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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:39 pm
When Kozurou had started the full deflection of the jab, that was the only signal Wraith needed for the intent of the boy. He was scared at this moment, and he had every right to be. Being a  taijutsu user who was pinned wasn't a very favourable position against an opponent such as himself, yet his panic would lead to his elimination from the fight. As Kozurou's arm lead Wraith's outwards, he had essentially left a big beacon on his face, something Wraith would take advantage of. Wraith's torso dropped downwards as Kozurou pushed his right arm outwards, using the momentum of that deflection to aid in the suddenness of his own drop. Now, given how Kozurou was also attempting to pivot his hips at that point, it is worth noting that Wraith had been straddling his torso, which eliminated any of the potential the boy had had of throwing Wraith off in that position, allowing him to go through with the following act uninhibited.

It was fortunate for the boy that Wraith had granted him enough mercy to only go through with the blow using the momentum of the fall instead of his regular strength, otherwise it would have been a rather messy scene. You see, Wraith was going to elbow the head of Kozurou in an attempt to 'bust him open' as was known by most melee fighters. Blood was the sign of devotion to the Mizukage, and forcing this winner to bleed for Kirigakure was the least Wraith could do for the spectacle he had put on. If the attack went through as planned, Kozurou's head would be struck by the falling elbow of Wraith, opening up a brief gash in the flesh covering his skull with his head bouncing backwards lightly onto the ground. He would likely be dazed, and he would be bleeding, but he would be fine with no significant head injury such as brain damage. This was a lesson in humility, and a lesson in strength. Both of which would be significant in the rise of this child that was before them.

If the prior events transpired, Wraith would roll off to the side of Kozurou after the single elbow to the forehead before kneeling towards the Mizukage, bowing his head in an act of submission. He lived for the Demon, and he would die for the Demon. That was the way of the ANBU inside of Kirigakure No Sato.

Xyxer, upon seeing the bloodied male, granted that this all went through, and I have a feeling it just might, would swing Samehada around himself for an entire spinnerooni as he was learning a new technique with the blade and still had to figure out how to go about it, and so a spinnerooni would be all that he could do to try and learn the new mystic technique he coveted.

Last edited by Atlas the Betrayer on Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:27 pm
While Xyxer watched the spectacle come to it's close, he noted one thing in particular; Kozurou may have just suffered brain damage, which was pretty ironic given what had happened in the Blood Games just a few moments prior. Regardless, the tired boy had still fought the ANBU Operative which was interesting enough, although it wasn't exactly like he could have refused the will of the Mizukage. Now, with Wraith kneeling before the desk to pay his respects to the Mizukage, he waited on the dazed boy to do the same, with his patience only being allowed to stretch so thin before actions were undergone.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:21 pm
After a short period of waiting, Xyxer witnessed the boy soon correct his behaviour, moving himself into the kneeling position to truly pay respect to the Kage. While doing so, Xyxer couldn't help but notice the gash that had been lifted in his forehead, and the large volume of blood that seemed to steadily be draining from it, trickling the crimson ichor over his eyebrow and into his eye if he had not closed it in response. He was not attempting to suppress the pain, nor was he speaking out of line. Xyxer decided to wait a little longer to see how long he would persist with the pain, and whether it would be intolerable for the already dazed male. All the while, Wraith remained stationary by the boy with his head bowed, almost as if he had become an inanimate statue before the gaze of the leader.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:14 am
Xyxer was actually unaware on whether the boy had gone unconscious while kneeling before him, but regardless he was impressed by the boy's commitment to the serving aspect of the routine. Nodding his head, he pat his hands on the table, already knowing what he planned to do with the boy, yet he wouldn't tell him outright yet. "Very well, Kozurou. You've shown your worth, go get patched up and we'll meet again one day."


3253/6000 WC for SSS+

Since it's 8000 WC normally I'm assuming it goes down to 6000 WC with the -25% reduction, but I probably fucked up since I remember doing something along these lines with Yousei

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Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:47 pm
@ Xyxer I don't see any mention of you using Samehada, so you can claim Ap, but not the skill.

@Kozai link to jutsu please.
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