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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:50 pm
While Xyxer was dirtying his hands with.. well, dirt, Naoki was scouring the small island. Rocks were actually pretty scarce here. It was a small island, maybe a kilometer from one shore to the other, and despite being covered in reasonably thick vegetation, there were almost no rocky surfaces. The ground was all soil or sand, no stones. Eventually Naoki gathered just enough to cover the grave, though nowhere near enough to fill it, so they will have to do that with the dirt that his Kage dug out. The last few moments the Uchiha stood beside the grave, with his vision slowly switching between the boy's cloaked remains and the pit in which he would rest. He would not get to wait long as Xyxer straightened his back, replacing the sweat on his brow with some dirt and announced that the grave was ready.

Walking up to the corpse Naoki would wait and see if the blue haired ninja intended to help him carry. If not, he would pick up the remains and gently lay them in the grave. The boy's death was really unfortunate and a sad thing and Naoki had no words he wanted to speak, nor was it his place to say anything here. So, stepping out of the grave he would give that opportunity to Xyxer, should he have a few words he wanted to say.
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:24 pm
It wasn't in Xyxer to stand by idly while a job needed doing, and although Naoki was more than capable of handling the situation on his own.. this was about more than just shifting dead weight into a hole. This had been a young life taken in a mercy killing.. one that Xyxer received no satisfaction from.. no sating of his eternal thirst for blood. Perhaps this was the closest instance of Xyxer's humanity that was alluded to around Naoki.. or perhaps it was simply a moral code that had became so ingrained in the walking monster that it gave an illusion of normality in situations like these. Pushing off from the ground, he'd walk towards the male as he started handling the corpse, moving to the adjacent side so that he could share the weight of the body. Once he was lifted, Xyxer maintained the balance whilst walking with his deputy so as to not make the head of the boy roll off from his corpse.. that'd be a difficult one to explain.

Once they lowered him into the pit, he noticed Naoki take a step back, and he spared a glance towards him to see if he was hoping for the leader to speak.. but he felt there was a mutual understanding here. No words were going to be said.. as they did not deserve to say them. In rank they stood before all others.. but in death they would be the same, and it was a humbling experience. He'd have to alert the mother of the boy of the circumstances.. to take her out to see the body.. would she understand why they buried him so far away? Would she be angry? He wasn't sure, as all he knew at the moment was that the grave would need to be filled, and so after the few minutes of silence he'd go back to filling the void.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:01 pm
Naoki would join Xyxer in a few minutes of silence after they put remains of the boy in his final resting place. Then as the Mizukage began working on filling the grave, he would join in, pushing the dirt back into the hole, quickly covering the cloak covered corpse. He worked in silence, there was nothing to say about this and no need to disrupt the silence and disrespect the dead with words about something else. Once the grave was filled the Uchiha began putting the stones he gathered on top of it, eventually forming a sort of small cairn. Leaving the largest stone for last Naoki would put it on beside the pile as a tombstone and place his hand on it for a moment. As earth nature chakra pulsed under his palm, the sound of cracking would be briefly heard and as he removed his hand there would be an impressed symbol of the Mist, as if the stone surface failed under immense weight there, forming the four curves.

Unless Xyxer had other plans Naoki got to the table and after giving everyone reasonable amount of time to linger should they want to he would form the chakra bubble and take everyone back to where they left from.

1931 w.
I'll be putting
1,500 w. towards learning Inner Seals level 4 and 5
and the remaining 431 w. towards Marked Area Circle Seal]
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:25 am
ye exit as well
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:38 am
Ye approved as well

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Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Where the Wild Things Are [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Where the Wild Things Are [P]

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:37 pm
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