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Madrigal Kaguya
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Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:53 pm
Valen was watching Damon intently as the boy did was needed to be done. He stealthily blended in with the crowd, moving through the masses with his clones walking through as well. Valen would begin moving as Damon reached the front. Quickly moving through the crowd a quick and moderate pace, trying not to seem too out of place before his fellow genin leapt for the stage, knocking Emi out quickly. The moment Damon would begin to move Valen would dash forward as well. The crowd would attempt to surge forward to kill the hooded figure that dared attack the women that had brought them down there in the first place with her staggering beauty. Valen however would long since be on the move already. He would dash in front of crowd, easily outpacing all of the civilians and firing off two of his swords chakra disks at either side of the room. He made them slower than normal but so the disks could easily be seen by the crowd as they careened into the wall. Any civilian that the disks might ‘clip’ on the way would surely be knocked out by the condensed blade of chakra. The true target was the walls on the side of the room. The disks, moving across the room at the front of the crowd would hold the entire room’s worth of civilians back, preventing them from coming forward while Damon knocked out the strikingly beautiful woman. After all the boy was a trained ninja, he didn’t need but a moment to do that. Even if it had taken longer Valen would simply begun knocking people out with the backside of his Crimson End. ‘I know you prefer a bloodier battle, but I refuse to shed these innocents, they do not know what they’re doing’ He would mentally say to the blade who merely grumbled in response before going silent. ‘Surely you can see that these people shouldn’t be killed? Surely you see that killing for the sake of killing his wrong?’ He would mentally say to his blade as everything was going down.
He of course was met with silence at this point. It seemed the sentience within the blade he carried simply refused to cooperate on this issue...for now. At this point Damon would tell to go after Lady Morgan, something he more than willing to do. Damon would be fine and could pull his punches enough. Plus he had clones to watch his back. Hell the only reason Valen sent him against Emi and Lady Morgan in the first place was because he didn’t actually know what Damon was capable of so he didn’t know if the boy happened to have any jutsu that wouldn’t result in the death of innocent civilians. Not all things could be weakened like his chakra blasts after all. But with the boys ability to use solid clones he would be more than able to simply use hand to hand combat if necessary and the clones could watch his back as he watched there. He doubted after all that a civilian could muster the strength and power to dispel even one shadow clone. At this point Valen would dash toward the study room, he’d tried the door but of course it would be locked. Rolling his eyes at this our crimson garbed weapon user would simply raise his foot and use his considerable physical might to smash the heavy iron door down with a well placed kick. Inside Lady Morgan would be performing hand seals at a pace that caused Valen to raise an eyebrow. Not because of how fast they were, but how slow..Could his eyes have picked up the ability to take in things so quickly? Or was she simply not a very fast hand seal weaver. Either were possible. After all the, admittedly, gorgeous red haired woman was trying to incite a civil war indirectly with merely civilians. If she were truly powerful she wouldn’t tried it with shinobi as well. After all starting a civil war when people from both sides were under the effects of a genjutsu was far easier than simply one. Especially when the one you chose was the one that wasn’t sworn to protect the other. He shook his head quickly as she weaved her seals and the room began to shake loudly and collapse. He had to move, either she was using an earth jutsu to collapse this part of the sewers or she had rigged this added room to collapse at a certain hand seal sequence. He dashed forward at speeds many people would have trouble following, smacking her hard with the blunt end of his blade. He’d then proceed to throw her unconscious form over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he began to go through the desk as quickly as he could, using his eyes superior ability to take in information to quickly skim through what were their plans and what was simply there. He ended up with a decent sized stack of papers in his hand, about three inches thick. He held them tight, knowing they would be needed before he dashed out the door. “Damon, get everyone out with your clones, this place is coming down, the sewer tunnel should be safe.” He yelled as he unceremoniously kicked Emi’s unconscious body up into the air and ran into it with his shoulder, causing her to land in the ‘sack of potato’ position as Lady Morgan was. He ran into the tunnel of sewers, wishing he would be able to help Damon evacuate the civilians but being unable to leave these two or the papers behind. Hell the two women alone couldn’t be left behind, it would simply be wrong. After dashing into the tunnels he would toss both women in the same nearby side tunnel they had drug the two ‘revolutionists’ from before and he would put the papers under his arm before smacking both women with his sword to make sure they stayed out cold.

