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Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Tue May 30, 2017 4:28 pm
he day was dimly lit as per usual within the storm covered country of Kirigakure, but despite the rain it wouldn't stop the courier who was ordered to deliver the summons to an abandoned building outside of the main hub of the village.  Yazu had been anticipating the summons for some time now so when the carrier came upon the door and began tapping it would be less than a few seconds before he was greeted and Yazu would take it off his hands.  On a typical day the courier would have been killed, but always cautious of the eyes watching he would spare the individual, knowing he had been placed on a short leash recently.  With slight frustration in his heart he would close the door behind him, opening the parcel and reading the words upon it, calling him to the Kage chambers, a mission for him.  This was quite exciting for Yazu, an opportunity to redeem himself.  He pondered on whether this would mean he would need to join the blood games that would be going on.  He truly didn't wish for that but he would not refuse his leaders request.  Having been studying another stolen scroll regarding the lightweight rock technique, a very secretive and powerful tech used by Tsuchikage of the past.  One that he wished to synergize with his masked beasts.

Placing on his ninja gear, including his tattered and abused chuunin armor and some torn black skin suit he would head to the chambers.  He traveled quickly running through so as not to disappoint Xyxer by being late, and in his rush he had failed to realize the actual time, showing up an hour early.   The boy would walk through the building approaching the chamber finding Wraith and Jester standing outside the room as per was usual, as they were more of glorified body guards and errand boys than actual ANBU.  I suppose that worked for those who were lazy and possessed no drive.  Yazu would raise the summons to them letting them see it just as the boy passed them and entered the room.  Upon entering Yazu would fall to his right knee with his right arm across his chest a large smile draped across his face, though concealed beneath his mask, it could still be faintly seen by a perceptive viewer.

"Yes, Lord Xyxer, how may I be of service?"  Yazu would ask with his head bowed to the man.
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Tue May 30, 2017 4:56 pm
As soon as the male had found his way inside the area, with the early summon note with him, the ANBU permitted him entry. Of course, they had been tipped off by the varying ANBU throughout the entire complex, granting Xyxer time to move aside certain documents and tidy up his desk some. His loyal hounds remained tethered to the wall, yet they were snoozing at the moment, sated after their recent meal that had procured a few bones as chew toys for them. 

Once Yazu had entered, the two ANBU would follow in behind him before taking their positions either side of the door to ensure he was watched at all times. Anyone who entered the Mizukage chambers was treated with the same diligence, no matter how little or how great. The deadliest blades came from those who were not suspected, and so it was only just to keep a tab on everyone that wanted to interact with him.

Moments after he knelt, Xyxer would lift a hand upwards to signify him to stand, even accompanying the gesture with words in case he could not see it, "Rise, Yazu. I do hope you're not this early in every aspect of your life." The beast jested, a slight smile nestling on his lips and a faint gleam in his grey eyes, "I have a situation I need handling, and I've decided on you to be the solution. I trust you have heard of Ren Tsubasa? The feminine male who once paraded the streets." Xyxer's hands clasped momentarily before he realised how uncomfortable that position was, and so his palms decided to rest on the edge of the desk.

He tapped against the desk for a second before he continued on, "I fear our good friend may be in trouble on the road as he has failed to do what I've requested of him. Worse yet, I fear he may have betrayed the village that so readily accepted him. The Kage that kept him safe from the horrors of the world. Perhaps he needs to be reminded of the trauma that comes with no allegiance" Xyxer paused once more, a wry smile forming on his lips before he lifted one hand, gesturing it towards the predator opposite him in a highlighting movement, "Or perhaps Yazu of the Mist can bring him home where he belongs." Xyxer would pause for the male's response before divulging any more information.

Yet, a nagging feeling remained for the Mizukage. How would he have broken the genjutsu so easily if not without outside help? Was he truly harmed in his travels? He was unsure on what had happened, but all he could be sure of now was what would happen. Short controlled bursts of chakra fluctuated throughout his system as if he was cleansing it of something. The thought of the genjutsu lingered in his mind as he attempted to tune his chakra into something that could seek and destroy traces of it, erase it from his mind without any usage for hand seals. Given that he specialised in genjutsu himself, he'd know how it'd affect him.. probably.
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Seek and Destroy (IO) Empty Re: Seek and Destroy (IO)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:22 am
The white haired youth would rise when beckoned, a small chuckle in response to the joke, though it would be half hearted as though not fully understanding what it would be in reference to not even considering the sexual innuendo.  Raising up and standing slightly slouched as was common for him with both hands placed before him left hand covering the right looking at the Mizukage, even daring to make eye contact, Yazu's yellow eyes connecting with the man's dead grey ones. Xyxer would inquire about the feminine male, Yazu did briefly remember someone of that description within his Medical Shop but not in any great detail.

