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Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
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Wanderer Reports: Asami Miyamoto [Letter] Empty Wanderer Reports: Asami Miyamoto [Letter]

Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:26 pm
Handed off to a discreet contact on the coast of tea country, the small capsule containing Asami Miyamoto's carefully written report would find its way to the desk of the Mizukage...


I appreciate your continued generosity in allowing me to remain abroad during these troubled times. As I promised Gekou-sama and as I now pledge to you: you need only say the word and I will return. Kirigakure is—and always will be—my home and I will do anything in its service.

Since my departure, I have made my way to the land of tea and find it much different than what I am used to. The people are crass, the streets disorderly, and there appears to be a distinct lack of government throughout the land. In this absence of good governance, a certain criminal element has taken up residence on the streets and in the dingy back alleys waylaying travelers with impunity. I will admit, it worries me that such a den of inequity exists just across the waves from our fair island home and shudder to think what we would be without our storm wall.

For the foreseeable future and with your continued favor, I plan to remain here to observe both the people and the land. If nothing else, I hope the additional information I collect will help inform your view of the countries that border Kirigakure.


Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
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Wanderer Reports: Asami Miyamoto [Letter] Empty Re: Wanderer Reports: Asami Miyamoto [Letter]

Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:43 pm

In my continued observation of Tea Country, I have found that the criminal element mentioned in my previous communications is not native to these lands. Having spoken to more than a few merchants here, it seems as if the source of this corruption came from without, not within as I initially suspected. In pursuit of the truth, I will be shadowing a merchant caravan bound for Konohagakure. It is there that I hope to find out more about these untoward forces and perhaps where I might sever the head from the metaphorical serpent—I hope you'll agree that it simply won't do to have a den of crime so close to our fair home.

As per protocol, I will contact you again once I have settled in. And, of course, if this does not please you, Mizukage-dono, only say the word and I will return.


Asami Miyamoto
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