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Fresh Meat

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Fresh Meat Empty Fresh Meat

Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:01 am
79 Spring, 419AV

She may have left the Demon to his own designs, but the other one was also dismissed from the Kazekage chambers. It had been some time since Alice first arrived her in the old Hidden Sand village, yet this was the first time she had laid eyes on this man. The Nara remembered Kenshin telling her and her minions when they first arrived about several others he had under his command. There were supposed to be, two females and one male? This guy must have been the one she was told about. If she recalled correctly his name was supposed to be Kutari. So, Kutari was the other transplant recipient. With her byakugan eye still active, Alice decided to once more focus its gaze on Kutari and resume her analysis of the man.

"Kutari. That's your name, right?" she asked, leaning toward the man with her hands clasped behind her back. If these two were going to be allies, then she wanted to know just what he was made of. "Hmmm. You don't look like much. Tell me, why are you allied with the Demon?" She leaned away from him then, standing straight again and smiling mischievously at her would-be ally.
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:00 pm
[Posting this with the understanding my recent claims on stat page got approved so i can go to bed knowing Jace won't be on my ass about posting once again, unless he wants me to literally wait like 3 hours from now for the same verdict to be had]

The newly transplanted Uchiha would be leaving the establishment where he received another gift of power from the albino monstrosity which plagued yet liberated these squirming plebeians from their unrelenting weakness in hopes of returning home safe without any distractions or inherent obstacles amongst the road, but it seems it was too optimistic to hope for such a fate. It seemed the pale raven that acted as his fellow transplantee would’ve taken an interest in Kutari similarly to how he did for herself as the sporadic spring breeze wavered in the air with indecision as the season would soon come to an end, the high moon that decorated the scene below with its twilight glow arrogantly bashing it’s influence directly above. The night would’ve turned out so perfectly, having obtained another transplant from Kenshin as he owned up to the deal they made long ago without any difficulty, the nature of their interaction gave off the perception of Kutari gaining something in return for absolutely nothing, having moved on from their bargain back during the annihilation which occurred that fateful day, the memories not fully exiting his mind though simply not a priority. Kutari was already overjoyed and excited to use the kekkei genkai he obtained it seemed as if he wouldn’t need any more forms of power in that manner, though the personality he possessed couldn’t possibly turn away such a chance to soar above the rest and enter a new domain all through a few seconds of his time. The evening almost ending in his beloved isolation, until the petite girl he laid his eyes upon moments ago seemed to have waited behind for him to also exit the building aiding in Kutari acquiring a sour taste in his mouth alongside a scourgeful sight to behold. He all but hoped he wouldn’t have to lay his eyes on her again, the territorial and precautious wraith having long since been convinced she’s an untrustable woman that was all but mucking up the already infested sandy streets of Sunagakure, her presence giving off an aura that was utterly burdenful and a nuisance. She somehow convinced Kenshin to trust her to the point of transplanting kekkei genkai into her body and invigorating her with that level of potential while Kutari was off studying and learning more about the outside world he was completely oblivious to, but in no chance would she waltz into the parade and demand to be respected and admired by all those who look towards her direction.

Kutari could feel a sort of unnatural wave of emotions he had never experienced in all it’s demented capacity as if he was beginning to lose the control he typically had over himself, though the sensation was a slight hiccup in his composure likely brought upon seeing the girl once again and being disgusted he wasn’t riddened of her presence and would likely soon be involved in some form of dialogue with her, after all what other reason would she have to just be waiting outside the building? The now armor cladded Uchiha would be somewhat glad he decided to recall the armor from his storage displacement just in case, having a good feeling soon things would get out of hand, though with the abilities he’s recently acquired without anyone to test them on the man wasn’t exactly against the idea of going at it, if anything he could rid himself permanently of this being before him.

Alas, the idea of even partaking in conversation with such a cunning snake would be something he’d happily avoid and get home for some much needed rest, walking directly down the five meter side sand road stretching far and true as the Suna buildings outlined the stopping point between road and building, perfectly etched into the sidewalks as they extended down the road itself, the streetlights presenting themselves every so 4 meters or so. Though as Kutari continued to look on ignoring the already forgettable image of such a tiny pale soul, the instigator would begin to speak only a few feet in front of him before his brow would furrow at the sheer irritation and surprise of the female reciting his name with clear pronunciation as if they’d been lifelong friends.  The despicable woman would utter his name with such confidence reminiscent of calling upon a servant for the next round of supper, a dog that would instinctively direct his eyes towards the source of it’s established name resonating through the sound waves of matter around; the cutesy attempt she tried to make before him with her bodily gestures was so filled with a sneer remark to mock and discredit his very being, the young teen stood in perpetuated silence staring straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with the figure situated slightly northwest of him as the chestnut hair incorporating red highlights frolicking in the wind during his transit suddenly jolted in relation with his body.

The pause would linger a few moments before he quickly locked his eyes upon his new target, an enemy of his very existence that he all but begged would try to provoke him further in hopes of building a reliable case for the reasoning behind Kenshin finding her corpse riddled along the sand in loving memory of the bloody massacre which transpired months ago. It was clear she was no normal person, entailing some knowledge and background with a Kunoichi’s way due to the events that led up to their meeting this very night; the girl learning of Kutari’s name would birth from likely two scenarios: the mysterious lady had some special ability or trait that allowed her to read minds or comprehend the psyche of those around them in a certain mannerism to learn the most precise knowledge about said person, or simply Kenshin informed the girl of his name prior to their meeting, in which case Kutari could only wonder who this girl was exactly and what she said or did in order to gain the albino’s favor. Was she a reliable info-broker that wished to gain some form of power to defend herself, or maybe a powerful Kunoichi that Kenshin felt he could rely on, the Uchiha’s knowledge of those who currently resided in Sunagakure with Kenshin’s favor at an alarming rate as he was too busy with his own studies. Furthermore, another question would present itself: How many people knew about his existence, and exactly how much did they know? The difficulties of alliances and information sharing would begin to show at an uncomfortably fast rate that Kutari didn’t want to acknowledge, the worries he always had finally catching up with his overindulgence in this relationship with Sunagakure and Kenshin as a whole.

Just as Kutari remained in limbo thinking about the repercussions of his involvement with this group and what that very well may entail for the future, the woman would continue on with the thought as she began to show her true colors heckling the man with a slyful smile. Kutari would let out a slight chuckle as if pitying the girl and her terrible attempt of assessment and ridicule due to the entire irony of the situation, it seemed she was a fool to think Kutari was just acting as if he was uninterested in her and hadn’t caught on to the trickery she was trying to indulge in.

The nature of the smile she wore would pain the picture perfectly as to the type of person she was, or at least how the manipulative woman operating for the majority of her encounters, a puppeteer who believed she was the one orchestrating the strings from behind the curtains while her puppets got their taste of power and seeming freedom, or that’s what he could gather so far. He could all but imagine how long she’d been planning to carry out this conversation since noticing his presence as the girl wanted to lay traps and intangible people in her web without believing they’ll ever realize, or even more think she’s steps ahead by expecting someone like himself to be aware of this ploy. Kutari would speak gleefully as his eyebrows raised and his facial pattern expressed appreciation for the jester before him bestowing a sweet laugh for the male, “Looks can be deceiving, as you so finely demonstrated to us all tonight. I could say the same about you, though I’m sure that’s what you want me to believe with this cute little undercover image you got going on, otherwise you can’t fully relish in the look upon their faces and utter shock after the big reveal, quite the fun to exploit I assure you.

Kutari would smile to himself a bit longer as if attempting to hold back the laughter at her pathetic endeavor to test the man and find a way to study his weakness and exploit it for her own satisfaction similar to a succubus in her trifling games. He’d slowly begin to return to his apathetic expression as his face relaxed and became bored once again as the assassin was incapable of properly being read and gauged, the slight spike of delight he experienced already fading away in it’s initial dullness in execution, his own fun over and it now only being a game for children. “I certainly don’t believe Kenshin would hand out kekkei genkai in general to just some average civilian, how about you show your true self and stop hiding behind whatever ploy you’re utilizing, it’s a waste of my time. If we’re done playing the dull childish games and you’re truly that interested in witnessing my aptitude, then come at me. If you’re just all talk like how I presume you to be, state your business quickly so I can get on with my midnight stroll, it would certainly bestow much more jubilation than what you currently could based upon the cards you’ve already shown.

