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The Bear Pit Empty The Bear Pit

Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:07 am
The depth of night had taken a hold of the country the full moon illuminating the sky like a giant nightlight shining down on the area yogimiru was sleeping in, the gentle crackle of the fire simmering down dying after the hours that had passed tied together with the singing of the insects to create a soothing lullaby. Breaking the blissful silence was the aggressive growling once more, Although in a deep slumber the danger of the noise instantly heightened the young boys senses waking him in high alert.

The scene was like a strange case of daja vu as this happened only several hours ago, the familiar sounds of deep violent tones echoing through the forest heading towards his location. Walking from underneath the large tree yogi eye's slowly adjusted to the light cast down by the moon. Looking around the savage howling and growling magnified as an addition sound source became apparent, wondering if it could just be two bears fighting yogi gazed upon his surrounding looking for something to pop out at him.

*RaOr, ThUmP!* the sounds of the crashing of giant masses s crashing in the distance combined with the fierce growling yogimiru was unsure of what sort of threat presented its self. "Byakugan" Giving him greater vision his doujutsu was able to highlight the approaching threat, Reaching the tree line was the large brown bear from earlier, along side a small cub.

"Wait something's not right" yogimiru told himself, As the mother bear approached with an overly defensive stance covering the cub, the young man clued on lquickly, looking behind the mother, trailing by a few meters covered by the shadows of the forest was the real threat. Charging in his direction with a vicious aura stood a towering figure, a large male standing at a total height of 11 feet with a heavy and strong frame weighing in at 800 kilograms.

This was a bad situation, the large male was hunting the cub for a chance at an easy meal. The mother had been beaten on and was ready to fight to the death, Feeling a sense of compassion for the mother the young man knew that he had to act, sprinting towards the dominant male with all his might yogimiru quickly closed the gap standing between the mother and cub and their assailant.

The violent conflict that was about to unfold had yogimirus heart racing as he stood in front of the large male bear it raised to its feet. Its large and overwhelming stature was ment to intimidate letting out a large groan. Taking a deep breath and utilizing his gentle fist stance yogimiru knew what was about to unfold. Extending his arm towards the bear he locked eye's with the beast, with a simple gesture offering the bear forward "Lets do this then" yogimiru stated out loud, waiting for the behemoth to make its move.

Letting out another groan the male bear lunged into attack, taking a powerful swipe directed at yogi, utilizing his speed the young man easily darted around the limbering swat retaliating with several strikes striking like a snake. Barely phasing the bear and now out of its path the powerful beast begun to move towards the mother once more. "Oh no you don't" Yogi shouts intercepting the bears path once more this time launching a devastating attack with intent to hurt "Gentle fist style : Palm Bottom" yogimiru proclaims after hitting the aggressor.

The impact dealing damage to the enraged beast yogimiru finally got its attention, the large male now focused on yogi it began mixing a vareint of attacks moving from bites and swipes on all fours and standing strikes. Yogimiru becoming cocky he used his speed to constantly stay ahead of the beast, his byakugan ment that he would always be able to be aware of his surroundings, the young man quickly found joy in the experience. Finding openings in the animals attacks yogimiru would strike with pin point accuracy with blinding speed.

Although his technique was textbook and his strength was far from underwhelming the thick blubber of the attacker made most of his strikes ineffective. Landing several counter blows and generally out pacing the attacking bear its determination had not faltered, its rage was driving it forward and its animistic movements became more unpredictable. Pouncing at yogimiru with his arms extended the large bear dove with surprising speed, being backed up against a boulder yogimiru was not without options, deciding to break left it was the he got caught, darting from the bears path the young man would launch into a counter-attack, the bear registering the movement had slowly begun to turn clipping yogi's arm with its razor sharp claws. The impact although a brief was able to penetrate yogimirus skins lacerating the boy with a long, shallow scratch.

The smell of fresh blood would stimulate the bear sending it into a blood frenzy launching at yogimiru with even more energy than before it would dive into a flurry of various attacks consisting of swipes, bites and charges. Dancing around the bear with a grace resembling that of a dancer yogimiru continued with determination launching a barrage of counter blows and full frontal assaults with each strike gradually employing more force with each strike.

The intense bout raged on as yogimirus relentless attacks continued to wear down the rampaging beast, with each sting of his cocked fingers the bear became less inclined to attack. Taking a few large back step distancing himself from the beast yogimiru stares it in the eye's saying out loud "Had enough big fella?" before launching towards the bear using his hands to form the ram, snake and rat seal casting the clone technique.

The extra presence seamed to spooked the bear beginning to back away as yogimiru closed in on its location launching both his arms outwards with both palms extended he smacks the bear with great force, finalizing the bears decision to retreat running with a staggered limp back into the jungle. Dropping to his knee's in exhaustion yogimiru, taking a few seconds to compose himself he could feel a furry knudge pressing against him, the baby bear nestling against him giving a playful squeaking growl "Oh Hello little fella i guess your hungry", Raising to his feet the mother bear on alert watched him like a hawk.

