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Madrigal Kaguya
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A Day Together? (P) Empty A Day Together? (P)

Tue May 29, 2018 2:54 pm
The sun would be rising slowly over the horizon as Valen entered his office. It was a relatively simple office. As Valen was not generally a ‘show boaty’ kind of person. A large, plain desk was at the end of the room with a large window facing the village behind it. Along the sides of the room one would see multiple shelves filled with scrolls and books all painstakingly organized by the Gobi Jinchuriki. His trademark cloak would be wrapped around him as it normally was and two katana hilts could be seen poking out of the confines of said cloak. Shapeless, the sword he had been given by Kyousuke, in order to honor the teenagers late master, Denkiteki. As well as Twilight, the sword he himself discovered quite a while back when it was still corrupted. It was purified now, a weapon to channel his light release and curse mark energies into. An incredible weapon for the young man and the one he used to defeat the great beast of legend, the Gobi. The same creature that was sealed inside of him. So that he can utilize it’s powers to defend his home against those who might assault it. 

The Deputy Hogokage would move quietly toward his desk, the morning paperwork already having been brought in. One would see three chairs on his side of the desk, presumably to have any advisors sit in on conversations he might have with someone to provide their input. They however had a much more practical use. One that would be seen in a little while as he sat down and turned toward the village. Thoughts swirled throughout his head as he considered what he should do about a situation. See, eventually he would become the Hogokage. Kyousuke was given the position due to no one else being stronger than him at the time as well as him being the deputy when the position was open. However, Valen wanted the position. He desired to herald Hoshigakure into a new age of strength for the village. Kyousuke knew he desired the position of course. The issue now however, is that when the time came. Who would be his deputy? Who could he trust to lead the village in his absence should it occur? Kenshin was out of the question. Valen trusted the stitched and scarred Anbu Commander but he was not a fool. Kenshin’s loyalties lied with those who were useful to him. A village leader position would not be useful to him. It would anchor him. He simply didn’t have the desire to protect Hoshigakure in it’s purest form. Merely the will to do so because the village was useful to him. 

Kotetsu was far too green to be named Deputy Kage, and that left only one other option, Hikari Namikaze. The girl whom Valen had fallen in love with. He pulled himself away from his emotions. Forced himself to look at the situation objectively. First off, the girl loved this village. It’s people, it’s buildings, it’s very soul. She would do anything necessary to protect it in his stead if  it was required. She also had the power necessary to back up the position. All of the paperwork, and such could be learned easily. It merely took a bit of time and training of a different sort. The fact of the matter was that she had what was truly necessary for the kage to have. A deep seeded love of the village itself, despite its flaws. No one, not a single individual in the village could rightly deny that statement. 

Nodding his head in satisfaction he would begin to consider his next actions. He would of course have to tell her and offer the position to her. As well as give her any necessary training so that the position could be taken over by her swiftly and smoothly. He had just begun to wonder when would be a good time to bother her about it when he remembered something she had said the last time they had spoken. ‘I would like... I would like to spend as much time as possible with you, at least for the next little while as I try to sort out my feelings..... if that would be ok with you.’ The girl had said those very words to him not long ago. They hadn’t been able to spend time together yet. The last mission they went on they didn’t interact too much. It was more Valen wanting to cut down a bunch of drunks as they hit on her while trying to act like one of them. Maybe this would be a good time to bother her after all. He would look at the sky and note that it was still early. About 6 AM, if he were to train her in the position she would need to spend the entire day with him at least once so she could see his routine and he could explain why he in particular did it that way. Of course she herself wouldn’t be required to follow such a routine. It did mean however that she would need to start her day with him at 7:30, which is when he began. He was only here this early to contemplate things. 

Activating the Telepathy Seal they shared he would reach out to the girl whom he referred to as ‘Hoshigakure’s Angel of Light’. “Hikari, I have something I need to discuss with you but depending on your answer I might need you to be free for an entire day. It doesn’t have to be today but I do need you to be willing to meet me at my office at the latest, 7:30 AM to stay with me as late as 6 PM on any given day. Let me know if that’s able to happen to day or not. I’m here now but I’ll wait to start my work until you arrive if you choose.” He would send her before closing his eyes in contemplation. He hoped he didn’t accidentally wake her up, he tended to be a little bit of an early riser at times and he would hate to rob her of precious rest. Of course being a shinobi that tended to be something you signed up for. 

