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Warming Up Empty Warming Up

Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:43 am
Yurei Uchiha, freezing from the sudden drop in temperature, shook at the training grounds. He had stayed there too long while training, and the temperature around him had begun to drop exponentially. The pale Uchiha quickly dropped his bag and examined the items inside, finally coming to a scroll his mother had given him in case of situations such as these. Yurei quickly withdrew the scroll, the dry parchment sapping away the moister from his hands, and the boy smiled upon opening it. It was the inner flame jutsu.
Adorable, as it was an E-rank, Yurei found himself amused. At least his mother was thoughtful. Yurei trudged him as he read the jutsu. Its main purpose was to delay freezing temperatures in the hopes that the caster could generate a small fire or some sort of warmth. Yurei had no intentions of building a fire, but he was fixated on going come without frostbite setting in. Frostbite. In a desert.
Deserts were known not only for their sand, but their radically different temperatures in the day and the night. These temperatures would soar in midday and fall into freezing in a matter of hours. Truly, it was remarkable.
Yurei quickly examined the scroll, easily taking all of the information in. He pointed his index fingers upwards, joined hands, and then folded one over the other, forming the tiger handseal. Yurei took a deep breath, channeling his fire chakra. The warm chakra filled his body, thawing him out.
The jutsu was not to last long, but Yurei was fast. Very fast. The Uchiha gave the handseals for Flicker Movement and dashed forward, leaving the training grounds. It felt fantastic to be warm again, but this would not last forever. Yurei bolted forward, passing by the shinobi district, the academy, and, lastly, stopping at the marketplace. The numerous people that populated the air filled it with slightly warmer air, but it was not enough.
Yurei raced through the crowd, worming his way through. His mother was going to kill him, but, so long as they had soup, Yurei felt like he would get out just fine. The Uchiha finally broke free from the massive crowds trying to buy goods. The albino came to a stop, taking a few breaths, and then pressed forward. His hands began to feel like ice once more. The jutsu was wearing off, but his house was in view, and, on the porch, his mother.
The Uchiha bent over to breath before shuttering and grasping his arms in a hypothermic frenzy. “Hi, Mom,” the boy said, walking to his house and up the steps.
You know I don’t like you staying out this late, Yurei,” his mother scolded.
“I understand, Mother,” Yurei replied back. “I’m sorry. I just get caught up in the moment and forget where I am,” he said nervously, rubbing the back of his head.
“Just get inside, ok?” his mother said, guiding him with her hand on his back. “You’ll catch a cold out there.”

WC: 501


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Warming Up Empty Re: Warming Up

Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:47 am
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