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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:17 pm
oro didnt think he would be out sped, and he hoped the voice would have made her more confused, but this wasnt a huge issue. once he got hit with what ever the girl did it almost knocked him over. he cursed under his breath and decided to say fuck it. orokana quickly did the tiger handseal, feeling the pain of what happened but ignoring it, and used bringer of darkness. he didnt want to lose because of a handicap he made himself so he figured might as well break it. the girls would see the world fade to darkness. (power 85) then started to do the hand seals for phoenix fire. it would be 6 fire balls, 3 aimed for each of the clones. (power and speed 40) then started to run towards the real hik as fast as he could (half speed). when oro was 3 meters from hik he would use spirit gun and aimed at her right leg (speed and power 40). oro would then place his hands on his sword, getting ready to do quickdraw again. if he got close enough if hik dodged the gun or not, oro would use quickdraw, weather she got out of the gen, didnt, or tried to block. in case it did hit he aimed for a non lethal spot on her body. the clones if they stood still in panic of being blinded where going to get hit by the fireballs, and if they did hit the clones they would be shot in the stomach area and have them all explode one by one.

 -1ap for eyes, -10 ap for body flicker
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:56 am
(Sorry, I was planing to give you something and make Oro look really cool, but then I got busy, and I just want to get this post out to you.)

The Boy's shoulders would start to move, as he started to form the sign of the tiger. One of the clones (Who were only 2 meters behind him.) Saw this, didn't know what the boy had planed (She could only see he was moving, not what hand seal he was making.) But knew at the speed he was moving, he wasn't just giving up.

The clone would with one hand quickly pull her ring and pinky figure down, and straighten her middle and pointer finger at a speed of 135, making a one handed sign of the tiger. This was possible due to the fact that the girl had spent many hours practcing preforming handsigns with a single hand. At the same time though, Oro had to bring his hands up in front of him, and bring them together before he could attempt to activate whatever jutsu he was attempting.

The Jutsu Hikari would use would be the Temporary paralysis jutsu, Which she would boost up as far as she could with her Mastery of Ninjutsu. If this happened without Oro reacting, Oro would feel his body suddenly lock up and be unable to move, (Unless he passed a strength check of 66).

Presuming Everything would go as plan, The real Hikari would notice that he attempted something, but got caught by one of the clones. With that, The girl would Walk up to Oro, and give him a pat on the head, saying "Sorry, Nice try, but this is biggest tricks when it comes to using shadow clones is to surround your target, and attempt to overwhelm them."

With that, Hikari would dispel the two clones, the battle being over. She would say "Well, since you now have some first hand experience, lets try it out! The praylsis should be ending in just a few seconds, try to make the sign of the tiger, but instead of putting your two hands together like normal, try to make cross your hanks at the bendy point of your fingers. Go ahead, try it out!"

And with that, Hikari would wait to see if the boy attempted it.

One Clone used 14 ap for temporary praylsis, and another 60 AP for boosting it

Both clones disapear, and return AP back to Hikari

Hikari, +10 Ap for doing nothing.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:23 am
(Since there is a question about which one would go first, so for the sake of argument, I am just going to rewrite my post and presume that the two happened at the same time.)

The Boy's shoulders would start to move, as he started to form the sign of the tiger. One of the clones (Who were only 2 meters behind him.) Saw this, didn't know what the boy had planed (She could only see he was moving, not what hand seal he was making.) But knew at the speed he was moving, he wasn't just giving up.

The clone would with one hand quickly pull her ring and pinky figure down, and straighten her middle and pointer finger at a speed of 135, making a one handed sign of the tiger. This was possible due to the fact that the girl had spent many hours practcing preforming handsigns with a single hand. The two would form the hand sign at the same time as Oro finished his own.

The Jutsu Hikari would use would be the Temporary paralysis jutsu, Which she would boost up as far as she could with her Mastery of Ninjutsu. If this happened without Oro reacting, Oro would feel his body suddenly lock up and be unable to move, (Unless he passed a strength check of 66).

At the same time, All three of the jounin's visions would of gone black. It seemed strange... Hikari didn't know a ninjutsu that could do it? It couldn't be medical, because if it was, the jutsu probably would of ended when the boy was immobilized. That meant this was probably genjutsu.

The three girls would of used Gen Kai, to break the jutsu, her vision would return and Hikari would see the boy stunned infront of her.

With that, The girl would Walk up to Oro, and give him a pat on the head, saying "Sorry, Nice try, but this is biggest tricks when it comes to using shadow clones is to surround your target, and attempt to overwhelm them."

With that, Hikari would dispel the two clones, the battle being over. She would say "Well, since you now have some first hand experience, lets try it out! The praylsis should be ending in just a few seconds, try to make the sign of the tiger, but instead of putting your two hands together like normal, try to make cross your hanks at the bendy point of your fingers. Go ahead, try it out!"

