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Rethal Sahkash
Rethal Sahkash
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The Great Reckoning (P, NK) Empty The Great Reckoning (P, NK)

Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:45 am
Rethal stood on top of a building. Tonight was the night that the church had burnt down. Rethal looked out at the moon. As he stared peacefully into the night sky, he noticed something streak across the sky. It was a shooting star. Rethal faintly remembered something mentioned in the texts of Acaba about a shooting star symbolizing. He remembered it was near the end of the texts.

Rethal wondered where he could find the texts. Most of the worshippers and priests that survived the fire were scattered far and wide. Only one was in Hoshigakure. The one who had given him his necklace. Rethal, taking his time, scaled the side of the building and made it down to ground level.

The cloaked Akari managed to make his way through the city relatively unnoticed. After all, it was almost midnight. Rethal moved through the streets until he arrived at the priest’s house, he knocked on the door. A small window slit slid open and an eye peered out.

A scratchy voice said, “Rethal? Come in, come in.”

The door unlocked and was opened by the old man inside.

“Hello Head Priest.”

“Hello Rethal. I know you came to see me for something. Now what is it?”

“I am wanting to read the last text. Do you happen to know which chapter that it is foretold the events of the shooting star.”

“Ahhh, yes. The last saga, saga 7. Chapter 23.”

Rethal walked over to the bookshelf, flipping through the pages until he found chapter 23. Rethal read this aloud, “It is foretold that two years after the day of the second burning, a shooting star will cross the full moon.”

Rethal read over this. They met all the conditions. The church had burnt down twice. It had been two years exactly since the church burnt down. And a shooting star had crossed the full moon. Rethal continued reading aloud, “On this night, the white dragon god, Salorg, who had been slain in the dragon wars millions of years ago, shall come to earth on that shooting star. The shooting star will deliver Salorg, and he shall burn all, with his blinding light and blazing fire.”

WC: 365

To be continued

Last edited by Rethal Sahkash on Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Rethal Sahkash
Rethal Sahkash
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The Great Reckoning (P, NK) Empty Re: The Great Reckoning (P, NK)

Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:21 am
Rethal dropped the book and stepped back in shock. The Head Priest and Rethal, both with total looks of panic in their eyes. Rethal, slowly bent over and picked up the book. He slowly shut it and put it back on the bookshelf. The Akari turned to face the Head Priest and asked, “What now?”

The Head Priest said, “The time has come Rethal. The scripture said, as Head Priest, I might have to call for this one day.”

“What is it?”

“A Crusade.”

“A Crusade?!”

“Rethal, you shall lead it. Your job is to find the other 10 members and bring them here. Once we have the other 10, with a total of 12, we will be able to form the official group that the scriptures call for. You shall also spread the teachings of Acaba throughout the lands. Find the lost scripture of the church of Acaba. Also, find the Mourneblade. It is the sword that the strongest Black Dragon Knight. I’ll tell you, the last objective, breaks the first rule. You’re last objective, is to slay any and all followers of Salorg. For if no one believes in the god, it loses meaning and it fades out of existence. Do you accept your sacred quest.”

“I do.”

“Then, you must become a Black Dragon Knight. Kneel.”

Rethal kneeled and the Head Priest took a book from a shelf and also he grabbed the Scepter of Acaba.

“Repeat after me. I Rethal Sahkash, hereby take this oath to become a Black Dragon Knight.”

“I Rethal Sahkash, hereby take this oath to become a Black Dragon Knight.”

“I will be honest in my pursuits.”

“I will be honest in my pursuits.”

“I will never strike and always protect the innocent.”

“I will never strike and always protect the innocent.”

“I will always do right on my path.”

“I will always do right on my path.”

“I will listen to Acaba’s guiding words, always.”

“I will listen to Acaba’s guiding words, always.”

“I will follow the quest given to me.”

“I will follow the quest given to me.”

“And if I break my oath.”

“And if I break my oath.”

“Acaba may do with my soul and body whatever sees fit.”

“Acaba may do with my soul and body whatever sees fit.”

“And by these words.”

“And by these words.”

“I am hereby, a Black Dragon Knight for the church of Acaba.”

“I am hereby, a Black Dragon Knight for the church of Acaba.”

The Head Priest said to Rethal, “Stand, it is time. You must go forth to Konohagakure, as this is where Salorg is starting its corruption.”

“Yes Head Priest.”

WC: 442
TWC: 807

4 stats (4 speed   50 + 4 = 54 speed)
807 wc to Chakra Infusion  (932/1900)
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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The Great Reckoning (P, NK) Empty Re: The Great Reckoning (P, NK)

Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:31 am
The Great Reckoning (P, NK) JJgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
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