WC: 1049
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:33 am
'24...... 25...... 26...... The girl would say to herself as she continued doing sit ups at the local training ground. She was wearing a white hoodie with a rose on it, a black pair of yoa pants, and a black pair of tennis shoes. Her waist length long chestnut colored hair would fall down her back tied in a pony tail. Normally the young teenager would preform any training she needed in her alternate dimension. However, Hikari had been told she was being considered for being named a team captain, so the chestnut haired woman had decided that she needed to spend more time in the normal realm. The Jounin had been in the middle of or early day warm ups, when she suddenly heard the voice of Valen Akari in her head, asking if she had a day off sometime soon.

The Woman would respond, "Valen, yes, I have today free, and it might be the last day free I have this week, so I will go ahead and spend it with you. I assume you are at your office in the royal palace? If so, give me one minute and I will be there."

Presuming Valen didn't correct her, Hikari would teleport away, however, she the first place she went to wasn't to Valen's office, but to her personal bathroom. Maybe normally the woman would of gone straight to where she was asked to, however.... if she was meeting up with the deputy kage of hoshigakure, she wanted to make sure that she was presentable. She hadn't gotten sweaty yet from her workout, however, she wanted to make sure that she was wearing her best perfume around Valen. She had to make sure she smelled good if she was going to be around the Akari.....

Wait, why?

Of course the Kunochi had always wanted to present herself the best way she could, but still, to go back to her dimension just to put on some more perfume? Even if this was a meeting with the kage or deputy kage, that was a bit strange, seeing how Hikari was personal friends with both of them. Spending extra time just to smell better when she already smelled fine seemed like a waste of time.

Ever since Valen had confessed to her, the female Akari couldn't stop thinking about him, and while she hadn't figured out her feelings for him yet, she did have this strange desire inside her to try to please Valen in whatever way she could. (Save the way I realized it sounded after rereading this post.) Was this because of her own personal feelings for him? Or was this just her own normal desire to help others? Hikari couldn't tell for sure, but she knew she needed to spend more time with Hoshigakrue's Dark Prince before she could tell for sure. Perhaps this was a good time to do this? Heck, that might be the reason she called her.

Once she reapplied her "Hawaiian Breeze" Perfume, she would teleport to the location Valen had given her. Presuming it was his office, the girl would teleport to be about 2 meters away from Valen's desk. With a smile on her face, the Akari would greet the deputy Kage, saying "Hello Valen! Sorry I am a bit late, I was.... in the middle of something.... But anyways, what did you need me for?"
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:31 am
He knew she had arrived before she even opened her mouth. Not because of his chakra sensory picking up her chakra level. Although that did happen of course, but because of the fragrance that graced his senses when she arrived. Obviously with his eyes closed he didn’t see her, but her freshly applied perfume made her presence known just as well. He inhaled softly, taking a deep breath and instinctively committing it to memory. He’d probably always attribute this fragrance to Hikari. Something that, for the moment, he was alright with. Of course at this point the young woman would have spoken, greeting him and apologizing for being late. Which she wasn’t in the slightest. He had just told her she simply needed to be here by seven thirty but it had only been a few minutes since she responded. It was still just a bit after six, so he’d chuckle softly at her apology before giving her a small smile and speaking. “Late? Hikari I told you that you needed to be here by seven thirty. It’s just after six. I’m sorry if you were busy, I don’t want you to think it was urgent. I simply had something that I needed to talk to you about. It requires your direct input.” He would say as his steel coloured eyes met her brown ones. “Please, have a seat Hikari, depending on how the next for minutes go you’ll be spending the entire day with me. It won’t all be in this office. Actually, the majority of it won’t be. Now then. You’re aware of my position as Deputy Kage of the village yes? Unless something happens to me in the future. Which, in our line of work could happen at any time mind you. I will one day take over the mantle of Hogokage of Hoshigakure from Kyousuke. As he did from the late Queen Akihana and Akihana did from my last master, Denkiteki. Obviously, I will need a deputy at my side as well.” He would say, letting the momentary silence settle in to let what was possibly being offered to her become apparent. 

