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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:50 pm
The arrival of Kozurou had, of course, been anticipated by the ANBU of Xyxer. After all, it was them who relayed the message, or to be more specific.. Jester. Jester had been well known to climb through children's windows to stimulate them, but this time it was under the Mizukage orders, using his powers for good! The figure waited beside the elevator, awaiting the boy to arrive, and so when the victor walked through the entrance of the building, his wispy voice spoke out, "Kozurou, Lord Xyxer will see you now." With that the ANBU Operative stepped backwards into the elevator, waiting for the boy to place himself inside. Once in, Jester would press a single button on the keypad before the metallic doors jolted shut and the machine was lifting itself up towards the top of the building. Quite the professional molester, Jester remained quiet throughout the whole ordeal. Once they reached the top floor, Jester would walk down the hallway towards the already open door, stepping towards the side of it to allow Kozurou passage into the chambers of the Mizukage, where Xyxer and Wraith awaited, with his hounds sound asleep in a huddle near the wall with what appeared to be.. bones?

Stepping in behind the boy, Jester closed the door and stood at the other side of Wraith to protect the room, while the blue haired male spoke towards the new entrant, "Congratulations on your victory in The Blood Games, Kozurou, you should be most proud of your abilities. I'm sure you understand the gravity of the situation, with what happened to Hinoki and all." This question of course, was a poke by Xyxer to see how the boy would react to the untimely death of his partner, potentially his friend, while he continued on, "There's only so much that can be done for those who don't wish to become strong enough to survive such ordeals, and you of all people in that tournament displayed that trait.. the desire to achieve. To be the victor instead of the failure. The predator, rather than the prey. This quality.. is very important for our shinobi." Xyxer would go somewhat quiet at this moment, allowing for Kozurou to speak if he so desired.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:55 am
Of course, around about this point Xyxer would allow a faint smile to stain his neutral features, looking over the boy once. Perhaps it was the nature of the situation that made him believe he was exempt from the rule now, or perhaps the immediate talk of the Mizukage that had made him forget the correct procedure, but it was of no matter, Xyxer would remind little Kozurou, "In front of the Mizukage, you should kneel, Kozurou. Are you nervous?"

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:51 pm
Of course, Xyxer didn't pay too much heed to the boy forgetting to kneel. His presence had often caused people to forget what they were saying, perhaps even momentarily stop breathing at the daunting prospect of his gaze. These things all came naturally when hushed whispers snaked through the crowds about the leader who delighted in the breaking down of shinobi and civilians alike, but surely they were mere rumours.

The Mizukage at this pointed lifted his left arm up, resting the elbow on the surface of the desk before him. His hand was partly open, allowing his knuckles to simultaneously rise and lower as some sort of natural movement for him. After a few seconds of this and a silent gaze, he'd nod his head with a faint smile, "It is alright, Kozurou. I understand how things must be for someone like you. It's natural to make one mistake when nervous." Of course, there was quite a highlight on the 'one' aspect, any more would prove to be quite irritating to Xyxer, but he wouldn't let on too much of the anger that would be exhibited, not yet at least, "Tell me, Kozurou. I like to know about my shinobi, the ones that prove themselves worthwhile.. Why are you who you are? What do you aspire to achieve? Who are you really?" The question could be answered in a multitude of ways, and yet the answer would always reveal the person in question better than they knew. Perhaps it would be the order they list things that revealed their true nature, or even their wording.. but in the end, it'd always reveal a truth about them.

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:45 pm
Of course, the answer was rather generic for someone who was a shinobi. Xyxer did not encounter many people who would place other lives before their own. Sure, he'd encountered people who feigned such martyrdom, but each time they had the chance to truly test their resolve, they'd reveal their true nature. Someone who wanted the praise of a hero, yet not the mortality of it. Deciding to try push deeper into the psyche of Kozurou, he'd continue on once he finished explaining his ninja way, "Then tell me, Kozurou. How many have you sacrificed for your attainment of perfection? I'm sure Hinoki isn't the first, nor will he be the last."

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The Poor People are Burning [p,nk] Empty Re: The Poor People are Burning [p,nk]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:07 pm
When the boy finished speaking, he noted how he enjoyed fighting those who were somewhat stronger than him. Naturally, Xyxer himself would have entertained the idea of fighting the boy, but he was far out of his league to be able to truly try against him, and if he wasn't going to try, then there was little to achieve from that battle for him. So, instead, the Mizukage glanced over the shoulder of Kozurou towards one of the ANBU guarding the door, the one who went by the operative name 'Wraith'. With a faint nod of his head, the Mizukage would retreat into silence to allow the boy's actions to speak for him, and the truth would be revealed as to whether he was full of fluff, or actually determined to succeed.

Upon recognising the nod from the Mizukage, Wraith stepped forward towards Kozurou, giving him time to turn around before taking another step towards Kozurou to move into his guard, with his left arm sticking out in what was currently a jab towards the sternum of the male.

Of course, for some peculiar reason, perhaps the Mizukage was very excited about the fight, he decided to stand up from the throne he was in and grasp SAMEHADA, the sword he was currently using, the living sword, the one that he was going to currently learn a skill for and was the basis of the rest of the topic. While doing this, he'd casually swing the living sword as if it was a baseball bat, truly, the Mizukage was very excited about the fight that was about to occur.

[The Boys]

Last edited by Atlas the Betrayer on Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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