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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:04 am
Sanae smiled as Tamaki took his bowl to the sink collecting the rest herself to get it there. As he asked whether they wanted to hear some music she looked over the shoulder: "I would love that Tamaki", so while she was filling the sink with water and washing soap she was listening closely but first hearing how Tamaki explained what happened today. She thought about it, that a fight had led to a shop burning down was a big hit into the face of people who tried so hard to make the whole Shinobi in Hoshi thing work. Since that as well would spark a figurative fire between the opposing sides in the matter of whether it was good to have Shinobi around or not and it would make people fear them more again all over again? "I hate it when others do such reckless things because it always falls back on people like us even if we rush in to help", she signs and pulls back her hair a little. "I can totally see the headline in the papers. Burned to bits - Shop up in flames because shinobi threw a fireball", she signs and starts to clean the dishes.
Her father had listened to both children and shook his head signing as well. "Sad that could indeed be it", then he looked at Tamaki who had starting to play his flute. It did not seem as he would mind it resting his chin in his hand the elbow placed on the table he seemed rather relaxed. After finishing the dishes Sanae sat down at the table as well looking at Tamaki smiling while cradling her head from one hand to another. After a while she was kind of humming along and her father got up from his chair. Shortly petting her head, nodding to Tamaki walking upstairs again to where his room was located. Sanae followed him with her eyes shortly then returning to look back to Tamaki. "This sounds nice, most times people make flutes sound like strident whistles because they cannot cover the holes properly but you make it sound so nice", she complimented him in an honest tone. If they were musicians Tamaki could not tell, at least not from the decor of the kitchen or the hallway he had stood in before. If they had instruments in this house they must be hidden somewhere else.

WC: 402
TWC: 1699

Last edited by Sanae on Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:38 pm
The interluding conversation gave a nice refrain to the piece of music that had long wilted in the air.
He wet his lips and put the flute down, her kind remarks only partly in his favor being on purpose as he had taught himself how to play in the fields of his youth.
The long dry season in the land of his younger self was filled with valleys and dry creek beds, strange insects chirruped and scurried on and through the earth.
Building large mounds of dirt into homes they escaped the heat of the day retreating far from the eye, and Tamaki would beat these mounds with sticks until their  infrastructure was revealed.
He felt that way between the two of these Kaguya's, critiquing his performance with distinction and a well versed rote in the subject.
His mouth dried before he made his request, "May I have another glass?"
He spirited the flute away up his sleeve, it once more retaking it's place and the music was still in the air.
A lively melody complimented the rain well as it poured down, the roof reverberating a nice acoustic Tamaki drummed his fingers along his lap while he waited.
Could he conceive a life like this within the walls of Haven City?
One with a family that cared for each other enough to concern for one another.
Sure Valek or Hao may notice his disappearance for a few days but in the long run his only real family was far away.
He found solace where he was, sheltered from the rain sharing warm food with friends.
If only it had been raining previously that day perhaps there would have been no fire, Tamaki hadn't really any idea what this city did when it rained.
What could possibly entertain people in a city so much other than pets and each other, he had nothing and so Sanae's invitation had been happily accepted.

WC: 330
TWC: 1507
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:14 am
Sanae listened to Tamakis play until it was over and smiled a little. After he had finished and asked for another glass she nodded: "Sure wait a moment please", she said as she was getting up from the chair getting out the juice from the fridge and poured it into his glass setting the bottle on the table. Then she looked outside. "The weather does seem very unforgiving today, if you want to, you could stay for the night, we have a lot of space here", she signed. At least two extra rooms beside the original inhabited by her mother and uncle but now she knew right how that turned out. "It would not be a bother", she said smiling, "We have plenty of space", she said looking around gesturing around the house. Then she looked at the flute and remembered she did not know much about Tamaki. So she now curiously looked at Tamaki: "Say? Where do you and your family live? If they don't want you sleeping over, let me at least escort you home with an umbrella", she offered him with a friendly smile hoping she had not said something wrong. "I do make delicious scrambled eggs", she said winking at him in a jokingly fashion. He had seem a little absent minded for a while looking around like blankly in the air and in deep thought she was wandering what he thought about it. It seemed to be bothering him, whatever was thinking right now seemed like he was quite melancholic or was it just her? She pulled in her eyebrows in worry.