“I’ve given this a lot of thought. I’ve looked it objectively, so as not to let my own personal emotions interfere with my decision. The fact of the matter is I want you to my Deputy Kage. My reasons are simple. You would do anything in your power to protect this village from anyone or anything that might harm it. You have a love for this village unmatched in anyone else. Along with the raw power to defend it against any who might come against it.” He would pause again, letting the weight of his words settle in before continuing. “I’m sure you’re wondering ‘Why not someone like Kenshin Uzumaki.’ Whom I considered as well. He’s one of my closest allies after all. However I find he would be better suited remaining in his current position as ANBU Commander than Deputy Kage. I feel you would be the better pick for this position. As Kenshin himself is a bit more.. Secretive.. So the public image of a kage would not suit him. You however are loved by all. It simply makes sense in my eyes to name you Deputy and the next in line to lead the village should something befall me.” He would say, finishing his explanation as to why he had chosen her. His smile would never leave his face, and his eyes would never leave hers. Always making sure to be respectful. At least with the part about the eyes. The smile was simply something he could not help when he was near her. It was a cocky smirk or an arrogant grin. It wasn't a simple smile, a real smile, as small as it was. 

“I called you to spend the day with me in the event you accepted this position. Should you choose to accept I will simply have you shadow me as I go about my normal routine. Of course we’ll talk and discuss things as we go and any questions you have I’ll answer. But at the end of the day, I would like to treat you to dinner where we’ll discuss any thoughts you may have. I do insist on the ‘treat you’ part by the way. It’ll be my personal congratulations on your upcoming position.” He would say as he finally quieted and allowed all of the information he had given the girl just now to fully ‘digest’ if you will. He figured she would not have been expecting this conversation. It was however something he felt strongly about. Should she agree his smile would increase and he would nod his head in acknowledgement. “Very good then. Allow me to give you a brief rundown of how I go about my day.” He would say as he pointed at three stacks of paperwork on the desk. One of which was significantly smaller than the other two. “Obviously both Kyousuke and I have our share of paperwork. However I do mine a bit more efficiently than he does. You see three stacks of papers here. This smaller stacks.” He would say as he pulled it in front of him “Are more urgent issues that might have arisen that need a careful and immediate hand. The other two stacks are tedious things that tend to backlog everything. I personally handle the urgent issues. While I have two clones handle the tedious things throughout the day. They have my same thought process after all. So I know the work is handled well.” He would say as he formed a ram hand seal in a flash of light, from behind Hikari so as not to blind her, two copies of Valen would walk up and take the two adjacent chaired and begin working through the two larger piles. “I’m usually only doing paperwork personally for about a half hour but I make sure to stick around the office for at least a couple of hours so I’m easy to find if someone needs me. Usually I’ll study a random subject, meditate, or go over shinobi records to get a good idea of the what those under my command can do.” He would say as he moved through his paperwork at rather efficient clip. “It helps to be able to read quickly. You’ll get used to it I assure you.” He would say as he signed the document and set it aside. “The important thing is to read everything. You never know what people will try to slide into requests and such. I almost signed a document promising 10 Jonin shinobi as guards for a small town halfway into the desert. Can you believe that?” He’d ask with a smirk as he continued. “Documents that don’t get signed get put into their own separate piles after highlighting the offending issues. They’ll get sent back and whoever sent in the document will edit it to a more satisfactory manner. For things more urgent I don’t mind making a personal visit to get something done.” He would say a he continued to move through his own stack.

“For the most part it’s simply ‘be reasonable’ you have access to knowledge of our forces as well as what we have in terms of trade, use it.” He would say as he took a moment to look up at the girl and give her a smile. “It seems like a lot, but you get used to it rather quickly.” He would say as he moved to the last paper in his pile. “Kyousuke gets the mission requests and handles those accordingly. He obviously can’t leave on them himself but I can, it would seem a bit biased if a village leader that could give himself all of the better missions was the one organizing them. Ya know?” He would ask with a smile as he signed the last document, having no issues with it. He would set it aside into the pile before picking up the entire thing and lining up the papers with a couple of taps on the desk. He would then put it all in a folder before setting it in a on his desk marked ‘out’. “Any questions so far?” He would ask, wanting to make sure he gave her the time she needed to ask any questions. Should she have none he would nod his head before glancing at the time. “I usually stay in my office until about 9:30, it’s only 7:30 now, so I suppose we have a couple of hours to kill. Would you like to do something in particular?” He would ask in curiosity, his clones still diligently working on their piles of paperwork.

WC: 1459
TWC: 2508
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:04 pm
As the Deputy Kage would point out the fact that Hikari had arrived early, a blush would appear on the girl’s face.

