the bag that she was to deliver them in. Suddenly one of the twins called out to her while proceeding to offer a kind wave gesture. She looked up from her work and turned her attention towards the speaking twin. "Indeed~ and by the looks of it you twins are doing am excellent job. There are chances of the plants releasing a toxic fume if cut." She spoke her response to the twin's question.

There wasn't much a way to make this job easier or faster. With toxins it always tend to take patience since your handling a deadly item. For a moment, Aroma would wonder what the twins thought of her. She wasn't very much of an out spoken person and tend to kinda keep to herself. Maybe she was too uptight? Could this quite behavior of hers be for how she was raise? As a single child who spent their childhood learning to become a proper Viperis.
{WC: 317}
{TWC; 574}
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