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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:03 pm
As Ren sped on about the seals Altar had developed, the ANBU would cock an eyebrow, a smirk growing on his face. As he asked for paper, and shortly following, a pen, Altar would conjure both from him, not bothering to warn the boy that the items would not be available in the realm of reality, figuring it would simply go in one ear and out the other, or the boy would dismiss it simply.

The beast in the background was rattling against the chains binding it, but it made no real progress. After a while, the demon settled down, even going so far as to revert to it's human form, something Altar was almost sure Ren would pay no mind. The ANBU would release the demon from the chains, the being making his way over to the pair again. Of course, from the back wall, Nekoda would also appear. She wore simple attire this time, sporting beige pants and a pale green sweater rather than the regal wear she first wore when Ren had come to Void. Kalamity, on the other hand...

Kalamity was in human appearence... well, the most human he could get anyways. His body was bisected, the right half still a shifting mass of shadow, with the single dot of an eye. The left half, however, was entirely human. His bleach blonde hair was slicked back, his skin pale to an almost sickly color. His left eye was the exact same blue as Nekoda's. He wore a devilish grin, filled with sharpened, jagged teeth as opposed to a normal human set. His human side wore a torn up white suit, complete with occasional burn marks for decoration.

Nekoda simply strode up to Altar, quirking her head at Ren's furious drawings. Kalamity strode over to Ren, cocking his eyebrow and taking quick stock before snorting at the boy. "My god, the boy's lost it. Look at this, look at this!" the demon would say, snatching a paper from the pile and holding it up, surveying the sheet.

Nekoda would take the paper back, looking at it herself before placing it back down by Ren. "That's not true, he's just having a fit of...genius, we'll call it. I mean look, this makes...sense...right?" the girl would say, picking up another paper and squinting her eyes at it.

Kalamity would snatch the paper from her hands, much like the girl had done before, before straightening it out and looking for himself, taking little time before replying. "No. No, actually, it doesn't. He's making the same seal more or less, but he's toying with it in different ways. He's trying to make it more compact it would seem, but he's achieving the exact opposite effect. Here, look, if you add this many relay layers then the seal'll be too large for what you're trying to accomplish, and you'll lose and unnecessary amount of power. Think small, you're not trying to make it more solid. Just smaller, more easy to utilize.  It already works fine, there's no need to solidify an already concrete base. Also, if you make it that small, the arm will be useless and the seal itself will cut the arm straight off before it can fully manifest. There'll be too much pressure in too small of an area." the demon would say, placing the paper back down.

Nekoda would simply tilt her head in amazement, and Altar would sit down and analyze some of the papers with a simple grin.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:17 pm
As Ren continued to scribble away madly working on the formulae that he was devising he heard the chains of Kalamity rattling, of course it bothered him but the formulae was more important at this point and so Ren pushed down that fear and instead focussed on reinforcing the sealing circuits that he'd already put in place, of course even pushing down that fear he jumped a little when he felt two more presences move to stand behind him, causing his hairs to stand on end. Glancing up he allowed himself to relax a little when he saw a new figure, one he hadn't seen before. He looked strange of course, but there were more strange things in this realm of altar's than there were normal things, Ren allowed himself a slight smile and a nod to the individual as he grabbed another sheet of paper and continued his scribbling... and then the creature walked up and took one of Ren's papers and spoke, the voice of Kalamity echoing forth from its mouth. "My god, the boy's lost it. Look at this, look at this!" the creature said, and Ren's pride in his work roared forth, but he pushed it down, intent on finishing the seal before he forgot where he was in the project. As he finished the final Control seal he heard another voice echo out, as Kalamity and Nekoda's voices echoed out, their discussion irking Ren as he laid down the final components of the new seal.

Taking a deep breath and placing down the pen, Ren stood up and strode over to the creature that seemed to now be Kalamity's new form and put on a fake smile as he looked the creature in his single eye. "You know Altar, as skilled you are with seals your..." Ren paused thinking what to call the creature. "Companion isnt very well informed." he said, plucking the paper from Kalamity's hands and placing it back in place. "Now since your not looking at the seal as a whole I can see how you mistook this for the same seal Kalamity, but your missing something important. This isn't the same seal as your master's, It's similar, it works off the same principles, but whilst Altar's seal requires him to actively control it and can only be used by him." Ren said, picking up the pen again and, lifting his shirt to reveal his thin torso and flat chest, inscribed the seal in for places on his torso, linking them together with a simple array. "These seals can be placed upon anyone and used by them with little to no training." Ren said flowing his chakra into the template that he had made for the technique, allowing a little of his fire chakra to leak in Ren felt a slight burn as the seals burnt themselves onto him. A moment later four golden arms extended themselves from Ren's torso and he flexed them displaying their dexterity. "Their certainly not as strong as your original seal" Ren said turning to Altar as he spoke, "But imagine if we placed these upon every Ninja in the village."
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:46 pm
The trio of eyes would widen in response to the quick replication of the Thousand Hands seal. At least, two of the pairs were for that reason. Kalamity's singular eye and eerie dot widened for a completely different reason. The figure would be completely overrun by shadow, quickly transforming into a shifting mass of jagged teeth and claws, snapping mouths hungrily drooling for a bloody feast.