‘No way……’

The girl would allow her eyes to quickly dart around the room, looking for a way to figure out how long she had taken, eventualy, her golden eyes would cast its gaze upon a small electric clock that was high up on the northern most wall of the room.


Had she really gotten here that quickly? She was only at the training field a few mere minutes ago! Had she rushed that quickly to arrive here? Sure, she had rushed to get here, and yes she hadn’t been paying attention to the time, but normally it took her at least 30 minutes to freshen up, had she only done it in about 5?

S…..Sorry….” The Jounin would apologize, “I… just rushed here as quickly as I could, I was out on the training field and lost track of time, so I presumed I was late….

Unless Valen had something else to say on the matter, Hoshigakure’s Fuinjutsu Misstress of light would take a seat at the Village leader’s command, and start to talk about how he may one day need a deputy Kage at his side. To this the Kunochi would start to think deeply, a new Deputy Kage? That seemed a little too soon to try to think of someone to be Valen’s second if he one day became Hogokgae. Kyousuke was still healthy and didn’t seem to have any intention of retiring any time soon. However, getting a head start about who would be a good choice about who would and wouldn’t be a good candidate couldn’t hurt. Racking her head of all the Hoshi ninja she knew, there were only 3 people that were anywhere near the level needed to take on the role, Kenshin Uzumaki, Yurei Uchiha, and Kotetsu, that being said….. none of them really seemed like a good choice. Kotetsu and Yurei had only just achieved the rank of Jounin not that long ago, and both were too green to put into such a prominent position. Perhaps time would give them more experience that would allow them to take the position, but only time would tell. Then there was Kenshin Uzumaki, he was definitely experienced enough. The man who took two full powered blast from Calestial Lumine had definitely proven himself to be one of Hoshigakure’s most powerful shinobi. However, the title that was carried by the man sitting across from Hikari wasn’t just a name sake. The title of Deputy Kage was a more of a cross to be carried by one who cared deeply for the village. While the Kage of the village was expected to lay down his or her life for the village, he was also a political figure.

If a village was pieces on a chest board, the Kage would most certainly be the king, whereas all of the villagers would be other pieces on the board, ranging from pawns to knights. Those pieces could be moved, used to attack, and sacrificed as often as needed, however, the King must be protected at all cost. In the same way, the Kage must be protected at all cost. If a kage were to die, then the village would lose its face, its structure, and despair would fall upon the shinobi of the village. In a war, loosing your kage and losing a king would result in the same thing, a loss for said leader’s side.

The Deputy Kage position would be different however, and could be considered more of a queen than a King. Questionably one of the most powerful pieces on the board, the queen can be move across the board quickly and would demand the attention of the opposing side. Similar to that, the Deputy Kage needed to be powerful, and wherever they went, it would warrant the attention of any enemies of the village. However, unlike the King, the queen was in the end not essential to the game. Losing a queen would be a great blow to any village or chess player, sure. However, given time, a player could recover the loss of a queen. Heck, even a lowly pawn could possibly take its place at one point. The same could be said about the deputy kage, given enough time, many could take up the role.

Anyways, to get to the point of this analogy, similar to that of a queen on a chess board, the Deputy Kage could be risked and sacrificed a lot easier than that of the Kage as it wouldn’t cause any long term damage to the village. As such the Deputy Kage must be willing to sacrifice him/herself at the blink of an eye for the betterment of the village. Valen Akari deffinitly had the heart for this, but did Kenshin Uzumaki? In all the time that the girl knew the Uzumaki, Kenshin didn’t seem to care that much for the village. The only time that the Albino Jounin seemed to care for anyone besides himself was when he entered himself into her chunin selection exam in order to help the Rainbow colored hair genin that was in her group. Besides that, Hikari had never gotten the feeling that Kenshin would raise a finger to help someone unless it somehow benefited him, let alone offer his life to defend Hoshi.

At this point, Valen would break the silence, with a response that Hikari had not expected.

Explaining why he thought that Hikari would make for a good choice for the position, Hikari was taken aback that Valen thought so highly of her. Sure, she knew he had feelings for her, but this was quite different than that. This was….. Hikari didn’t know what this was. Respect? Admiration? Trust? It was so many different things rolled up into one, that the Jounin didn’t know how to take it.

Once the Dark Prince of Hoshigakure would finish explaining his choice, he would await Hikari’s response. Which Hikari would hesitate to respond to,

“V…Valen…. I don’t know what to say! This….. I am honored you think so highly of me, but I think your trust is in the wrong place. I….”

