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Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Guard Duty {Mission}

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:11 pm

Another mission had been posted on board. Ookami took the opportunity to receive the parchment for the mission's adjective and signed herself up for the duty. The objective was to patrol the streets of Kirigakura and to approach any suspicions with caution. If anything gets out of hand, then it was requested to leave a report about the situation. Ookami was requested to be on guard duty for night shift, along with the possibility of two others to join her.

The white haired kunoichi left the entrance of her home, dressed in her common black combat attire. Fitted shorts and a tank top that allowed her for flexibility when needed. Black combat boots and fishnet leggings underneath the shorts would complete her attire. As she ventured her way towards the destination to begin the guard mission, Ookami couldn't help but find the night beautiful. The moon washed over the streets and lit up the path before her. The atmosphere of nighttime was always so dazzling to her. A perfect mission for a night owl.

She approached her destination. This is where she was to meet the others that would accompany the mission with her. Then they was to scout out a plan and decide who would cover what perimeter.

{WC: 209}
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:15 am
Nero yawned lightly as he stared out at the crashing waves from atop of a high sea wall that was meant to protect the village from rising tides. The ebb and flow of the morning tide were mesmerizing, to say the least as he contemplated what to do for the day. He had picked up a mission from the boards well before the sun began to rise, intending to train a bit before taking on the request. However, it seemed like he was the only one interested in taking it for quite a while. Hours had gone as he'd roamed around the borders of the village, inspecting for any changes in the vicinity of key points within the village. His first stop had been the gates at first but everything seemed normal as far as he could tell. He assumed most of the reason as to why things were so quiet around Kirigakure was due to the barrier that surrounded them but he chose to remain diligent nonetheless.

"Guess it's going to be another uneventful day.." he said with a light sigh as he ruffled his own hair. The salty air felt like it was sticking to his body considering how he was somewhat underdressed for the light breezy weather. He wore light clothing consisting of a black sleeveless shirt and similar colored black pants. Along his leg was a pouch meant to hold his weapons wrapped off with white bandages that he used to both hold his pouches in place and as emergency response tools for injuries. Similarly, he had a pouch behind him on his hip for other necessities like weapons and items. He reached behind and began digging into the pouch for a moment, pulling out a ration made from drying out fish that were indigenous to Kirigakure's waters. He had just begun to chomp down on it when he heard the light footsteps of someone in the distance. Considering how most people around this time were either fishermen or ninja he assumed it to be the latter.

Fisherman had a tendency to walk with even heavy steps due to their honed sense of balance from dealing with the ocean on a daily basis. Ninja, on the other hand, had a particular type of sound to their gait, he assumed due to their use of stealth over long periods of time. Many who practiced such techniques on a daily basis had a tendency to incorporate it into their movements almost unconsciously. Practice makes permanent you could say. Nero chose to assume that the person was here for the mission that had been posted since this was the rallying point for those who chose to take it. With his back to the newcomer he turned the right side of his body and placed his arm on the concrete sea wall he was sitting on to support his weight as he looked at the person approaching him. His ration still hung from his mouth as he slowly nibbled on it until they were in earshot.

"You here for Guard Duty?"
he asked in a tone that was somewhat aloof yet not at the same time. He didn't recognize the person in front of him, but he had no reason to be overly cold either. However, his face might show otherwise as he had a tendency to give a stoic expression when he wasn't paying attention to it. Overall the feeling he gave off was someone who was used to spending time around here, whether it was because of the mission or some other factor. He could even be mistaken for a seasoned guard if not for the headband that rested on his hip.

Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:16 am
Another sleepless night for Kizmaru, his duties knew no bounds as he continued to scribble away at the mountains of paper work in front of him. Like he spends most of his days, pushing his pen in the same pattern, over and over just to approve the same request, citizen plea, petition and complaint, over and over again that's just reworded at least fifty times. He was starting to convince himself this must be done deliberately in order to get on his nerves or under his skin as a sort of hazing for the new Mizukage. Well, this was the path he choose, albeit it was a hasty decison but somebody needed to guide the village in the right direction, even if it was only for a little while. An hour or so had passed before he decided he had met his quota for today. Resting his pen on the office table, he got up out of his seat, spreading his legs firther apart before shifting his body weight to the left side before leaning towards the right. He was performing basic stretches to warm up his muscles since he had been sitting in the same spot for almost two days straight. Working out the rest of his body, he twisted his hips from left to right before he felt he was ready to move properly.

