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Dancing lesson No. 1 Empty Dancing lesson No. 1

Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:02 pm
It was a nice morning in the village of Hoshigakure and today was a special day. Because she had passed the Genin exam with quite the stunning test results her father had decided it was finally time to really teach her about the jutsu of her ancestry line of the Kaguya clan. Early in the morning he had thrown her out of bed and made her dress up in preferably old clothes. Her mother had packed them a picnic basket with lunch and a blanket. Some water to go along with it because she knew her two favourite people in the whole world would need it all. So then they walked through the village to a spot in the park where her father deemed the space open and wide enough to operate at a frequent pace. People were kind of looking weird at them but he did not mind. Sanae as well had to learn that by the time she would use the ability to its full potential that her clothes would be torn in battle, that her bones would rip them apart revealing almost everything of her body. She mentioned that she might need clothes that would adapt to this kind of fighting and he agreed to her. Maybe her mother could try to fix her something fitting that would still protect the sensitive areas when the Jutsu was in full use and ribs and arms where full of spiking bones she'd smash into her enemies. As they reached the park he set everything down and then looked around in his rucksack from which he pulled a scroll handing it to his daughter with the advice to use the scripture inside of it as help to learn the basics about mending the bones to her will.

He handed her the script roll and she started to read it. She could learn from it that toe push out and grow back her arm she had to infuse her arm with a lot of her chakra and then the circulation through the chakra knots inside her body would stimulate the growth of her bones and make her able to shape bones, harder than any other in any way she liked if she could just imagine it properly. Once or twice she had seen her father do it to his arm to show her how it is done. It always seemed so easy then and like it was just a little bit of work. But now that she was about to try it, it seemed like it was nearly impossible. Maybe because she was too small, or maybe because she was too inexperienced, but what would she make for a poor shinobi, if she let that keep her from trying. Never back down and never surrender, or whatever was the case in this kind of situation. While she was reading the roll she came across a small handwritten notice that said, massaging the knots would help with the chakra flow and relaxation of the body. So she tried to start a massage to get everything a little more flowing and moving in the right direction. It scared her to think that her bone would be sticking out of her shoulder and then leaving her arm while he would slowly grow back so that she would not have a limb arm. It seemed a little crazy to think about it just now that she could feel all the chakra of her body concentrate in her arm. It was full of it while her bone started to move slowly and she could feel it, but was missing the pain of which she thought she would experience it along with it. No pain but a quite uncomfortable feeling of movement, her strong bones that she had always been so proud of seemed to be soft like dough and forming to her will. Making the upper arm slowly loosen itself from her shoulder and gently pressing against her skin. With her right hand rubbing alongside her arm she could feel it happening as spunk and cubit were slowly morphing together to create the piercing tip that would soon be used as a epee like weapon to pin, to slice and to point against anyone who would dare to challenge her in the dance of the Dance of the Camellia. Something practiced over long time in her clan from which she knew so little that she sometimes thought they were but mere legends, but this scroll she was reading proofed it, they existed and their legacy lived on even now and deep inside of her she could feel her bone shaping itself and feel how it was pushing against her skin, it wanted to get out of her shoulder and like dough her skin opened as the bone pushed against it too hard, but it did not hurt, it did not bleed, just the bone coming out of her skin slowly pushing the upper arm out of her.
A little scary was it as she could see the white bone slowly making its way out of her body while down where he had been slowly new bone was generated. She was focused on what she did so she could not see the eyes of other early walkers in the park eyeballing her. It must have looked creepy as she waited for the bone to be out far enough to grab it. Slowly she then slid her fingers around it and where she placed her hand the handle would cave a little in to make it fall comfortably into her hands, making the holding and swinging much easier for her. How lucky one could be to have preferably the best sword with the best fit handle to accompany it without any costs for it and whenever it broke she could forge a new one. While she thought about it she slowly pulled out the bone, she was not brave enough to pull it at a higher pace but for the first time this should do. No one was rushing her but she could feel those ice green eyes looking at her curiously from afar. After some minutes that seemed like eternity to her she had slowly pushed out the upper arm bone and now could see the part where it was connected to the underarm. Half way done and a short check later she could confirm, her bone had grown back and she was fully operable. At least so far and she was quite proud of it. Now grow a little sense of confidence she pulled out the bone a little faster. Sliding it out like it was a blade out of a scabbard. Just without the slicing sound it always seemed o make because this blade was not metal it was bone, silent bone. As she had fully pulled it out of her shoulder she could see the tip sharp and pointy. The hole that hat formed itself to let the bone force its way out, disappeared without a single trace. Nothing left to be seen, no wound or scar left behind and with a smile she saw that her left arm had grown back to its full potential. She lightly moved it, turned it in a little circle. It was fine. Then she ran her fingers along her bone blade softly tipping against the pointy end. It hurt, it definitely hurt but making it was fine just like pulling a needle out of a pincushion. Slowly she struck into the air once or twice turning around and slicing the air again it felt like it really was the enlargement of her arm, just as it was always said that a sword ad and arm should be in unison, well if they had thought that both weapon and arm were all the same they'd seen the irony of it. Now she was waving her arm like a deadly weapon and her father came over.
Just while he was walking he put his hand to his shoulder as his arm bone was slowly crawling out of it and as he could grab it he pulled it out in a graceful and swift movement. What took her several minutes had been just the glance of an eye and now he was holding a weapon just like hers only a little bigger for his arms were longer than hers. She blinked in amazement as he had a soft smile on his lips. Something he did not display that often. Then he pointed his sword at her and nodded: "Let me teach you to dance", he offered smiling still which was unusual but she did not see a fault in it. Next to her he got in place starting to show her figures which she imitated as good as she was able to.  He made her learn how to stand properly so that she would not get out of balance so fast and he made sure she knew how to hold her weapon accordingly. Then he stepped in behind her correcting her positioning and then showing to her the stabbing movement she as to do according to how he learned it. Stabbing over and over again, gaining on speed and the most important keep the movement flowing and unpredictable. It was not easy to act unpredictable because one does not simply become so fluent, that nobody could tell what was going on? As long as she knew what was coming, someone else could predict what was coming as well at least this was what she thought. Moving her hand she could feel her father's presence leading her into the dance. Now with him leading her every movement, slight turns of her hip, a small sidestep to bring variety to the angle of stabbing. The most important of it all was that he repeatedly urged her to go faster. Even her fastest was not fast enough and he still pressured her on. While she tried to full fill his wish to move faster while her muscles where aching he tried to make her more accustomed to the chaotic pattern of the dance. Slightly panting with sweat standing on her forehead she shivered trying to cope with the feeling of her bones aching, her muscles straining. She knew she needed a break and she shivered heavily but her father pressured her on till she thought her body would break into small little pieces but as she was about to faint and her body almost at a collapsing point her father stopped her and held her for a brief moment. "This is the time to take a break my child", he said having her rest on the ground.

