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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:41 pm
Xeno watched unflinchingly as his opponent wove another handsign. This time being the bird sign. This was followed almost immediately by the formation of five shurikens made entirely of water. So the monkey sign is connected to his spit jutsu, and the bird sign connects to the shuriken. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Xeno had already decided that he would play things defensively, and so he was ready to dodge out of the way of Ketsueki’s shuriken, following it with his Byakugan, while still facing at Ketsueki with the glare of his pale eyes, and when the timing was right, he did a quick side step, ending up about a meter from his previous position, as he rentered his previous stance. The two combatants were about five feet apart at this point. (Because we were a meter, and you moved backwards a few feet.) I shouldn’t attack while he has those shuriken up. It would leave me way to vulnerable to a counterattack.

Total WC: 846
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:09 pm
Ketsueki kept his eyes on the boy. Knowing now that he was obviously very able sensory wise. This did not make much of a difference in his eyes. Ketsueki would step forward at a speed of fifteen and close the gap between them to 3 feet, barely striking distance, but as he did this he had the remaining shuriken begin to circle around him at a speed of twenty, much like a shield. They were located at Ketsueki's immediate front, back, left, and right. They remained one foot away at Ketsueki's Waistline, meaning that if the Hyuuga tried to step in to attack he wouldn't be able to do anything unless he forced himself into the air or he forced himself to go below. 

Seeing that the last shuriken missed, Ketsueki had the shuriken continue to fly on, arcing back around to try and hit Xeno again, specifically aiming for his left lateral muscle. At this time Ketsueki then dropped his center of balance to the ground and extended his leg, performing both actions as fast as he could before he performed a sweeping kick toward Xeno's shin, if it succeeded he would be knocked into the air and likely be hit by the shuriken in the left buttock, an area just thick and non-vital enough that he wouldn't die, but it would likely end this spar for now. If it didn't hit, the lone Shuriken would simply join the other four in safeguarding his options by rotating around him as he stood back up.
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:46 am
Xeno's byakugan was about to be pushed to its limit. He watched as the shuriken started spinning around Ketsueki as he moved towards Xeno. At the same time, the shuriken that Xeno had just dodged started to turn around and move towards his back and his opponent dropped the the ground and started a kick aimed at Xeno's shin. Xeno was caught off guard by the complexity of the attack, and decide to focus on his opponent directly, and he barely shifted himself to the right narrowly avoiding the kick, but not the shuriken. I don’t know what he will do if his kick connects. However, right before the shuriken were to hit Xeno, Ketsueki's jutsu faded away (Kets' idea. It should've stopped after the first post.).

Xeno immediately took note of this development, and thrust an open palm down at Ketsueki’s upper right arm. If I can disrupt the chakra flow to his hand, it’ll make it harder for him to use jutsu.

WC: 164
TWC: 1010
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:26 pm
Ketsueki widened his eyes as he saw his defense of shuriken disappear. 'Damn it! I've been going too easy! I've been over thinking!' He mentally cursed himself as he saw Xeno approach. He then brought his left arm out into his sleeve and clenched his fist, feeling the palm disrupt his chakra flow. 'Damn! What is he!?' He thought as he dug both of his heels into the ground and and swung his fist straight on towards Xeno's sternum at twelve power and full speed. At the same time he extended his legs, propelling his body upward toward the hyuuga boy which would force his arm away as well seeing as their comparison in strength was so great.

While using sharp objects Ketsueki would be certain to hold back his prowess. If he wound up killing a child this early and on accident of all things it would be a mental nightmare. But giving them a massive bruise wasn't all that bad to him. Especially since he now wouldn't be able to distract and easily get him to submit with his jutsu.
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:59 pm
Ketsueki’s sudden shift from subtilty to physical attacks was to be expected, due to the close proximity to each other. However, Xeno had the speed advantage, and moved to the left, dodging the punch from the younger boy, who pushed himself upwards with the punch, exposing his left side to Xeno, who took advantage of the moment to powerfully jab the younger child in the left side of his ribcage powerfully with his open palm at a maximum speed of 19. I can tell that he’s holding back. He’s still showing me kindness. That mentality will not get him very far in this village. Just like it did for Kaiyo.