 Turning around, there was a giant window in his office where he could peer into his village, slowly turning into a metropolis. It was making good and steady progress at the time of his inauguration into being Kage. Of course, he didn't reveal his ace or identity and he goes around, telling people his first name along with a 'fake' last name because of the village xenophobia from the previous destruction of Kirigakure. Either way, he figured it was time for his daily exercise, even though he had a lot of work to catch up on, he couldn't just abandon his duty as a shinobi since he felt like he only had the experience of a Genin. Either way, it was time to get some 'exercise', if one would catch his meaning. Wearing the Kage robes, hat and an additional accessory that conceals his face, he figured it was time for him to change out of his robes into his normal attire. Dressing himself in a yellow button down shirt, navy blue pants and a navy blue jacket. Once he he was done training, he decided to head out of the office to the reception area.

Making his way to the lobby, he greeted the receptionist and asked if there was any missions that needed to be done. The receptionist told him nothing urgent had surfaced yet but there was a lack of guard patrolling the city and the island borders. Letting out a sigh, he decided he would at least get to stretch his legs or so before he applied to that specific mission. After taking on the request, he immediately started to head to his designated area. Placing his hands into his pockets, he decided to wear his Jounin Vest over his attire just in case things got a little hairy. It was only guard duty after all and most likely thre would be others around to assist and aid him should things go south. Arriving at his destination, Kizmaru spotted two figures in the distance. A familiar face and a completely new face he's never seen before. He decided he would introduce himself to the new face and greet the familiar woman he has bumped into and worked with time and again. 

After introducing himself as simply 'Kizmaru', he went off to patrol the town as normal, not interested in pursuing any further engagement with them. He wanted to get this over with so he could go back and do his work in his office. He'd rather not be out and about in recent days, unless his work piles up for him. Paper to sort out, meetings and events to attend and the likes. What a headache this is turning out to be. Pushing the thoughts of the future out of his mind, he decided he would start off by patrolling a certain part of the village, via the marketplace as that's where he expected the more shadier characters to hang around. Patrolling the streets, he found nothing out of the ordinary and continued to his patrols. He wondered if the others needed help of some kind but they much be capable shinobi to be tasked with this sort of jobs right away so he believed everything would be fine. Eventually, his shift came to an end. He returned to where he picked up the request to receive his reward. It wasn't the best experience for him but it was better than sitting down in a chair all day. Returning to his office, he discreetly changed back into his Kage's attire, hiding his face and went back to pencil pushing.

W.C: 829


Claiming 2000 Ryo, +5 AP
Claiming +2 Chakra
Claiming 800 words into Water Shark Bullet

Last edited by Kizmaru Senju on Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:53 pm
As she came to her destination to meet up with the others who was participating in tonight's guard duty, She would be somewhat greeted in a distant manner by a new face. If you wanted to call it a greeting. Ookami wasn't much for conversation either so she took it as such was wasn't troubled at all by the distance. The other member would be non other kizmaru. She could see that this shinobi was hard at work, or perhaps it was due to the lack of other people taking on these missions that causes these two to run into each other so much. Kizmaru introduced himself simply before already making his way out of the discussion. Must he a busy man, Ookami thought to herself.

Her cold, yet somewhat soft, eyes turned their attention onto the stranger that had addressed her, a strip of fish jerky dangling from his mouth. She did a simple look over and considered that the man looked somewhat older and more mature. She wondered if he was of a higher rank perhaps? She would nod her head in agreement. "Yes and I assume you are too?" It would still be a likely chance that he was not for tonight's patrol, and Ookami knew that even as she spoke. Although she didn't think that someone unfamiliar would bother to address her otherwise. The white haired genin would find her a spot amongst the sea wall to simply lean some of her weight against while she still stood. She could feel the humidity of the air sticking to her exposed skin. Luckily at night the humidity wasn't as bad.

"Looks like we don't need much of a discussion or a plan." She spoke in a small soft voice as her eyes gazed into the distance. She didn't expect much conversation from the new guy in return. And she wasn't the type to force any either. She would allow herself to relax against the sea wall for a moment and enjoy the night's cooling atmosphere. With the wash of the moon light above them, they would have a brilliant light as they patrolled. Ookami gave the man a benefit of the doubt, but if he didn't make any attempt to conversate or discuss the mission then Ookami would be ready to begin the night.

{WC: 387}
{TWC: 596}
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:47 am
Nero shifted his eyes towards the girl who chose to sit beside him and responded in a somewhat relaxed tone. "Not really, no. It's a simple job considering the barrier we have around the village. But we have to be careful just in case." he turned his gaze back towards the waves for a moment, knowing that he'd already done his rounds for the day and didn't need to do much else since there would be others coming later to do the same thing. Instead, he chose to lean forward, raising his left leg to his chest and placing his arm on his knee so he could rest his chin in a comfortable position. "It gets pretty boring though.." he said absentmindedly. His eyes dropped for a bit as he stared out at the waves, however, it didn't look as though he was tired, more so bored with the mission itself. He didn't really have much to say in all honesty, but he'd still respond to the girl if she asked him many questions, even going so far as to offer her some of his rations while they waited out the night. As dawn began to break once more he looked at the now rising sun and yawned lightly. The night, for the most part, had been quiet, there were no signs of anyone attempting to enter the village, at least from what he could tell and he had set up traps specifically aimed at intruders earlier to make sure he'd be notified if anyone someone passed by his gaze. In truth, it was just a simple tripwire meant to ring bells if someone stepped on them, it was the simplest traps that had a tendency to be overlooked though.