As the request was placed before him Yazu's lip would snarl, a traitor amongst us, this was not acceptable.  He despised anyone willing to betray his homeland.  Yazu did not care if Ren had met any issues on his path though, as this was the Bloody Mist and if you could not defend yourself then we have no need for you here.  Yazu felt no pity for Ren Tsubasa and only wished the boy the worst, but he would do what was requested, he owed this man his life, how could he refuse?

"It should be known that I despise traitors, and his safety cannot be guaranteed should that be the outcome, so I apologize before hand, however everyone deserves a fair trial, so I will do my best the quench these thoughts."  Yazu would reply with a small growl in his voice, one that betrayed his lust for violence, but that would quickly die away.

"Do you have any information regarding his whereabouts, or perhaps about the mission he has failed you in, to put me in the proper direction?"  The white haired monster would then ask.

Last edited by Yazu <3333 on Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:57 pm
The boy's words about everyone deserving a fair trial amused Xyxer. It was obvious from everything that he had done that he did not truly believe that was the case, as justice had never seemed to mean anything to Yazu. Yet, who was Xyxer to muse about another ninja's idea of justice and what it encompasses? He believed justice was simply what he decided it to be, and that his word was final on the issue, what was rather ironic.

It was thankful that the boy seemed to have met Ren before, or at least someone of a similar nature. He nodded his head along to what the monstrosity had said before him, pausing for a moment before he divulged the information with Yazu, "He was on his way to Konoha to fulfill a mission for me, whether he made it there or not is unknown to me. Granted that we're on an island far away from everywhere else, your best bet is probably to ask a round the shipyard and see if anyone's ferried a man of his description, and if so where to. Then simply scour the area after you find the appropriate lead." The Mizukage would suggest, sliding a folded envelope from the side of the table towards himself. After doing so, he'd place three fingers onto it, and push the letter opposite him in the direction of Yazu so that he could take it himself.

Gesturing towards the letter that was sealed with crimson wax marked in the seal of a flayed man, he'd speak towards him regarding it, "If you encounter any shinobi that appears to pose you harm, present this to them. Don't open it until that situations arises. Of course, I'm assuming that if you can't capture Ren yourself, you'll also present this letter to him, or simply offer him the courtesy of following you back to the Mist where he belongs." Xyxer would pause momentarily before following on, somewhat amused as he knew the boy would not be able to truly sense danger, "If the situation appears too volatile, there is no rhyme or reason to risking your life. I'll expect this mission to be fulfilled within a short period of time, if not, I'll have to hunt for yourself and Ren myself. Do you have any more questions? Any requests, Yazu of the Mist?"
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Seek and Destroy (IO) Empty Re: Seek and Destroy (IO)

Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:29 am
The White haired boy would smile beneath his tattered mask, the movement would become obvious to the beast behind the desk that the idea of this venture appeased the boy.  Of course Yazu would capture the boy, seeing a traitor tortured would be among the most satisfying things he could imagine.  He would immediately see where this was going, and the possibilities pleased him.  This would be his proving ground, his chance to show Xyxer his strengths, and a great way to display it, using his cunning and intelligence to outsmart and hunt the boy.  He would recall all of the information he had on Ren, the boy he had met within his medical supply shop.  

A mission to Konoha, what could have posed an issue, as Yazu had been told Konoha was a very pitiful state, he valued even the lowest scum of Kiri over a higher ranking shinobi from any other village, with MN as traitorous scum who he desired within his lab.  So if Ren Tsubasa had made it to Konoha it was likely his weak minded easily persuaded self would have likely deserted.  If he had died at any point in time, he would have deserved it for being weak.  If you are incapable of defending yourself you have no home within Kiri.  Yazu would become quite enthralled at this point, his heart racing, excitement rushing over him.  He had never felt like this before.  Was this how a predator felt prior to a hunt?  It was exhilarating.  The grin he now wore was genuine.  It wouldn't have mattered whether Yazu was out trying to get one of Xyxers hound he would enjoy the hunt, it seemed he learned something new about himself every day.