Grabbing three large hocks of boar meat he places two in front of the mother and hand feeding the baby, the cub playfully ripping and tearing at the meat hugging and holding down yogimiru's hand whilst it at truly warmed the young mans heart feeling an instant connection. The mother becoming more accepting as it watched the human play with a sense of care with its cub it raised and wondered over behind yogimiru dropping and laying beside him pressing itself against the young man, feeling blessed from the acceptance yogimiru and the young cub eventually falling asleep against the warmth of the mother bear. Entering a deep slumber yogi would not wake till morning, whoever several hours after the mother and cub had napped they awoke from their slumber, eager for food swiping the rest of yogimirus boar meat before wondering back into the forest.

Ap - 5 Palm Bottom / -5 Clone Jutsu / -1 Byakugan /
Total Ap : 69
Word Counter : 1202
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The Bear Pit Empty Re: The Bear Pit

Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:48 am
"Yogimiru your skill and technique is unparalleled, you truly are going to become the man that unites our future. Class upon the future" yogi's teacher proudly announces before clapping his hands together causing the classroom to erupt in an explosion of cheering and celebration in the young mans greatness. The image evaporating before him yogi lets out a large yawn opening his eyes with a blur and haze.

Looking around it became obvious that the young man still remained within the depths of the konoha forest, taking a moment and reflecting on his dream yogimiru couldn't help but burst out in laughter saying aloud "Geez yogi, you're something else." Raising to his feet his body extended into a limbering stretch he looked around whilst collecting his thoughts.

Slothing towards the stream dropping pieces of clothing along the way, dipping into the cooling freshness of the running water, cleaning and soothing the skin washing away the blood, sweat and dirt of the previous day. Revitalized after bathing the fleeting memories of his dreams reside within him "The best in class" he says out loud brandishing a cheeky smile, announcing then with confidence "Alright if im going to be the best i need to push myself harder than ever", looking around his new training grounds, having a solid punching bag in the solid tree, an obstacle course within the forestry surrounding the area, "What i need is targets and wooden dumbness" he says wandering into surrounding forestry to gather resources

Trenching through the entangling terrain the young man kept his eyes peeled, specifically looking for solid trunks of wood and long fibrous leaves and bark to make twine from, spending the next several hours transporting resources yogi ended with a large haul, with a clear image for his training grounds the young man relentlessly persuade his objective he would begin by digging several holes in the ground to house large wooden logs.

Setting the a total of three trunks in a triangle pastern spaced roughly a meter  apart from each other, this would set the foundations of wooden dummies. Now moving on to his next task yogi taking his kunai and enchanting it with chakra would start carving multiple holes into the logs to house smaller logs as arms. "Im finally done" he says out loud dropping to his bum, sitting and gazing upon his handy work, starring off into the distance yogi's mind wanders imagining himself returning to class once more, heightening his fantasy of grandeur. Leaping onto his feet
once more and positioning himself in the middle of the three wooden dummies "Alright lets give them a go" he says to himself before laying into the first dummie, spending the majority of his focus on speed and technique the young mans hands move in a flurry of excitement.

His swift actions and flawless technique were a glory to behold, hitting the wooden arms in a six hit combo finishing with a strike to the torso if the log, repeating this process time and time again, before working in the second dummie. Positioned to be just outside of yogi's striking distance the young man would now dart between the two dummies hitting each with a five hit combo involving a two kick combo, this would provide both accuracy in his strikes but an improvement in foot work.

"Not bad" he thought to himself as the dummies help up successfully receiving multiple strikes ranging in strength and remaining strong. Moving on and taking a break from training, yogi would take the fibrous twine he made earlier and wrap it around short wooden logs to create ranged targets. Crafting a few dozen target and placing them around the large rocky area a ten meters from his camping area with varying difficulty yogi was set.

Laying back with a sense of accomplishment, yogi was blessed with a spectical for the eyes. The setting sun cast a beautiful glaze across the sky highlighting it with oranges, pinks and yellows caught by the clouds. Finally the exhaustion of the day taking its toll yogimiru would pass out till morning.

Word Counter : 683
Total Word Counter : 1885
Stat Gain : 9

Jutsu Training : 500/500
Inside to outside Block

Last edited by Yogi on Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:58 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : adding justu w/c)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

The Bear Pit Empty Re: The Bear Pit

Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:30 am
You can get 9 stats from this yknow. As well as putting those words towards jutsu
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The Bear Pit Empty Re: The Bear Pit

Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:14 am
Cheers I’ll make the edit
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The Bear Pit Empty Re: The Bear Pit

Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:56 am
adding 500/500 towards
Inside to outside Block
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

The Bear Pit Empty Re: The Bear Pit

Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:57 am
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