"Guess that takes care of that" he said while he turned his head to look at the girl who'd spent the night watching over the border with him. "I'm gonna head out... Be careful on your way back. Ah..the name's Nero by the way." he stood up as he spoke, dusting off the back of his pants making sure none of the sea salt and dust from the sea wall was left on him. He figured she'd reply to him with her name after having given his own and would merely wait for her response, before nodding with a light smile to respond. With that said and done he'd leap off the sea wall, landing several meters ahead and beginning to walk off. With his back to her, he'd raise his hand up, waving goodbye as he headed towards the mission board once more. He still had money he needed to earn, and he knew he could continue on for a bit and rest later. Before he could do all that though he knew he had to disable the traps he'd set up and put back the materials he'd borrowed for them. They were made with simple fishing wire he'd found near the harbor and he had no intention to cause confusion for those who came to survey the place afterward. With it said and done his mission was complete, and he could freely receive his reward. He contemplated what to do next as he walked back towards the mission board, figuring it might be best for him to do something simple like a delivery mission or something of the sort if there was one available.


Claiming 2100 (2000 for Mission, 100 for Genin) Ryo
Claiming 5 AP
Claiming 3 Chakra
Putting 475 words into Hiding in Fire 1000/1000
Putting 733 words into Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation 733/2500
Total Word Count - 1208
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:04 pm
Ookami could tell that the other man that was taking the mission on with her wa wasn't all that bad. He wasn't incredibly obnoxious or rude. In a way she felt as if he had an overall friendly, and calm composure. With a hint of a sheepish attitude. She leaned her back against the sea wall. For a moment she would glance at him. Seeing that he watched the waves sheepishly. The water lapped at the docks in rhythm, like a ticking of a leisurely clock. One that didn't do much to tell the time of course. She heard him speak and exclaim the mood of the mission. With his words she couldn't agree more. She was grateful though that she was chosen for night shift. It being her favorite time of the day. From within the darkness under the light wash of the moon, the waves would look black and inky. Yet the water still danced with grace and deadly. "It is quite boring. Would be nice for some higher missions to be more on demand." She would speak her honest opinion on the mouse of a voice.

Ookami would allow herself to tune in with the night and her surroundings. The littlest of sounds would bring a reaction of her alertness. But she felt like the night would go one without much of a disturbance. Nothing else had been heard of Kizmaru and deep inside she hoped everything was handled smoothly on his end. She could tell he was quite a busy person or was social shy. Something would brush against Ookami's leg. Something fuzzy. The genin would quickly look down, turning her attention toward whatever the think was that touched her shin. Her crystal eyes would land on the fluffy body of a cat. A little lonely stray must have wandered over for a little company. Her hand would gently brush against the fur of the mammal. The cat would suddenly erupt into a melody of soft purrs before pouncing up into her lap. At first Ookmai felt like she would protest and didn't feel like much of a guard as the feline curled up in a happy ball of fuzz. Well as long as I continue focusing my attention on my surroundings it should be fine, she would think to herself.

When the man was kind enough to offer some of his fish rations, Oookami would gratefully accept one. She would tear the ration in half. Placing one piece within her mouth to nom on as she fed the other to the little sea stray. The white haired genin continued on her watch. As the sun began to sprout it's colors across the horizon, dawn would be announced. The night had been a quiet one, and uneventful. But not really in a bad way. As the end of their shift grew closer, the impulsive of taking the kitty home with her grew larger. The man suddenly announced the end to the mission, and their guard patrol. She gazed over to see him stand from the sea wall and leap off. "Names Ookami~" She would respond lightly back after he has given her his name. Then she stood from her position with the kitty hugged against her small form. The sea cat gave no protest to her holding it. The man waved as he walked off and Ookami would briefly give a weak wave back. Not being very used to interaction. Next she planned to take the kitty home after giving in on her impulses, and then perhaps complete her new day with some training after a short nap.

{WC: 602}
{TWC: 1,198}
{WC Claims}
+3 Strength
Ice Release (1,000/1,000)
Changing Spec to Ninjutsu (198/2,000)

{Mission Claims} 
+5 AP
+2,100 Ryo
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Guard Duty {Mission}  Empty Re: Guard Duty {Mission}

Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:45 pm
Guard Duty {Mission}  Approv43
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