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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:19 pm

Grapefruits are quite good for eating. With sugar, they are pleasant breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. So, over the past few days, any small jobs which Satoru finds around the village's slums give him funds solely towards his living arrangements and purchasing grapefruit and sugar. Today, Satoru takes his money and does the same thing; he is in the market to purchase grapefruits and powdered sugar. However... a problem has been encountered. Money is scarce. And by scarce, Satoru does not have enough money to buy a grapefruit.

"I guess I could buy sugar alone..." Satoru whispers. His thoughts are stopped by what sounds like a surge of activity to his right. Along with this, heat radiates from the same direction. Looking over, a dim light also exists farther into the crowd.

Satoru decides to get up and walk over to this area. After slipping his way between people to see what the commotion is, Satoru finds himself face to face with a burning building. Also, being low on funds and being a shinobi, Satoru also sees the opportunity to perform an act of civil service for a reward. Seeing what is the likely future course of action, some backup would be preferred.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:27 pm
Hakucho had flown off, leaving Tsume to chase him. "Wait! we can get to the training ground together it isn't a race!" Hakucho gave a panicked shriek. "Smoke?" He gets up on a roof to get a view to seeing what Hakucho was seeing. There was a mass smoke collection, along with fire. Without hesitation, the Chokyoshi took off the danger. Of course, Hakucho followed. 

Apon arriving at the scene, Tsume saw Satoru, which wasn't the first time. "We have to get the people out of those buildings." He instructed with the emergency.  He looked at Hakucho. "Find a bucket and fill it with water while I get the people out of the buildings." Hakucho didn't wait any longer, he left with swift flight. Tsume didn't hesitate either, he jumped into one of the open windows at the top, across from the one side on fire. 

Now inside the blistering hot building, Tsume only had a bit to look around for survivors. He careful crept around to look for people affected by it while also not disturbing the crumbling ground below him. It wasn't long before he heard the cry of an infant. Swiftly, he came closer to the cause of the upsetting cry. It was a woman holding a baby, by the looks of it, only a few months old. "Get down, I have a way out." She listened and crept with him. Once they got to the opening, Tsume grabbed the woman holding the baby and jump down with a graceful landing, all three were safe. The job might not be over though, it was still a big building.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:31 pm
Through training one can become more in tune with the world around them. It is this that Miyamoto has taught himself in order to become one that can help the village in the way that his friends and companions wanted. The training with the two Gening Satoru and Tsume taught him that stepping out of the shadows of the past could be a wonderful thing. He was grateful to them for this, and when their training ended, he promised he would be watching them, and to call if they needed anything. Using the Mind Eye of the Kagura he was able to find them, however, and some other chakra signatures, he could tell they were distressed.

"Damn the luck..." Miyamoto took off for his two acquaintances, he arrived at a building aflame with a fire that seemed to almost have a bestial attitude as it began to threaten the buildings beside it. He was able to quickly see Satoru as he made the hand seals for the Earth Wall technique, using it to wall off the building from the other buildings around it. It was going to put a strain on whoever was inside, but it was the only way he could figure to contain the blaze.

"SATORU IF YOU CAN HEAR MY VOICE BRING THE WOUNDED TO MY LOCATION I WILL WALL OFF A TRIAGE AREA!" He yelled out as he again used the Earth Wall technique to create a walled-off area so the smoke would be less abundant. He found a few wounded and had them moved to the walled-off area where he performed basic medical care on them, making sure to remove as much smoke from them as he could. He could not see Tsume, but people continued to arrive talking about a kid leading them from the blaze. He smirked as he continued to treat all that came to him.

WC: 314
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:00 am
Thor had been up late last night drinking but this time no hangover so he hadn’t over done it. He was on patrol of the city hoping to get some action anything. He had his full suit of gear on his head band on the back of his neck hoping to keep the sun off of it. Then he saw the fumes rising high into the sky. He started running when he saw his team. Tsume was inside the building and he saw hachuco fly away. He yelled “did someone call for help” in between breaths. He threw his wepons down except for the ring and his clothes. Then grabbed the bucket from hachuco and jumped in throwing water onto the main intrance hoping to put it out. “Then yelled sorry for taking the bucket but I’m not fire retardant.”