If Damon were near him, which he certainly hoped he would be as the alternative would be him still being in the collapsing room. He would turn to him with a grave look on his face. As far as he knew neither of them were able to summon anything that could go get help. They couldn’t leave these people unguarded, but they also couldn’t afford to leave just one of them here. If either of the two with training woke up during any fight it likely wouldn’t end well for the one left behind. They were effectively stuck. Unless the collapsing meeting room made enough noise to draw attention, but he didn’t know how she set that room up. For all he knew no one on the outside knew they were even down here. This whole thing was spur of the moment. They were at the right place at the right time, nothing more. “I don’t know what to do now..We can’t leave them without both of us lest the other be overwhelmed..” He would say as he looked at everyone, most of the civilians were not happy to see them, but the fact that they didn’t leave them to die (hopefully) kept them from trying to slit their throats and leaving them to rot in the sewers.

TWC: 3669
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Ryo : 44150

Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:54 pm
Well Valen certainly loved hitting women.

Once the two women had been taken care of, maybe a tad too much so, the genjutsu seemed to break. Damon was then left with a hoard of confused civilians wearing robes that had no clue where they were. Standing up from Emi’s unconscious body, Damon began shouting as his clones corralled the sheeple, “Everybody, this place is going. The exit is behind you so please, exit hurriedly but safely.” Then a panic ensued. Damon’s shadow clones would head forward into the crowd, trying to keep the peace as much as possible and prevent them from trampling each other. Crowd control sucks sometimes. “Watch the pushing and shoving!” People could be very selfish when it came to life or death situations. Granted this was obvious, but as a shinobi, the concept seemed rather foreign to the Uchiha, whose eyes had long since deactivated. With one clone in the front, following Valen and leading the crowd of people, Damon himself would charge forward towards the middle, where the tunnel hit a T section, in order to prevent them from going the wrong way. The last shadow clone remained in the room, as he had been carrying the unconscious back and forth to the door. “I’m doing a final sweep!” the clone said as he reentered the room. A rock then crushed him as he poofed into smoke. “Ouch.” Damon signed the clone seal again, in order to create another clone to take his place. “C’mon we need to get the unconscious ones.” The two Damons would then traverse to the edge of the room, grabbing two or three men a piece before heading back in the direction of the exit, the tunnel collapsing behind them and sealing the room for a long, long time. Eventually they managed to meet up with Valen, where they placed the bodies next to the ones they had rendered unconscious earlier. When they woke up, they should manage to find their way out of the tunnels, seeing as that one side had caved in and all. “Well,” Damon said, clearly aware of their awkward situation. “Time for the waiting game once more.” Unless a civilian could be sent for help, but their assistance was not really anticipated.

WC: 2748
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:25 pm
The ninja and people trapped in the cave wouldn’t have to wait long, as there was another ninja in the sewers already. Why are so many people just walking down into the sewers? There had been reports over the past couple weeks of gatherings under the city. The queensguard was tasked with following one of the people that were lifting manhole covers into the dank, dark, disgusting sewers. The ninja followed his target in silence with chakra suppressed.

He didn’t stand in eyesight, instead he used his superior hearing to follow the man and waited in the tunnels as the woman gave her speech about genjutsu and inciting the people to riot. The ninja was about to leave to get a group together, but that’s when the commotion started. Apparently, someone had gotten into the meeting and had attacked the leader. That wasn’t it however, someone had also caused the tunnel to collapse. While they were old it had to take some power to cause its fall.

Moving to the rubble the ninja would take hold of the steel on his necklace and his skin would become metallic. Gathering nature energy his skin would take on a shade more akin to iron as it darkened. Kyousuke would then begin using his incredible strength to remove the debris. (strength 190) As he moved the rock he could begin to see through slightly.  He would use his voice to talk to anyone within. “I am Kyousuke Snow, please do not resist arrest I’d rather not hurt anyone.”

