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Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Sticks and Stones Empty Sticks and Stones

Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:12 pm
The life of a ninja was filled with consequences. Unfortunately, this was one of those consequences. "Ouch." Zakari's entire world, right now, was pain. Well, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but it still hurt like hell to the young ninja. All of his muscles were sore, and burned when he tried to move any part of his body. He had a couple of bruises on his arms and his fist still had cuts on his knuckles from his earlier taijutsu training. Still, this was not going to slow him down. He resumed his taijutsu training, but within an hour of his practice he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right fist, after punching one of the dummies. When he inspected his knuckles he discovered that the cuts their had actually busted open wider and now it was bleeding. 
For most of the morning Zakari had tried to ignores all of his cuts and bruises, and only now did he realize that they needed to be taken care of if he was going to be able to train properly. 
When he Zakari had woken up from his rest earlier that day he had felt like he was going to die. His entire body hurt, and it was a new experience for him. Fortunately, he had written down the basics of medical ninjutsu in one of his scrolls for this very reason. When this lesson came up in his classes, he noticed that some of his classmates did not bother to copy this down. However, to him, that just seemed like a huge mistake. Sure, knowing how to fight was obviously important for a ninja, but it was that same reasoning that made it clear that one would at least need to know how take basic care of oneself. Zakari did not plan on becoming some master medical ninja. Yet, to many of his classmates seemed to think being able to beat someone up was the most important part. Should not the most important part about being a ninja be having the skill to protect everyone. If that meant medical ninjutsu, then it was worth learning.
As he thought about this his mind began to think deeper about it than he ever had. He knew what his clan was known for. They were killers, but was that really the best way to walk the path of a ninja. If every person could be saved then why shouldn't they. Maybe, Zakari had been thinking about being a ninja wrong this entire time. His family had always taught him that ninja were meant to protect people, but who is to say that that meant having to kill others. Medical ninjutsu was more important than he realized.
He retrieved his scroll from his bag and laid it out in front of him. He read over the scroll several times reciting the hands seals.

"Bore, Rat, Snake." 

Once he was sure about the order, he practiced the hand seals until it became natural. Once this was done, he closed his eyes to help him focus on his chakra. He performed the hand signs without a hitch, and this focused his chakra to his arms. This caused his arms to feel a cooling sensation, almost like ice was being pumped into his bood. It was a weird feeling, but besides that, nothing. That was until he opened his eyes. Most of his bruises were gone now, and even his cuts had completely sealed up. Both of these things were great in their own right, but the best part was that his muscles were not as sore. He could actually move his arms without wanting to cry out.

WC: 615
Requesting Medical Ninjutsu and +3 stat points
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sticks and Stones Empty Re: Sticks and Stones

Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:34 pm
Looks good, approved.
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