 Before running inside. He got to the floor Tsume was on and saw him jump. Thor continued up to the top floor, in this case the third. And transformed his ring into a sword before hacking a new hole into the wall and starting to lead people through it. He took two at a time down using his surface walking jutsu. When he reached the ground Thor placed them on the ground by miamoto. Then went back up trying to get people out of the top floor before it collapsed.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:29 am
And backup arrives as if one que. First to be seen is Tsume, a person whom Satoru knows from a spar not too long ago. This meeting involved one other person, Miyamoto who arrives on the scene second. Satoru, standing in front of the burning building, sees the walls of rock erected between the building and other structures in order to keep the fire from spreading. This is Miyamoto's doing.

While watching these two acquaintances do their work, Satoru is also beginning to perform two tasks asked of him, one by Tsume, another by Miyamoto. The first is to quickly bring water to the area via a bucket. The second is to enter the building and attempt to rescue any people within it.

Satoru turns around and begins to dash for a water source until he sees another person moving as a ninja would. He leaps and grabs a bucket from Tsume's flying companion. Assuming that this new person is taking on the job of using water in this situation, Satoru finds himself skipping to Miyamoto's request which is to rescue all endangered civilians.

In an instant, he darts to turn towards the burning building and causes a faint blue glow to appear just above his skin and clothing. His speed and strength are increased by the lightning javelin technique and Satoru uses this added speed and strength to run into the burning building, grab one person trapped on the second floor, and leap out through a window. He then proceeds to drop of this young man at the area set up by Miyamoto for treating any wounded.

Satoru's stamina has yet to give out though. His technique still active, he turns and runs back into the building. This time, he jumps back in through the window he most recently jumped out of. Once inside, he does not waste any time as he runs through hallways and opens each door to listen for cries for help. One is heard after opening one door. This girl had been painting when the fire started and now hides beneath her easel to avoid the flames lashing out from the walls. The radiating hear and growing reach of the surrounding flames will likely also cause the easel to catch fire as well.

A split second decision is made to increase the work load Satoru will put on himself. He grabs the easel and painting supplies in one arm and scoops the girl up with his other. Believing that he has no time to find the one window again, Satoru simply kicks a hole into the window of this room and jumps from it to the ground. This girl and her painting supplies are taken to the designated spot.

While Satoru is doing all that he can to rescue anyone heard or found in the building, the question still remains in his head: how will the flames be put out?

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:31 pm
After the first group was delivered safely thanks to Tsume, he quickly went back to the burning building. Hakucho was close the building when Thor took the bucket of water he had in his talons, which kinda ticked him off. He worked his tail feathers off to find a bucket and a body of water. But Hakucho had no time to complain, he just picked up the bucket again and headed off for the body of water again to fill with water. 

Tsume was towards the back at the top level, the hardest place to escape a fire from. And to little surprise, he found someone. It was a middle-aged man, he got trapped under a ceiling beam. Tsume checked to see was alive. Before he could check his pulse, the man groaned. Tsume slowly lifted the beam off, and it broke off into ash as it hit the floor. The man was in no condition to get up on his own, so Tsume carefully lifted him onto his back and to the window at the end of the hallway they were in. To some unsettling surprise, the entrance that Tsume came up was now blocked off by fire. They were running out of time, the smoke-choked them both. Tsume had to lower himself closer to the floor as to escape the smoke. It almost seemed the end until a part of the wall that leads to the outside fell down. Quickly heading to the opening, only to be blocked off by a wall of fire. Once again it seemed the odds were stacked against them until the fire was suddenly put out by none other than the white feathered angel, Haku. The firewall was put out. "Thanks, buddy," Tsume thanked before jumping out and landing with grace. Haku took off for more water, this might Hakucho only mission. The Chokyoshi landed by Miyamoto and lied the body by Miya. "This one is seriously hurt." He warned before going back into the perial for the sake of saving some more lives. 