He would continue moving the collapsed walls after that. He wasn’t very concerned about anyone trying to hurt him. It seemed most of the people within were normal civilians. Besides a couple of people grouped together with rather high chakra.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:18 pm
“I am Kyousuke Snow, please do not resist arrest I’d rather not hurt anyone.” Valen would hear bellow throughout the tunnels. It was an order, an authoritative command. His heart would feel elation as that could only mean a higher ranked village shinobi was on the scene. He made sure his head band was visible where it was usually hidden under his cloak before turning to Damon. “Make sure no civilians actually get away, we don’t know the nature of the genjutsu and they could have simply wanted to escape the collapsing room at that point. But if that genjutsu is still on them the results would be catastrophic if they get out and blend in with the village.” He said as he turned toward the voice. Provided Damon went to go do as Valen had advised he would respond. “I am Valen, Genin shinobi of Hoshigakure No Sato, I am here with fellow Hoshigakure Genin Damon. We’ve knocked out the two apparent masterminds of this party.” He would begin. He wouldn’t leave the sides of the two unconscious women, as it stood there was a wall behind them so they couldn’t sneak away if they awoke, not without the crimson garbed sword wielder.
He would take a moment to take a breath before beginning to explain everything to the seemingly higher level shinobi. “After a mission yesterday that aroused my suspicion I followed Lady Morgan of The Church of The Eternal Flame to watch her for signs of mistrust. This was not a mission and I acted on this part alone.” He would begin, hoping to spare Damon any kind of trouble that could be caused by the possible unsanctioned stalking. “After discovering her traveling through her church with the woman that had been the target of the mission my suspicions became full blown concerns and I followed them through these sewers where Genin Damon found me. We proceeded to follow them to see what they were planning and discovered their intent to incite civil war in our village. When the speech given by Lady Morgan began to incite the civilians enough that I feared things were soon to escalate too far both Damon and I acted to end the situation immediately. As it stands we have no casualties but I have asked Damon to make sure no civilians escape until we can confirm the nature of the genjutsu used to incite their anger. If ever one of those civilians is still under the effects the result could be a full blown nightmare causing the deaths of countless people. He finished as he kept a careful eye on the women

. “I possess documents containing evidence of the full scope of their plan, including collaborators that may or may not be among those here.” He finished as he continued to hold onto the paper’s tightly. At this point if Kyousuke had finished getting through the rubble then Valen would undoubtedly notice any headband on the shinobi and feel much more at ease before holding the documents out to the man. “I understand this wasn’t sanctioned by any form of higher up, but given the situation I don’t think we really had time to report it and make it an official mission..” He would say, this being the last thing he would say before sighing softly. He wondered if he would get in trouble for this. He hoped Damon didn’t but Valen himself stalked a prominent church head without sanction and came down here to investigate further without alerting a high authority to send assistance. It was sheer luck the Kyousuke was down here after all.

WC: 4275
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:33 am
Crowd control again. Damon sent two shadow clones forward to unceremoniously contain the near cult group in order to corral the herd, per say, and catch any stragglers up front. Oh boy. The two would blend within the crowd, past Kyousuke, and at the spot where he had entered. “Please, remain here for the time being. The situation is being handled.” And other generic phrases. But Damon was mostly just here for the sake of the spur of the moment revolution quelling instead of making it an actual missions and everything, so he just let Valen do the talking. A lot of it. Damon himself was involved in helping to keep the group of civilians in check, bringing up the rear and cutting off other access tunnels. He would, however, be near enough to listen to their conversation, his shinobi headband strapped around his right bicep, towards the two. There was not really much for him to do here, since Valen covered everything.

WC: 2911
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:27 pm
The orange haired ninja would listen as a voice called back to him explaining he was a shinobi of Hoshi. This raised a few questions within the queensguards mind, but he would listen the ninja speak and address any concerns later. Valen’s words seemed to make sense, he was suspicious of the women from a previous mission and did some light stalking nothing unusual there. But it seemed the genin had good judgement when it came to people up to no good.

“I am a queensguard, so keep everyone inside safe I should have this debris cleared in a moment.” The ninja would then turn his hands into what looked lick pickaxes before he started to break the rocks apart. Once, through both ninja could see the strange skinned man with orange hair in silver armor.