The presence of the previous male that seemed to be genuinely enjoying their swift encounter would all but disappear, being replaced by this crude and abrasive  male that lacked any similarities to it’s prior form, only hinting at the psychotic and troubled mentality of Kutari Uchiha. Upon initially laying eyes on her he was already watching every movement and twitch she made in hopes of catching her do something that would warrant him taking immediate action, praying for the slightest cue for her to begin the battle in which case he’d operate as necessary, making sure he was never caught unprepared or paying attention as he listened in on the quiet and eerie location around as no soul were to currently inhabit the outside area outside the two, such a late night perfectly illustrating how he’d want the terrain to be otherwise others would get in his way. Alongside watching the girl from the beginning after she initially stated his name, he’d have begun to grab upon the handle for his katana resting along his right waist after he started to return to his neutral state and mentality, already aware of what he intended to say and signaling to her he at a peace of mind in cutting her down and relinquishing himself of such a sight, the 5 feet between the two opposing sides ample time for him to reach her and apply his intended mark. The various ninja tools he had within the two pouches along his behind including an array of tools he obtained throughout his journey, and the ambar eyed Uchiha was prepared to use them if need be, in fact he was almost hoping for the opportunity. One addition to the collection within his pouch missing from it’s designated brethren, losing it’s way once forcibly being relocated during the assassin’s earlier outrage and gestures. It was clear he barely liked the woman for her underhanded tactics and misjudged belief she was in control of conducting this conversation towards a direction she could truly shine in, if she so willed and wanted to see how looks could be deceiving after they conducted in battle. If she proved herself worth the battle maybe he’d shed some light as to why he made an alliance with Kenshin as he observed and intertwined himself with the apparent battlefield prepared in a stance ready to dash forward, though he wouldn’t stand around forever for her answer, feeling this whole encounter was already shaving off precious seconds.

WC: 2071

- 1/6 stack(s) of nature chakra
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:20 am
What an interesting man this ‘Kutari’ seemed to be. Arrogant, analytical, no hesitation in fighting someone whom he didn’t know how strong or weak they were nor their specific capabilities and characteristics. His chakra was also impressive, albeit not as much as her own had come to be. Yes, she could clearly see why Kenshin would ally himself with such a person. Whether or not he was strong now didn’t matter to that Pale-Faced Demon, as he had clearly shown by taking in Alice and all of her followers, none of whom came even close to the power she held. No, this man was not interesting because of the power he held. He was interesting because of the potential power she could see him having one day. Perhaps even rivaling the two former Hoshigakure no Sato monsters themselves, Valen Akari and Kenshin Uzumaki. If he lived that long, that is.

Yes, he seemed to think Alice was nothing but a fly who showed her cards to early. How ironic, considering he was the fly willing wandering right into this Widow’s web. How easy it was, winding him up like that. He might as well have one of those little keys in his back like those monkey dolls with the cymbals. Yes, just like one of those. The rogue, manipulative Nara wanted this man to dance and he was doing just that. But how much of his bravado was true? Would he really be willing to fight her after he knew the true extent of her power? Would he even have the chance? Maybe, if Kenshin doesn’t want to lose a subordinate or ally. What would the man say if he actually knew what exceptionally intriguing, and hostile, activities were going on just outside the building he’s claimed for himself as the new leader of this forgotten desert village? Perhaps he’d want them to fight. Perhaps he’d want them to see who the stronger was to establish some sort of hierarchy apart from himself. In fact, even if he didn’t necessarily want that, the more that Alice thought about it, the more she desired it for herself. She couldn’t beat that naive ex-Hogokage Valen Akari, she knew there was no hope in prevailing there and gaining authority over him, but this one was a different matter. Yes this one could be made to submit.

An arrogant smirk crossed her face at the fool’s words. Her left hand now rested on the hilt of Royal’s Edge at her waist, while the right one remained behind her back. She’d already grown accustomed to her byakugan eye, thankfully, so it was child’s play for her to take in every minute detail of both her prey, and the surrounding area. What a useful ability to have indeed. It was too bad she hadn’t felt any changes yet from the transplants she had just received, however, and even more of a shame that she had no idea what they would manifest when the time finally came. For now, what she had was more than enough for testing Kutari’s capabilities. That was the initial reason for this after all; Alice simply wanted to know how strong her other allies were. It was just a weird coincidence of fate that this little confrontation would seemingly soon relinquish one of their authorities over the other, and it wasn’t going to be her.

”Alright then. You want to see my true self, well here it is, little fly.” Instantly she could feel her body surging with nature energy, flooding her chakra network, enhancing her senses, and strengthening her muscles. Simultaneously, a translucent, crimson figure rose up from the rogue kunoichi. It’s form was that of a woman in robes who’s face was hidden in darkness except for two glowing, hungry eyes. She held a large scythe in her left hand out to the side while in the right was a lantern. The Nara’s pure killing intent toward the fly was made real and given form, projecting itself onto the Widow’s prey. Her smirk creeped into a maniacal grin as she formed a single seal with her right hand still hidden behind her back and her shadow took on a circular form and rapidly expanded outward in every direction from her, including the area beneath the wanna-be-badass’s feet. Presumably immobilized and stricken with fear, the arrogant Kutari would finally get an inkling of where he stood on the food chain.

”Is this what you wanted, little fly? Did you think you were anywhere even close to my level of power? Yes, you do have a lot of potential in you. I can see that, but don’t let it go to your head, before you lose it.” With every word she spoke, Alice stepped forward deliberately, closing the distance between the two slowly so she could enjoy this moment. Her left hand would also gradually unsheathe her blade, potentially ending her last sentence with it pressed against the man’s throat.

(WC: 832)


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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:51 pm
Kutari would look before the woman with a vague disinterest, feeling obligated to face off with replication of his previous mentality back before his doubts and following introduction with Kenshin. It was so clear etched in her facial expressions alluding to its mischievous mystery, the sight could almost be considered a smack in the face for the path he traversed long ago, a form of repentance for his failures and misunderstandings for his own underwhelming presence in the greater scheme of things; this manipulative individual truly believed she was the greatest of them all and the master which directed these events, though it was far from the truth she was too incapable of seeing to even begin to fathom. The starch atmosphere would begin to grow ever more ominous as the words flowed from his mouth as he described his perception and understanding of the small female in hopes of ending this quick, hoping for her to be nothing more than talk and make up an excuse as to why he wasn’t worth her time, though such an idealistic attitude would once again be a waste of breath as the girl smirked with a haughty step to her lip pattern’s emergeance. It seemed she had every intention to meet Kutari on his words as he continued to observe her with an excruciating microscope of a glare, growing ever more irritated not due to her attempt at heckling the teen was working through being blaringly aware of the obvious events that would soon transpire, his foolish error in hoping he’d get some peace of mind. After all, he was in the same situation a year ago as he once too believed the world revolved around him, it’s inhabitants nothing more than playthings he could orchestrate at his own discretion; the regalia she exposed through her crude face and pampered body language shaping the everlasting empire that resided within her mind as the bubble would become visible to the naked eye through her intentions.

It was obvious he had to take part in her fun and knock the girl down to expose the reality of her position and utter insignificance in the grand scheme of fate weavers behind this planetary existence, though he didn’t believe it was his obligation to do as such just because he needed to relinquish her from the mentality he was once victimed to, the wraith was content with allowing her freedom to settle upon her imagined lands and subjects to mend to a spider’s will as long as she excluded him, which was the very issue in of itself while she wished to keep Kutari included in her plans being followed and never ridding himself of this nuisance. It would not be the determination of a white knight wishing to expel the curse placed on his beloved to see her purity return once again, but instead a self-indulging freelancer who faced a stubborn boulder that refused to budge from its place along his way to an average bed. She very well may be a powerful subject, but she had a long way to go if she truly wished to grow in strength and dictate others as they bent to her corrupted will, such desires and beliefs clouding one's judgement and keeping them from witnessing the reality of things. People caught up in their own ego and embodying such levels of selfishness would never soar above the rest and only go so far of creativity as their vision is limited in theory and comprehension.