‘Am just a little maid girl that is in way over her head.’ The Jounin would almost say, but stopped herself. No, she had no right to continue to say that. She had become a hero of the village, helping recapture the five tails when it attempted to flee the village, healing one of the princesses of Haven when she had her brother pulled a knife across her neck, having gone toe to toe with the current Hogokage, her curse marks, even if she had sworn off using them anymore, and even her battle with Kenshin, Although she had lost, she had been told stories of how her brilitant light of Calestial Lumine had inspired many young academy students to work even harder at their studies. In addition to that, the deputy kage standing across the room from her didn’t think of her as a small town tavern girl.

[i] “I……..

Valen….. I understand that you think that this is the right choice…. But we have lost a lot of people as of late. Akihana, Dentiki ….. You may be right, I may be currently one of the stronger people in Hoshigakure……… but still, we have much time before this becomes an issue. Kyousuke only became kage a few months ago, I am sure he will remain in the position for a few years. In that time, I am sure other more qualified candidates will emerge from our students.”

Hikari would take a deep breath before continuing, “I…… I know you think I am strong…. I know most of the village thinks I am strong…. But with all honesty? I am not. I know you don’t like me saying this, but I am just a little tavern girl. I only appear strong because we are still trying to find our feet as a village in this world. We have our first generation of shinobi, yes, but the next generation will surely pass us. Prehaps you, Kenshin, and some others will remain strong in the village, but me….” The Chestnut haired Jounin would break her gaze from the deputy kage and look at her right arm, without even noticing it she had placed her left hand on it to stop it from trembling, the arm that still felt numb from the last time she fired a light of the heavens. “I don’t know if I could keep up when the next generation comes.”

WC: 1452

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Slight Grammer Issue)
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:02 pm
The small smile Valen had when she arrived wouldn’t leave his face as she looked at the clock and stuttered out an apology. If anything, it would increase due to a small chuckle he would release at her explanation. “If you recall Hikari, I told you ‘as late as 7:30’ you have nothing to apologize for. I was merely explaining that you aren’t late in the least.” He would say, motioning toward the chair for her to take a seat. “Relax, please.” He would say the same things he had told her before, his decision to name her his Deputy should she accept the position. As well as his reasons for doing so. The young woman however would respond in a way he should’ve seen coming. ‘Self-doubt, insecurity, and attempting to dodge the issue to push forward the idea of someone stronger one day being able to replace me instead. She’s nervous, understandable, but it’s something that needs to be stamped out.’ He would think as the young woman finish her speech. The final words of her starting she didn’t know if she could keep up with the next generation fading into nothingness in all but their minds. Valen’s eyes narrow in thought for a moment, but they wouldn’t leave hers for a moment. Deep gray meeting chocolate brown as he considered her words before he wordlessly stood up and move toward the window “Come here Hikari.” He would say simply, motioning for her to take the spot next to him. 

Should she comply he would stand in the window for a moment, the early morning sun rising over the village as it rose, illuminating the buildings in a brilliant display. The sky a tapestry of purples, pinks, and oranges as the early risers began to move about the village. The occasional shadow could be seen moving across the rooftops showing the shinobi on patrol working hard to defend their village from any possible threat. “I agree with most of what you said.” He would begin, pausing to let his words sink in. “The next generation will one day surpass us. It’s their duty after all. As ours is to protect and guide them until they do. They need role models, leaders, people to look up to that will not only protect them with their lives but inspire them to fight for the home and country if necessary. It isn’t just about power, it’s about strength of character. The willpower needed to fight on and persevere through any obstacle. It’s about the bigger picture. You are one of the most powerful shinobi in this village. As are Kenshin and I, with Kotetsu not far behind us. However out of every single individual in this village I would choose no one other than you to replace me should the time come. Because people look up to you. You inspire them to move on and you’re, human moments.” He would say, politely inferring to her clumsiness at times. “Give them the satisfaction and comfort that this beautiful, and strong woman is just like them. A human, merely trying to do her best to make the village a better place.” He would say before he turned toward her. 