And with that, Hikari would wait to see if the boy attempted it.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:19 am
when he couldnt move he figured this was her way of ending things. either she had enough of the fight or just didnt want to continue. then she would talk about how the biggest trick with the clones would be to surround your enemy. he didnt agree with her since he had different thoughts about how to use it but she still wasnt wrong. then once oro could move again. he would try doing the hand seals for the clone tech. and as luck would have it, it would work. the clone would look like. oro studied it then looked to see if it had all the same items. then oro would take out his sword and stab the clone hard enough to make it disappear. then looked at the girl. "seems like this was fruitful." he would say then sigh to himself. he would take out his book, filled with genjutsu and ink. an started to look at it. reading something on it. thinking of how to combo it. how to use it on people with his shadow clones. then thinking on how not to use it with genjutsu. he had many options and waited for a good idea to pop in his head. all his genjutsu let him do something. which in his mind meant stopping one thing they could do as well. with two or three or orokanas. two attacking and one using a genjutsu. having the clones opened his options more and made it easier to trick the enemy. who said oro didnt need to be the one charging the enemy and his clone trying to play safe and use the gen. most would would likely assume the one playing safe was the real one. but this wasnt something he could test with just trying it out on random reasons. he needed to spar more. but first he needed a new ways to fight. more ninjutsu. then oro would look at the girl. "since you helped me can i help you with something?" he would ask returning from his thoughts to reality. 

twc 1976
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:05 pm
As Oro practiced the Jutsu, Hikari was kind of surprised to find that Oro was able to get the jutsu right on the first try. At this, Hikari would give the boy a polite clap. Oro would then turn to Hikari and ask her if he had anything she wanted to teach her.

"Um... I don't think so... But  I do have a few more ninjutsu if you would like to learn. I have various Fire style jutsu, a few other ninjutsus to teach you. Anything that you think might be useful?"
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:54 pm
orokana nodded. "sure i could learn some new fire techs... seeing as i only have two basic ones. do you have anything like phoenix fire?" he would ask. since he enjoyed the idea of having many fire balls chasing around the area he hoped there was a better one then the limited one he had. weather she did or didnt though wouldnt change the fact he would be learning something new again, and useful. orokana would put his book away and if the girl would talk or something he would pay attention to it. trying to memorize what she said. fire was a new element oro learned. his first was lightning and he did enjoy it no questions asked but he also liked fire, since it was very destructive. though he only knew two fire techs. both very weak but they wherent very grand. but for what they where they where great. since orokana had lightning and fire he was thinking of getting water to help him out. since he saw water as a useful thing when combed with lightning. it didnt mean he didnt think the other elements where weak, but none had the ideas he thought of. then oro thought of something to ask. once she was done talking oro would say "so... this is off topic but the shining eyes, what caused that?" he never seen the use of her bloodline before so it was new to him. he was interested about it only so he knew how to fight it at a later date, or slowly learn how. weather the fight was against her or not didnt matter. orokana saw information as a key to anything. a key that can open anything. he didnt think the girl would notice oros eyes. he normally has green eyes unless he used his which would make them go blood red. almost a 180 in colour. and he knew about the uchiha eyes well enough to how it works, as well as hyuuga eyes since he spent a lot of time with love back in the leaf. little about senju but they didnt have anything to special he knew of other then wood release. 
twc 2340
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:13 pm
(Sorry, had a longer post, but then lost it.)

"Like the basics...... Oh yes, I have a jutsu just like that." Hikari would say, and turn so she wasn't looking straight at Oro. Making the sign of the Tiger, Hikari would Take a deep breath, holding her fire chakra inside her lungs. She would exhale the fire in small burst, coming out as 5 2 meter sphere of Chakra. These would come out at a speed of 100 and a power of 85. The balls would go about 40 meters before exploding.

"Like that?" The girl would think. "That is called the Great Fireball shower jutsu. It is basicly just a combination of the two of them. Its just a lot faster and stronger.