Kutari would bare witness to the woman beginning to rest her arm on the hilt of her blade resting along her left waist, her right arm continuing to be behind her in a fashion as if she was taking the swordsman lightly and an easy foe to overcome, the confidence she held in her own capabilities was truly an extraordinary sight, though likely the only compliment he could present which even then in truth was disrespecting her. Kutari would begin to feel a power beginning to grow and fester in his body was reminiscent of the sensation he experienced earlier, it being presented in a similar fashion as he was shocked and reacting to something unexpected around him that was capable of his perception. The boy would mistakenly sum it up to his blood beginning to awaken and rise at the anticipation of this battle to come if she wasn’t just trying to tease the boy once again, though based upon Kutari’s own analysis of his previous thoughts it was likely she was livid at her game brought to the light as it was easily the most frustrating and unacceptable situation to come to: losing control of one's playground. Her movements were easy enough to read, at least what she was showing him so far as she gestured over, he would watch intently from the five feet they shared between each other as Kutari began to take his stance as his left leg begin to grind along the bitter sand below as it placed itself behind his exterior as he simultaneously shifted his body in motion with his leg movement, his left foot slightly ajar as he bent his knees and kept his right foot ahead, still gripping his blade intensely as he was prepared for what was to come, the weapon he retrieved from his pouch seemingly slipping by her perception as he prepared the arm for quick access to his growing intention. He would settle into his stance as he placed his weight into the right leg to allow his take off to be handled with his greatest capacity, his shoulder already slightly lowered waiting for her to begin the bout.

A seemingly defensive stance, one that would likely raise little alarms to her as she herself made him act due to resting her hand upon the weapon, he was almost certain she’d rub it in his face and take the belief of him being scared and too jumpy for his own good, though his mind was clear and calculated as he focused on his body in a dry excitement, his blood beginning to fume knowing soon the battle would take place. Of course as he expected, she would continue on with her banter as he belittled him once more, in which case he fully accepted as there would be little room to begin speaking once more as the fate of the two could only be decided by the bout soon to arrive. Kutari wasn’t a Shinobi that favored trash talk and continuous banter in such situations, instead wishing to carry on with his mission and intent to prevail over all difficulties while focusing on the task at hand.

The woman could confirm that she would reveal her true self as she simultaneously mocked the soul deprived Uchiha albeit a product of her spiteful presentation towards the man uncovering her facade, unable to accept the truth that she failed her task and was beaten at her own game now revealing her true colors. Upon finishing her sentence of referring to her true repulsive form, he’d instantaneously feel a sudden burst of chakra power that he’d never experienced before, the initial chakra he was already aware of and operated with on a daily basis incorporated with a new chakra that he never was capable of perceiving before, questioning whether his body’s new additions were the reason behind this sudden awareness - the potency and utter power an overwhelming sight with a vast amount of potential to tap into, Kutari seeing the girl had unique abilities and held knowledge of secret arts he wasn’t aware of. This special chakra however, he questioned where it originated from and what exactly it was capable of doing, on edge with it’s very existence and surprised at it’s abrupt entrance.

Upon sensing this point blank surge of chakra only a mere five feet away from him, he’s instinctively utilized his own Gale’s Embrace to match the sudden surge of enhancements going on between the two to at least combat the leverage she received in such a short span of time, feeling his own power rise as the wind around him began to refresh and cycle through his chakra network and strengthen his abilities, his being beginning to levitate off the ground enough to where he no longer was in contact with it a good foot off the surface, able to react if he needed to soar into the sky quickly already in flight as he prepared himself to still move as if he was running on the ground but acting similar to running along platforms of chakra as he kept the running animation. Simultaneously, he’d attempt to paralysis the girl with her extended eye contact as it was very clear the girl wanted to relish in her superiority over this apparent little fly presented before him, staring at the man in the eyes as he was doing the same to her, and likely feeling relaxed and pleasure from the growing frustration and being bested though believing she would win. She carried out having eye contact with him throughout the entire conversation and made no intention of stopping anytime soon, keeping the same contact she had the entirety of the exchange.

With these new enhancements he’d waste no time dashing forward ahead of him with his shoulder shifted lower towards the girl hand still gripping the handle of the blade along his left waist side, holding his kunai parallel to his palm in order for the blade to be sticking out from the end opposite of his thumb as he balled his fast, his reactive movements taking place as fast as possibly from the moment he activated his jutsu in reaction to the woman’s own jutsu, likely taking place at the most minimal difference in time.

Kutari long since deduced the distance between the girl was so small alongside his taller body and compensating legs would take but three to four long strides during his composed but accelerated dash to reach his foe and carry out his act, as he was moving at a much greater speed which dwarfed his foe in comparison as a Shinigami like figure rose from her exterior and began to present itself upon the battlefield, seeming to target the man in question and showcase the user’s hunger and salivation for blood as it gleamed directly at Kutari with such sinister eyes. The Reaper wished to project the girl’s apparent power on him, though he already knew if this was her attempt at fearing him she was already in over her head, having long since relinquished the blade from its sheath as he focused the blade with chakra to increase it’s lethal capabilities and she hadn’t even seemed prepared to counteract his movements, he would even wonder if she would be able to keep up and if this was some attempt to lead him on. Regardless, the Shinigami’s aesthetic certainly looked menacing, but that was all it was: aesthetic. Though her power projected through this ability wasn’t to be taken lightly, he was all but immune to its effect due to his own overpowering spirit and aptitude in the battle, his cool expression hiding increased blood pressure and a pumping heart filled with ecstatic hope that she’d be someone worth fighting, though as is she came off as lacking. Kenshin’s power in comparison was a much greater force that was a shocking sight to behold, a presence that along his earlier days as an assassin would retreat without shame as his code dictated never fighting what wasn’t fully understood, the abomination he witnessed that day imbued with an insatiable power and thirst for mayhem that was beyond mere human comprehension. In comparison, this succubus was uneventful and underwhelming due to the utter shock value he fell victim to that day.

Regardless, his attack would already be underway as he began to swing his extended blade in a slashing motion across the girls torso from an angle beginning at his side, using the beginning upper section of his katana between the middle and tip to come into contact with the girl’s body. Though the angle seemed to have the intent of slicing straight through her torso and relating space nearby, his methods of dashing ahead and lunging into the imprinted attack currently would work perfectly in hand to be geared towards severing the upper arm which still rested upon the hilt of the blade she possessed. This all would transpire would deftness, and the scheme she had under her sleeve Kutari was unaware of for the time being would require two hand seals to even activate the technique, as Kutari’s own bodily movements surpassed the woman’s quite effectively and initial distance they were between one another and the boy’s own lanky body taking such steps to close the distance in a short manner, he doubted there would be any source or jutsu that took place or would activate in time, though just in case he would be watching for such scenarios with interest as he never stopped watching the girl’s own moves and observing the scene around with his other senses.

Kutari would also be swinging in a way to where there was enough distance he gave into the swing to cover ground without overextending and losing his balanced to where thanks to the angle, she’d have to maneuver very carefully and early on to avoid the attack coming her way, moving backwards would only stall the inevitable unless she suddenly darted a reasonable distance away from the blades reach, in which case he would retaliate accordingly expecting such movements to be had. If left uninterrupted, the blade would cleanly slice through her arm as he effectively maimed the girl who likely would react appropriately unless she had some instilled will or resistance due to her longevity in the field, after all the jutsu she displayed earlier surely suggested she had some tricks up her sleeve that had the girl  survive for so long. Once taking place, Kutari would continue his dash that remained uninterrupted as well taking advantage of his acute reaction to use his now left leg to run into her continuing the momentum he previously accumulated and never ceasing it’s descent, within inches of the girl he’d use his opposing shoulder to continue his attack if she lingered around after following the momentum he had in his feet shifting it’s place once he extended his arm out to slice the girl’s hand off, blood oozing from the wound appropriately and indiscriminately as he’d likely receive a fair amount on his armor as his cold glance continued with his focus. With one quick and swift motion he’d shift to his other side with his opposite shoulder after cutting off the weakened reaper’s arm as he based into the girl with his armor, his stance allowing him to target her neck and collar bone area as he did the maneuver in a quick burst to likely knock the wind out of her with his calculated touch to knock her back a few inches to create proper space, his left hand now directly in front of her groin area as he continued his moves to actually reach for the now unoccupied handle of his enemies blade, unsheathing the blade in it’s glamoured glory as the kunai he initially had would now rest peacefully in between his hand and the flat wide surface of the handle with a reversed grip.

With the created distance between Kutari and the woman, he’d continue to watch her movements for any signs of a ploy as he’s been doing throughout the entire encounter and to make sure he was acting with interest and assumption she was doing as he intended, otherwise making necessary adjustments. Following his same momentum, he’d manipulate the wind currents still to do a quick spin without the need of his feet to capitalize on efficiency and reduce the time she’d have to recuperate, alongside shortening the window he’d have his eyes off of her as the wind currents did his turn though turning his head the opposite way to meet her on the other side, shrinking the short span he lost sight of her to capitalize on his new position and keep his movement flowing graciously but with importance. The new distance between the two would allow him to apply a deep wound after bumping her once again with his returning right shoulder as he did the turning movement flying into her to keep his grace going, the same shoulder that initially started this process in order to keep her stunned as he believed she’d be. Kutari would aim to bestow a deep and gruesome gash along the front of her body as he had already raised his blade with his elbow partially extended as it was unnecessary to do otherwise, the momentum and speed he flowed at being capable of dealing the damage he did so far. The next slash would come from his top left as it aimed to create a deep cut from her own right shoulder to her left hip, and if connecting the blood would flow beautifully as the painter made his art come alive once again as it’s particles splashed throughout the scene.