In an effort to appear humble and not excited Yazu would leave his replies short, the less he knew the more difficult the hunt.  Walking forward Yazu would retrieve the envelope.  "As you command my lord, would you be willing to appease my voracious curiosity as to what it might contain?"  The tone of his voice calm and collected though he bit back a squeal. He would let Xyxer speak at this point.  "And any situation that would be too much for the best of Kiri, would be one that might warrant some new gear, what I own is of piss poor quality, and with the tech shop within the walls of Kiri I would be willing to take a small personal loan to get me started.  Any interest rate you dictate would be acceptable, I have no need for ryo in my personal life."

Last edited by Yazu <3333 on Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Seek and Destroy (IO) Empty Re: Seek and Destroy (IO)

Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:01 pm
Yet again, another wave of chakra flooded the body of Xyxer as he attempted to discern the proper networking in order to perform genjutsu release without the usage of handseals. Of course, he'd know when he's achieved that feat as he'd gain a sudden clarity, something which had not struck him yet. Not a harsh strike though, like a Chris Brown, it'd be more of a lover strike, still not the abusive kind, but the kind where it's a friendly punch in the shoulder, instead of a violent punch to the face, you know? That was the feeling he anticipated when he figured out how this damn thing worked.

Watching the ambiguous male while he spoke, as well as watching his hands as he always did, Xyxer remained quiet for a moment yet his eyebrow perked upwards when Yazu hinted to himself being the best of Kirigakure. This was a bold allegation granted that Xyxer was sat directly in front of him, and was fully willing to tear his throat out.. but that would sate the Hachibi within him. The demon would not conquer him, and he would restrain this violent impulse merely to irk the beast further. Death only happened on his terms, and right now, he didn't quite feel like calling the cleaners to mop up the blood from his floor. 

Gesturing his hand towards the letter, he'd speak during the highlight, "It's a simple letter from myself stating that you're acting as an emissary of Kirigakure tasked with capturing the Missing Ninja known as Ren." Xyxer paused momentarily while he licked his lips to moisten them before continuing, capturing criminals was dull work when you weren't flaying them, "As such, lesser criminals and village ninja will know that you have the full backing of Kirigakure, and will be investigated should you disappear. Too much risk for those kids. As for the loan, present a set price right here and right now for what items you want to acquire. This isn't Hoshigakure, we don't hand money to lazy beggars. We hold them in contempt." Xyxer spoke truthfully, shrugging his shoulders while waiting for the male's response.
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:51 pm
"A letter like that may not hold any sway with the filth I might encounter, but I will hold it for the important occasion in which I find my pray my lord." Yazu would state in reply, noticing his own jest was not taken in light regard.  It would seem it would be fine as Yazu still stood, but he would be more conscious of what he said in the next few moments as not to push his luck.  It would seem his first step was to inform the others that Ren was declared a Missing Ninja, and it would be necessary for Ren to discover that.  Might even information that could be used to bait him out.

"Just some armor to accommodate my rank, and a trinket to boost my already high chakra.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  As I anticipate it will be roughly 8 thousand ryo." While saying that he would place the note within his belt and resume his bowing position he had made before resuming his reverent stance. Facing the man from the center of the floor where he had been prior.  He would no longer push the jesting on the man noticing he did not take it well.  Yazu would also notice something particularly odd about Xyxer's chakra, it was fluctuating oddly. He couldnt tell what its purpose was but it seemed like the learning of something useful, not sure why but Yazu would mimic these movements of chakra, pulsing it in a similar pattern within himself.

"I will bring Ren back...Alive...On my word as a Kiri Shinobi my Lord."  He would state waiting to be excused.

Last edited by Yazu <3333 on Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:41 pm
He nodded. What Yazu said could be quite likely, after all, why would a traitor care for the words of the person he ran from? Perhaps there had been a great misunderstanding, and the Judas was simply taking his time. Yet there would still be a cost, regardless of the condition on his lack of return. "You're quite right, Yazu, but if you encounter those scum.. it is your duty to brutalize them. We must cleanse where we cross if we find uncivilized savagery. Regardless, the note will serve you well should you need entry into a village." He stated, before moving onto the next order of business, "I will grant you the loan for the chakra enhancer, sure. The next part is your choice however, I can lend you an old set of ANBU armour, or you can purchase the regular gear. Whichever you prefer, of course."