“In regards to how soon it is. We’re shinobi Hikari-chan.” He would say begin. “We don’t exactly have a long life expectancy, both Denkiteki-Sensei and Lady Akihana were healthy merely days before their death  as well. We can never be too careful and I always like to be prepared.” He would say simply. Leaving the thought at that as at this point it would be fairly obvious that he hoped she wouldn’t have to be forced into the position too soon. But that life wasn’t always fair and and the better prepared you are for unexpected things to occur the better off one was. “With all of that in mind, can I persuade you to rethink your decision?” He would ask softly. If the young woman said no, he would respect the decision. It was hers to make after all, and he wouldn’t force her into it. Such a thing would give the people of Hoshi a leader who didn’t truly want what was best for them. That was something that Valen simply could not allow. He would have to promote somoene else to the position instead, maybe Kotetsu, if she truly didn’t want it.

WC: 730
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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:02 pm
Upon the Deputy Kage's request, the Kunochi would stand and come to the extravagant window with the village leader. Valen would continue on his speach as the girl looked out the window, a color display of warm light encompasing her and the shinobi standing to her side. Not a blinding light, but a briliant light full of color.

The Deputy Kage would explain how it is fine if the next generation surpased her, that it was actualy their job to do so, and that her job would only need to be to protect them until that time came, and that the day she may need to take up the mantle could come any day now.

Any day......

By Hikari's own admision, she was one of the stronger shinobi in the village right now, and if the day came that someone needed to step up and take Valen's place so he could rise up to the position of Hogokage, she would be one of the better options at this point to do so.

The Deputy Kage would ask if Hikari would reconsider her position, to which Hikari would bite her lip, should she take upon the task? She had no problem putting her life on the line for the village's sake, but at the same time.... there had to be someone better.... right?

Racking her brain for someone, anyone else that would be better, the Jounin was left speachless, not a single name could come to mind. Which would create her answer

"Valen..... I will accept, but I do have two conditions." The Jounin would explain, "As you stated, the previous generation will one day surpass us. I hope that you and Kyousuke will both have a long life, filled with many years of staying in your position, but.....

The Chestnut haired girl would break eye contact for a second. "Something could happen to you two as you said....." the chestnut haired fuinjutsu user griminced at the thought  losing Kyousuke was hard, but the thought of loosing Valen? It was completely unbareable.

Attempting to harden her resolve, the girl would look back at the deputy Kage "If Lord Kyouske is the one who steps down, either due to being unable to fufill is duty as Kage or retirement, then I will accept on the grounds that you do annother evaluation of the village and your feelings. If you still feel that I am the best choice for the job, if you still feel the way you currently do, then I will fill the void that you leave as you fill the void that Kyousuke left. That is my first condition.

My second condition is that you must promise me something, in the regaurd of possiblity that you don't leave your title to take up the title of Kage, but because Kyousuke is forced to choose your replacement because of your death."
While Hikari tried to hide her emotions at the thought of this, a single tear would start to form under the Kunochi's eye, betraying her feelings. "If this is to happen, I need Kyousuke to understand that I do not feel like I could fufill my role as Deputy Kage, and he would have to choose annother to become his right hand man."

Trying to ignore the tear that would fall from her eye, the girl would push the question.

"Well, Lord Akari? Those are my conditions, and I will not negotiate on them. Would.... would you be willing to accept?"

At the point, the female Akari would await to hear the Dark Prince of Hoshigakure's desicion on this. Would he be willing to humor the maiden?
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:47 pm
The gray eyed Akari would listen to the young girls thoughts on the matter, seeing as she bit her lip in thought. Doubtlessly the young woman was trying to figure out who would possibly be a better option than her at this time. Eventually, she would speak. Although the young woman would have conditions with her acceptance. Something Valen was more than willing to agree to so long as they were acceptable. After all, taking on the position of Deputy was hard, you were a leader to your people. An example for all of them on what kind of shinobi one needed to be. Such a task, would have it’s risks and people would have their worries over it. So it would be no surprise the young girl wished to make conditions for taking the appointment. She would start off speaking "As you stated, the previous generation will one day surpass us. I hope that you and Kyousuke will both have a long life, filled with many years of staying in your position, but..... “ At this point the girl would break the eye contact, causing Valen to raise an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before she continued  "Something could happen to you two as you said....." The young woman would say, grimacing at the thought. Now, Valen was not an idiot, a bit slow at times regarding certain subject, but he wasn’t stupid by any means. He wouldn’t be in his position if he was. Was the thought of losing him or Kyousuke that painful? 