Following the same movements once more he’d have his primary sword still up and with him and wouldn’t be down as it still had a purpose in this assault though not the main part of his coming attack, his grasp of the woman’s own blade now coming into full swing as he’d follow the already lowered position of the blade coming in due to its initial presence retrieved thanks to the woman’s height coming in an uppercut motion with the butt of the hilt the main force to deal damage, if connecting smashing straight into her lower jaw's digastric muscle and angled to occupy a space where the lower jaw and neck connects, suffocating her with the impact and likely smashing some teeth in with the force presented, this all working in combination with his intent as he focused his bashes and steps to produce this result and distance. The fact she was lacking any form of headgear would only aim to improve Kutari's probability of succeeding in this activity, an idea that when in close quarters could prove worrisome. The hilt would follow through with his motion, as he’d use the momentum to push deeply into the lower jaw before yanking back slightly but with force as she’d fly up with the hilts own force, his lasting touch showing its purpose as the direction he yanked it being towards him and the resistance her muscles supplied would rocket the blade to flick backwards in suspension that if capable would run along her skin that would be intended to start at her groin area moving to possibly reach her upper torso in one fell motion as it acted in the air, leaving another scar if capable.

During the latest motion with his deftness thanks to his acute usage of weapons, he’d be able to still have his kunai in his left hand at disposal and prepared to defend against any sudden counter attacks and movements that needed to be handled. As he followed through with the momentum found in the hilt of the woman’s blade, he’d still be in the air himself and turn with the blade in his primary hand as he did before in his rotation to bestow another similarly originating angle attack before when he slashed the girl’s frontal body, now instead aiming for her right leg as it was the closest limb of her leg coming from the sword’s perspective as he slightly manipulated himself to be in a better position by lowering his body ever so slightly as he went to lean into the next attack while gliding forward a tad bit. If successful, he’d maim the girl’s right leg as well throughout the entire attack pattern, watching that array of blood come forth as he effectively cut the woman up and severed two of her limbs.

If this all went as he intended with no hiccups, he’d watch as the mutilated and abused body fell to the ground as the last maiming was his final iteration of the series of attacks he just took part in doing, still having his Embrace active as he flew a feet away from her continuing to levitate as he watched over her body having lost it’s two limbs quietly, the entire time from the beginning of his attack observing the girl for anything that would foil his plans alongside the scenario around, actively listening and using his senses to illustrate the battlefield for him. He’d wait in anticipation to see what she’d do, or if she was even alive for that matter, though he’d reckon the girl would still be breathing as his attacks weren’t particularly fateful, though she may have lost consciousness due to the utter shock of her limbs evaporating so seamlessly and quickly even if she was able to take note of such a method of operation. He’d still be in a similar battle position as before ready for her to act, having his left leg behind him and his right in front as he held the katana in front of him in a diagonal angle to wait for any intention of attack or projectiles to easily deflect them, and his kunai in his other hand reverse gripped by his side, ready for any sudden actions or telling this fight was still happening.

If something happens where it didn’t work in favor of his intentions and attack plans following his ruling, he’d act accordingly and edit his plan to follow such a manner to compensate for this discrepancy, having the knowledge and sources of senses to properly make up for anything he possibly couldn’t have noticed through his sight prior. Though at the end of the day, if it seemed as if she couldn’t keep up with his ferocious movements and mannerisms of movement, he could only hope so much she’d find a way out of his attack though it’d be difficult to tell how without a single scratch, moving quicker and closing the already negligible gap with his lengthened blade and greater stature before she could do anything too cheeky as he was already present with his sword extended as the Shinigami was erected, the hand seals she started after the Shinigami shaped itself into reality being interrupted by his own movements and destructive fluidity as he began running the short and few steps right after she finished saying fly. Though if she avoided somehow he’d operate as necessary.

WC: 3879

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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:42 pm
The chill of the evening breeze caressed her cheek as she watched her newest prey settle himself into an all too familiar stance. Or, at least, eerily similar to what she knew of. Judging from how his hand had tightened on the hilt of his sword and his feet had adjusted themselves to prepare for quick action and unsheathing of his blade, Kutari was no mere amateur swordsman. No, her own studies and the brief chapter she spent as Kazuo’s right hand would lead her to know more about what was to come than this little fly likely would have anticipated. It was somewhat of a shame really, that the Nara had forsaken her studies in the kenjutsu arts after her time spent trapped in the Void in favor of studying and expanding her knowledge of fuinjutsu. A clash of blades between the two here would have likely been a true sight to behold, perhaps even befitting of legend. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Still, her past and present gave her significant warning as to what was about to come should the wrong move be made. Alice had been well aware of the battoujutsu arts of lightning fast movements due to the unsheathing of a blade that almost always started in a similar stance as to what the fly before her had settled into. Even if it wasn’t a form of battoujutsu she had studied, Kutari was clearly well versed in the secret arts that only a true swordsman would study which made him ever more intriguing to the Widow, and ever more deserving of caution.

Her entire being gave no sign of wavering, though her new prized attribute had picked up on the subtle changes of the male, including the maneuvering of a single kunai in preparation for what was likely to come due to the very natures of those whom the Pale-Faced Demon seemed to take under his wing and gift with the secrets of growing in power through stolen flesh. An arrogant smirk would still cross her lips and the rogue kunoichi would reveal nothing from her body language to betray her innermost thoughts, her current analysis of the increasingly threatening fly trapped in her little web. The hand that hid behind her back in what was surely to be taken as a show of arrogance against the man would form itself into a singular seal as Alice began her own hidden preparation for what she too knew was likely to come of this nighttime encounter.

Her words cut through the air like a knife toward her prey, a maniacal grin crossing her face as she did so before her body would flood with the energy she had only recently learned to control. The bright blue orb watching the events of the night transpire would clearly see Kutari’s own chakra beginning to flare in response to the Widow’s sudden increase in power, and probably hostility. Wasting no time, the experienced and battle hardened rogue would instantaneously activate her own jutsu simultaneously as her hidden eye had picked up on the beginnings of the infusion of chakra within her opponent’s body, causing a sudden cloud of white smoke to appear surrounding the male before his chakra had a chance to take full effect.

Likely felt before they were seen, two clones of the arrogant Widow had appeared on the field amidst the cloud of smoke that would have severed the man’s vision of the original, while hers would remain ultimately unhindered thanks to a chance meeting with a foreign idiot not so long ago. The shadow clones would have been made closer to Kutari than Alice, one of them appearing so close her breath could be felt on the back of his neck with her hand already formed in the shape of a single seal while the other would have appeared in front of the little fly with her right hand grasping at his throat and her left rested on the pommel of his sheathed sword, attempting to keep it in place. Both would have instantaneously felt the same rush of nature energy the original had only a moment before as the instant they were summoned they had simultaneously enhanced their own bodies capabilities for this encounter as the smoke had cleared to reveal this sight.

Likely now unable to move due to the rear clones shadow imitation, the original would have less to be wary about from the man and choose to continue speaking, letting him know the true hierarchy here between those beneath the Pale Emperor.

”Now now, little fly. None of that. We’re allies after all. I just wanted you to learn you place first, understand?”  

(TWC: 1,821)

OOc stuff again:

Also re-rolling for jugo using 1,134 wc to finish the 2k needed

Last edited by Alice on Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:03 am; edited 2 times in total
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:42 pm
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:08 am
Kutari would analyze her as the witch continued to keep the same body language and eye contact prior, unwavering in her equilibrium and content with the scenario at hand, either having a trick up her sleeve or just plain foolish. Either way, she’d signal no discrepancies up until then to Kutari, potentially hiding her knowledge of what would soon transpire in relation to the stance Kutari took voluntarily, deciding she would be the one to begin this battle as she seemed so adamantly prepared to test his capabilities. He had very little information about the woman as such as her specialities and combative capabilities, his previous self forsaking his present as he secluded himself to strict study and never researched and learned about the girl to be further prepared for this scenario, though at the very least he knew more about his own body and it’s capacity.

