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Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:37 pm
"So generally yes, according to the Bible. So then, if God controls all His creations, and He created the angels, then He must *control* the angels as well. He knows what they do before they do it. He knows when they would *betray* Him. Or leave Him, or disagree, whichever form of the stories you believe. Correct?"
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:38 pm
Another good deep question it didn’t make a lot of sense…. If God controlled all of his creations… and knew all, then why would "Hmmm, I'm not sure about that, it is believed by philosophers that out of God's love for everyone, he gave them free will, or the freedom to choose him. As such, he doesn't have 'control' over all his creations. Similar to that, in the first book of Genesis, An angel by the name of Lucifer rallied 1/3 of the Angels in heaven and would attempt to dethrone God. As such, we can presume God doesn't have control over the angels and all of those he created. However, that still raises the question did he know all? Is he all powerful? I might not be much of a tactful mind, but I have spent some time in the academy and do know the basic arts of being a shinobi and usesing stealth. Lets take Kiri for example, if 1/3 of the shinobi in Kiri decided to rebel against the Mizukage and they planed it right, each of the shinobi could kill at least one other shinobi before anyone knew what was going on. As such that would take out 1/3 of the village ninja's, leaving, at best, it to be a 1v1 fight for the rebels to try to take over Kiri. Now, lets replace Kiri with Heaven. If the angels were able to do that, they should of been able to defeat God and over throw the kingdom, or at least have been able to cause enough casualties for it to be mentioned in the bible. That being said... it appears that some how God understood that there would be a rebellion and was able to prepare for it to the point he didn't loose many of his angels. That being said, I Believe you are mistaken when you say he can "Control" angels, but he should probably know what they will do before they do it."

Word count: 332

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Wed May 10, 2017 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:42 pm
Dol thought for a moment. "Again, your analytical skills are most impressive! I agree with most of what you say. So God knew about the angel's rebellion before it happened. How, then, did it get so bad? He could have simply 'cut them off' before they had the chance, in the same manner you described that would even the playing fields. Yet the rebellion occurred, albeit with likely lessened outcomes. So, he *choose* not to stop it, knowing full well that the 'fallen angles', as they would come to be known, would plant fear within the minds of mortals. They propagate selfish thoughts, harming others for personal gain. God could see all this coming, yet He did not prevent it. Why is that? Perhaps, he planned for that all along."
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:43 pm
Angel would think about what the elderly man said….. it was a good point… if he did know all, why did the all powerfull being allow such a takeover? It made no sense for an all powerful being…. But maybe not of someone that had faults….. "Once again, remember, this is a fictional story we are talking about, and prehaps those who wrote it didn't think that far ahead, however, they might have. There have been many people who have argued that very same point, also known as "the problem of evil." Basicly, similar to what you said, if God is all knowing, all powerful, and good, why would he allow for there to be evil and pain in the world? Well, the answer is given by a famous Philosipher St. Thomas Aquinas in his famous book, "Confessions" Basicly, he argues that God allowed that to happened for two reasons. The first being that he wants humanity to chose him, rather then being forced to follow him due to lack of another option. The other reason he allows evil and darkness in order to let mortals understand the concept of Good. Imagine a child born in a room that had an Air conditioner that kept the room at 75 degrees. Now, Imagine if that child never went outside and had to stay in that room for the entirety of his life. Amoung other things, he wouldn't understand the concept of being hot and cold, Simlar to that, if humaninty didn't understand what evil was, how could they understand what Good is? Basicly, that is what Aquinas (Or whatever the heck I end up calling him) gives as a soluition to that." It was a good thing that Angel had just finished up that book last night, otherwise she probably wouldn't of been able to recall all of that information.

Word count: 313

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Wed May 10, 2017 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:45 pm
"Aha! You've seen it, then. If God is all knowing, all seeing, even if He is not all controlling, He choose to allow the angels to rebel. He choose to allow them to plant fear, to test faith. Why? So that we could know Good. So that we could know *Him*. He, indirectly at least, granted us the GIFT of fear, so that we may experience Him to the best of our ability. Does that make sense?"
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:46 pm
Angel had been thinking so deep into the conversation, she wasn't even 100% sure what Dol was saying when he started to act like he won an Argument. It took Angel almost a minute of staring blankly at the man when she suddenly realized what she had stated. Angel, realizing that she had forgoten the argumetn, came to terms with the fact she was an idiot and fell to her knees and wept. A great sorrow came over her, so great, that she Awoken the first tome of her Sharingan "Huh... that is a very good point that I never really thought of. However, Since it was also a gift from the devil as well, My original point could still stand about where the qoute came from... So, My good sir, I will ask my original question, what is that book that you are reading?"

Word count: 149

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Wed May 10, 2017 8:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:47 pm
Dol leaned back and smiled. "The book itself has no specific name, but it's teaching and analyses are the basis of Shin Judai. It is quotes of scripture taken from The Bible, combined with logic, and reasoning, similar to what we just went through. The author's identity is unknown, as well as if there was divine inspiration for it, or if they were actually a group, or anything at all, truly. The original copy was handwritten, found battered and worn under an oak tree, or so the story goes. The entirety, by some mirale, was still legible, though some parts only barely so. It took off in a small town once upon an era ago. Spread a little, including to my grandparent's parents."
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:48 pm
"A group of unknown authors?” Angel would ask… that seemed quite strange to her, if someone was proud of their work then they should want to let their names be known to be associated with that work, even if one was humble and didn’t want to be made famous… it at least made the work more credible, since one the one who made the work would be held responsible if it turned out that their work was false.

“I feel like one should be proud of their work, especially if it is something that they feel is good work and if it is religious work, something they believe in they should put their names on it. However, I suppose the same thing can be Said about homer, and I do love the Illiad. At the same time, I suppose I shouldn't jugde myself, as I don't know the situation that the book was written in, perhaps they had to hide their name and faces similar to how those in the new testament had to for some strange reason. Now, let me inquire a little more about the book, have you heard of anyone else having this book? Like, other people who found a book in a similar fasion? Or is this the only copy you know about, you said it was hand writen, but that doesn't mean it couldn't of been written twice."

Word count: 237

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Wed May 10, 2017 8:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:53 pm
"Ah, I was not clear I take it. There are other people who have the book, and I do not own the original. I'm not certain the original even exists anymore. Back where I first came from, it was rather popular, but if you went out more than a two days trip by cottage, it was practically unheard of!

"And I think the main reason nobody knows his name was that the man wasn't trying to make a new religion. He tried to bring logic and science to testament. We still consider ourselves Christian. We are just significantly more progressive than certain other groups out there."
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Of rain and roofs [P/NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Of rain and roofs [P/NK]

Wed May 10, 2017 2:54 pm
“He tried to bring logic and science to testament. We still consider ourselves Christian. We are just significantly more progressive than certain other groups out there.”
Tried to bring logic? That smeed quite strange, since that was something that most philosiphers had tried to do for a long period of time, bring knowledge and science into religion… Angel wasn’t sure of all the details, especially since she was only seventeen years of age, but she still knew that most philosiphers felt like all science could be answered with religion.
"Oh, so it is a little bit different from what everyone else believes? You say that you bring logic into the equation of Religion, but most philosophers argue that it already makes sense. I would be lying if I said that I am knowledgeable to the point where I Would be able give you all of the answers, but what sort of logic does your off shoot bring in that most Religious figures don't? Also, you said you were from an area where it was usual for most people to follow this religion, may I be so bold as to inquire where that is?"
Word count: 195

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Wed May 10, 2017 8:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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