While she rested he unfolded the blanket his wife had given her sweethearts to rest on and then let her lay down to rest with some water for her to drink. While she was kind of nibbling on her water supply he spread out the lunchboxes containing rice, some of her delicious curry sauce. Alongside lovingly prepared vegetables and some pre cut fruit to just pick up and eat. As she had gained her breath back she could sit on his lap, leaning against his chest and they both started eating. Silently they finished their meal and then they rested a little while in the sun of the early afternoon. A short nap was it that they took to regain their strength although she was the only one at her limits here. After they had about two hours of sleep her father gently woke her up again giving her some time to wake up.

Then the training continued in the late afternoon. He made her do it again. This time, he moved and she had to try to copy him. Soon was clear, he was far more experienced and therefore faster than she was and more endured. But she was not going to back down from it. Because why would she, this was the first time she succeeded in doing something clan related and even if it was a pain in the ass and she would not be able to walk for the next days, she would press on. She wanted this to work. Faster she stabbed the air in front of her. Lighter became her footsteps as she slid over the grass and tried to mimic what her father told her before, reimagining the movements he made her do and his hands where and how they were holding and directing her to pin into the air like a quick sewing needle piercing into the silky clothe. Then her father turned towards her and raised his blade against her smiling again fondly. With and inviting bow he challenged her to a small duel. She thought about the invitation. It was dangerous to accept this offer because he would not go easy on her, at least this was what she feared because he never went easy on anyone especially not her, because he always wanted her to be at her best and therefore he needed to treat her like he was expecting the best. But still she nodded in agreement slightly tipping her sword against his so the bones gently tipped against each other. Then the stabbing wars began and in the beginning she could evade some of the stabs or hold them off quite elegantly. But with raising tranquillity of her opponent she could less and less counter him neither in strength nor in speed. While he was not even getting into heavy breathing she could feel her body aching already. The heavy training had taken its toll and was tearing at her muscles. Again sweat was slightly covering her face, her cheeks turned read as she tried to oppose her father in battle. Then the stinging pain of a bone blade piercing her flesh made her take a rash breath. She let out a squeal and while holding her side she continued. Warm fluid ran down her side where he had stabbed her. Blood stained her hand and clothes and she winced with every new move she made but still she would not want to give in. She had to show him, had to proof to him that she could to it, that she was the child he had wished for. Stab after stab hit her, scratched and sometimes pierced her unforgiving and cruel it seemed as the father was quite literally stabbing his daughter repeatedly, made her bleed from various wounds and did not seem to ease up a single bit. While she was getting slower and even more exhausted by the minute he seemed to get even more engaged in the battle they were fighting right here. Then, she did not know if it was really him being distracted or if he presented her with an opening so she could have the feeling of success to feel like she earned the reward of having the technique presented to her, but he let her see an opening in his defence that had not been there previously. Maybe he was testing whether she would shy away from using it, but since she was sure he would not she went for it and her blade pierced his skin and a bit of his flesh. Blood emerged from the wound she had made and he looked at her, pride showering his eyes. "You have done so well", were his words as he let his sword slide into the ground and then catching her inside his arms. He would tend to her wounds that were not as serve as they seemed. Even though he seemed cruel, brutal even he did not wound her badly. Still he carried her home and took her to bed like a loving and caring father would.


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Jutsu: Tsubaki no Mai
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Dancing lesson No. 1 Empty Re: Dancing lesson No. 1

Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:58 am
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