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Nagata Hyuuga
Nagata Hyuuga
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A Nice Day for Training [Private/Invite Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Nice Day for Training [Private/Invite Only]

Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:02 pm
After a tad bit difficulty, Nagata had learned a pretty useful jutsu. It was his moment and he wanted to rejoice in it. His older sister also congratulated him for learning it too, how nice of her to do that. Though her choice of words weren’t really pleasant but he decided to focus on the silver lining. His moment didn’t last long though as the spotlight moved towards the suddenly drowning older brother. The one who was being all cool like and walking on water. He was the one who explained the whole thing first and then Tsuki Ne-san explained it later. And now, he was the one drowning?

The caring sister now turned towards the older brother and Nagata too quietly followed, stepping on the water surface. He stood only a feet away from the point in the pond where his brother was drowning. Noet Nii-san was weird, to say the least. Nagata was now using the same jutsu he had learned earlier on the water surface, enabling him to walk on water. As Tsuki Ne-san worried about the state of the older brother, Nagata did what he did best. He reached into his pocket and retrieved another can of diet coke, opening it and taking a sip. May be Noet Nii-san decided to take a swim or dive. Really, he couldn’t possibly be drowning. That would be ridiculous.

When inquired whether or not he was alive, Nagata turned towards his sister then before he would reply to her, he would stare into the water. Then his gaze would return towards his sister and he would reply, ”He was just standing there, he wouldn't be dead just like that. Right?”. A question as an answer to a question, not really a smart move but given the situation, it was justified.

Nevertheless, the older sister still inquired the state of the drowning brother. Meanwhile, Nagata would stare at the body in front of him, all the while sipping through his diet coke. It was weird how his brother was now completely motionless and about to sink like a rock. Was he under genjutsu? Or was he poisoned with a paralysis inducing toxin? Or was he playing dead? If it was a joke, the older brother had some weird taste in practical humor.  

Nagata would wait a little while for some change. But nothing would change and he would continue sipping through his diet coke. At a little faster rate though, thereby exhibiting his actual nervousness about the state of his older brother. Finally, believing that something was actually wrong. He would reach out to Tsuki, attempting to give her his diet coke: ”Hold my coke. I’m not sure but I’m going in”. He would say, regardless of whether Tsuki Ne-san would actually hold his coke or not.

After that, Nagata would reach out to the sinking body of his older brother. Who at this point, if it had continued to sink, would now be completely submerged but still within his arms reach. So Nagata would be able to reach it without diving into the water but by simply reaching out with his arm. He would try to do so in an attempt to grab his brother (the body that is actually a clone but Nagata is not aware of this fact), and will attempt to pull it out of the water.
Word Count: 562.
Total Word Count: 2252.
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A Nice Day for Training [Private/Invite Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Nice Day for Training [Private/Invite Only]

Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:27 pm

The depths at which Nōet floated at where neither the deepest that the pond afforded, but at the same time not so close to the surface of the water that he could make out the conversation that was being discussed between his younger siblings. He could only assume that the subject of the matter was his current position, or rather his clone's position which mimicked his previous position after having fallen over backwards, but after hearing the muffled conversation carry on he couldn't help but entertain the more sinister thoughts hiding out in his subconscious. What if they, like their father, thought of him as second rate? Was he really just a dilution to the Hyūga bloodline? What could be worth more talking about versus saving his life?

Such thoughts couldn't be helped with the upbringing that Nōet came from, and like most people, he more often than not created the demons that so plagued him. Ripples along the water's surface reverberated from the direction of the source of land caught the boys attention, someone was coming and as a result the decision had been made. No longer would he bide his time, instead he chose to act starting with weaving through a series of hand signs, Tiger...Boar... Ox... Dog... Snake..., before allowing his body to float into the place of his clone. With his back to the water's surface Nōet's eyes scanned the murky floor of the pond in search of a key piece to his next stunt which involved the participation of objects in his environment, although none seemed suitable alas a ray of light pierced the depths of the water and reflecting off of something metal. It would have to do, the next thing he knew the illusion dispersed in a puff of slightly obscuring smoke as an arm extended into the water grabbing at what it could.

Oh shit...

All preparation time went out the window as Nōet's jacket was grabbed prompting the immediate response of activating his technique, and just like that he was gone, although his jacket remained clutched by Nagata. Where his older brother was just momentarily within his grasp now stood only his jacket, a noticeable weight differentiation should be noted as from where he now floated at the bottom of the pond Nōet realized it was a trash bin that had taken his place. His ruse would no doubt be found out by the zipped up bin in his jacket, the games were had, thus with nothing left to do he propelled himself to the surface. He hoped that neither sibling made their decent at the same time of his ascension, but he had no way of determining how well his "acting" was, ao he remained cautious and exhaled a stream of air creating bubbles that floated to the surface before he did. If Nagata had been preoccupied acting as the stand in hero then Tsuki should have his back, at the least scouting the area. They were all family after all...

Word Count: 501
Jutsu Trained: Substitution Technique
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