"You little runt, how dare you! I'll devour you who-"

The demon was interrupted by a series of chains wrapping around his arms and waist, pulling him back to his constrained location by the throne. Altar would step forward, Nekoda close behind him.

"Impressive, Ren. Though i'm not sure there are many who would be capable of controlling the appendages themselves, and it would be tasking for one person to control too many. I can manage five without paying much mind, fifteen being my absolute limit, and i'm well versed in chakra control." The boy would say, rubbing his chin. "And you must remember, not everyone in this village is our ally, nor would they readily accept something that could prove to be quite...hazardous."

The ANBU would turn to Nekoda, his eyes narrowing, the boy lost in thought. After a few seconds, he would shrug to himself and return his gaze to Ren.

"I have another seal that you may have interest in. I developed it a while ago, in anticipation for a fight against any who may have more stamina than I." the ANBU would finish, a smile growing on his face.

As he finished speaking, a black hole would open at Ren's feet. However, instead of allowing the chuunin to fall through, roughly a dozen hands would crawl up from the hole, grabbing at Ren's feet and legs, holding the boy firmly in place. Altar would approach the boy, placing his right hand on the chuunin's shoulder and looking him in the eyes. "Have faith, this seal will have little to no lasting effect on you. However, you will feel yourself grow considerably faint. Oh, and it may hurt just a tad."

The ANBU would release the chuunin's shoulder and push his own right sleeve up, placing the Tralativa giver seal on Ren's stomach, the receiver seal on his own midriff activating in response, quickly draining AP from the chuunin. Once the seal was placed, the hands would let go of Ren's legs, the black hole disappearing, and the ANBU before him would pull up his own shirt, revealing the Tralativa seal to Ren.

"This is the Tralativa seal. It drains physical energy from one subject, and relays it to another. In essence, it steals stamina."
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:16 am
Ren sniffed pointedly at Kalamity's outrage once the chains had wrapped around him, "You know for the embodiment of chaos your rather predictable aren't you?" Ren said, letting the question sink in, He'd started to get used to the creature and had come to realise he wasn't much of a threat when altar was around. Giving the creature a smile Ren turned back to look at altar as he spoke, "Ah, you see thats the beauty of it; any more than 4 of the seals will start interfering with each other, but up until that point the only chakra control you need is a very basic mental command to transmit through your chakra network. Even more useful is the fact that the changes I made make sure they wont interfere with your original design either, which means I can place these on you and you can use them with your original design, Thats why I integrated these storage matrices" Ren said, one of his golden arm's indicating the array that he was talking about. They absorb chakra from the user when their placed and then only use that chakra, recycling it over and over again." Ren beckoned for altar to come over to him, "Here I'll show you" He said, picking up the pen with one of the new appendages, assuming altar did so Ren would inscribe the formulae on Altar's body much as he had done to his own, placing the seals on his torso, continuing the conversation as he did so. "Your right about not everyone being our ally of course, but if we are to take down the traitor we also need to think of the future, How will we defend the village in the days to come? This could very well be the first step towards the sorts of defences we need... There we go, all done, now keep in mind these wont be as strong as your other arms, and you wont be able to move their point of origin, but that shouldn't be an issue since you can still use the original seals for that." Ren said, giving the boy a smile.

As altar spoke again of another seal Ren's face lit up in excitement, considering how useful the last seal Altar had shown him had been, the promise of another treasure trove of information was more than enough to catch Ren's attention... That was until a black hole opened up below Ren and thousands of hands started reaching up to grab him. Ren's smile faltered a little until Altar reassured him, "If you say so..." Ren said, forcing some false bravado as he watched altar's actions. A flash of movement later Ren felt a burning sensation in his abdomen. "Well, thats not as bad as I thought it was going to... to be" Ren said with a grimace, his arms starting to feel a little weaker than he was used to, of course with Ren's massive Chakra reserves it didnt knock him out immediately, but he could certainly notice the difference.