The moon above continued to shine directly down upon them as his own shadow was at its least spacious in nature, only occupying a faint space in between his spread legs thanks to the distance between the satellite and his person, though outside of that he’d be aware of any and all reactive based productions of his body and surroundings. He was unaware of what she was doing behind her for the time being, though has had quite some battle experience in his past to assume she’d be up to something as that arm positioning was unorthodox to hold in place for such a prolonged amount of time and would be forced as her other arm was jagged out in front of her unless she was reacquiring something or activating some kind of ability, in which case Kutari would be fine with. Her ego was flared and boasting great feats that she could prevail over all, he wanted her to make the first move as she would authorize her own demise, wishing to break this cycle of her arrogance and have her see she was only wasting her time.

As he watched her and remained eye contact as she so carefully illustrated in her own lack of deviations and movements, he’d be eager to see what she was capable of and the maneuvers she’d make to result in his own failure in this battle, having a dwindle of hope for the woman to best him in order to be proven wrong about his assumption of her, though he would know deep down this wouldn’t be the case. She was far along the road he’d known for so long, and was empowered by this path despite being aware of her inferiority to other great beings such as Kenshin, the one who allowed her to live up to this point.

Keeping his movements as dictated and examined as explained prior, Kutari would go along with the apparent succubus’s arrangements in this futile attempt at victory. He would watch as she spewed her words as planned, before manifesting a deranged grin as she continued to show her true colors to the clansman, his own body boosted it’s own capabilities simultaneously with her own enhancements. Beginning to swiftly move instantaneously as this boost was activated towards her with his right hand on the handle of his katana and left hand by his side holding the kunai, the temporary paralysis happening simultaneously as well with the eye contact they shared with one another in relation to activating his Gale’s Embrace.

Though she would attempt to act with no time as well in relation to his bolstered power and secondary intentions radiating despite the speed difference between the two, she’d be too slow to even carry out her actions as she’d be paralyzed before the intending clone would be between the two. This would be due to the girl’s intent on activating such a jutsu happening at a slower speed, the hand seals unable to be made in time due to her own hand positionings previously described, as he saw her raise her hiding arm that was already in the proper hand sign and the other arm that originally rested on the hilt of her blade. She’d have to connect the two hands in order to even begin the jutsu due to its superior power and rankage most likely, in which case Kutari figured would be an ace in the hole for her win and increase her threat levels as he used the continued shared eye contact as no other actions from their own making or surroundings were made in order to halt the current scenario, paralyzing her effectively. As this happened instantaneously thanks to prior eye contact, she at most would partially have raised her left arm from the handle to bring it to her torso but barely rising above her waist, the other arm exposing itself to Kutari more simultaneously exposing her limb section connected to the shoulder, finding trickery underway as she hid the half hand seal of what looked to be the clone technique as she reflected the same design on her other hand. He’d wear a face filled with gloom and uninterest, wondering why she would rely on these clones as she believed that would help her in this space despite already being incapable of reacting to him as is.

Kutari would throw the kunai in his left hand with a flick towards the protruding two fingers that would make half of the clone hand seal in question instantly upon the movement of her right arm as he reckoned she’d be hiding something as she came up to make her seal complete, aiming to completely sever the girl’s finger and corresponding bodily mass that would be in the way as he’d pierce cleanly through her skin and cut through the body parts. In which case she’d be incapable of using hand seals any longer that would be incomplete in nature, while simultaneously nullifying the possibility of her breaking free and using the clone jutsu in future adventures, replacing the kunai in question with his deft sleight of hand.

The woman’s unorthodox chakra even he was unaware of its origins reacted with his in kind as sensations and similarities within his own reserves made him question just how foreign it truly was; Kutari would wonder if the new transplants they both obtained had something to do with this sudden surge in unknown power, and if she was more attuned and aware of it than he was. It was a curious phenomenon he’d have to learn about more after this battle, it's true that the two were connected through this more verbose representation of chakra, just how much this would change in their own bodily configuration or what’s been implanted upon them from prior experiences, how it would react to jutsu and symptoms of the same variety, clashing effectively. This fiends actions could possibly be dictated by a surreal confidence boost upon discovering such a power, in which she wanted to test her newfound abilities, however the power she resonated with seemed more potent and exponential than Kutari’s own capabilities alongside his control, whether it was a secret she was aware of or simply bodily compatibility to the transplants he wouldn’t know.

Given a clear view of his impending attack combination he set in stone prior, it seemed the succubus complied with his decree as she raised her sword arm up to enact the hand seal, her own interests demanded such an action likely to secure her success in prevailing within this battle, it now being stuck in place alongside her entire body as the arms were perfectly placed to supply a quicker cut through her arm as it extended itself to be closer to Kutari’s position through it’s bending motion to attempt said hand seal;  in fact through his current attempt to maim her beginning his spew of attacks and the way in which her arm lingered in space, she’d have her arm cut in two separate sections as he’d first connect with the wrist to chop off the hand from the sheathed angle slash, and with the same motion sever crudely a few inches from where the shoulder connects with the limb, dissecting the hand from the bulk of the arm before doing the arm itself.

If by some miracle or turn of the tables she’d break free of the paralysis at any time and not be in the midst of getting her limbs severed, he’d act appropriately as he was now aware of what she was intending to do and the jutsu she had underway, the range and capabilities it possessed as he was on high alert of his surroundings suddenly obtaining shadow clones present, though this would be likely impossible to predict due to her own calculated errors and the paralysis given him ample time to close the distance between them, being five feet away at 255 speed. The blade he’d use would also be a meter long, or 3.2 feet in length and he intended to use the length of the blade in this pursuit of sorts to close their distance, which in relation to his height would be achievable with his stance in actuality, though the blade would finish the remaining distance he dictated with his movements as it’d be too late for her.

The wraith would continue forward, looking for any traps or sensing any surrounding clues that would dictate something in between the lines of her attack he wasn’t taking into account, though the distance between the two was all but a hair away by this point as he was already intending to connect his blade with her flesh.

As he would shred through her now sub-sections of the right arm she needed to complete the hand signs with, Kutari would continue his aforementioned movements as long as there were no changes that he didnt take account of which required his immediate attention to save his position in this battle, though adding a bit to it with his opponents new movements; her right arm exposed more to provide him the chance to cut through her other arm during the second incoming slash also attacking her torso section as he came attempting to spew down his blade to maim the other arm of hers, continuing this actions as he knocked the hilt of her blade into the lower jaw as intended and seeing her soar in the sky as the blade of the weapon ripped through vertically down her clothing and gash her skin from there, though his dance wouldn’t be done as he’d follow up with a final cut as she was flying in the air to now take both of her legs rather than just one, his alert mindset dictating he make sure to only leave the torso behind in order to keep her from making any actions without his knowledge, the liberator of this crippling mindset projecting his authority over the lost soul he understands all too well. It was clear she was a cunning and manipulative person at heart fully willing to use underhanded tactics to win her battles, making up for her own lack of power, or maybe it was the fact that she had such power she’d use such tactics.

These attacks all coming at his greatest speed to deal the blows and in hopes of finding their mark, though it would seem the battle neared its end due to her own failures in relying upon her hand signs instead of focusing upon the coming threat before her, stopping her movement to finish the seal being the main opening he needed to conduct his flurry of attacks. He’d make sure to be paying attention to his surroundings or any other actions she’d take in this battle, paying close detail as he made sure his interests were clearly fulfilled.

Nearing the end of his work as intended, the weapon artist would look upon the spectacle he just created with a dull animosity towards the situation and the girl in particular, immobilized and rendered incapable of movement or jutsu forming as she was presented on the ground before him after finally falling down from her trajected flight, likely still alive as he made sure to avoid vital points, still wishing to continue on with his dominance over the girl. Where he originally used to feel extreme excitement and pleasure given such an opportunity, there would be nothing to emulate such emotions outside of his growing distaste towards the girl, the pitiful state she currently resided in a complete contradiction to her previous confidence throughout the entire encounter. Kutari would begin to walk towards the girl calmly as he stared at her with an almost bored expression, his corpse like trance signaling a lack of life that long since departed with the animated body, expecting her to speak in some manner shortly during his walk a few feet in front of him. He’d stay silent as he stared at her from above if nothing would be out of place, waiting for her to speak as he asserted his dominance in their positioning, allowing the quiet atmosphere to shelter their soon to be conversation, katana still unsheathed and in his grasp.

