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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission) Empty Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission)

Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:47 am
Fast Food <------Mission being completed

             Keita woke up fairly early, as he accepted a relatively easy mission today, and he decided that he would give it his all, even though he was fairly sure the mission was the easiest of the easy. The delivery men of the village were busy doing something or other, or maybe they didn't want to bother with delivering a bunch of meat to the Mizukage's personal hounds because they're frightening, but regardless, the mission was simply to pick up a supply of meat from the local butcher and deliver it to the dogs. It was cloudy, like it was all the time, but it didn't seem like it was going to rain today, but Keita was pretty prudent and liked to prepare for things, so he made sure to seal a spare umbrella into his scroll before heading out. He learned when he took the mission that another person was put onto the mission as well, so he would have a buddy this time. This was great, simply because it was way better and easier going through the easier missions with a partner, and Keita usually got along with everyone. He walked out of the house with his items and a spare umbrella, just in case, as he head to the meeting location, which was the back of the butcher shop. The butcher would simply hand the members on the mission a barrel full of the scraps of meat that he didn't use that day from butchering, and they simply had to delivery it to the courtyard of the Mizukage's kennels, and the assistant workers would take it from there. This was when the sealing technique came in handy, as they wouldn't have to smell the meat on the journey, and there was almost no chance of being harassed by the wild animals or birds on the way there. Plus, dragging a barrel of meat through the busy village was also going to get a lot of strange looks from the passerby, and so it was simply easier and less embarrassing to use fuuinjutsu. They were ninjas after all, no reason not to use it if you have it. Keita walked down towards to butcher shop, saying hello to the various members of the village that he passed along the way. He was fairly popular among his neighborhood, especially because he gave home made food to his neighbors on a regular basis, so it was easy building a good reputation in the area. The easiest way to appease people and get on their good side was through food, and Keita used this to his fullest benefit. He was still around ten minutes early to the mission when he arrived to the back of the butcher shop, and then he looked around to see if he could find the companion that he was supposed to be working with. Since he had a companion this time, it seemed like there was going to be more than one barrel, which still wasn't quite a problem.
WC: 502/500 words
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission) Empty Re: Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission)

Thu Jan 30, 2020 6:07 am
Nero was still somewhat tired from his earlier guard mission, but apparently the Mizukage's hounds were in need of food. From what he knew the Mizukage had kept them for quite a while and was very fond of them. But as a result of his fondness, they'd become quite spoiled, eating pounds of food on a daily basis. At this point, they'd grown quite big and most people were too afraid of them to even bother taking the mission. The truth was though that it wasn't something they needed to worry about. The dogs were entirely fine once their hunger was sated and they didn't have any intention of eating human meat. If you were someone who constantly brought food to them they'd actually be quite nice. They were intelligent to say the least, remembering the scent of those who fed them and as the saying went they knew not to bite the hand that feeds. He was happy to see them being treated well though. With everything he needed to do out of the way he bid the other ninja farewell and went off to recieve his payment. He still had a long day ahead of him, what with more missions to take and some training to do before he could call it a night.

That wasn't to say however that they were entirely docile. Being raised by a village's Kage they were trained to be just as good as any ninja when it came to certain forms of combat. Their style of fighting obviously differed from that of a human, but their sharp claws and fangs were definitely something one would not want to trifle with. Some dogs from what Nero had read could even speak the human language, but generally, those types of animals were summoned from another realm and were hard to come by if you didn't have Fuuinjutsu and the proper talent. Nero was actually quite curious about how those types of techniques worked, although the only things he knew where from what he'd read in books.

It wasn't long before they reached the old Mizukage's house, hearing the sounds of loud barking outside, clearly aimed at their arrival. From what he could tell the dogs could smell the food within the barrels despite how tightly they were sealed. It was definitely true that a dog's sense of smell was better than that of a human. He quickly went to retrieve the mission statement, thinking it'd be necessary for them to enter the premises but in actuality, they were expected. Apparently, the butcher had sent notice ahead of them or something of the sort letting them know they were coming. Nero had no complaints as this made his job much easier. Alongside his temporary teammate, he brought the barrels inside, placing them down in a storage facility that was meant to keep the meat fresh until it was time to serve the dogs the food. Nero was surprised to see how many had been stored at this point, realizing that the dogs appetite was no joke.