It was around about this time that Xyxer nodded towards Wraith and Jester at the back of the room, with the duo proceeding to promptly leave the room to retrieve some ryo and items. Filling the empty pause in the air however, he'd continue, "If Ren has been captured, or he's found safety in some band.. be it a merchant band, traveling troupe, or a mercenary band, grant them the chance of coming with him. Perhaps the safety of being within a village during these times will make your job easier. If not, simply take Ren however you can. Don't forget to keep me informed on where you are, just send it to one of the shipyards that ferries over here." By the time he finished speaking, the ANBU entered the room once more with a small pouch of ryo, black and orange armour that was currently being carried on the body of a mannequin, as well as something that had also been unseen before.

With a flicker of his hands, a blue piece of fabric was unrolled in the hands of Wraith, dropping down towards the ground with it's length to expose the new logo of Kirigakure: A blue field, displaying a prominent figure of a skinless man suspended upside down, with the original symbol for Kirigakure featuring at the bottom of the flag. Sure, it wasn't the most diplomatic of flags, but it would serve the message for what would happen if this man was to be crossed. Xyxer would break the silence once more as he gestured towards it, "I'll also expect you to carry this on your person. Whether you have it fixed on your back with a pole or whatever matters not to me, as long as the flag is undamaged. That'd be a sign of weakness for Kirigakure." With that, Xyxer would look towards Yazu now instead of the flag, "So, is there anything else you wish to request?" It was quite likely that Yazu may not appreciate the armour due to the fact that the helm would sacrifice vision in one eye. Xyxer had always appreciated the challenge himself.

Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:44 am
As the ANBU wheeled in the equipment granted to him, the white haired boy would watch intently eyeing the armor and sizing it up, he had never noticed such a thing, it seemed a cross between the advanced scientific armor built within the tech shop, though held a masculine simplicity.  It was indeed gorgeous armor, Yazu battled with humility for the briefest of seconds considering refusing the gorgeous equipment, but it was quite short lived as he felt it better to not deny Xyxer's gift worrying about the consequences of doing so.  The armor was sleek and seemed to contain a good deal of customizable options as far as general fittings and plate customization, however one of the eye slots appeared to be missing, allowing for only half vision so it would seem the helmet would be quite useless to him.  The most intriguing item however being the flag, a war banner displaying a gruesome vision of a flayed man and the symbol of Kirigakure.  Yazu would take a moment to appreciate its majesty, truly a vision to strike fear into the hearts of those who witnessed it.  The boy would bear it proudly.

Having already begun a myriad of plans and counter tactics within his mind, he knew it would not be difficult for him to outsmart and outmaneuver Ren Tsubasa at every turn.  His prey would be captured, and no number of men frightened the boy apart from a small army.  Then Xyxer would mention notes, this was a grand idea, but he could easily top it.  Pulling a slip of paper out of his pouch with his left hand he would extend a single strand of thread that filled his body out of the tip of his index finger on his right, until it was close to his mouth, he would bite the thread enough to cause a light trickle of blood to slip out as the thread snapped to the paper and began scribbling upon it.  At that point Yazu would explain, "In order to keep much of my research indecipherable by your associates and their prying eyes, I developed an intricate cipher.  This cipher is almost impossible to crack without the key word and an understanding of how I think.  To keep our communication secret I will provide you the key word so that I can keep you constantly informed of my mission.  Should you go 48 hours without receiving one, it can be safely assumed that I have failed in my quest in some shape or form."  Yazu would then finish writing the word and would fold the paper up walking over to the desk once more and place it upon the end, gently sliding it with two fingers in the mans direction.  He had already dedicated the entire conversation to memory, he knew the important details of the mission.  As well it seemed his mimicry of Xyxer's chakra fluctuations had paid off, having seemingly performed Genjutsu Release without the use of handsigns, an interesting thing to learn mid conversation but ultimately something quite useful.

Yazu would walk over and receive his loaned armor and the ryo which he would place upon his belt, and the rolled up banner.  Placing the armor within a duffle bag which would've been provided for easy carrying, he would then turn to face the man. "There is nothing more needed, all I have received I am quite grateful for and shall not let you down."  The boy would state boldly following it up with another bow.  If nothing else would be said he would exit the chambers and begin preparing for the mission at hand.  

When the man would open the paper to discover the keyword should he do it at all, Yazu imagined the key would amuse the man, as it seemed to hold some meaning to both of them, as the word "SCORPION" was written in blood.
claiming 500/500 for mastery of gen breaking
claiming last 5 stats 
claiming 3000ryo, deathstroke armor, and banner. More CD
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:22 am
Yazu is approved
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