WC: 2194

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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:24 pm
No longer was it adrenaline that coursed through the rogue Nara’s veins. Her body had frozen in place before she had even managed to bring her hands together to form the seal she had planned on using. She knew this technique, as she could use it herself, and knew it would be a simple enough task to break. The curse seal Alice has acquired so long ago was the perfect option for increasing her strength to break free. Instinctively, the Widow released her hold on the Nature energy dwelling inside her body and reached for the dark power residing in the seal placed upon her lower back.

Unfortunately, that was when the panic began to set in. The seal was clearly still there, but there was no response when she tried to access its power. Even more shocking was that, despite her effort to stop using the minuscule amount of nature energy she still had in her body, it seemed like it just wouldn’t stop flowing into her. She couldn’t control the flow anymore, and her body was paralyzed. The erratic beat of his cardiac muscle was no longer being driven by adrenaline and excitement at being in control of a lesser being, but by fear of having no control and knowing she was in enormous danger.

In an instant the tables had completely reversed; Alice had underestimated this man by an extreme sum, and now she was going to pay the price. The look on her face went from that of arrogant condescension to pure terror and disbelief as the man in front of her momentarily vanished.......and then she was falling, and all she knew was pain.

There was a sharp, piercing scream filling her head that she had no idea where it was coming from. Her vision was blurry and taste of copper filled her mouth. After a moment she realized that scream she was hearing was actually coming from her. Kutari hadn’t just vanished, but somehow he had severed all four of her limbs and forced her mutilated body to the ground. How could she have underestimated this man to this extent? How could she have let herself be forced into this terrible situation after losing complete control of even her own body?

Alice had spent the last four years of her life in complete control of everything and everyone around her. She had never suffered an injury of any magnitude since killing her mother and father, but now she was on the brink of death and had been robbed of even any semblance of control she might have had left. The worst part? The man actually looked bored as he slowly approached her, giving off a completely indifferent air. It was like dismembering the young rogue was nothing more to Kutari than batting a fly.

He stopped his approach, looking down on the humiliated Widow. The coppery taste was still in her mouth, and Alice only realized it was blood when she used what was left of her fleeting energy to spit in the man’s face. ”Do it! Finish it, you bastard! Come on, kill me! KILL ME!”

Last edited by Alice on Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:14 am
The specter would follow through with his actions as intended, the futile resistance this volatile woman embodied seeming to be short lived as her feeble body parts were cleaved from the calloused artist with his deft painter’s touch, finishing off the final details for his most recent and extravagant art piece. The inadequate and deprived persona would lack any form of imaginary fantasies created from the simple but necessary human concept known as desire, though his blade’s edge and calculated movements in the eye of battle would conduct a colorful ballad upon the unfortunate soul that tried to provoke him, in which many like minded souls in the pursuit of such creative expression would marvel in awe. Kutari’s methods in handling his foes with such meticulous yet unfazed counsel was a quirk many have praised him in the past, the lack of humanity he instilled within him starting from such a far away time bestowing him the image that was received by others as well, a being he felt unknown and disconnected with though relied on to do the things his past self was incapable of accepting.

As the final cut would slice off the girl’s two legs with little resistance, Kutari would watch as she fell to the ground, seemingly still processing what had transpired in those quick lapses in time, the woman clearly falling behind in his quickened movements as he simultaneously turned off his Gale’s Embrace seeing she was beyond working condition and unable to fight any longer, though he’d be prepared as trained for a sudden attack or unexpected turn of events as the assassin failed to let his guard down. He’d continue forward with an almost unenthusiastic motion lacking any sign of triumphant pride or superiority over his victim, a blunt and softened face as it’s perplexed texture would give off a slight idea of relaxation, something the girl may fully take as him mocking her. As he continued to walk down his path towards the girl, a sea of static would grasp upon the entirety of his thoughts, unable to describe or properly perceive the hampered emotions he presumed he was experiencing at such a moment, alongside the secondary signs of an inborn aggression and overflowing power that was seeping past the reinforced wall encasing the personality he long since abandoned for his own survival. Kutari couldn’t decipher if what he was feeling was happiness, satisfaction, pity, anger, joy, or possibly a combination of all the emotions listed. His mind was jumbled as it felt as if his body was kicking into overdrive, absorbing too much information and data from whatever ailment he spontaneously contracted in the short moments of his battle with this foul beast, questioning if these undeserved sensations were in reaction to the special ability she utilized earlier in the fight that seemed oddly connected to his being. Though the creeping power would make itself more pronounced and occupy the space between his already unstable equilibrium and “peace of mind”, he’d have enough willpower and leverage to call the bodily power to a halt as he repressed himself back to the only exterior he knew how to be, a mask that remained imprinted upon his face indefinitely as it hid away various sources of individualism that even he was unaware of.

The new source of darkness that continued to grow within him now at bay, he found himself hovering over the defeated girl as she still looked to be in utter shock and perpetuated fear, in which Kutari confirmed his past self would revel in this moment and supply the same form of treatment she did to him following with more gruesome forms of payback, though he wouldn’t have put it past the succubus to do something similar if Kutari was to have lost the battle in her stead. However, these previous similarities now discrepancies would be the exact reason why despite Kutari’s troubled mind state, he’d consider himself to be at a much higher state of maturity and comprehension of his place in correlation to the world around him, nothing more than a small ant that held some form of authority within the kingdom that comprised such insignificant lifespans, it was only a matter of time before this butchered woman would understand as well, at least if she ever wished to progress and soar beyond her current limits.

He’d stare into the girl’s sole eye idly before looking over the remains of her figure, the uneven stumps of her previous limbs now being severed and riddled throughout the sand as blood continued to ooze out of the newly made wounds, the cuts along her right shoulder down to her left waist as it easily shredded the clothing she was wearing up until this point, assuming it’s replacement would be difficult to acquire given the violent tears throughout the clothing as her own blade seemed to make an incision vertically from the mid waist to her chest/collarbone, he was honestly surprised she had any teeth leftover as he seemed to lack seeing them pop out from her mouth. Kutari would figure she’d be able to become healed by Kenshin sooner or later, albeit needing to happen soon due to her critical condition, though the scars he left behind would definitely be incapable of repair and she’d live on the rest of her days in such a state of humiliation.

As he continued to examine the women's petite body, attempting to admire his work though lacking the personal satisfaction and appreciation to truly celebrate his handiwork, her broken yet still irritable voice would chime through the air just as he watched the girl spit a glob of blood aimed at his cheek as he felt the murky liquid substance coat the outer layer of his skin, her very last minute seeming to include having the last laugh in whatever pitiful way she could possibly find. He would look upon her face again as he could easily describe the range of ferocious emotions that she couldn’t even express physically through her inferior might, instead vocally pleasing the remains of her proud soul as she belitted him while simultaneously demanding to be ended this instant. The pure skin of the pale girl was losing even more of its color as her blood continued to leak from her body, in which Kutari would continue to stare at her with a focused glance, taunting the girl by doing absolutely nothing as she wailed and bickered in her sorrowful state, allowing some time to pass as the sand turned into a crimson mush becoming oversaturated with bodily fluids.

Kutari would try to comprehend his own actions and interests as he continued to share at the girl, utterly baffled that she would still think it’d be smart to keep eye contact with him despite not even knowing the true nature of his eyes. The screams he heard earlier from the woman would’ve been so soothing to the soulless crypt that was his body, though now it was nothing more than a deafened cry that barely broke through his exterior; the pleading for death she continued to whimper about would be dragged on as Kutari did whatever he so wished with a gleeful smile and crazed expression, though now he could barely find the interest or passion to slightly fake such a mimicry. The crimes and sins he’s still committed after abandoning that persona would still be prominent in his daily adventures and willing duties, having assaulted this woman - albeit rightfully deserved - in the streets of Sunagakure, an apparent ally of Kenshin that he was fully willing leaking information of Kutari to. His killing intent and willingness to cause pain and suffering would still be exceptional and filled with resolve, alongside his methods of torture and to prove a point by utter humilation, having conquered and been aware of the very humanely emotions many people wield yet he involuntarily lacked, which was likely the most frieghtening and worrisome reality that this girl who seemed to know so much about Kutari but in acutality comprehended very little - the reality of a natural sadist that gained no actual pleasure or happiness from human suffering right before her very eyes, lacking the emotion and conception to feel anything from his actions, though fully comprehending the extent of his actions and just how traumatizing they could be.