He would then end his transformation and return to a normal looking person. “So, no one is hurt?” He would ask in case anyone needed medical attention. Once, he was assured no one was harmed or aware of it he would either move on or perform first aid. “Can I see the papers proving the woman is the mastermind?” If handed the papers he would read over them giving a nod. ‘

“Okay, lets get these people to the hospital to check for side effects of the genjutsu and take these masterminds to jail.” He would then look to see if they understood and then help in any way he could to accomplish the task.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:51 am
Valen would hand the now proclaimed ‘Queensguard’ the papers for him to look over and listen to the orders the large silver armored man with orange hair gave to them. He’d turn to Damon quickly with a plan. “You’re better suited to escorting the civilians to the hospital with your clones, you handle that, but make sure you keep the details of what happened to a minimum here, we don’t know if there are any collaborators out there and we want to keep people in dark as much as possible. Tell them you were practicing genjutsu and they accidentally got caught in it or something. For those that are knocked out tell them they fell unconscious when the mishap happened due to the strain of the genjutsu. You might get an odd look or two but it doesn’t really matter in this case because by the time you get them there and tell them what happened there should be more shinobi picking through the church and digging toward that room for anymore documents that might list anyone that was missed. Hell the list could be in Lord Kyousuke’s hands for all we know. But we don’t have to time to search through them. Snow and I will take these two to the prison, provided he’s willing to lend assistance of course. Me because I was here since the start and can give a more complete account of everything including my suspicious thoughts from the mission from yesterday if they desire. Snow will come with in case these two wake up, we got the drop on them in there so we don’t really know how powerful they are if at all and he’s stronger than both of us combined.” He would explain while turning to look at Kyousuke when he mentioned him. If everyone agreed he’d lift up Lady Morgan, leaving Emi for Snow to carry and begin moving out of the sewers toward the prison. He could trust Damon with the civilians as he knew the fire wielding teen could handle himself. It was he himself he was nervous about.
They’d leave the sewers in short order, as there was no longer a need to be slow nor a reason to be quiet and Valen would run for the prison post haste, not wanting to risk the dangerous woman in his arms from waking up. He’d keep to the rooftops to make sure as few people as possible saw them to avoid any possible hidden allies of theirs to see them. He didn’t want them to panic and scurry, not yet anyway. It’d make them that much harder to track down, but that was for the higher authorities to deal with. He wasn’t even assigned a mission for this, but he needed to do it for the village. He was certain Damon felt the same way, when he stopped thinking with his lower brain anyway. They’d arrive at the prison in but a few minutes, after all traveling across a city was still pretty fast for a shinobi. Upon arrival Valen would calmly walk in, hoping Snow was close by with the rest of the evidence. He’d move to the desk and look around, noting everyone was sporting a headband somewhere on their body and then speak quickly, yet calmly “These women attempted to subvert a large group of civilians with a mass genjutsu to cause them spark a civil war within our village. The civilians are currently being taken to the hospital as we speak to be checked for any lingering effects of the genjutsu. Lord Kyousuke here has the physical evidence we recovered from their hideout before they collapsed it. It contains detailed plans, documents, and we hope it might contain a list of possible collaborators that might not have been at the meeting. Lord Snow here can validate it.” He would say, making sure the officer at the desk understood. The man would stand up, which allowed Valen to see his name as “Saichi Yamazaka” and motion for the women to be taken from them. Immediately two officers would move to take the women from him and Snow before taking them to a nearby room that Valen assumed would prevent the women from using chakra.

Fairly quickly afterwards Saichi would hand Valen a pen and paper “We need you to write a report to be sent to the palace immediately.” He would say and Valen would nod before turning to Lord Snow “Thank you for your help Lord Kyousuke, you came at just the right moment.” He would say, he was mainly unsure of if the man would be made to write a report as well or not but it mattered little to Valen. The crimson garbed sword wielder would move over to a nearby chair with a clipboard and begin to write out everything, starting from the mission the other day where he was suspicious of Lady Morgan and why and moving through what happened in the sewers. He’d then hand it to Saichi who would nod and send it off to the palace immediately. Valen would nod at this and figure at this point it was best to wait for a summons in case he was needed. He'd probably avoid taking missions outside of the village for a day or two. Just to make sure if they needed him for anything he'd be available. So he'd head on home to get some rest...and a shower.