Suddenly the girl would meet his eyes again before speaking, a harder edge to her voice. As if confidence had been forcefully instilled to meet a challenge. "If Lord Kyousuke is the one who steps down, either due to being unable to fulfill his duty as Kage or retirement, then I will accept on the grounds that you do another evaluation of the village and your feelings. If you still feel that I am the best choice for the job, if you still feel the way you currently do, then I will fill the void that you leave as you fill the void that Kyousuke left. That is my first condition." She would say, prompting a swift nod in return. That was simple, if she truly felt that way then doing another evaluation for potential candidates would be simple. The only one close to being able to perform the job though was Kotetsu Shinogami, and Valen wasn’t confident in the teenagers capabilities yet. Partially due to the lack of time he was able to spend with his apprentice, and partially because of the performance the young man gave in their last fight. If he hadn’t of forced the deputies phasing technique at the last moment, he wouldn’t have been promoted. 

The girl would continue speaking however, bringing her next condition to the light. "My second condition is that you must promise me something, in the regard of possibility that you don't leave your title to take up the title of Kage, but because Kyousuke is forced to choose your replacement because of your death." At this point the girls eyes would begin to water, a single tear forming under one of them as a bit of her true feelings came forth. Valen’s eyes would widen at this "If this is to happen, I need Kyousuke to understand that I do not feel like I could fulfill my role as Deputy Kage, and he would have to choose another to become his right hand man." At these words Valen’s mind would run into overdrive thinking a million miles a minute but every thought situated around the simple question of ‘Is this her saying she feels the same way about me?’. 

While the chestnut haired girl would be content to ignore the falling tear Valen would not, raising his hand quickly, his non dominant right hand. As the tear was falling from the girls left eye. He would wipe the tear away without a word. The girl would voice her next question "Well, Lord Akari? Those are my conditions, and I will not negotiate on them. Would.... would you be willing to accept?" She would ask, prompting the man to smile softly at the girl. “I will, on the added condition that should you one day have to replace me as kage due to..untimely event,  that you do so with grace and dignity. Grieve, of course, but the village will need someone to guide them. I love you Hikari, I have for a long time now, you know this. However despite how you might feel in that situation should it arise. You’ll need to stand tall for your people.” He would say simply, a somber expression on his face now as he spoke. The girls condition stated she would accept the deputy position so long as Kyousuke were the one to need replacing. So long as Valen himself lived. However the girl hadn’t seemed to consider that one day after she might need to replace himself. This was something he had to make sure she could do. Of course he expected her to one day train her own potential deputy. Who could perform the duties while the young woman grieved. However, she would need to move on from it as soon as she was ready and take on the mantle. He wouldn’t know what to say at this point, part of him wanted to ask her if she felt the same way as him due to her reaction before. However that could’ve easily been the thought of losing someone she thought of as an extremely close friend. He wouldn’t dare make the situations awkward by asking. If she said something, or did something to clear the doubt. Then that was that. 

WC: 966
TWC: 4204
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:34 pm
"I will, on the added condition that should you one day have to replace me as kage due to..untimely event,  that you do so with grace and dignity."


Could the girl bare to bringherself to do such a thing?

If this event were to happen, it would mean that Valen and Kyouske both died unatural deaths....... and that would leave Hikari as the head of the village, a thought that she (and she was sure Kenshin Uzumaki) would dread. No there was no way she could do this. However, a thought occured the the young maiden as she thought this, a get around. The day where she would have to take up the hat of the Hogokage would never come, for a single reason.

She would die defending the man in front of her.

If she was to be deputy kage, and Valen the Hogokage, she would be the one who would be given the more dangerous task. She would be the one that would have to go on the more dangerous missions, she would be the one that would risk her life for the village, where the male Akari would be able to live a more comfortable life, a life behind the desk of the kage. No, if she agreed to this and she became deputy kage, she knew the day that the young maiden would have to live without a knight in shining armour would never come.

A deep silence could be heard throughout the room as a mere molment turned into about a minute of the girl thinking, preparing herself for what she was about to do, then, with a simple two words, she said something that she knew she may regret for the rest of her natural life.

"I accept."