TWC: 612
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:15 pm
Miyamoto worked damage control to the best of his ability. The strain on his chakra was immense, and he could feel himself being pulled into one area or another, but these people needed him so he could not back down now. When he heard the sound of falling wood inside the blaze it angered him that he was unable to do anything at that current time. With a sigh though he continued to ease the pain of others while making sure the fire did not spread any more than the house. When the sound of wood exploding out onto the street hit his ears he was greeted with an obviously scorched Tsume holding an elderly man. When Tsume asked him to take care of him, Miyamoto just nodded before walking up to the man and using his Chakra Anesthetic to help ease the man's pain. He could tell the man was failing due to his injuries, so Miyamoto used Yin Healing Wound Destruction to begin to mend the man's wounds. His chakra was becoming weak, and as such, he felt a bit light-headed

"Hurry it up in there guys, we need to transport the wounded to a hospital. I am not equipped to do all this work." Miyamoto yelled out loudly, hoping they heard.

Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:46 pm
As everyone else was working as hard as Thor I’d not harder he jumped down from the building holding an elderly man tenderly. He had grabbed him from a closet where he had hidden. He placed him down next to the rest of the survivors and said “I’ll be right back.” To miamoto. Then Thor took off towards the nearest home goods store. He arrived and opened the door in a hurry. It almost took out a small elderly woman as she was about to open the door. He sprinted down the isle labeled hoses and grabbed a large half foot hose. Then slammed his wallet onto the counter and ran back to the fire. He attached a hose onto the nearest hydrant and let the water fly quickly putting out the flames near the entrance and surrounding the windows nearest to him. He would yell “Hachuco can you please transform and put out these flames, you are much stronger than me and I really need to help the wounded.” He had seen the bird transform earlier during the extremely brief spar with the pair almost a week earlier. 

If the bird obliged his humble request Thor would run over to miamoto and ask him “ what can I do sensei.” Thor was a medical ninja but didn’t know much medical jutsu it was really quite backwards. He would do what the much more expirenced ninja asked and then some just hoping that he was being as helpful as the rest of the team.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:13 pm
Resourcefully, the blond haired boy has done well. His actions in grabbing a hose and attaching it to a source of water in order to put out the flames of the house is a smart choice. Satoru continues to aid in retrieving people from within the building. He decides that it is time to step up how much stamina he is willing top put into this task.

Satoru stands before the building and chooses a window which is not yet broken to enter through. The fact that this area of the home has not been damaged enough to break the window means that there may be people in there who have yet to be rescued. He performs a unique hand seal and causes a clone of himself to materialize. This clone is solid and acts of its own will though it is the same will of the original Satoru. Both of them leap into the area of the building with little damage through different windows.

Once inside, the two Satorus work with double efficiency due to the fact that the two bodies perform the same work in different rooms of the building. They search the house fervently to locate any humans or pets within it. Eventually, one finds a cat. This pet is scooped up and this Satoru continues swiftly to approach another room. In it, a second cat. This cat too is scooped up. With his hands now full, this Satoru finds the window through which he entered and uses it as an exit. He leaps down and drops the two cats down in the designated area.

As for the second Satoru, he has less lives to save. There are no people or pets in the rooms he is searching. However, he hears the quiet pleas of little boy somewhere. He follows the voice and opens the door to the room from which the boy can be heard. He is found on his hands and knees with his hand over his mouth. This is so that he does not breath in the smoke which is accumulating towards the ceiling. Satoru picks up this boy whom he judges to be no more than eight years of age. With the little boy in his arms, Satoru makes a beeline for the nearest window and leaps from it.

Out of this window, he finds himself face to face with the building next to this one. He makes quick action and moves his legs so as to cushion his impact with the wall. He then uses chakra to secure himself onto the surface of the house's side. Following this, his descent is slow and controlled as he is careful not to disturb the boy in his arms who has gone through enough stress.

Finally, Satoru drops the boy off at the care area set up by Miyamoto. The clone jutsu is dispelled and the second Satoru disappears in a puff of white smoke. By this time, the fire should be put out. So, a job done as well as possible given the circumstances and the timing, Satoru thanks the three ninja who has pitched in to help this situation and is on his way.

(1,000/1,000 towards mission completion)

[Mission Complete]
[Claims: 2k ryo, 5 AP, 586 words to summoning technique (claiming), 632 words to Shadow Imitation Jutsu B rank]
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Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK] Empty Re: Let's be Firefighters! [IO, NK]

Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:26 pm
Satoru approved
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