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Sukoshi Yaban
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Bookworm [P] Empty Bookworm [P]

Thu May 04, 2017 10:05 pm
Ketsueki walked directly upstairs to the Academy library, card in hand, he didn't need to present it to the librarian due to the dramatic show that Ketsueki had given both they and anyone there on his first day in the library in which it was explained to the boy he could come there at any time. He also made sure Mitsukatta had been cleaned up so he wouldn't be seen by the Library staff as an issue, even though the two of them were to train together. "Where should we go first?" Mitsukatta stuck his head out from Ketsueki's jacket, around his abdomen area. Looking around before barking in the direction of the Fuinjutsu section.

As Kets walked closer to the books he felt more eyes on him until he was stopped by a firm grip on his shoulder. "That section. You have to ask me to get the books from there." "Why?" "Because You seem like you'll do something stupid just because you can 'handle' it." The librarian was correct, Ketsueki probably would do something like that in the name of a challenge. But admitting that was pointless right about now as the librarian passed him, grabbing a book from the bottom shelf and handing it to him. 

"E rank, sealing jutsu. Don't damage the book and use the space without rug, here, this is also what you will be sealing with and what you will be sealing inside it." He nodded silently as he was given a kunai, an obvious tag with the word 'Library' on it. He then looked at the closed scroll and the book, walking over to the solid rug bereft floor. Setting his things down, unrolling the scroll onto the floor and opening the book to the first page. Reading for a while he eventually cleared the book but looked at the page that had an illustration for what would happen if someone were to seal a kunai inside the scroll. 

He rose the kunai to eye level, inspecting it before he set it down on the scroll and looked at his hand. "So I just have to focus Chakra here. Or does it require chakra at all?" He was confused for a moment. He put his hand over the blade, forcing his chakra into it before pushing his palm into it. Slowly, slowly and before he knew it the Kunai began to disappear into the scroll, only replaced by large plume of smoke and a sign for 'Kunai' He struggled to comprehend it, It was simple, too simple. Yet he felt himself expending energy at least. Whether it was from worrying about the proper sealing technique or from the jutsu itself, it remained to be seen.

Ketsueki stood up, closing the scroll, on the halfway point of the book it showed more about sealing and now summoning, not enough to work with, but just mention of sealing's polar opposite jutsu. He turned, bringing the Scroll back, the librarian, quicker than Ketsueki could see opened the scroll and out came the Kunai, he was given both back. Wordless as he felt he'd be barking up the wrong proverbial tree if he expected to learn even more above his grade level. This continuum repeated for a while, faster and faster until the boy realized how to perform the jutsu without making it a project for himself, Sealing jutsu definitely not being one of his ideal areas of expertise, what use was there for such jutsu, questions like this caught his mind until one point the Librarian did not return his study materials. Ketsueki accepted this silent dismissal and left. Not yet feeling that he had accomplished enough. 

The boy made his way back downstairs to the training room, his eyes focused on the ninja standing in front, flashing his card he walked in, a sort of scowl on his face as he took off his jacket and set the sleeping puppy on the pillar for box jumping. He wove sign, eyes focused on Mitsukatta before a cloud of smoke overtook him, his body changing into that of the puppy's before he lunged up onto the platform, taking a flying leap down before he crossed around the shuriken logs in a chain pattern. 

Weaving around one after another, before turning and lapping them again, his escapade didn't end there as he ascended up and over the balance beams his body being stressed both by the exertion of the movements he was doing and by the drain of the transformation jutsu, he then stopped, turning to the four pillars. Mitsukatta was asleep on the second as Ketsueki did, he began running toward the pillars before taking it to another level and breaking out into a full on sprint, leaping up to the first box, then across to the second, then the third as Mitsukatta started to stir in his sleep. And the final fourth, Ketsueki was panting at this point, his facade falling apart before he did, he was standing on top of the platform, visibly tired, giving a soft yawn. There was Ketsueki's biggest unintentional ruse. He was breathing heavy, looked like he was tired. Yet there was still more he could do.

Or maybe that was a bit of a a lie. He heaved a sigh and wove sign, focusing his chakra until his cheeks were distended with water before he spat out the liquid out at the shuriken log, he hadn't practiced in a bit, yet he still got a bit of distance and power from it. Just enough to hit it off bull's eye. He then hopped down from the box, staggering a bit and lifting up Mitsukatta, swaddling him in his jacket just as he awoke, He then left the academy, heading home with his friend held in his core with his jacket covering them both.

He began to think, What would he do when he hit the goals he set for himself? What would he do when he was established, who did he matter to? He never had these questions before, but maybe. He finally could introspect throughout his growth, who would care? Instructors? They have to care to an extent. Parents? Those were for others to have, not him. Friends? No, that word has never meant anything but it's definition to him. Friends? The word kept bubbling in his mind until his eyes fell down to Mitsukatta. Would he care? 'Are we friends?' They were playful, and there was a spot for the pup in his plans but...What were they.

(WC: 1093 Claiming Generic sealing jutsu, +5 health.)
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Bookworm [P] Empty Re: Bookworm [P]

Thu May 04, 2017 10:16 pm
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