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The Arugula's procrastination training (private) Empty The Arugula's procrastination training (private)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:49 pm
Arugula finally felt like doing something today...

He would wake up today. He had no games today, so he decided that he might try something new instead. He would come to the training grounds, and look to see what he could learn. There were many jutsu that he could learn, many of which were actually quite difficult. He never learned anything better than a d rank tech. Because of this, he decided that it would be a good idea to go and learn something a little more difficult. It was quite difficult to learn his first few techs because he had a lot of trouble understanding how chakra worked. This was a problem as knowledge of chakra would be kind of important to learning any tech. Arugula would start by reviewing how chakra worked. He would find out that chakra worked by going to the library.

The library is a place that Arugula has not went to in quite a long time. The last time he went was to return a book about poker. Regardless, apparently there was a section on jutsu. He would walk around, and after walking through the romance section, the non-fiction section, science fiction section, how-to section, food and wine section, and many other sections, eventually going to the jutsu section. When he would arrive at the jutsu section, he would go look for a technique to learn. When he would look, he would fine a book called the Jutsu Encyclopedia. It was a large book that seemed to have information on a lot of high ranked jutsu. Arugula would not know that his was only for c rank and below, and that c ranks were really not really very high rank anyway. He would open the book, and look at the jutsu directory at the begining of the book. He would fine that the jutsu that he learned for the academy were only E rank. He would also find that there were even S ranks, although explanation about these were not in the book. He would look, and decide that he should learn a d rank, a jutsu more difficult than the ones he learned about. He was hoping it was not so much work that he would be unable to do it. Considering how lazy he was, this could take a long time. Who knew how long it would take to learn the jutsu. Arugula would think about what specific jutsu he would do. He would look around the d rank techs, and thought that there really was nothing that appealing about any of them. They all seemed to be weak techs that do not seem to be able to do much when he gets better at this. Considering that, he decided to do something that would do something more interesting.

After a few minutes of scouring the contents of that jutsu encyclopedia, he found an interesting one. The temporary paralysis technique. This was interesting as it was not an attacking one that could be mastered. That was always nice, as they help make the jutsu better. This was something that Arugula assumed, since mastery was mentioned in the jutsu. He decided, that it would be prudent to start with learning the technique, instead of attempting to think about mastering the jutsu.

Arugula would borrow the book from the library and start reading it. It had a relatively detailed explanation of the technique. He would read the technique description. The book stated that the only hand seal was Tiger. Arugula did not have a lot of experience in using hand seals. He knew that some techs needed more than others. He also knew that some techs didn't even have one. Some had none at all. Unfortunately, he knew that not all techs worked that way, but he was curious as to what decides the hand seals.

After those distractions, Arugula would read more about the jutsu description. He would find some more information like the tech puts "chakra" ropes around a target, which would be decently strong, enough to hold most people. Since the tech is only d rank, it would not be strong enough to bind everyone. A lot of taijutsu users would probably be strong enough. Arugula would start by thinking about how he would practice this. It was clear that the tech was only meant to temporary paralyze people, not to permanently do it.

Arugula would start by practicing this jutsu on a tree. He would attempt to make whatever binds these people on the tree. He would remember to do the tiger hand seal, before he attempted the tech. He would do the tiger hand seal and then attempt to put the bonds on the tree. He would soon realize the mistake in what he was trying to do. He would find that the problem, was that he would end up without a way to know since trees don't move, which means that he would not get a reaction from the tree.

He would try again on another object. This time, he would attempt a clone. One of the ones from the E rank tech that he had to learn in the academy. He would make the clones, and this time remember to do the hand seals for that one instead of the substution tech. Also, he would remember to not do a front flip as he did not wish to hurt his back again.

He would attempt the tech on his clone and find out that the clone is merely an illusion, and that he was not really able to test the jutsu on the clones, as one obviously cannot paralyze something that does not neccessarily exist. He would learn this, and decide to take a break.

He would go to the bar and get a drink. However, he would soon get his visit interupted by a man that Arugula bluffed. He was not totally happy about that. The guy would attempt to punch Arugula, but he would manage to do the technique and get away.

1007 words
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The Arugula's procrastination training (private) Empty Re: The Arugula's procrastination training (private)

Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:53 am
ok done finally, my muse seems to be dead

(exit) claiming and 5 stats

I command a mod to check this! xD
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Arugula's procrastination training (private) Empty Re: The Arugula's procrastination training (private)

Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:11 am

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