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New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty New Kid On The Chopping Block

Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:36 pm
Oriton wandered through Kirigakure, taking in all the sights. He had just recently passed the Genin Exams and was wondering what he should do next. He wasn't aware of any other shinobi living in this village; he should probably expand his relationships in the town. How was he supposed to help people he didn't know. So he went into town, hoping to find someone to train with; that would be the best place to go, right?

He wondered what type of people had lived here in the first place. He was aware that the Mizukage was busy. He questioned if he would ever be able to get as strong as him? That was his goal, after all, he was there to help the village grow. Being an ANBU would suffice for him.

Although, he was thinking too fast. He had just become a Genin; there was no need to worry about being a Kage or an ANBU. First, he had to make it to Chuunin. And first, he had to meet the people in his village.
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:21 pm
Nero walked into the training grounds like "What up? I got a big block. A training bloxk. I need training.". He did not voice these thoughts but they could easily be read from his face and his weakened muscles. He saw someone in a headband he hadn't seen before. The boy looked like he was around the Yuki's age. 

Nero smiled and walked up to the kid. "Hey, you must be one of the new graduates. Welcome to Kiri Ninja Corps. If you need any help or questions, feel free to ask me, Nero Yuki. Friendly neighbourhood Ninjaman. Who are you?".
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New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:25 pm
Oriton gazed at the newcomer called towards him. He was surprised that he had blue hair like his, was that a norm in Kirigakure. "Hey there," He would start casually, "Yeah, I am a new graduate from the academy. My name is Oriton, what is yours?" After greeting and everything such as that finished, the Senju would ask a series of questions.

"Are you a Genin? Chuunin perhaps? We look about the same age; I'm guessing you're a Genin," Oriton continued but eventually stopped. He had a problem with asking too many questions and talking too much. Sometimes he wished that he could keep his mouth shut, but no matter how much Oriton wanted it, he couldn't seem to keep his lips from flapping.

"What's it like to be a shinobi? I just recently got into the profession, so I'm not sure what I want. I'm not sure if it's right to aim for future Kage or should I focus on what's right in front of me? Currently, I want to help people. That's all I have going for me right now, though," Oriton would exclaim as he continued to talk, "I think the first thing I should learn is how to do more jutsu instead of these simple E-Rank ones, right?"

An opportunity flashed before his eyes, "In that case, would you be willing to teach me?"
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:21 am
Did the blue hair run in Kirigakure blood? And white hair, now that Nero thought about it. It was either that or it was super popular and everyone was getting their hair dyed that color, or maybe using certain Jutsu to change it. Nero wondered if there, in fact, was a Jutsu like that. One that changed hair color. Maybe if there wasn't one, Nero could be the one to first make one, right? After all, Jutsu must have worked that way. Not all Jutsu were just known to the ninja ever since chakra was first born. They were discovered, one by one, throughout history. Or that must have been how it was. Nero wasn't one who paid a lot of attention to history classes... Or classes in general. Neither did he really read history books... Or books in general...

"A Genin..." Nero answered, "Unfortunately I wasn't here for the last Blood Games. I had been out in the world for most of my life. And I came back to a Kirigakure I could hardly recognize. Becoming a ninja came after that, so I had no opportunities yet, to become a Chuunin. Hopefully the next exams will be soon. I met the people who fought in the last Chuunin Exams, the ones held in Konoha. I assume you and I will be joining the next one as well. If you have no other experience in being a ninja, I'm sure you'll get a lot, just from fighting there. As for jutsu... They're barely 1% of what there is to being a ninja... If you're keen on it, sure, I could teach you a few things.".

Nero looked at the kid. "So... Have you ever taken the Chakra Paper test? Do you know what your elemental affinity is? If it's wind or water, you might be in luck. But most of the things I could teach you don't really use elements. How good are you in Ninjutsu?". Of course, from sensing his Chakra, Nero could tell the kid didn't have an impressive amount of chakra. Yet anyway. Still, Nero could think of a few thing to teach to the kid, especially if he focused on Ninjutsu like Nero. Though regardless of that, there was a bit of similarity between most of the categories of Jutsu studies. Just like how Nero could perform Taijutsu techniques of little complexity, Oriton should have also been able to perform Ninjutsu techniques.

Nero thought about it for a while. "Let's see here..." he thought to himself, "If you're thinking about specializing in hand-to-hand skills like Taijutsu or Kenjutsu, I have little to teach you I'm afraid. If you're going to work on your Chakra though, I could think of a few useful techniques I could teach you... Like Body Flicker... That's a classic. Have you heard about it before or should I take it from the start?".  Nero watched the boy to see what his answers would be. He looked like the brute type, so maybe he was a Taijutsu user? Nero couldn't really tell.
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New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:50 am
So this Nero guy was a Genin. That made more sense if he thought about it. Oriton wasn't surprised by the fact that he had attempted to become a Chuunin. The boy's posture and look spelled seriously. He would be considerably surprised if he turned out to be any other way. The Senju noted that he seemed nice and not too quiet though; good thing he wasn't emo, the exact opposite emotions that he portrayed.

When he mentioned both of them taking it, the blue-haired boy shook his head, "I don't think that it's a good idea for me to take the exams yet since I'm so new to being a Genin. I don't know many jutsu if any at all. The only things I know how to do are measly E-Rank ones. If I'm hurt, then I might not be able to continue being a shinobi, right? It might be better to take a pass on this one or do something separate. Sorry for interrupting you, continue."

As he mentioned the Chakra Paper Test, the boy shook his head. "I'm not sure what elements I have to be honest. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I feel as if I've heard about it in my Academy Days. Do you have any on you, I'd love to try it? I'm not very proficient in Ninjutsu, but I'm working in the shinobi medical field right now, so it's a learning experience with chakra. I'll probably dabble more in whatever element I have when I'm able to mold my chakra more."

The blue-haired boy listened to every suggestion, "Body Flicker? That sounds great." The boy was ecstatic, he was going to learn his first jutsu that he could use in combat. He was finally going to start dabbling in shinobi arts for real! The blue-haired boy just wanted to yell and ask him if they could fight, but it would make things better if he were to slow down and learn a few things first. Even then, he wouldn't be able to use them in the spar on the same day he acquired them. It would be better if he were to stay patient.

He patiently waited for Nero to teach him.
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New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:26 am
"It was nice meeting you, but I gotta go, have a nice day," Oriton would say, running away in a totally not weird way. It was as if something called him urgently.


TWC: 800

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Stat Page : The Child
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Ryo : 24470

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:12 am
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:52 am
Oh right Nero bailed as well.

[EXIT, claiming alpha points]
Stat Page : The Child
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:26 am
Exit approved. Claim denied.
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

New Kid On The Chopping Block Empty Re: New Kid On The Chopping Block

Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:26 am
Staff bias. Please remove.
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