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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:51 pm
Out with the old, in with the new. An exhilarating torrent of adrenaline rippled through body as the water filling his lungs expelled itself. With every new breadth he took he coughed up more water, the new air providing life force for his body to drive out what remained. Rolling over onto his side the ease the process, the brute would continue couching until he had fully rid himself of all the water. "I hate water." Grunted the shinobi that had been bred among the dunes of the Wind Country. Never before had he been this close to water, save for when he boarded The Silence and made his way across the oceans for the first time. However, this was the first time he had been in the water and it nearly cost him his life. What a curse, to now live on an island. 

The man that cheated death shifted his gaze from the soaking floor up to the would be executioner, only now noticing that he no longer stood in the water but now towered over him. Now, as an initiated shinobi of Kiri, Nobunaga would tightly clasped the hand of his leader and let him furiously pull the armored Hiyu onto his feet. The newly titled ANBU would stand tall before his master, listening to his speak while his body dripped with the fluid that had acted as the gateway to his rebirth. At the mention of 'your hands", the brute would offer no verbal response. Instead, with his free hand he reached out behind him and grabbed the bandage wrapped handle of his massive great sword and casually swung it around the back of his shoulder and clipped it to the hook behind him. His hand, the very hand that could wield such as gargantuan weapon with ease, the same that was honed under Koroshi and vigilantly stood by Kyson now worked to serve but one man, the man responsible for his awakening. 

Averting his gaze from his master, to look upon the masks of the undying, that adorned the walls of a chamber where the brink of death birthed the awaken of all those who had come before him and fallen. All those whom in their loyalty to Xyxer and the leaders before him and given their life in service to the Mizukage for their belief in Kiri was stronger than their will to live. Walking away from Xyxer's position, the Hiyu would curiously browse the selections of masks, filled with the history, experience and secrets of past lives. "What mark on the world did these shinobi leave?" If Nobunaga were to follow on their footsteps, he needed to know what type of legacy he was required to carry on. Had they truly changed the world much like Xyxer was expecting Nobunaga to do?

The masks had been polished and cleaned as best as possible, but the signs of their past could not be erased. The wear and tear was apparent with faded paint and scars of war leaving their mark. He continued to browse, listening if Xyxer spoke as he listened to the masks in turn. Watching, waiting to see which one called out to him. Like a howling wolf calling out to its pack leader, Nobunaga came to a suddenly halt as he came face to face with the one mask that called his name. Staring right into its hollow eyes, the distant flickering flame of Xyxer's torch breathing life into it, the Hiyu stood face to face with the mask of a vicious wolf painted upon it. Loyal to its pack leader, but capable and deadly in its own right.

Reaching out, gently the brute would lift the mask off of its pegs before turning to face Xyxer once more, with his choice in hand. "Whom ever bore this mask before me shall be reborn as I have." Gingerly he placed it upon his scarred face and clasped the strap.
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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:36 pm
For a moment Xyxer wondered whether the Hiyu was mocking him. He was a Hozuki after all, and hating water was rather offensive to the clan that changed into water. Of course, he took no true offense to the statement as it rather amused him, even earning a response from the Hozuki, "Perhaps it was not the wisest idea to join a man that lives in a village surrounded by the thing you hate." The very notion of what had unfolded between them was still hilarious. A gambit that had been accepted and even honoured in a world that was teeming with deceit and corruption.

The next question from Nobunaga seemed rhetorical as he questioned the impact of the former ANBU. The answer in truth was incredibly simple yet the Kage spoke it regardless, "Their respective villages live on because of their sacrifices. A village without ANBU is like a man without a weapon; prone to being assaulted and robbed during hard times." Xyxer held the utmost respect for most ANBU, perhaps being the only rank that was capable of earning it if they fulfilled their duties. He could still see the eyes behind the ANBU he'd slaughtered in Konohagakure... their service until the bitter end for their Hokage. A true ANBU. If that shinobi had shown an inability to follow the duties of their rank, then perhaps Xyxer would have levelled the village rather than having it operate under him. It was strange how the death of one could influence so much.

Soon enough, the face of Nobunaga developed into a snarling beast. A predatory animal, yet one that valued the pack. It was apt for the giant. Operative Wolf. While the fire illuminated the wolven monster before him, he took a moment to appreciate the poetic beauty of the scenario. His head tilted a little to fully absorb the situation while his lips softly curved up, "Now you are reborn, you are truly a part of Kirigakure. Together, we will be a worthy aegis for this world." Xyxer now started to make his way from the area, closing the exits behind himself and Nobunaga. The rebirth of the man had commenced.


I'll do the WC after
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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:50 pm
"I am reminded of that everyday." Grunted the Hiyu. Living on a tiny island in comparison to the mainland forced Nobunaga to constantly be surrounded by water, something he would have avoided in any normal circumstance. However, as always, he was a man of his word and in losing his duel to Xyxer he kept his word and chose to follow the Leviathan, as had been decided. In a world where rules were made to be broken and those deemed enemies could not be trust, Nobunaga made it a focal point of his to hold his words to the highest standard. Honor meant everything to him and a man who went back on his word and no honor in the eyes of the Hiyu. Therefore what kind of man who he be if he chose to forsake his vow?

A village without an ANBU corpse was a man without a weapon. Those words cut deep into Nobunaga for he understood that Xyxer choosing to enlist the Hiyu in his Hunter Corps was a statement of major significance. The Mizukage was trusting the former Dust and Storm operative to be a weapon that would ensure the preservation and existence of the current empire that was Kiri. A task that the old Nobunaga had failed at because he did not truly understand what it meant to be an ANBU of a village, what it entailed being the chosen, hand picked weapon of a Kage. He had been granted a new life and with that a new found understanding of how the world worked and his place in it. That place was as a sworn sword to the Mizukage, to fulfill the oath he pledged back in the forests of the Fire Country. 

Behind the ferocious mask of choice, Nobunaga stoically and proudly watched the alpha of the pack gloat over his creation, proclaiming that Nobunaga would be a true protector under his leadership. A sense of pride enveloped the Hiyu, a primal instinct of true loyalty. Xyxer had granted him what no man had ever or could ever award the Hiyu. His one true wish, to be an aegis to the world. The newly created, devoted Wolf Operative would descend upon his right knee, bowing before the architect of his rebirth. With that, the Hiyu would rise, following the pack leader out of the ANBU crypt and into a new life.

4458 words

1500 for
2958 into

Does Mastered Cloak still cost 8k words or has it been reduced to 4k with the new rules?
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Tue May 07, 2019 10:39 pm
Approved Xyxer & Nobunaga <3

Also that is correct, it is still 8k to learn
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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:36 pm
I'm back.
3259 WC
3600/8000 WC mastered cloak
32 AP
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The Initiate - Page 2 Empty Re: The Initiate

Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:06 pm
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