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A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain - Page 2 Empty Re: A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain

Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:49 am
Ren frowned a little internally as the man before him lowered the blade to his shoulder, 'Does he really think I'm going to be able to do anything here with him and his Anbu right before me?' Ren thought at the absurdity of the situation 'If I didn't know any better I'd think the bastard is scared of me' Ren thought to himself although he made a point not to verbalize that thought, after all, that would be a terrible way to spend his final words. Looking up at the man again Ren would speak "Sir? With all due respect do you expect me to address the crowd whilst kneeling here facing away from them?" Ren asked politely, "If my standing bothers you then perhaps you could have your Anbu rotate me 180 degrees so that I may address them with the respect that they deserve?" Ren said, genuinely confused as to how the man expected him to speak to the crowd whilst facing away from them so. Nothing Ren said was said with anything but genuine confusion and deference of course, as Ren waited to hear the man's response, assuming the man relented Ren would nod and stand far more slowly this time so as not to give the man cause for alarm before continuing on his speech as was originally intended
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A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain - Page 2 Empty Re: A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain

Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:03 am
Ren had spoken his final words, which would ironically be a question of confusion. It was a sad legacy to leave behind, and one that would be remembered by all who were present during the event. Given how he makes no attempt to defend himself from the attack, the swing of the monstrous weapon found it's mark: The silvery, bright dome of Ren which would soon be stained crimson for the rest of his short life.


A sickening sound of snapping bone rang out from the body of the boy that had now collapsed from the weight of Samehada, his head smacking along the floor and jutting out in an awkward position with a large indentation evident. His eyes themselves seemed to have popped slightly out from his skull as the pressure now created inside of the skull forced them out of their natural position in an attempt to release it, and he would lay there motionless.. perhaps a twitch of the hand and leg as the electrical impulses continued to dance through his dying neurons. As mentioned before, a faint pooling of blood would gather around the cranium of the twitching traitor as well as pieces of grey matter that floated around like gorgeous swans in a dazzling blue lake.

Glancing towards the crowd for a moment, he felt something awake within him.. a calling from deep inside himself that beckoned for more. He wasn't sure whether it was the Bijuu that was influencing him or whether this was what he truly wanted.. but he was not able to relent against it's wishes. The sentient executioners blade was lifted above the head of Xyxer once more, stained in the life force of the one that had sought to kill him. A small trickle of blood dropped down onto the blue hair of Xyxer to prove a light contrast before the next swing was in action. The afterimage this time was encased in the red ichor of the boy as it soared through the sky back into the cracked skull of Ren Tsubasa, the former Head of the Academy. His skull gave way to the bulk of the blade once more to produce a squelching noise as blood squirted over the steps and into the crowd at this point to cover the few people who stood shocked at the base.. yet they didn't move. This was their duty to watch.


Once again the blade was lifted, this time carrying memories of Ren with it as brain clung to the hungry weapon. Xyxer swung the blade back down into the remnants of the boy's skull to completely destroy the brain, which was probably done on the second strike in all honesty but Xyxer had caught the thirst himself.. he was becoming more and more crazed by the second as more blood continued to streak his features, yet conveniently avoided to get into his orifices so that Ren's potential blood diseases could not affect him.. yet now the demon would take some control over him.

Samehada honed in on the broken skull once more, yet this time the boy looked different to Xyxer's vision although it remained Ren Tsubasa in reality.. it appeared in his vision now to be a girl of blonde hair with her face on the ground.. strangely enough, not a pulverised face. Robes of classic Kirigakure tradition adorned her body but the swing of the sword knew no remorse.. it crashed into the girl's head and Xyxer knew full well who it was supposed to be; Sameonna Hoshigaki, his former mentor. No hesitation clouded his judgement as he bashed her dainty skull into the polished cobbles. Perhaps that could be considered a curb stomp via weaponry. The blade lifted once more and the sacrificial lamb beneath him changed shape once more.

This time a relatively small boy laid before him, black hair covering his features while he continued to kiss the floor much like the others. This was Rin, a former companion. A familiar "Hail" echoed through the mind of Xyxer on this one. That would have been a terrible mistake if he had gone through with the kill, but that had been changed.. Sameonna had stopped him from killing Rin back then, but now that she was dead.. nothing would stop him. The blade continued on it's path to strike the back of his skull into the ground in a brutal fashion while simultaneously happening in reality to Ren's demolished head, and probably throat at this point.

Around about now Xyxer started to realize the game that was being played as the blade was lifted one final time and a new figure entered the chopping block.. one that meant more to him than himself. The spiked silver hair immediately brought nostalgia to the Bloodied Mizukage, and the headband that was secured around his forehead.. the flowing white clothing.. this was Kenchi Takizawa. Xyxer didn't want to hit him, he didn't want to assault his best friend.. but the blade remained remorseless. Samehada howled through the air as it struck the innocent head of Kenchi, splattering his good will over the steps of the village he had not lived to see rebuilt.

Xyxer pulled back from that final hit as reality came back into play for him and his grey eyes surveyed the vicinity: A boy, lacking a head, laid in a pool, of blood before him.. a crowd with varying familiar faces watched on in both fascination and horror, but what stood out to Xyxer the most.. was how his ANBU had not flinched from his actions. That was what he needed. Obedient, loyal ANBU.. now it was time to deal with Altar.

A single bloodied hand ran through the blue hair of the demon, intermingling the life force of the dead with the hair of the demon. "Let that be an example of what happens to traitors in Kirigakure No Sato." Xyxer said finally, his voice dominating the stunned masses. Afterwards, Xyxer nodded down towards the body before starting to walk back towards his chambers where the sheep awaited him. The two ANBU marched towards the corpse of the prodigy before grasping onto an army each, dragging his limp, broken body behind the monster made flesh that ruled Kirigakure.


Claiming Ren's death since those are considered his last words, but sure Xy doesn't say that his legacy would be remembered

I'll do the actual claims afterwards
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain - Page 2 Empty Re: A Traitor's Penance, A Traitor's Pain

Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:13 am
Approving Ren's death, as discussed via Skype the timeline he attempted was unsuccessful. He may of course request a second opinion if he so desires.
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