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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] - Page 2 Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:07 pm
Yuuma didn't seem to mind much cleaning up the spilled contents of the flour bag, sweeping them steadily one sweep at a time. Collecting the contents of the mess into a dustpan, Yuuma would make several small trips between the garbage and the mess pile as he cleaned. The words of Kaibo didn't escape him, however. An amused smirk crossed his face as Kaibo spoke. "By the look on your face, I thought you might pass out from anger." Yuuma mused with a heavy dose of amusement. "He's not as bad as the guy I use to deal with," he started, considering his words from then on with a careful selection. For a brief moment, his gaze moved to the larger man, then back to the mess he was in the process of cleaning. "My family life wasn't fantastic." He continued. "A particular member saw fit to raise his voice a lot. It scared me when I was young, but as I got older, the yelling just sort of got a bit numb, you know? I got over it, is what I'm saying. Now to meet someone like that guy..." Yuuma huffed another laugh. "Was almost kind of fun. Interesting, at least. And besides, I was distracted when I did up the eggs on that plate anyway. So all he really did was buy me more time to finish without bugging the customer too much." Yuuma sighed, stretching out his back once the sweeping was complete, replacing the pan and broom back on their hanging hooks in the small utility closet before retaking his place at the station. "I'd love to see you have a go at a dummy after that guy comes around. It would be incredible to see."

Picking back up his utensil's, Yuuma would go back to the cooking he had been doing before, now thankful he had begun preparing extra portions in case they got a sudden rush, all he really had to do was wash a plate and cook a couple eggs. His eyes would wander as he fell back into the groove now that the disruption had passed, looking out over the floor of the cafe, to the other staff and patrons. No one seemed very disheartened by the minor upheaval caused by the inspector. Most continued to smile and converse among themselves in spite of it. Yuuma had been worried that this display might hurt the spirits of those engaged with the cafe, but it seemed as though many were unphased by the treatment. Of course, it shouldn't be all that surprising, given how often this happened. Instead, Yuuma was shown the steady heart of the people. A well resting resolve that doesn't waver at such petty discretions. Upon gaining this realization, Yuuma couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for having thought such things at all. Of course, they were a strong people. They had to be to practice the shinobi arts in the city.

The morning work of the kitchen had left Yuuma in sweat, an arm raising to run across his brow as he let out a sigh, putting the plate of food back up on the counter to be served now with a proper set of eggs and a freshly cleaned plate. Stepping back from his station, Yuuma would undo his apron, slinging it over his shoulder as he looked to Kaibo once more. "I'm going to take a quick break." He said. Once confirming it was allowed, Yuuma would push his way through the back door and into the back alley, allowing the kitchen door to slowly swing shut behind him as he took up a spot on the wall to lean for a time. It was moments like this he wished he was one of the smoking types that had a reason to be standing outside in the brisk morning air. But no. Instead, he got to stand there and soak in the dull roar of the city now awake, closing his eyes and letting the gentle flakes of snow decorate his hair as he collected himself. It was the first time, Yuuma realized, he had allowed himself to really relax in the city, breathing out a deep sigh into the frosty air as he sat back against a wall. 


WC - 714
TWC - 4,410

+22 stats
Completing  Hiding Like a Mole.
Completing Chakra Absorption
Putting 410 WC towards Time Reversal Jutsu - [410/2000]
Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
Stat Page : Tenshi
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 0

If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] - Page 2 Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:14 am
Yuuma's overshare caught Kaibo off guard.  He had clearly gotten comfortable quite quickly.  Kaibo didn't know what to say, but his feelings toward the inspection faded even quicker.  He was always the one to take it the worst, the others either weren't as invested, or just hid their feelings better.  He was glad, though, that Yuuma moved on rather quickly.

"Ha, well i think the dummy just left, but yeah, the standing bag will get its fair share tonight."  His large shoulder muscles flexed as Kaibo pushed the rolling pin across the dough one more time, before throwing down some more flour and then in one smooth motion flipped the thinning crust.  The flour side had only just gently landed on the wax paper before the wooden roller was applied to the other side.  "Let me know if you ever want to work in though, we can get some more meat on those bones of yours, if you wanna be a big tough guy like Kaibo."  He grinned and looked up from his work.  "Yeah that chakra ninja stuff helps you be strong, the Kage could arm wrestle me into the dust anyday, but the secret to this build is all good old fashioned, unassisted effort.  At the end of the day, it just feels better, ya know?"

Kaibo finished his rolling, and with most smooth sideways motion he let a dusting of flour drift once more onto the dough before grabbing three dishes to press down into it, making three identical ovals of soon to be crust.  While he waited for the dishes themselves to arrive, he grabbed the butter he'd need to baste onto the crusts before they were put on top of the dishes and baked.  He was careful not to knead the dough too much with his bare hands at this point - if he was too distracted, he might let another ... incident occur.

Yuuma was hard at work himself, and as he finished his dish, he announced he was going to take his break.  Kaibo grunted and nodded in acknowledgement, and moments after he heard the door creak open and shut, a tiny cool draft barely caressed the back of his neck only to fade almost instantly before the heat of the kitchen.  Finally fully over the earlier incident and reabsorbed in his work, another day in the kitchen ahead of him.


twc 2454
claiming 12 stats
Claiming E rank tech Emotional Recall with 500 WC
Putting 1954 toward Chakra Infusion skill
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] - Page 2 Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:09 am
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