A power could be felt in her words as the escaped her soft lips, she didn't yell them, no, she didn't even speak them in a high voice. Hoshigakure's Misstress of Fuinjutsu would say the word with conviction.
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:32 pm
An ominous silence descended upon the room. The girl before him deep in thought as she considered his condition. Was it really that difficult for the girl in front of him to consider such a thought? The very idea that if he were to die she would have to continue on strongly? His clones paused in their work, turning toward the girl in thought and shock. Was she having such a difficult time coming to terms with the idea because she felt the same for him as he did for her? At this point the thoughts of her feeling dread over taking over the position because of both him and Kyousuke dying left his mind completely. This wasn’t a girl who wanted to keep two friends. At least it wasn’t only that. This was a girl who had simply yet to fully realize her feelings for him. The realization struck him mentally, as well as emotionally. He had just asked this girl, no, this woman in front of him if she would willingly take over the village after the person she loved died. He made it a condition of her acceptance for crying out loud! The silence dragged on as the horror of what he had actually asked the woman to do. His heart pounding in his chest as it took every ounce of willpower he had to not visibly shake. 

He fought to form words, to speak a coherent thought. He needed to tell her she didn’t need to accept the offer, or the condition. The words however wouldn’t form so easily, it was as if something was holding him back from speaking. He just could not say it. It was at this point that the two words that he actually dreaded at this point escaped the lips of the woman he loved. 

“I accept.”

An ominous power could be felt in her voice, a decision had been made. One that was not made without careful thought. The words, laced with conviction, would be heard throughout the room. Despite the low volume in which it was delivered. Tears of his own would threaten to escape his own eyes, the tiny pinpricks of water visible to the naked eye if one had the senses sharp enough. He had just asked the woman he loved if she would give her life for the village, for him, in it’s defense. He asked her if she would forego he own grief, he own sorrow at his death and continue on. Pushed her toward it even, and she had accepted. Such careful thought went into the answer that he couldn’t simply change his mind now. He would be doing her a disservice in doing so. She was still the best option he had, and he had to accept that as well as her answer. He cold fist formed in the pit of his stomach. He felt like he was about to throw up, but he hardened his own resolve, and spoke, his own voice low, gentle, a tone that didn’t often leave his lips. “Very well then, should Kyousuke either step down or fall in battle, I will do a check for other candidates. Should no viable ones be found other than yourself then I will declare you Deputy Kage at the same time of my own appointment.” He would say, his own mood having soured immensely over what he had done. 

He felt monstrous, he felt as if he had just condemned the woman he loved to death with a potential promotion of all things. He didn’t know if he could handle that right now. He didn’t know if he could be near her without breaking down for it either. His eyes would be downcast as he forced himself to continue. He had work to do, however he would need to distance himself from her for a day or so. He needed to come to terms with what he had just done. He was a leader, but sometimes it was difficult to separate what one had to do in that position when the object of one’s heart became a part of the equation. Wordlessly he would slowly reach forward and gently take her hand into his own before slowly raising it to his lips. Pressing a gentle kiss upon the back of her hand before letting it go he would speak only two words before teleporting out of his office to lord knew where.

“I’m sorry” 

His clones would dispel upon his teleportation, their paperwork done. He would return by the end of the day. However unless the girl specifically followed him then she wouldn’t see him by chance for a day or so. He needed time to come to terms with the fine line between being a leader, and being in love.

WC: 800
TWC: 5004
Putting 4k out of that to learning wind element. 
putting the extra 1004 words toward this putting me at 2423 total toward it thanks to this and 20 AP.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Day Together? (P) Empty Re: A Day Together? (P)

Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:41 am
The Chestnut haired maiden wouldn't resist as Valen took her hand a kissed it, she herself was deep in thought as she considered what she had just done. She had probaly just signed her own death warrent. Probably gave up any chance she had of beign a normal girl, to one day retire and have children. However, if that meant the rest of Hoshigakure got sleep more comfortably at night, if that meant that one day Valen may be able to retire and have children of his own if he so wished it, it was a sacrifice that Hoshigakure's Fuinjutsu Misstress of Light was willing to take.

And with a quick, "I'm sorry." It was over. Valen disappeared in a flash of an eye. The clones that had been doing work in the background also disapeared. Just like that? Thinking about it, that desicion was probably as hard, if not harder on Valen then it was on her. The Deputy Kage knew the risk that came with the position, and he just was forced to ask the woman he loved to take it, an act that no man should be expected to do.

Either way, Hikari doubted that Valen would return anytime soon, at least as long as she stood here. Knowing the dark prince had much work to be done, the Kunochi would disapear in a flash, heading back to the training ground where she would be able to get her mind off of the events that just unfolded before her.

[topic closed]

Will add up WC and make claims later, but for now, if it is ok, I would like to claim the title of Deputy Hogokage.
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