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Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:03 am
Tenma was just raised to the Chuunin level, but that did not mean he could just slack off, no , instead that meant he needed to get stronger then he was before, and nothing was going to be done to stop him from getting to that point. At this time, Tenma was focusing only on one combo, and he needed to change that, become less predictable, prevent what happened with the exams from happening again.

Tenma raised out of bed, Washed himself up, and then dressed in a new uniform, his Chuunin vest on over black cloth gi, he was forgoing his normal Armored look for something a little more versatile. He left the little apartment of his without eating, he knew with what he had planned he would just throw it back up anyways.

Tenma made his way to the hanging gardens, this was a quite place for him to train his Water and Ice jutsu without prying eyes or really much interference. With a few Hand signs, Tenma used his Rain Tiger At Will, fully maxed out the range, He closed his eyes, standing out in the middle of the Rain Tiger, and in a aisle with no covering, there was a Gazebo close by, the very one where he trained with that one girl, but her name slipped his mind at this moment.

He remembered however, the book he had left there, the one about Water jutsu, he walked over under the Gazebo and picked the book up, and began flipping through it, reading the jutsu, trying to decide which one he wanted to learn, then saying forget it, he started with the first one and just would go down the line of water jutsu.

Fish Spit, the jutsu was as simple as it sounded, with the Monkey hand sign, it was no problem at all, Tenma was Spewing Water around in no time, it was not really damaging, but it could be useful in its own way, he supposed anyways, he would release the hand sign and swallowed the little bit of water that built up in his mouth, it was refreshing however.

The next one in the book to learn was a little more in depth, but not by much. Dog, Tiger, and clones were made, however unlike Shadow clones, these clones were not solid, this one would need to be combined with something to make it truly work, at this time, it would not really be useful to Tenma, however he stared at the clone, maybe he just needed to work on it a little more, this clone does have potential , and he could make many more, for very little chakra, but that was only due to a lack of Physical Substance. Tenma would work more on this one later, he would release the clone and return to the book.

The next one was another clone technique, Tenma went to read on about the clone however, this one was more solid, like the Shadow clone technique, however it was made of water, Well that could be convinent in deed, So he started to train with this technique next, with a single Tiger Seal, two Clones appeared, He stared at the pair, this could help things alone greatly.

Then when he went back to the book he caught one major flaw with these clones, unlike Shadow Clones, they can not use the level of jutsu he was going to try learning faster, with a sigh he would release the water clones, watching them fall into puddles of water at his feet, making the last dry spot anywhere near him, now soaked.

He looked at the puddles, perfect, he needed this for the next technique anyways, Hiding in Water, With a series of three hand signs, Tenma would then step onto the puddle and sink into it, disappearing completely within the puddle. This could be very useful indeed, he wondered just how many people realize the power they held in theirselves knowing jutsu like these, he took a moment to rest inside the puddle before coming back out and looked in the book yet again, Tenma was sure he would be drilling these jutsu more in his head, however these were simple so he could pull them off with ease.

He read on to yet another jutsu, Water Shuriken, Seemed simple enough, Tenma formed the hand sign, and watched as the shuriken were formed in front of him, but they were kind of hovering there, he read the book more in depth on the jutsu, he realized that this technique however, required to either be throwing when summoned or thrown later, so this technique could have multiple purposes indeed, Tenma's mind was reeling with more and more ideas, he cast the Shuriken into the posts of the gazebo, and continued on to the next one.

With the next jutsu he used Rat, then bird, and he formed was seemed to be a weaker version of his thousand needles techniques, this one would be indeed easy for him to get the hang of, Once more with a swing of his arm he sent the projectile into the Gazebo posts, he watched as they turned back into water along with the water shuriken, and watched the water run down the posts, getting lost in the moment.

He did not know if it was five or fifteen minutes, but he came back out of the trance he seemed to have been in and went back to his training, Three hand signs, Rat, Dog, Ox, and then he wiped his hand out, water wrapped around the post in front of him, like a rope, and ran back to tenma, he held the water rope, this could be handy indeed, he release it, there was not much more to the technique then that.

The next one he decided upon was the Water Snake Mouth, this one had six hand signs that Tenma would create one by one, and with the creation of the sixth one, a Snake like creature was made out of the nearby water, and it opened its mouth, then dived head first into the ground, the moment it did, the water became like a river and just flowed down the aisle, by this point Tenma would be suprised if someone did not see the ruckus in the Gardens with everything that went on, He decided that could be enough, and with the few hand signs he did the last time he was here, he stepped into the rain, and Disappeared, he had used the Hiding in Rain technique, he wondered though, if anyone would come to check out all the commotion created at the gardens.

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Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Fri Nov 03, 2017 8:31 am
Tamaki entered, unperturbed by the happenings already going on.
He would view the day much like any other, a tedious and wearisome burden.
His grim disposition had not so much as settled as it had fermented into a troublesome brew.
He was intoxicated and groggy with monotony and his hunger for something new was brimming with new leisure.
With new eyes he saw Haven city, after encountering so many of the villages ninja he could well say that he was well acquainted with the locals.
There were rapid waters occuring deeper within the city's training grounds, Tamaki; having the casualty to slip into the hiding like a mole technique fell into the earth.
The soft sand like deposits of dirt fell to his hands as he pushed it behind him.
He could sense rather than see that someone had been the centre of commotion that had started this disruption of nature, there were footsteps were he could previously see no one.
The magnetic impulses reverberating through the ground gave more or less the invisible man's location without giving away his own position as he was under ground; away from the rain.
He may have given significant detail to his position before immersing himself in earth but now he was impervious to being soaked to the bone.
Seasonal rain was forgivable but this was more or less sporadic and had sprung from nothing in a localized zone.
He would wait before showing himself to assess the risk of doing so for a moment.