WC: 267
TWC: 1966
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:52 pm
Considering the weather and the prospect of soaking in more rain than is healthy, Tamaki opted for the invitation to further digress into humble gratuity.
He had removed his shoes at the door and had hoped that they were not now saturated, he felt the floor grow colder underfoot as he slid his feet together.
Taking account for all of his personal space and how much room he took up in the house, he shuffled slightly in his seat uncomfortably.
It wasn't a large house by any means, but, it was homely.
It had all the comforts of a home and it would do for the night, he wondered where his bedding would be.
Rather than bother Sanae for a drink of water he expelled a generous amount of liquid in the form of a small stream from his mouth, into his cup.
He nestled the chakra between his hands and looked up at Sanae expectantly, "What would you like to do to pass the time?"
His question directly aligning his wishes with staying in Sanae's and Suichiro's company, the meal had sufficed and was now filling him with much needed energy.
"We could spar?"
He made a monkey seal and pulled a sour face, crossing his eyes for comedic effect.
His hair was concealing his left eye though so it was hard to tell if the sentiment was getting across.
Minus the means, he didn't exactly feel as though it was a subject for over dinner discussion.
But now that they had eaten after a long day, they would both be more or less in their prime.
He had a wry thought that was errant as soon as he thought it, he excused himself momentarily. "I have to use the bathroom first. "
He departed the room and began to go about his business when the clone he had left outside on it's own accord entered the house.
Sharpening it's features to be exact, Tamaki bade that it stride in his place back to Sanae.
"I'm ready, if you are? "
The clone stood a little taller than Tamaki but that was hardly noticeable to him, and it spoke perfectly though it stared quite often.
Not perfectly elegant, the wood clone would suffice for a short spar as it had more or less relative stamina.
This way Tamaki would be able to see how Sanae's fighting style would balance against his own.
The clone would expire under severe stress but would be resilient enough to fight for an immeasurable mount of time.
"Is there some place more preferable to spar than the living room, I don't want to break your nice things?"

TWC: 1956
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:45 pm
So they were now sitting at the table together and it seemed as if the energy had returned to his body since he start fooling around with his abilities again. She smiled at him as he did it and looked at him curiously. Since it seemed he would stay a little while longer he then asked what they could do and shortly after that offered that they could do a little sparing of some sort and she did not know what to say against it. But that they did not really have space to fight in here. So as he left to go to the bathroom she thought about it. Well why not outside, it was just a little rain, but that could be a pro for Tamaki since he was using water a lot. Hence that she would not need to hold back as well. She ping-ponged the idea in her mind while she got rid of one thing that needlessly boosted her, the Ring of Hercules. She pulled it off her finger and set it aside on the table looking at it. This ring kind of boosted her confidence as well, but even with this she had not really been able to breach her own health resistance so she felt kind of like she beat herself at a game. But before she could think about it some more Tamaki came out again and she stood up from the chair she sat in: "Mhmm I thought about it, maybe we should just go into the back yard. This is where I usually train with my father. A little rain does not bother me and it could do you some good as well", she smiled a little walking out the door of the kitchen taking up her shoes and then walking down the hall where the stairs were to a back door were she changed her slippers for the boots and waited for him.

WC: 324
TWC: 2280
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:03 pm
Tamaki shadowed the two as the suggestion was made, outside would suit fine as the rain had died off a little and the low visibility would give him vantage to hide while watching the fight.
"I have no qualms with a little rain. "
The clone spoke evenly and even with a little excitement, it would then motion towards the door.
His own piercing of swiftness clasped to his ear.
A new addition had been the piercing and he would sooner jump out of his skin then go through the pain of another metallic addition to his persona.
The pain had given him an extra boost in speed but he would seldom notice the difference when comparing it to the speed Sanae had exhibited on the mission.
She was fast and strong, he would have to mind that.
As he got outside he nestled himself behind a nearby tree wide enough to conceal his entire body, while the clone rendezvoused with Sanae outside.
The clone would be in every way his equal and would fight just as he would, without incurring any harm or further stamina loss from Tamaki.