Claiming 600 (500 for mission, 100 for Genin) Ryo
Claiming 1 AP
Claiming 1 Chakra
Putting 525 words into Hiding in Fire 525/1000
Total Word Count - 525
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission) Empty Re: Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission)

Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:08 pm
Keita had been waiting at the meeting point for no more than two or so minutes when he saw his shinobi team mate suddenly show up. He knew this person as Nero, and although they had only chatted a handful of times, Keita considered him a casual friend, and at least they didn't get on each others' nerves or anything of the sort. Keita enjoyed the casual conversation as they gingerly walked towards the Mizukage's kennels with the barrels of meat. Keita had used the generic sealing technique to throw one of the barrels of meat into a scroll, that way he didn't have to grab a heavy object like that and drag it all the way from the buther shop to the kennels of the Mizukage estate. This didn't seem to bother Nero, however, as he seemed extremely casual as he lifted the barrel up, as though it had very little to no weight. Keita thought to himself that he must have a very powerful body to be able to do something like that so easily. Keita was still appreciative of the help, and showed no signs of arrogance or stubbornness to use his fuuinjutsu to make the job easier, as different people had different ways of doing thins, and he didn't want to over step his boundaries if it wasn't necessary. This was one of the simplest missions there was, but not a whole lot of people would take it because of the fear of the dogs that the Mizukage kept. Still, as they were chatting, Nero had told him that the dogs were big softies if you gave them food, and would even remember you if you gave them food multiple times by your scent. They had also gotten quite large, and Keita was quite interested to see them up close, as he had always loved animals. When they arrived at the Mizukage estate, they were expected, and a steward ushered them towards the kennels where they would place the barrels, and it seemed to already be stocked fairly well. 

               Keita was unsure whether or not the dogs simply needed to be stocked all the time, or if they were actually going to eat all of this in short order, and he was astounded at the possibility of a creature eating something akin to their own body weight. The man asked what went wrong, seeing as how the pair of ninjas had only brought a single barrel when the mission had called for two barrels, and Keita quickly used his generic sealing technique to produce the second one. The man seemed to forget that ninjas were delivering the goods, and simply didn't think that anyone of genin rank would bother to learn fuuinjutsu, but Keita payed him no heed as they delivered the goods. They then got a signed piece of paper that stated that they had completed the mission and that there were no grievances that the mission holder had with them, so that they could go back to the mission area and turn it in. On the way back, they chatted a bit again about various things and small talk, but over all, they were simply trying to get the mission done quickly, and that they did. Keita enjoyed his partner this time, he was a very efficient person that didn't do extra things and simply completed the mission, and Keita wondered if he would be paired with him on future missions, when he might have to do battle with another. They had gotten to the mission area and turned in their mission, and were told that the mission was going to be processed later that day, the ryo that they were entitled to as their payment would be brought to them by a delivery man within the next two days. This was fairly standard procedure, especially if the mission zone was a bit backed up, and it was one of their busy days. Keita payed attention to small details like this way more than he often should, but he found that it helped out in his day to day life as a ninja. Keita bid farewell to his team mate, and then started to walk to his home for some more training. On his walk home, he chatted and greeted the people he usually did, and some of them even stopped him to chat about how he had done the mission so fast. He regaled them with the story about how he gave the dogs the meat barrels, and he slight exaggerated them to make the story a bit more interesting. As a write, Keiota always needed to embelish things, and he was a great story teller.
Exit - mission complete
Word Count 783
Claiming 1 AP
Claiming 2 Chakra
Claiming 1 Stamina
Claiming 500 words towards Chakra Chains (C Rank) 1000/1000 other 500 words here
Claiming 500 words towards Water Release/Sealing Technique 500/500
Claiming 250 words towards Mark Seal 250/250
Total Word Count 1285
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission) Empty Re: Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission)

Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:53 pm
Door Dash for Dosh (E Rank Mission) Approv43
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