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Minato Terumi
Minato Terumi
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:54 pm
C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Damn. He was late, slept in for sure this time. Minato rushed out of his apartment barely tightening his cloth belt as he sprinted down the stairs, the elders had told Minato to meet the other chosen shinobi at the sushi shop on main street. He was lucky enough to get dressed in his normal blue attire and trench coat in time, but was forced to tie his hair back in it’s usual manner as he sprinted through the street.

After all that running Minato finally made it, the sushi shop was empty compared to usual especially this time of day. Hoping he wasn’t too late Minato entered the shop and looked for his possible teammate.

(116 Words/1,000 Words)
(Sorry to short post, I'm still working on my ability to start threads...)
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:01 pm
Ookami had taken a mission that had something to do with taxes. She had just learned by this mission's description that the mizukage had recently changed. She wasn't a ninja at that time so she had been unaware of this. This would explain the announcements of all the new buildings, including the village's own personal bank. It turns out that since the recent change of a Mizukage, some of the civilians have been slacking with their taxes. It was up to Ookami and the partner she was assigned to, to convince these rebellious civilians to cooperate.

The white haired kunoichi had a small slender frame. She wore a soft blue kimono of a modest style with a laced bow that sat against the small of her lower back. The kimono was wrapped around her petite form. Hidden beneath the blue fabrics was her black shorts and tank top that flexibly hugged her small form. Along with her weapon pouches that tied to her right upper thigh. One thing that threw off her innocent appearance was the rather large sword that was sheathed from across her back in a tightly tilted vertical position. She approached the entrance to the shop as she wondered who her teammate would be this time. She was used to seeing Kizmaru showing up almost every time. This time though she would be surprised with another unfamiliar face. Her complexion gave no hint of her surprise. Her blue hues would look him up and down for a quick second. Looks like Kirigakure was finally becoming more populated with shinobi. (It's no worries. I'm not judgemental)

{WC: 262}
Minato Terumi
Minato Terumi
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:35 am
It had appeared Minato’s partner had arrived and in only moments after himself, this made him feel better about his late appearance. He looked over the document carefully and saw that the flower store across the road owed 25 ryo, Minato spoke out to his comrade [color:84a7=00B6D3]“My name is Minato Terumi, I think we should start with the closest store there.” He would await her response and respond accordingly of course, he hoped his partner would agree with the decision seeing it as the best option to get the mission over with.

Assuming the girl agreed with Minato, he would head into the flower shop and promptly speak to the man behind the counter. “Excuse me, It would seem you owe the village 25 ryo in back taxes. As shinobi of Kirigakure we are here to collect these dues, please make this simple. We really don’t want to cause trouble.” Minato would briefly look at his comrade and see if she had anything to add perhaps, but truly he wanted to know how the store owner would be reacting to the words he spoke.

[184 Words]
[300 Total Words]
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:51 am
Ookami would follow behind her partner. She wasn't a very talkative specimen, so she made the decision to keep go herself unless spoken to. Or of the event required her input. Her partner offered her his name, and she would be respectful enough to return a response of her own title. "You may call me Ookami, if you'd like." with that she nodded to his statement to start at the store that was closest to them. She agreed with them.

As she followed, they would approach closer to the slower shop of Kirigakura. Such a peaceful atmosphere, ome wouldn't think a person with the heart for flowers would try to get away with their taxes. Or maybe that was the whole point. As the door opened to them and her partner made the announcement, she would merely stand there and watch. As he finished speaking about what they owed, she would shift the weight of her five foot long sheathed sword that was strapped to her back. The sword was completely black from what could be seen as it rested within it's shealth.

Despite it's massive size, Ookami seemed to carry it without a problem. The shifting of her sword's weight was bound to draw the ship owner's attention towards it. Doubtfully that she would want to know what it may be used for. Ookami waited to see if the owner would comply or not, before moving on to a different procedure.

{WC: 242}
{TWC: 504}
Minato Terumi
Minato Terumi
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:40 am
Minato heard the sound of Ookami shifting the sword on her back, it was clever to use the subtle hint of force if necessary on the shopkeep. The owner was shaking as he looked past Minato and was frozen in fear of his partner, Minato’s eyes closed briefly as he tilted his head down slightly and used his right hand’s index finger to push his spectacles back on the bridge of his nose as he spoke. “Yes she is a little uneasy as it is, so please don’t make me let her loose.” He was grinning but not enough to show he was talking completely out of his ass. He hoped that Ookami would not mind him using her in a psychological game with this owner, who at this point was slow stepping backwards to his register his eyes locked by fear on to Ookami. He managed to open the cash drawer and dig out 25 ryo with his shaking hand and give it to Minato, “Thanks, next time do it when the village asks and we won’t be back.” Minato turned around looking at Ookami and speaking as he walked out the door placing the ryo in his collection pouch, “The next place we have is the Soup Shop about 2 doors down, Would you like to handle it this time?” Minato would be standing in the middle of the street as he looked at his partner, awaiting her response so he knew how to proceed with their mission.

[250 Words]
[550 Words Total]
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:42 pm
As the flower shop owner locked eyes of fear with her as he took notice of her rather large sword, Ookami would hold the perfect poker face. Not being much revealing with emotion. The young woman was a little bit of a hassle. She looked like a young girl with possibly an innocent heart. But the lack of much emotion to display would begin to worry some people. She had the potential to carry out any duty no matter how gruesome, if she was told to do so.

Of course such actions wouldn't be necessary here. Merely it was just to convince the man a little more, that paying taxes was the right way to go to have a happy life here in Kirigakure. She watched with crystal eyes as the shop keeper was able to manage retrieving the little coin that was required for his taxes. Their first stage was a success. Another stage was coming up. She listened to her teammates words before nodding in agreement. "I can do it."

The soup shop was one of Ookami's favorite places. She came here often to purchase some of their seafood soups and clam chowder. It was a pity that even one of her favorite places would be one the list. They entered the shop and Ookami calmly asked to speak with the shop owner. No doubt the woman would recognize the young quiet girl who came here often. She would state calmly that they was entitled to retrieve any taxes due, and stated the amount that the shop owned. Hoping that the woman would coordinate with Ookami.

{WC: 268}
{TWC: 772}
Minato Terumi
Minato Terumi
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C-Rank: Death and Taxes Empty Re: C-Rank: Death and Taxes

Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:23 am
Minato found this girl to be a strange one indeed, but interesting to him because by every means she seemed to be a normal sweet looking girl whose eyes revealed the cold machine inside. They approached the soup shop and entered together, Minato allowing her to take the lead as they discussed. He had propped himself up in the doorway of the shop, though his attention was taken away from the girl as she addressed the shopkeeper on the ryo owed. Instead Minato saw sitting in the corner of the Soup Shop was the third and final target on the list, so without hesitation he walked up to the table while the man was enjoying a soup and sandwich. Minato sat across from the man without saying a word just sitting calmly staring at him as he attempted to eat, the man beginning to anger from Minato sitting at his table interrupting his lunch jumped up from his chair the shear force from his quick motion flipped his chair back and knocked the table over spilling soup and sandwich on to the floor. Minato didn’t hesitate or flinch but moved as fast as he could to stand drawing his personal katana, the tenseiga, having the point pressed against the fools jugular the skin was tight as it wanted to simply pierce the man and end it all. Minato calmly addressed the man “Please, allow my associate to finish her business with the shopkeeper. So just stand there quietly and keep from making an even bigger idiot of yourself.” Minato’s face never changed, he was calm and wore a face of stone as he waited for his partner to wrap up her ryo extraction.

[283 Words]
[833 Words Total]
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