Basicly, it is done the same way as both of the jutus, just put alot more chakra into it. With that being said, Any questions? Or would you like to try it out? "

As for Oro's question about Hikari's eyes. With, this Hikari would give an awkard smile and small chuckle. "Um.... I don't know how to say this... but I don't exactly know what they are....  Her Grace Akihana seems to know.... but I don't, she didn't really explain to me what was going on with that. It lets me see chakra though, if that helps?."
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:16 pm
orokana watched and studied what the girl did. the fire balls where very much larger then what oro had, and they traveled faster and farther. and maybe could have more. it was interesting to say the least. he noted the name the girl gave, great fireball shower. kinda a dumb name but it did sound right for what the tech did. he thought about it. fire chakra held in the lungs then you breath it out to summon fireballs that could travel fast and far. it was interesting to say the least. and he figured he wouldnt get it as fats a she wanted to. but before he tried he listened to the girl talk about this akihana person. he noted the term grace was used meaning she was important. "who is this akihana, the name is something i cant recall. and it does kinda help but in a world filled with... unique eyes that isnt a lot of information. my eyes for example can do the same but i can see genjutsu. how its made, where it came from. who casted it. seeing chakra is common. at least with the old company i kept. though if you dont know i guess you dont need to know as it hasnt affected you now has it?" he asked then looked at his hand and took a deep breath. he held in his chakra in his lungs till they felt like they where about to burn to the fire chakra. then used the tiger seal to try and release his fire balls. though as he figured just a small flame came out. he sighed and caught his breath trying again. "why does ninjutsu evade me. if only it was like genjutsu i could read up on it. study it and then test it, make theories and make something new out of it, something grand. instead i look like a child trying out his first ninjutsu at school..." he mumbled to himself and tried again. half waiting for the girl to respond to him about what he said, or if she wouldnt. oro knows the pain of not knowing your own bloodline at all. all he knew was he was the only one with it. and the name yuhi. other then that he couldnt find anything. he didnt know if this girl remained blind to it because she didnt need or want to know, or if it was just a secret they didnt want too many people to know. 

twc 2756/ 4500
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:04 am
(4th time writing this post cause of Comp restarts! Guh!)

Hikari would look at Oro confused for a second, how did he not know who the first queen of Hoshigakure was? The Chestnut haired Jounin was about to ask him about it, but then recalled that he was new the the village, and with all honesty? Hikari didn't know that the village had a Hogokage until she was pretty much a chunin already.

"Akihana is the queen of Hoshi, and our old Hogokage, she had to step down recently. She was the one who charged me with learning about certain fuinjutsu and such. But yeah, I'm sorry, I don't really know about my eyes. I don't think it is a bloodline ability, since none of my family came from a shinobi background, so I don't really know what it is.... sorry I wasn't able to help you there."

As Oro tried the jutsu, and sort of failed, and started to pout about it, Hikari would continue respond "Hey, don't worry about it. Its hard to learn something that isn't your immedite specialty, for example, That insane genjutsu you used before, I could never even come close to learning it myself.... I don't know how you were able to learn such a jutsu."

With that, Hikari would then start to push Oro to try again.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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something original (i.o.) - Page 2 Empty Re: something original (i.o.)

Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:02 am
orokana listened to the girl. akihana seemed to be someone important. he hoped he never needed to meet her one day. a lowly ninja should stay out of sight and out of mind for most. he knew that hoshi had a king and queen system but hearing she was the kage at one time also meant she might have too much power politically. well since oro had no dreams of being a kage or a king he didnt need to worry about being in the eyes of this akihana person. and it seemed the girl wasnt knowledgeable about herself. an issue for some but it didnt matter. some people dont care about their background. and or how they have what they have. "it is what it is. i am uncertain of my eyes myself. i know no one else with them and i never knew my parents so i cant ask them. but if it is or isnt a bloodline doesnt matter, just depends on the information. if its hidden then its fine, if its not then it might be common knowledge for some and thats worrying for some." he nodded to himself thinking about how common some information is and how useful it could be. mainly with gen, if he knew his target was scared of spiders he could just put them in a gen with spiders. an effective means to an end. then when hik talked about how hard learning some things is he stated "i learn mostly from reading. i have a notebook i keep all my knowledge of genjutsu in. its very useful for me mainly because i can use it to make any gen into a sound gen, which makes options easy, and for others that cant use it like i can can learn about the gen to help avoid it in the future. mostly because i noticed genjutsu here isnt used which is scary since it can destroy a whole village, or army in a blink of an eye. some genjutsu i have seen can make it feel like years had passed but only seconds actually passed. others can make you see your darkest fears, unable to move or act as the user tries to break your mind." he sighed. "thats what im use to. using gen as a tool to win, ninjutsu is a similar tool yet very different." he tried the hand seals again trying to cast the ninjutsu. storing his chakra in his lungs and then spitting them out again trying to make fire balls. he made a small fire ball that went only a couple feet then it burned out. he sighed. "i wounder how this mission with valen will go. once its over i will need to pick up some things." he mumbled to himself trying to think ahead as he kept on trying the ninjutsu over and over. slowly getting more and more closer to mastering the tech but still needed more work on it. after he mastered this he could start making his genjutsu. a basic idea but an effective one. he didnt make the genjutsu but he did think it could be useful for what he has planed. 

twc 3288/ 4500
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