WC: 252
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:44 am
Tenma had his eyes closed as he looked up at the rain, feeling it fall across his skin, now the majority of him was soaked, he was at peace at the moment, with the Rain tiger at will, he could feel out, for what felt like the majority of the village, the different chakra signatures, however, there was one rather close by. since he had been close enough to see or even hear the water rushing, that meant he was within the Rain Tiger. this would have been perfectly fine, if it was not for the very next thing, the chakra signiture, along with the body of the person, seemed to disappear suddenly from the Jutsu's sensory.

With that happening, Tenma had started using a rather common skill of chakra sensory, seeking the very Chakra that had disappeared from his Rain tiger jutsu, when the Chakra signature appeared in range and was underground, Tenma could not help but wonder who this was, as it was not a signiture he immediatly reconized, His Chakra Sensory monitored the man below him, meanwhile while doing so, he came out of his hiding in the rain technique.

At this point he would move on to some simple Kata's he was taught when he was younger, a set of martial arts movements, mostly simple stuff, but it was things he was developing to be used specifically in the rain, while his Rain Tiger at will continued to pour down over him, it was to be a fighting style that when combined with his raining jutsu, there would be no blind spots, but it was taking time to develop, he would continue to go through the steps, his sensory watching and waiting to see what the person below him would do.

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Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:42 pm
Warily Tamaki poked his head out of a hole in the ground, wetting his hair in the rain and looking around.
Unaware of the nature of the rain Tamaki briskly surmounted that it was raining season and propped himself further on the ground.
His clothes would be muddy by the time he had finished his endeavour and he found them to be warm and uncomfortable in the rain.
Chafing against his jacket at he decided to remove it as he sprang from the ground.
The environment had been under the rain for awhile and the plants all looked well watered.
The ground was a messy slough of debris and cobblestone, Tamaki began to walk along the path before coming to the area where he had seen the great waters explosions.
He searched the area for an answer and soon found a man practising kata.
Seemingly unannounced Tamaki would greet the traveler with curiosity and courtesy,
"Hello, my name is Tamaki."
Doing his best to appear unassuming, Tamaki lent against a well that was close by, shifting his weight from his toes to his heels he anticipated the man's retort with some diligence.

WC: 182
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:59 am
Tenma could sense the person slowly emerging back out of the ground right around the corner, and suddenly he walked around, and even introduced himself, could he have know he was sensed? Maybe, maybe not, Tenma would not stop his Kata until the man spoke, Tenma would then stop and turn around to face him " Tenma Ketsueki, Nice to meet you Tamaki"

Tenma would walk over to Tamaki and offer him a hand to shake, If Tamaki would take it, they would shake first, then he would talk, if he did not take the hand , Tenma would shrug and speak anyways "Well what brings you to this part of the water garden?' he inquired, allowing the man to speak at this point.
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Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:08 am
Tamaki shook the hand offered to him, he was under the impression this was there first meeting or at least the first they particularly knew of each other.
He was not how ever aware of the tracking capabilities of Tenma but that had not been brought to question yet, nor would it be voiced by the unbeknownst genin.
As to his question needing answering so as to not appear rude, "I saw a large amount of water, so I came to investigate. "
He said lamely, covering his excuse to be here otherwise for training.
The day had lagged on and truly was beginning to bore into the afternoon but that was scarcely noticed betwixt the dark clouds looming over the area.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:07 am
Tenma laughed and his right hand went to the back of his head while doing so, he spoke shortly after looking rather sheepishly while speaking "Yea sorry about that, that was me, I am doing some rather intensive training of water jutsu, one of them was a little bigger then I expected, Must have been the Snake one " Tenma chuckled a litte as he finished up and dropped his hand to his side, eyes open looking at Tamaki, he noted the head band of the Hoshi ninja.

"So a Fellow Shinobi of Hoshigakure ey, what is your area of expertise" Now Tenma would lean on a end cap of a aisle with his back, on the other side of the aisle from Tamaki, giving Tamaki his full attention. and listening if the boy would speak to him, he was more or less giving the kid the stage as it were.
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Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training Empty Re: Tenma's (Not So) Solo Training

Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:24 pm
Put on the spot about his peculiarities Tamaki pondered for a moment before replying as it would so happen he too utilized water techniques.
"I use wood jutsu, I'm a Senju. "
He demonstrated by forming a flower in his palm and presenting it to the shinobi known as Tenma, a simple display of prowess that didn't belie his true strength.
He formed a simple monkey sign and spouted out a small stream of water, jetting towards his feet he spoke again, "I too use water techniques, anything you feel like passing on?"
Shifting the soil beneath his feet, he slowly sunk into the earth until he was past his knees in the mud, "And earth... "
He had a total of three elements on display at this time, at genin this was impressive to him at least.
He had trained hard to achieve his elements and further still developing them, it had been an immaculate conception of comprehension over a period over a few nights.

TWC: 599
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