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Arashi Saishin
Arashi Saishin
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New Basic Vital Technique & Versatile Sides Empty New Basic Vital Technique & Versatile Sides

Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:07 am
For a few days, Arashi and his class practiced Substitution Jutsu, he can now do the technique as far as there is 7 meters between him and the object, still not efficient for a ninja. Now, it's time for another one. They were in the training fields again.
Their sensei came, looking every single of their eyes. "You were thought how to create a clone for many times, I guess you're ready. Watch me carefully." He performed some hand seals, creating a Water Clone. The clone was like it had it's own mind. Then, the teacher ordered him to draw his sword. "See? I can create a Water Clone and I can make it do whatever I want. But, you cannot create a Water Clone since it's an element based jutsu, Suiton, which is not an element some of you have. And since it's your first time to create a Clone, you will gonna absolutely fail. We will start with creating a mirror-self." With that, he stepped aside, gesturing the entire class to find a spot to practice.
Arashi find a spot and, like his other classmates, he performed Ram Snake Tiger handseals as they were all taught how that jutsu was done long ago. No result. Failure. Like the entire class.
The teacher walked everywhere near each student, examining what and how they were doing. As he expected, there were no success. Even some of them thought of just giving up. "Don't stop."
For half an hour, they all continued... At last, some of them successed, including Arashi. But, that wasn't a success, as all of the copies were like jelly statues. But the copy that Arashi created was nearly a full success; the only flaws are that the copy's eyes were closed, it was paler than Arashi and it stood slightly humpback.
Suddenly, the teacher appeared next to him and patted his shoulder. "Good start kid."

Arashi didn't break his gaze from that copy. "But sensei, it's just a useless ugly copy. It doesn't even look like me."

Teacher: "I know. Just practice until it has the shape of you. By the way, nothing is useless if you find a proper way to use them. A small piece of paper can be deadly while a huge broadsword is useless, who knows?" With that, he patted Arashi's shoulder again and turned to walk around the students, leaving Arashi curious about what he meant by those words. But he was sure that his sensei absolutely hinted something about in Arashi's future.

All of them continued to Clone Jutsu until late afternoon. Many of them perfectly shaped their clones but they were like a lifeless human statues. At last, their sensei told them that this was enough and said that they were gonna learn how to have the clones mirror their actions.

When Arashi got to home, it was already before evening. He just practiced what he learnt; Substitution and Clone jutsus. He can use the Substitution Jutsu like other ninjas; fast enough to replace. To add an illusion, it was a lesson for another time in the Academy. He was able to create a perfect-self clone, from the head to the toes, it was a symmetry of himself.

After dinner and some more practice, he studied some historic subjects, examined that how ninjas used these techniques, he saw that every single technique were versatile. Clone Jutsu was used for exploration, suicide attack (paper-bomb or something deadly like that attached), disguise the clones like ninja soldiers to make the army number bigger in the enemies' eyes, deceive the enemy etc. 

For Substitution Jutsu, he saw that it wasn't only use to avoid an attack, it was also used for surprise attacks, like attaching paper bombs to the replacement objects. Some ninjas even switched the places with objects; they used Transformation technique to look like the object while adding a self-mirroring illusion to the original, making the enemy believe that they used Substitution Jutsu to avoid an attack while the enemy attacking them. Thus, the enemy would lessen their guard to think that the ninjas switched places with an object a feet far to them, but in actual, the original object was in the shape of the user far to them while the user was in the shape of the object in front of the enemy. With that, they would charge the enemy unexpectedly.

But Arashi knew that those were far beyond their level.

He closed the books to enjoy alone time for the rest of the night.

Words: 758 (Until the last word above.)
Stat Points Got: 3

(I thought that when an Academy Student tries Clone Jutsu for the first time, it won't be a total succes so I didn't add the function that the clone mirrors his actions in order to not to be sound like a genius godlike Academy Student. If I'm wrong, please correct me.)

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