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Ryo : 500

One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ] Empty One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ]

Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:40 pm
Geni had found herself in quite a bind as she sat in her closet, now a little more surplus than it was before. Her sister and her mother had paid for everything but still- there were more clothes than before and still nothing to fucking wear for Usagi come over soon. How much longer could she wear out her ‘good-old-reliable-fall-back’ of cooking for her guests? How much longer could she keep this shit up and how much longer would she have this anxiety of being so afraid to wear the same outfit in front of someone?

Did this shit happen to everyone going through this pheromonal prepubescent phase… for was it just fucking her?

Still, Usagi was coming over and she had nothing to wear- she was so stressed her phone was ringing. Geni pulled the pillow she had been clutching in her lap, to her face, and yelled into it in frustration as she drowned out the ringing of the phone again, before she pulled the pillow down and realized it wasn’t a daydream- the phone was really ringing. Geni got to her feet and raced down the stairs, damn-near missing a step at the end of the staircase before stopping in front of the phone and picking it up, “HELLO- uh, hello?” She said, yelling the first word into the receiver before sighing in embarrassment as her father’s voice rang out from the other line,

“Good afternoon- you’re quite lively today.” Her father said as she frowned, “You’ll be coming soon, right?” He asked and she blinked, “To see the other prospective husbands… the ones you’ve been putting off? The ones from your mother’s clan?” Geni covered the part of the receiver that she was to speak into and, instead, groaned before uncovering it and speaking into it.

“Usagi is coming over soon-” “I’m sorry honey, but you’ll have to reschedule with him.” “...Yeah, I will see you soon then. Bye dad.” She said and hung up the phone, sighing before picking it up and dialing Usagi’s home number to reschedule. On the bright side at least she could wear the same thing twice. She decided on a plain black, maxi-dress and went to her family’s inn, her father greeting her in the entryway to the onsens before stopping her- “Wait.” He said and she stopped, looking up at him, “...How are you feeling?” He asked and she blinked,

“Um… f-fine I guess…” Geni said and admitted to being a bit bloated and her father looked her over with a critical eye before voicing that it might be best for her to sit in the dining room rather than go into one of the other rooms with the other two prospects. “Where’s mom?” She asked and her father took a deep breath,

“Your mother has been dodging the Church about answering to your whereabouts and your lack of activity within the community.” He explained as he poured her a cup of tea, “So, she was called into the Church for questioning. I’m sure she’ll be back later.” Geni sipped at the tea he had poured for her as he left the room, pausing momentarily to say, “By the way, she’s not entirely pleased with you completely ignoring her choices.” He left the room and Geni felt the slightest pang of guilt.

She couldn’t entirely help the fact that out of her marriage candidates, she was much more interested and invested in learning all about the world of banking. The other two candidates were probably not bad people however, her encounters with them were short and… well, not great. However, after her tea, she did spare some time to talk to each of them individually- against her father’s request of her ‘resting’ instead… which was weird of him.

First, from her Mother’s Clan there was Vu’Lak- “I wish you had met me earlier when I requested.” - Who was, despite the very strict laws regarding interaction between female and males, a fucking jerk. Down to the core, most likely. Or at least, as au natural as his thick, golden-brown hair and eyes. He was nice to look at but he was an ass.  Her mother’s Clan was more matriarchy than patriarchy with men’s statuses mirroring their wives; lead by her Grand mother on her mother’s side who had genetically passed her hair color down to Geni. Uu’Dakai was always keen to point out differences between her mother and her daughter, to Geni- one major difference was the fact that Geni’s grandmother had, to date, 68 different husbands. Geni couldn’t imagine having 68 different husbands; the idea of it was nice but by the Goddess that was a fuck-lot-of husbands. However, back to Vu’Lak who was from… um… yeah. All Geni could remember right now was that her Mother’s Clan had a sundry of off the wall traditions, including the one to make each child’s name which was a combination of the parent’s names. Thank god that her Father has opted out of that.

Yeah she couldn’t remember at all- “Your mother said you were bright… I don’t see it.” The male said and she smiled, before getting up and walking out of the room to the other guy- Kah’Mai. Kah’Mai had long, red-hair and warm honey-brown eyes but he had shown up unannounced at her residence  few times and Geni wasn’t entirely appreciative of that fact. “Thank you for seeing me today… I, um, I’m sorry for coming over last night…” He said as he apologized for showing up at 3 am in her garden to throw rocks at her windows. The window which geni had opened to see that he had taken flowers from her garden, to present to her. Let that soak in. Flowers. Uprooted. From her personal garden. To be presented ot her. There were very few things that Geni bothered to spin into a negative light and call ‘stupid’ however the actions that Kah’Mai had proved to get her attention had all warranted that term. Stupid. Idiotic.

Geni tried so hard to be ‘perfect’. She tried to not complain if she did at all. She tried to be a cook cook and a good baker. She strived to mind her own fucking business, and she strived to make a nice, warm, friendly atmosphere in her home and her garden. She tried not to bother her family (or anyone for that matter) with her personal problems and family problems. She excelled at leaving Kenshin alone to go about and do whatever he does, and was open-minded to his past/present hobby of experimenting; Geni liked to reassure herself that she was one of, at least, the top 10 ‘ideal wife’ images. What did she ask for in return? Nothing. What did she get?