Clones AP [250]

The dying wind was tinted a certain hazy grey as it passed by, collecting all the leaves that had been shaken loose from the short gale.
Water drops were pounding on Tamaki's forehead as he decided to mix some doton chakra with the soil beneath his feet.
Softening the ground into a fine sand, he found it more comfortable than the hard ground as he slowly sunk into the ground, he kept his eyes on the clone.

TWC: 2221
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:39 pm
Sanae was stepping out into the garden behind the house where a single cherry tree was standing right in front of the door. She smiled at it and then looked at her shoes and then the slightly wet grass. It seemed as she would better not put on boots because they would be slippery. So she set her shoes aside and just went out barefooted. She was also leaving behind her shirt staying in the top beneath it so her shoulders were uncovered because she was going to use her sword for sure. Then she would posture herself in front of Tamaki looking at him curiously: "I am warning you, I won't hold back." Since she knew Tamaki was quite quick in his step she would not worry about her being too much too fast. And also something, he would have much more stamina than she had, because she knew, she had very little, so the first strike better be good or in the End she might lose to him. There were a few more tricks up her sleeve, but wouldn't it be better to just knock this right out of the park? So now she looked at Tamaki and said: "Are you ready? It seems like you are. Then may the challenge begin", she said with her usual smile bowing down to him and then reaching out to her arm pulling out her sword and in the next moment she just charged him with the dance. Her feet getting her swiftly over the grass twisting and turning her moves like a wind shook flower while she was stabbing at him in this wonderfully confusing matter without pattern. Accelerating her speed so much that it seemed as if there were several hers stabbing at him, but only one of them did really hurt, when she would not miss. This felt like a rush of adrenalin go through her body which she also had, when her father was once again beating down on her but this time there was an opponent whom she was on one level with.

WC: 347
TWC: 2627
(AP:161 /191)

-10 Ap Hone no Ken
Sharpness: (75+20)/2 = 47,5 Sharpness of Sword
-20 Ap Tsubaki no Mai
+ 25 strength & Speed
Sharpness Boost: 30
Attack: 77,5
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:38 pm
The clone, in the face of such aridity could only stand there.
It's hands fumbled through a course of hand signs Dragon tiger hare
In the short space of time that occupied Sanae's advancements, the clone would preform water trumpet jutsu to keep Sanae at a distance.
The water would jet forth in front of the clone and attempt to wash Sanae backwards.
Aiming for the centre of her chest, Tamaki watched as the water would disrupt her momentum and would perform a ram seal himself in preparation.

[Power 45 speed, 30]
[ap use 37]
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:07 am
Unfortunately for this to say was, that although the Water trumpet may have hit her, even with her own speed and reaction time outweighing the one of the attack, with its power being too weak to even impact her she would not even care to stop at all and therefore still have gone through with the attack she had planned and now maybe because of the short bad sight she had pierced the clone image of Tamaki with the planned force. She rubbed across her eyes to wash away the water to see the results.

WC: 95
TWC: 2722
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After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: After the fire (P,NK,Tamaki)

Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:09 pm
Parting the water with relative ease and grace, Sanae danced through the current.
Much to his dismay, she was far stronger than Tamaki had imagined.
Gripping his hands feebly together in a hand sign he watched as she skewered the clone again and again.
After image blurring was fractional but evident and he could do little to retaliate.
The clone clumsily accepted each blow, the dense wood succumbing to the bone like tin and steel.
Tamaki sighed as he clutched the ram seal, the wooden clone would simply burst into wooden spikes; two coming from it's chest, and a third from it's head.
The wooden spikes were blunt poles but would have enough force to perhaps shrug off the furious and unrelenting assault, lest they too factor into they pettiness of his attempts to defend himself theoretically.
The hacking would only resolve in one of two ways, it would end with his counterattack or she would stave off the attack and hopelessly end his clones short life.
Riddled with holes it was evident that no blood was prevalent which would seem unusual, atleast for someone stabbing someone repeatedly.
Jutsu Used: Wood Cutting AP =168
Presuming it's not completely destroyed{OOC}
Power: 45
Speed: 45

WC: 2221+294
TWC: 2515
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