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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:47 am
Of course, as stated prior, the jab was in the likelihood of changing due to him only using it to test the waters of the boy, to truly see what he was made of and his imminent reactions. So far it hadn't been too extreme, nor too light, it appeared to be a light block to defend himself with, which was fine for Wraith. As his hand raised, Wraith allowed it passage the point where Kozurou's fingertips on his right hand were just around a foot below Wraith's jab, which instantaneously changed into something far more daunting; a lariat. The Wraith had used the momentum from pushing forward into the jab to alternate the simple opening move into the clothesline, while bearing in mind Wraith was already inside the guard of Kozurou so his arm was roughly a half foot away from the boy's throat/collarbone, his torso arching downwards a little more to allow him versatility & maneuverability in case Kozurou should try dodge so that he could follow the boy's exact path with the same move. Wraith had left the timing of this move until this point to leave Kozurou in an awkward place; does he take the attack on his arm? Does he try to escape it and risk a more brutal move? Hell, does he try to counter it again? Wraith had no clue, but he was in anticipation.. tingling. Naturally, given how Kozurou had stated not going for a punch until their hands touched, that meant that particular action would not go through for this action, so he had even less time to properly formulate an appropriate counter.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:30 pm
Given how Kozurou only notes the change when the bicep was 6 inches away from him, and given how Wraith was still accelerating upon this realisation and the coming reaction of lifting his arm, it would serve as a connection to the attack due to the boy's way of reacting to it, while also making his grab rather redundant given his lack of time to do it in with the coming action. It was fortunate for Kozurou that his speed was enough to catch the arm of Wraith with his forearm during the lariat, otherwise he would have suffered from a collapsed windpipe, and quite likely a broken spine. Carrying through with the momentum of the lariat, with the boy now helplessly tied up with his momentum, he'd stop a few steps away, using the momentum of the charge to throw Kozurou directly against a wall that wasn't too far off. Of course it wasn't enough to break through the wall, nor to even damage it much, but it was enough to show Kozurou just how deep he was when he engaged with the ANBU. Given how he took most of the force onto his forearm, his right arm would now quite likely be damaged to some extent, causing it to be less useful for the rest of the encounter.

Once the boy had recovered, Wraith would start to take steps towards him once more to begin the combat once again. The Mizukage was not satisfied until people gave everything they had, even if it were to be their last breath.

Upon seeing the boy hit the wall, Xyxer, who was currently learning a technique for Samehada, the living sword, the sword he was currently wielding and swinging like a bat, he would swing his sword even harder. Woo! He thought, woo indeed Xyxer. That had been a cool move, and a very brutal one. Perhaps, if he had leaned a bit more to the side.. he could have bat the kid back towards Wraith with Samehada, the sword he was currently using, and attempting to learn a technique with.

Last edited by Atlas the Betrayer on Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:18 am
Xyxer had a funny feeling that in another life, perhaps Kozurou had just tried to walk through him, but he shrugged that thought off. Instead, he saw that the boy was going to try walk through Jester, and so the Mizukage simply gesticulated to the stationary ANBU to step out of the boy's path as to not interrupt the combat that was currently ongoing

Wraith, watching his opponent simply strafe around him, didn't bother to do much at this point in time. It was clear that he was getting inside of his opponent's mind as he no longer wanted to be near him, despite Kozurou being a close combatant himself. In essence, he was forfeiting his own ability to hurt Wraith, just so that he himself wouldn't be hurt. A shinobi of Kirigakure who was.. playing it safe? He started to walk towards Kozurou once more when he chose his new combative position, observing the arrangement of his defensive posture. His right arm was clearly damaged, and so it only made sense to apply that most pressure to the side that was less capable of defending it, yet he also had to defend himself from a counter measurement on his own right.

Now a meter from the boy, there'd be a rapid change in the speed of which he approached Kozurou as his own left foot dashed further towards the boy to establish solid ground, his torso and head ducking a small distance in order to create a greater motion of travel, and while doing so his own right hand came up towards the side of his head in order to protect it from any blow the boy could offer to him, with the ability to catch any hit to his torso/abdomen region with his arm. At the same time as the defensive measure, which likely caught the center of the boy's eye due to how it was the most observable action, Wraith's left hand that was hidden by the sudden drop of his body into what was in essence, a coiled spring, had launched from it's hidden area to hook the young Chuunin in his ribs with the ferocity of a kangaroo's kick, using the muscle in his legs as well as his arm in order to drive the attack up into either his ribs or arm with more of his muscle being used in this assault. Of course, if Kozurou was to do something else that intrigued Wraith, he may decide to focus on that instead of continuing this dismantling.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:19 pm
While Wraith made his step forward Kozurou had launched his own counter measure, an attempt to sweep said leg. Wraith had noticed this sudden extension of Kozurou's leg as soon as his step was made, which left him in a precarious situation. He could stomp down onto the exposed leg of Kozurou and take him out of the fight for good, but would the honourable Mizukage be pleased with such a fight? Surely he'd punish the boy before him, and it had been a while since Wraith had found himself in the company of a taijutsu user, so he would go easy on the boy instead of taking him out permanently. As Wraith's leg was taking the higher arcing path, and Kozurou's leg was getting ready to sweep it, it would be a simple manouver of controlling the momentum he had already accumulated in the step forward to simply flick his foot forwards and upwards into the underside of Kozurou's knee, causing his sweep to lose any of the power it would have as it was essentially pried from him with the lifting attack. Of course, once that was done, he would pull his own leg back down towards himself and plant it firmly on the ground, but he didn't expect for that to happen if this male was any shell of a taijutsu user. Regardless, it was still required that he launched an attack of some sort should he prove to not be, and so that would be a simply jab with his right into the sternum of Kozurou.

Seeing the two engaged against the wall, Xyxer felt the same pump he had been getting earlier with the throw against the wall. Now, still wielding Samehada, the shark skin sword he was also holding earlier, the one he is currently learning a skill for, he'd swing the blade upwards, allowing the hefty blade to also cheer for joy at the ongoing violence. It was also cheering because it would be learning a skill.

Last edited by Atlas the Betrayer on Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:49 pm
Instead of opting to resist the shoulder block of Kozurou, Wraith would roll with it to avoid most of the damage, allowing most of the damage that would have been inflicted be inflicted as a pushing force, with both of them falling backwards in the rather small area. An important thing to note that while this was happening, Wraith's foot was still tucked under and behind the knee of Kozurou, so he had full manipulation of Kozurou's left side while they fell. Due to this, Wraith lifted his left leg even further during the fall backwards, his body scrunching momentarily when they hit the floor to enact a roll. Because of this roll, and Wraith's foot controlling the left side of Kozurou, he was able to lift his leg and throw Kozurou over himself during the momentum of the roll, effectively monkey flipping him. However, he did not want to cripple the boy on the desk of the Mizukage, doing so may irritate the man, and Wraith knew best than to anger the creature that masqueraded as a human. So instead of that, Wraith controlled the monkey flip even finer to the point where he didn't use his feet to push the boy up, instead electing to use the base momentum itself so that he would be in the mounted position on Kozurou, with his grip on Wraith's wrist now broken due to the tumble they had. If that was to go through, Wraith's knees would be either side of Kozuro's torso, yet his arms weren't locked down inside his legs. While in this position, he'd send a simple jab down towards the dome of Kozurou.
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