WC: 109
WC towards transformation Jutsu: 109
TWC: 1010+109=1119
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:19 pm
Ketsueki watched as the boy evaded his punch, feeling a...Slap? On his side. He then backpedaled from the situation as fast as he could. He wound up around 4 feet away his eyes narrowed. Did this boy want Ketsueki to kill him? This way of combat only served to force Ketsueki to tucker himself out trying to play catch up. Those eyes. It was something about those eyes. Ketsueki had plenty to put Xeno out of commission and he knew it but he didn't want to. Killing a possible ally. Especially one this strong during a spar would be a ridiculous waste of life. However, this was growing on Ketsueki's nerves. Neither of the boys could keep going forever and one would eventually out last the other. Making this a battle of attrition. Ketsueki had already gone overboard and was almost out of his chakra reserves. Also feeling the dents in his chakra. Granted all this boy had was above average chakra and speed. He was no more special than Ketsueki. 

"Is this all you have to offer?" He asked, placing his hands back in the center of his jacket. "You have nothing that can stop me yet if this is it."
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:37 pm
Xeno smirked silently as he opponent asked if he didn’t have anything else to offer. “I might not have anything capable of putting you down for good, but I can tell that you are losing stamina. Your chakra isn’t flowing as vigorously as it did when we began.” Xeno’s smirk grew in size. “You’ve been a good training partner, but you obviously can’t continue much further.” He reentered his previous stance with his palms stretched outwards at his opponent and his knees bent. This is the only way to teach him. Punishment is the best way to make people understand that in this village, you survive by being strong. It’s upsetting, but that’s how things are.

WC: 116
Transformation technique: 225/500
TWC: 1119+116=1235
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:57 pm
Sadly. This was Ketsueki's final warning. They obviously had different ideas on how the world should work. This was very disheartening. Ketsueki backpedaled another five feet, giving them a total of nine feet apart. He then wove sign once more, struggling just a 'little' with manipulating his chakra. He wove the bird sign once more, Summoning one last water Shuriken 4x4, grabbing the shuriken with his left hand and taking a breath. With an adept flick of his wrist, threw the shuriken at a speed and power of fifty five (If you wonder why it was twenty before. It's because he didn't throw them toward Xeno. He just let them fly toward him.) toward Xeno's thigh, wasting no time and following it at his max speed. Countering any of Xeno's movements with a spinning roundhouse kick swung toward his corresponding internal oblique.
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:32 am
Xeno watched his opponent carefully and as soon as Ketsueki started to backpedal, Xeno pursued him with his superior super, quickly closing the very small gap and jabbed two of his fingers powerfully and at top speed of 19 into the area of skin where Kets heart was making direct contact with one of Ketsueki’s chakra points, hitting him with the full force of the gentle fist strike, and he aimed to follow up this strike with another using his other hand, this time delivered at Ketsueki’s right shoulder, close to where he had hit him previously with another full power and full speed strike. I don’t know what he had planned to do, but he might have intended to end this with one last attack. If Xeno’s strikes were to connect, Ketsueki would feel immense pain around his heart, and would have an even harder time molding chakra with his right arm.

WC: 153
Transformation Jutsu: 378/500
TWC: 1388
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Different Kind of Kiri Nin (Ketsueki, NK)

Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:05 pm
Ketsueki's arms were already up as he backed away thus, his chakra was instead interfered with in his arm rather than near his heart. Ketsueki grunted as the chakra interference felt much like that of a knot forming on his arm. His shoulder was hit by the very same attack. Jutsu was out of the question at this point so the boy would have to keep fighting until this boy decided to give up. Ketsueki was glad he didn't have to end their bout the way he planned to, but things were beginning to look bleak on his end. Despite the boy not really feeling as if it was. He knew that unrealistically negative thinking was the way to wind up dead.

Ketsueki's counterattack was to execute a left sweeping kick to Xeno's right leg from left to right at his maximum power and all the speed he could muster. If it hit the elder boy would have likely toppled over. Attacking Xeno's legs was the best thing to do simply to cut his mobility and break down his energy. As he didn't seem nearly as frail as Ketsueki did.
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