After being marked by the girl before him as she pleaded for a quick death, Kutari would kneel down slowly already beside her relative to the eye that kept the prior eye contact mentioned and not hidden by an eyepatch as he still had his gear in hand, taking a crouching position as one of his knees made contact with the sand, his figure overshadowing the lying girl’s vision of light as he overtook the moonlight above, her new captor born amongst the immaculate light to only leave behind a spacious abyss which she would linger within for quite some time. He would speak bluntly though softly as if completely relaxed and content, his apathy taking form in his words with it’s tailored signature, “You still seem to misunderstand the lack of authority you hold within the hierarchy of this village and just who exactly you decided to affiliate yourself with, alongside the people he recruited to join his cause.

As he began speaking, Kutari would begin to raise the kunai he retrieved to replace the same metallic tool he incorporated into his attack prior, bringing it to the girl’s lips as he sunk the blade’s edge on the opposite corner in relation to him, gripping the blade to open her mouth wide open for him otherwise he’d happily tear her a newly operated smile. If she refused to open her mouth, he’d press deeper to part her lips cutting her simultaneously as he held the blade’s ending half towards the relative inner cheek as a hostage, the pressure he would be applying allowing little room for her to squirm around unless she wanted to have the left corner of her smile rearranged. Holding his kunai in place he’d continue wielding the same detached tone yet incorporating it’s own touch of deliberate mocking, “What a fortunate convenience, the pretty little face you love to switch on and off seemed to have avoided the deserved beating your very few bodily remains retained throughout the entirety of your endeavors, now tell me: Is this another one of your tricks? I’m sure to have made sure you lost at least the bottom row of rotten teeth you have stored within this enchanting smirk of yours, they seem quite resilient as I peer at them now, allow me to test this theory if you would be so kind.” As he came along the end of his lingering sentence, he’d graze his blade upon her inner lip as he began to cut into her skin as he manipulated his blade to now lodge the tip of the kunai into the crevice of her aligned teeth, feeling an inserted budge as he knew the tooth was tightly secured in place part of the top row, knowing very well as she should’ve been able to tell from the pain received that if she moved or he decided to snap his hand back, the resistance would cause the tooth to come clean off. He’d begin to wiggle this sensitive position freely as he implanted it deeper into the crevice, waiting for the screams and cries reciprocating the comprehension of pain she’d likely be experiencing.

Following his maneuvers as he now positioned the kunai in a place that would succeed in facilitating his scheme that was underway, Kutari would follow up as his vocal tone began to recline back to it’s apathetic attitude, acting as if this was nothing more than another day in the office as his boredom grew, in actuality reaping no joy or pleasure from this series of events but feeling it would be necessary to help her comprehend her place in the grand scheme of things, her insignificance in relation to Kutari and Kenshin, and for that matter whatever plans she may have festering in her toxic mind, “You asked me earlier why I was allied with this apparent Demon, likely a facade you wished to present to me as if you actually feared the man comparing him to that of a demon. For all I know, your insignificant and parasitic presence doesn’t even deserve to learn a shred about who I am or my intentions, though allow me to share a bit of information with you: Before I met Kenshin, I was within the same mentality that I was a God within the realm of men and no one could dare oppose me just like yourself, manipulating fools and extorting weaker lifeforms due to my own talents. Your corrupted views are the reason why you’re in this predicament now and will continue to be so before you finally draw the last breathe of your inadequate life, they’re but a reflection of what I believed in the past and similar images I once upheld, though once I was received by Kenshin it all changed, my already present doubts of a world greater than me finally being realized in the wake of the same Demon we perceive very differently. If you continue holding on to these same ideologies and mannerisms you’ll never be a speck of what others of a far greater mindset have to offer in comparison, your arrogant thoughts and limited views being the very reason of your disposal.

As Kutari continued his speech, he would acquire another kunai from his possessions swiftly as he brought his elbow under the girl’s chin before pushing up and over to cause her neck to extend to her far left, Kutari making her turn her head towards such an angle. The method he used to lodge the still present kunai within the top layer of her front teeth would cause her to wince in pain if she so much as moved her teeth to close, fully shutting her teeth back down would cause the tooth in front of the angled kunai to cry out in agony before it popped out of it’s position and fell down. The Uchiha bestowing this uncomfortable position to the girl’s neck and beyond would then get his left hand to ride along her facial skin in a faint pain, not leaving behind a scar or blood but beginning to tear through the outermost layer of skin as he came upon the fabric he intended to slice through, cutting the eyepatch support that ran across her face. The material now loosened, he would begin to use the kunai’s tip to remove the actual eyepatch portion as he intended to haggle for her vision in this lesson he wished to teach the girl, his still unamused and bored eyes looking deeply into her right crimson eye attempting to absorb the entirety of emotions and feelings she was experiencing, wondering if his actions would bestow some sort of spark so he could feel something once again. The wraith’s eyes would tell a story of boredom as this situation would remain unimportant to him, though the girl would be a liability to remain and allow Kenshin to heal if she was truly a valuable asset to his plans, this lesson would be crucial to help put her in check and make sure their plans wouldn’t be foiled.

The man would look upon her now revealed eye in a dull interest, wondering why she was hiding it all this time, though if she had it closed he would order her to open it so he could see otherwise consequences would surely come, and as he cared little for her life in the long run and already asserted his willingness to make her death an unimaginable hell she should be willing to comply. As he laid his eyes upon the fully white pupil of the dojutsu that laid before him, known as the Byakugan through his own research of the Konoha clans in relation to finding more about his own and the Senju’s ancestry, Kutari would be surprised to see such a powerful prowess just residing within such an individual as herself, the talents of such ocular prowess being utterly wasted. It seemed she had no control over it as the dojutsu was already activated and in well utilization with its popped veins around the skin around, in which case this example he would soon give meant even greater importance to her, as if she relied on such eyes to even the playing field for her already weak combat aptitude, raising the kunai in his hand to now hand just above her Byakugan as he was only mere inches from piercing it and fully rendering the ocular sight incapable of usage. “Well, this is quite the surprise, I hadn’t thought someone as fragile as yourself would be in possession of such a powerful dojutsu, such a waste of potential to the eye bestowed to such an unworthy candidate. Though I suppose it’s making more sense where your ego comes from, likely picking this eye off and everything else from your belongings through sheer manipulation, trickery and overpowering the powerless, oh how the 'great' fall.” His use of the word great deliberately mocking the girl as if she was something great to begin with, exaggerating the term immensely to prolong his usage of it.

There would be a long pause in Kutari’s words as he continued to hold the girl down and keep his position secured as there’d be little possibilities of retaliating from her mangled body. Raising his katana in clear sight for the girl to behold, he would choose to center it upon the shoulder muscles connected to her neck, a sensitive section with bundled muscles that if pierced and abused as he intended to do so, crashing the blade into the collarbone and afflicting the most extreme amount of pain as he could, waiting to finish what he needed to say,  “Allow me to make something clear before we begin: Even if you were to beg right here, right now that you wouldn’t betray us in any shape or manner while swearing fealty to Kenshin and I following our every whim, I wouldn’t believe you. You’re easy to read and predict, especially as I was once like you, and quite frankly I can tell you’re nowhere near the passing where I began to doubt my place and the legitimacy of the false paradise I built centered around my presence. If I were so foolish and allowed Kenshin to patch you up, it’s likely your spiteful nature would rebel sooner instead of making the right decision and staying by our cause; I simply can’t allow you to roam in such a state of mind as it’s a liability to our formulating group. Therefore, I have a little game that we can play to speed up that same epiphany if you will, after all I don’t believe you’ll bleed out just yet and be lucky enough to pass on which I’d rather not happen at this point, especially after all the work and effort I’m putting into my new little project to see succeed and shaped into a much more powerful asset. The rules are simple for you: I want you to scream. Scream so loud that the civilians are called to the streets believing there’s another invasion to be had, scream to the point to where you’ve reached an entirely new and undiscovered octave this world has never perceived, to where the sun comes rushing to your call for aid after the long moon decides to retire in an endless cycle. You have until you pass out or die to convince Kenshin and I you’ve reformed reminiscent to the epiphany I detailed earlier in this short time frame, though I doubt the latter will arrive anytime soon as I’ll inform Kenshin of your intentions of attacking me and doing whatever with my body afterwards, in which case I don’t believe he’ll be too happy knowing you assaulted one of his trusted allies. Now, you may be wondering how you could possibly convince myself or even Kenshin from this position of your aspiring motives to work with us and not be a pain in our side despite his presence lacking, in which case that’s for me to wonder and you to figure out, you’ve already interrupted my travels home to rest and I typically can go for quite some time before truly feeling fatigued.