WC: 5124

Claiming 25 stats and hopefully credit for our second chunin rank up mission? :3

Last edited by Valen Akari on Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:05 am
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” Valen certainly was bossy, but for good reasoning. After all, he was the one who had followed through on a suspicion, he was the one who had devised the plan, and finally had basically carried Damon on his shoulders throughout the mission, aside from within the meeting hall. Damon and Co. then proceeded to escort civilians, unconscious and barely attentive down the hallways and up the ladder to the street above. Damon himself would go first as he then used his clones to make sure that everyone had climbed up the ladder, or been carried if they were too weak… or injured, to walk. That last bit was a bit of both of the genin’s faults. Heading towards the hospital, he would hurry to the front desk as the surge of people swarmed into the waiting room, groaning and holding their heads. The unconscious ones were just now waking up. He approached the ebony woman sitting at the front desk. “Uhm. Hi. I’d like to check in for, uhm…” he turned around and counted them out. “About fifty people. Give or take.” He gave an awkward smile as he scratched the back of his head. The attendant raised an eyebrow as Damon remembered what Valen had said. “I’m a shinobi,” he said pointing to his armband. “I was practicing some genjutsu when the technique went wrong and accidentally affected several dozen people. So I felt it was my responsibility to bring them here.” She gave a sassy and disappointed, ‘Mhm hmm” as she called on some orderlies to begin escorting patients to their rooms. “Thank you so much,” Damon said as he turned to walk away.

Her voice called out to him, “Before you leave…” He froze and turned around, nervous about what she had to say. “...Thank you. For bringing them here, I mean. I don’t know you folk very well, but it was awfully kind of you to take responsibility for your own actions instead of running away and shifting blame.” She looked down at the papers on her desk. “You’re all right. For a ninja.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” He then turned and headed out the door, unsure as to what to do next. At least he had made an impression on a citizen. Perhaps this was the first step to acceptance of the shinobi in Hoshigakure. Maybe one day, when he was a legendary shinobi, even Hoshi would recognize him as a hero. He was supposed to take his sparring chuunin exam today, but had run into Valen instead, and stopped a coup d'etat. What a day. He would then head to the mission center and grab a form to fill out his mission report, stating to the best of his ability what had happened, sending a courier to the palace in his place. This was urgent enough to warrant a direct message to the Queen. Damon would then head somewhere else, not sure where to go or what to do. At least he was satisfied with a job well done.

--Exit-- unless Valen needs me, otherwise

WC: 3421

Claims: Chakra Suppression (2000/2000), Will of the Stars (1421/2000), 17 stats, and the ability to move forwards to final chunin mission (Aki OoC gave Valen and I permission to skip the second mission in favor of this thread)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Ryo : 92350

Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:16 am
Nodding as Valen gave his idea, the man would also pick up one of the women. He wouldn’t mention anything about whether if he had more information on these ladies as Valen mentioned a list. In truth, he had no such list, but denying it was the same as staying silent here. When it came to government conspiracies denying it usually just made the other party think you had it more. Silence would have to suffice for the ninja on that subject.

I might be physically stronger. The man would think while flexing his astounding muscles. “I’m sure I am not as strong as you think.” He would say throwing the woman over his shoulder like it was nothing. “Anyway, we’ve got our plan let’s move out.”

As Damon was about to leave Kyousuke would call to him. “Its not as much as you’d get on a mission, but here.” He would say tossing the ninja a coin purse with 1900 ryo inside. He would then toss Valen another with 1900 ryo. A few seconds earlier he had counted out the money which likely prompted odd looks from the two. Guy just separating his money down in the sewers… Sure. “I can’t have you go unpaid for a job well done.” He would then turn and walk through the collapsed tunnel.

At the prison the guards would salute the queensguard to which he would salute back. As Valen gave his end of the story and mention Kyousuke he would talk to the guard. “I was there because of rumors about people entering the sewers and when I arrived a tunnel was collapsed and these ninjas were there with proof of a cult uprising. Everything he said should be in those documents.”

The guard handed the queensguard a pen and the man would begin to write, before Valen spoke to him. To which the man would place the pen and paper down. “No, problem. You did a good job out there. You followed your guts and that led to the arrest of someone who could have gotten people killed had she been stopped a moment later. I’m going to add that into the report I give to the palace.”

He would then pick back up the pen and paper and write a few things about his involvement and what went down from his POV, before he returned to Saichi and asked for copies of all the documents including Valen’s statement. Once that was done the ninja would fly to the hospital and ask for medical records on all of the people that Damon had brought in. He would then take all of the files to the palace.

Claiming -3800 ryo giving half to Damon and Valen.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Everything is What it Seems (P, Damon)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:26 am
I'll add on the claim for 1900 ryo then <3
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