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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:35 pm
"Aight, guys, we're good to go," Komori would say after receiving the telepathic prompt. Before he himself went forward, however, he would stoop down to the sandy ground and grab Komon's sword and weapons pouches, before signing the handseals for Storage Displacement to store the weapons pouches ands sheathing the sword in one of the two sheaths on his back. After all, he had never bothered to get a replacement for his second sword, so it was kind of lopsided anyways. "Stay together. We don't need anybody getting lost this close. I'm looking at you, Sakana." Turning to Max, Komori would offer him a piggy back ride, where the boy could use the swords as handles or something. Stooping down, he would pick up Komorgi into his arms while also letting Max onto his back if he chose to do so. With or without a Max on his back, he would then proceed forward as he would presumably be accompanied by the rest of the genin. And because it was completely necessary, he used his telepathy seal to send a message to Komon, "On second thought we all turned around because we don't like sand. It's course and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere." After a moment of silence, the chuunin would then add, "Just kidding, we're nearly there." Komorgi yipped in Komori's arms.

--Entering Hoshi--
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:29 pm
Among the genin, standing around inconspicuously, Satoru hears Komori tell the group that they are authorized to proceed.

"Ok... I guess whatever comes next will come." He thinks, walking forward. Satoru greets Akemi with a wave and proceeds. "I'm going to the training grounds... wherever that is."

[Entering Hoshi]
Renji Hyuga
Renji Hyuga
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Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:58 pm
Hearing Komori give the all clear, Renji would gather up his things and follows behind the chunin. It had been such a long journey and he needed to get this bag off his back as it was cutting into his shoulders from all the running they had done. As he gets to the top of the sand dune Renji would turn back and yells “we finally made it yall!” as he takes in the sight of the hoshi village gates for the first time.  Hearing Komori’s warning and not wanting to be the first to get lost, Renji would stick tight to the rest of his group mates.  

As the group is walking  through the gates Renji would turn towards Max and Sakana and says to the two  “hey have you been here before? What’s the first thing your going to do?"  
to Koiri Renji would say “I guess your going to see your friend, Takumi was his name right?”

Entering hoshi

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:21 pm
Whatever was being discussed with the guards was taking a long time, or so it seemed that way to Kaori. It was getting in the way of him getting to see Takumi. He needed to see the one he loved so deeply. Just as he thought that, it was announced that they were clear to enter Hoshigakure. Kaori cheered silently as he followed behind the others, through the village gates, and towards the one he wanted to see most of all. Or at least, so he thought. Until another, rather hostile shinobi showed up that is. Kaori froze in his tracks, upon those orders, though he also turned to respond to the Hyuuga questioning him. "Takumi is the one I love, not my friend, but yes, I will track him down."
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:22 pm
[[Continuing from here, so have fun with a little surprise.]]

Shiroi had been dragging Iesada through the streets. However, she ended up taking a single wrong turn and noticed rather late. They were still getting closer to the castle, just... through the center of a crowded street. Near the front gate. With her having to hold onto the man extra tight to make sure he did not get away, though still being careful to not overly harm him.

It is around the time she was correcting her path that she noticed the several 'blips' upon her semi-conscious mind. Multiple high chakra signatures near the gates of the village. Shiroi did not have a good feeling about this, but prudence was a must. She had not followed this man around for so long before acting merely out of whimsical thoughts.

"Detour. Come." She would say while jerking Iesada towards the direction of the gate.

The two would arrive at the gates as the rest of the party was approaching, but before they had yet passed through the gates. This also means that Akemi had yet to vacate his position.

Shiroi would see the dunce of a boy that she had encountered earlier, but then look up and see the other person, who happened to be Komon, though she knew not his name.

"What goes on here?" she would ask to Akemi, still dragging Iesada behind her. She would have only just broken the wall of bodies that filled the bustling street, so this 'outburst' was like to be the first time either of them were to have noticed her. Shiroi would now be actively sensing for people, and would notice several more signatures approaching the gate. With this, her pace was hastened and she would drag Iesada along the ground behind her if need be to get to Akemi before the others had quite reached it. Should this happen, she would reach for Akemi and forcefully (but gently) pull him into a huddle. "What is going on, now!" she would say in as loud a whisper as she could manage.

[[I got Ninja'd by Ayato, but my entire post would take place before his begins presumable, as the fellows are within voice range of Ayato, whereas mine still has them a ways off. So I'm keeping it with a timeline.]]
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:59 pm
As a chuunin, Komori felt as though it was his duty to protect the genin he was with. He released his doggo, which would run into Sakana’s arms quietly. Even the animal could detect the tension in the air. Komori turned to the genin who had followed him, “Go back with the rest of the group. Don’t get involved. Sakana is in charge until further notice.” He then turned back around to the gatekeepers. He ignored the shinobi’s unnecessary warning and placed his hand on Komon’s shoulder. Telepathically, he would whisper, Stay calm, all the while wearing a smile on his face. He held his hands up in the air, his palms next to his face. “We come in peace, there’s no need for such hostility here.” He placed his hands behind his head, like he was stretching. Casual like. Unbeknownst to the Hoshi shinobi, the wave tattoo on his back would light up with chakra, concealed beneath his clothes. “We’d rather avoid a confrontation.” He said this while looking at the supposed Hyuuga who had had the gall to call strangers filth and savages. The nerve of some people… “Forgive my brother here, he’s a tad rash. Although it would do well to watch what you say.” Another gaze towards the Hyuuga. “Let’s just work this out like civil people, hmm?”

AP: 983 - 50 Tattoo Booster = 933 Remaining

Speed stat now stands at 195 (100+25 Item+70 Booster), while RT sits at 300 (160+50 Items+90 Booster)

OoC: I would like to request an official posting order from here, if everyone's done invading and all.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:19 pm
Satoru takes mild offense to the words of one of the Hoshigakure ninja who have come to hold up the group. He forgets the insult and collects his senses.

"I can't sense chakra but I can tell that I'm severely outclassed here..." He thinks, calming himself. "Let me just... not move."

Satoru stands where he is, within the group with which he travelled here. He hopes that the current situation will blow over and that the two parties will be able to reach some agreement.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:45 pm

Topic frozen til i read it and sort out timeline/chain of events. Reading now.<3
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:46 pm
[[Hey so Gary's not got the time for this topic. He agreed to be automagically within Dungeons at the castle awaiting further topics, so Shiroi noticed the gate stuff on the way back, and is not dragging Iesada behind her. Otherwise the post remains unchanged.

Unless anyone has issues with this, ofc.]]
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