Some absolute asshole, ripping her goddamn night-blooming flowers out of her tastefully cultivated and meticulously-with-a-capital-m groomed garden. An insensitive, oldest-known-profession-employed older sister. A mother who was so dead-set in traditional, old-ways of a foreign country that she absolutely refused to speak in the common tongue of the country she lived in. Then, to top it off, a less-than-emotionally-available love interest who never called, never went out of his way to visit her, and was about as standoffish as a displeased eel. “I got you, um, some flowers- from a flower shop this time, ehehe.” HARDY-HAR-HAR Geni mentally mocked as she smiled and accepted the small bouquet of flowers- wild flowers that she couldn’t put in her garden, even if she planned on it. Basic flowers. The kind of flowers you would buy for your enrages spouse when you couldn’t bother to remember if they liked flowers or not, so you hoped something cheap and meager would placate them. “I’ve been really excited to be apart for your family so I hope that there will only be me at the end...ahaha.” Yeah, no, she had to leave. So Geni got up, smiled, and politely left the room while her Father dealt with getting rid of the candidates.

“Vu’Lak is a jerk and Kah’Mai is a bit… unhinged.” Geni told her father who nodded and wrote it down on something in his hands before smiling, “I just… could we stop the arranged marriage thing?” She asked before sipping on her tea as her Father smiled,

“Why, because you’re pregnant?” Iroh, her father, asked casually and Geni choked on the tea she was drinking before looking at her Father, “Yes, it would be best to not stress you during this time. I’ll ask your mother but… we’ll see.” “I’m what?” Iroh raised an eyebrow to his daughter’s question,

“You’re pregnant, dear.” Iroh repeated and Geni stared at him before he tapped his nose, “Chakra-sealed or not, a wolf’s nose doesn’t lie.” He explained and Geni stared at the table in shock, “Was it that boy Yukihime’s been talking about? Perhaps you should bring him around-” NO!” “Oh, well, that’s probably for the best with your mother being in a bad mood lately and all.” Geni looked at her father who tilted his head slightly, “OH, am I rambling again? Sorry about that.”

“So… what… do I do?” Geni asked and her father sat down next to her at the table, to her left and looked at her seriously,

“Well, that depends on what you want to do, dear.” Iroh answered, “You should tell the father- assuming, of course,that you do not have your sister’s appetite for men. Then we will need to figure out what to do about your home.” Geni blinked in surprise, “The Church allows you to live in your home, correct? If you’re going to have these children, especially out of wedlock and which your dwindling activity in the church, then they will remove you from the church and force you out of the home you’re living. So, we will need to find another house for you and the children that is big enough for them-” Iroh said and Geni help up a hand to stop him,

“What do you mean ‘children’?” She asked and Iroh frowned,

“I believe you’re pregnant with twins. You’re giving off 3 different pheromone signatures, plus, I sense 3 heart beats in you.” Iroh said and Geni stared at him, “I think one of the inns your mom has isn’t in… ‘business-shape’, maybe I could talk to your mom about letting you move in there? We’ll figure something out but maybe you could bring your partner over so that we could talk these things out; communication is the key to a good relationship.” Geni looked at her father, “NOW before you bring in your mother and I’s relationship, remember that we’ve been together for 35 years, please.” Geni nodded slowly and looked back at the table as Iroh smiled at her, “So, take some time for yourself and try to refrain from taking missions that are too- eventful-- for right now. I will look for houses that are a bit bigger and I’ll call when I find something. For now, maybe you should go home and rest.” Geni nodded slowly as she tried to make sense of everything- pregnant. Make sense of being pregnant. How was she supposed to tell Kenshin?

“I… don’t know how to get him here…” Geni said, “I’m not sure he’d be willing to come around-”

“We are a hot spring, dear. Just tell him to come around for an on-the-house service, I’ll figure everything else out; but tell me when he’s coming so I can send your mom off.” Iroh told her and smiled at her, walking her out of the door, “Make sure to visit the doctor, dear; I’ll try to keep it from your mother as long as I can.” Geni nodded and quietly made her way home, where she shut the door behind her and slumped to the floor numbly. This is was not going to be good.

How was she supposed to even tell Kenshin? How would that conversation even go and what would his reaction even be?

[ TWC: 2000 ]
[ Claims: 1,385 towards Manipulated Fabric  (Other WC from here), 625 towards Shuriken Shadow Clone ]
Faith Akari
Faith Akari
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One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ] Empty Re: One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ]

Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:21 am
Iroh: Why? Because your'e pregnant?
Geneviene: .....Wait what?

Your father is awesome.

Approved for Manipulate Fabric.

As for the jutsu, are you claiming use of your max stat discount or not? If Not, you can claim 6 AP as well.
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Ryo : 500

One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ] Empty Re: One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ]

Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:33 am
Faith Akari <3 wrote:Iroh: Why? Because your'e pregnant?
Geneviene: .....Wait what?

Your father is awesome.

Approved for Manipulate Fabric.

As for the jutsu, are you claiming use of your max stat discount or not? If Not, you can claim 6 AP as well.

I totally forgot about that, yes I'd like to use it please
Faith Akari
Faith Akari
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One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ] Empty Re: One dance, Three partners [ P, Solo ]

Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:36 am
Ok, Approved
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