As he explained the rules of this makeshift game of sadism that meant utterly nothing to him in the end outside of securing the woman’s undying loyalty, he’d continue to stare in her eyes as he acquired no emotion outside a slight glimmer of curiosity wondering how she would favor in this coming trial, “Despite your rather mangled body, I presume you still experience sensations and pain. Therefore during this game I will continue to slowly pierce holes into your body with my blade until the proper conditions have been met on your part, however there are a few conditional rules: As you may have noticed, while you try to close your jaw and teeth it begins to hurt immensely, that’s because of the kunai that’s still stuck in your teeth and finishing that mouth maneuver will cause your tooth to fall out, in which case I’ll simply choose another section of teeth to place the kunai in, and accumulated lost teeth won’t be repaired by Kenshin. Furthermore, if you can’t succeed in this trial by keeping your mouth ajar as you scream and repent, I will begin the process of removing the Byakugan from your eyeball with this other kunai in my hand as you’ve failed me as a project and I’d likely need to find a more appropriate suitor, though rest assured as the Byakugan won’t be extracted in the first go, I need to properly simulate your only hopes of gaining power and being worth anything slowly being snatched away so easily in the presence of another. Now, I won’t be explaining these rules again, however now that’s all there is to it. Mind you, there is no other clear objective outside of your role in this whole process, do not disappoint me since I’d genuinely would rather be at my home staring off into the desolate sand dunes or something. Now, let us begin.

Kutari would begin this process as intended, gruesomely piercing her skin as he began as dictated by attacking her shoulder and making sure it was a slow and painful process, paying attention to this surroundings as he had been doing so all this time though not expecting any sort of intervention to be had to save the girl how she would expect. He’d be paying attention to her as well though more passively, intertwined in a different world internally as he considered different truths and thoughts as he had to consider the girl’s origin and just how long it would take before she caved, wondering if she would actually succeed this trial or continue to be a pain and not worth allying himself with. This would become a test to decipher if she was worth having in his own questionable and sadistic manner, fully willing to see her die if she failed to properly comply.

WC: 3912
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Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Sun Jun 23, 2019 11:41 pm
The towering form of The Ragdoll could only smirk as he watched the artful display of Kutari as he delimbed the arrogant little spider known as Alice. He had been watching the two with his Byakugan from the moment that they left his office, at first only doing so to see just how they got along, but what he had seen far surpassed his expectations. Alice had made the mistake of antagonising the more skilled shinobi, and rather than stepping in Kenshin had decided to allow his trusted ally to put the arrogant child in her place. As he watched the man skillfully tear her to pieces The Immortal had moved to stand on the balcony that was connected to the Kazekage’s office, looking down at the rather amusing sight of Kutari now towering over the delimbed torso that was Alice. She was… a somewhat valued asset to him, but until he believed that he could trust her in the same way that he did Kutari she would always be expendable, and the silver haired man honestly found himself questioning whether he should bother stepping in. The little spider was far from strong enough to actually be useful to any of his current or future plans and she had improved very little since allying herself with him despite his efforts to improve her. The fact that childish and spoiled woman was also anything but loyal gave him further reason to simply leave her to her fate… but he found her to be rather amusing, and he supposed that every court had room for a jester.

Still, he trusted Kutari to not go too far, and he knew that the woman desperately needed a lesson in humility, so he simply chose to watch how the situation progressed from his position on the balcony. He would watch with a satisfied smirk still on his face as the broken young woman spat, snarled and demanded that he finish her off, almost as though she believed that she was still in control or that she could make demands of Kutari. When the man knelt down to the level of the broken little arachnid he would begin to speak a rather harsh truth, all the while retrieving a kunai and bringing it up to her face. He would watch as his trusted ally forced to woman to open her mouth with the blade and pressed it up against her inner cheek, ready and willing to carve her pretty little face up should she not follow his instructions. Crude, but he supposed that it would be quite effective in teaching the arrogant fool where she truly stood in the grand scheme of things… and besides, he was confident that he could heal any damage that Kutari chose to inflict. As he watched the situation unfold, and listened to the words that spilled from his mouth, Kenshin was made even more aware of how similar the two of them truly were, and it was almost enough to make him give a true smile… almost.

Perhaps if the man was torturing someone that wasn’t allied with him he would smile, but for the time being he would simply smirk in amusement as he watched the play before him unfold, the two characters stuck in their roles before his eyes. As Kutari revealed his true reasons for joining with him his smirk would continue to grow… to think that the man was so loyal after so little time, and to think that he found his trust in the man growing so rapidly… it was glorious to find one so similar. But he supposed that he should step in now, before the man went too far and he found himself collecting the body of his so called ally.

“That will be enough Kutari... I think the little girl has learned her place.” The Reaper would state from his perch above the two, a small smirk on his face as he gazed intently down at the delimbed arachnid who could no doubt see him with her Byakugan. With a small sigh Kenshin would simply step over the railing and allow himself to be dragged down to the earth by the effects of gravity, his long black ‘cloak’ that seemed to be flapping in the wind unnaturally silent even as he fell. His landing was rather graceful, resulting in his legs bending low to better distribute the force as he came to a sudden halt.

“You’ve certainly bitten off more than you can chew, haven’t you Alice?” Kenshin would question as he walked silently towards the rapidly paling torso, his stride slow and confident and he approached.

“I sincerely hope that you have learned something from this, but just in case you haven’t allow me to explain something very simple to you… you are nowhere near as slick or as smooth as you think you are, nor are you some genius puppet master that is successfully manipulating everyone you come across. You are nothing more than a deluded woman with the mentality of a spoiled child, and the only thing that is preventing me from simply ending your pathetic life and taking back all of the gifts I have given is the potential I can see within you.” The Immortal would then explain, his tone as cold as his gaze as he seemingly stared directly through the eyes of the woman that was, at this point, little more than a talking torso.

“But… allow me to impart one more very simple truth upon you.” Kenshin would then say, his Corrupted Sage Mode activating and allowing the full force of his unnaturally foul and powerful chakra to come crashing down upon the cripple as his physical features become quite a bit more demonic. His irises would turn a dull yellow while his sclera would turn pitch black, a stream of black ichor seemingly dripping down from his eyes as his skin became almost translucent.

“I will kill you a thousand times over before I allow you to use your potential against me… I have no issue with snuffing out a flame as bright as yours if it threatens to burn me, my allies, or what I plan to build.” The Usurper would state as a black flecked purple aura began to form around him, a truly monstrous level of Killing Intent dropping down directly onto the helpless woman. He meant it as well, if he had ever held even the slightest suspicion that Alice could actually be a threat to him she wouldn’t be breathing, she would simply be the contents of one of the many scrolls he carried.

“I could see it in your eyes from the moment that we met… that unfounded arrogance and belief that you could simply use me as a tool to further your own ambitions… and of course let us not forget your desire to either cast me aside or kill me once I had fulfilled my use… tell me, am I right? Of course there’s no need for you to answer, you are so transparent that it’s laughable.” The Ragdoll would state in an even colder tone, it’s killing intent still mercilessly hammering down on the woman.

“Yet… despite that knowledge I have fulfilled my end of the bargain and given you the keys to the power that you so desperately crave… and you have done NOTHING with said keys. You have squandered the gifts I gave, seemingly content with the paltry level of strength that you possess right now… and you actually have the gall to think yourself the better of one of my trusted allies? Arrogance at its finest.” He would then state, his Killing Intent seemingly reaching its crescendo before vanishing entirely, along with his rather demonic features… although the black ichor like substance remained on his pale face.

“I will overlook both this incident and your past attitude… and I will heal the injuries that you have received here, but do not mistake my mercy for weakness. I am giving you a chance here Alice, I suggest you take it… because I can assure you that while I am a generous ally I am a ruthless foe. If you cross me again I will butcher everyone and everything that you have ever cared about… I will flay your body while you scream and tear your mind to pieces, heal your body and mind, then repeat the process, and I will continue to do so until you are little more than a drooling vegetable. And I can assure you… I can and will drag that process out for a matter of years, perhaps even decades if I tried hard enough.” The Monster would then state finally, giving the woman one last chance… and a warning of what fate would await her should she not learn from this lesson. With his piece said Kenshin would activate his Mystical Palm Aura with its handseals, using his creation to completely regenerate Alice’s lost limbs in a manner of seconds. With that done he would simply walk off without another word

WC: 1514


111 words towards Wood Release, claiming (other words trained here)(25% max stat discount)

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Also gonna put my 1302 words from this topic towards Mayfly, because I apparently forgot this topic existed and fully completed Corrupted Sage Mode in this topic

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