Lifting his shirt up Altar revealed the seal that was responsible for all of this to Ren. "Thats... really quite incredible" Ren said, thinking aloud as he bent over to look at the seal more closely, his long hair flowing down to touch the ground as Ren poked and prodded at the seal, tracing some of the arrays with his fingers as he tried to figure out exactly how it functioned. "Hmm, this is interesting" Ren said, activating his minds eye and examining the chakra flow of the two of them. "Oh!" Ren exclaimed, the pieces all falling into place as he realised how the seal was working, or at least part of it. "So it drains the physical aspect of my chakra and transfers it to you?" Ren said, taking note of how his own reserves were steadily depleting as altar's own grew, the influx of chakra seeming to actually improve the actual structure of his chakra network. "Wait a second, Altar?" Ren said finding the part of the array that was responsible for the changes to altar's own chakra network, "This really is amazing, you designed a seal that can permanently improve someones chakra network? Oh, and you even have an array to make sure that you don't push enough chakra into someone to hurt them!" Ren struggled to stand for a second, dropping to his knees as the energy drain from the seal finally started to show...
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:57 am
The boy took the seal relatively well, something that piqued Altar's interest. Of course, the chuunin wasted no time in studying the seal on Altar's stomach, pushing, poking and prodding at it. The ANBU was about to reply, when he noticed the silence and the lack of motion. Looking down, the boy would notice Ren knocked out cold, the seal's drain most likely getting the better of his tiny frame.

A few minutes passed, Altar having deactivated the Tralativa seal once it got it's fill of the boy's chakra. The boy would begin to stir, and Altar would speak to him through the haze.

"Take it easy, the seal drained a mass amount from your chakra system. You'll feel understandably weak and woozy." Altar would say, Nekoda leaving the ANBU's side to check on the chuunin, helping him rise to his feet if need be.

"Yes, the seal takes chakra from one person and gives to another. So while the chakra I took from you will regenerate, my own system has grown to accomodate what I took, my natural cap increasing, so to speak. The seal also has a pseudo-filtration system to ensure that i'm not just pushing foreign chakra through my body. The system makes it as natural to my body as it can be."

The boy would walk to Ren now, hands in his pockets, a pondering look on is face. "Of course, there are more functions of the seal. However, with it's main purpose, I could pass chakra between people an almost limitless amount of times, until every willing person has stamina beyond what others would consider typically possible."

"Our hypothetical army grows ever stronger, Ren."
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:00 pm
Ren's eyes blinked open, his vision blurry at first as he tried to focus in on the figure in front of him, "Ugh, What happened?" He said as he tried to sit up. "Take it easy, the seal drained a mass amount from your chakra system. You'll feel understandably weak and woozy." A voice said, Altar's voice... "Oh right the seal, that thing really packs a punch" Ren said, taking Nekoda's hand as she helped him to stand. "Thank you, I think I'm alright now Nekoda." Ren said with a smile before he turned back to Altar, listening to his explanation of the seal. When altar was finished his explanation Ren scratched the back of his head, thinking through the implications of this discovery.

"Hmm, so I take it that you can place the seal on someone else and replicate the results on others then?" Ren asked, his mind already ticking through all the possibilities, "Would you mind sharing some of that energy with me now that your chakra network has seemed to have stabilized?" Ren asked. Once altar had done so, assuming he did that is, Ren would continue; "Altar you realise, between these two seals even the weakest of our Genin would be able to stand toe to to with far stronger opponents, the village would never have to face destruction again... One second" Ren said, pausing as he walked over and picked up the pen again and a piece of paper from what remained of the pile, and began sketching out the basic design of altar's seal; one of his new golden appendages shifting in front of him to form a makeshift bench for him to write on. "I wonder, with this design and a few changes it might even be possible to link the chakra networks of the entire village, in times of need even the weaker Genin could supply chakra to you or me. With something like that, and enough people in the network we could even rival the chakra of Xyxer..." Ren would say, marveling at the ingenuity of some of altar's design.

After a while of examining the seal, if altar didnt say anything else of note Ren would come to look at some of the inner arrays of the seal... "You said the seal has other functions than just that of draining stamina?" Ren would say, probing for information as he tried to figure out exactly what some of those arrays in the center did.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:15 pm
As Ren rose and resumed his questioning, the chuunin paused in his line and asked Altar if he could reverse the seals, instead draining himself for Ren's gain. The ANBU would shrug silently, walking to Ren and removing both seals, placing them on the two bodies in the opposite order they had been.

The ANBU would flinch slightly at the draining sensation, his body rapidly becoming accustomed to it. "You're lucky i'm used to this. Void may have deemed you a threat otherwise, and that's something you really don't want happening." the boy would say, sarcasm evident in his voice.

The ANBU would pace back and forth as the seal did it's work, strengthening Ren's chakra reserves from his own. He opted to stay silent of the fact that he already surpassed Xyxer's chakra network, deciding the chuunin could use the idea to develop a stronger work ethic. However, his idea was unique, and it wasn't one Altar could wave away easily. It had promise, certainly, but it would be far from easy.

"True, true. However, the seals would need to work at an incredible range, almost indefinite if they were to be of any real use. You've already replicated my Thousand Hands seal well, but this would be a tad more complex. Passing raw chakra back and forth is already a bad idea. Keep adding to the amount, and the variety, and it could become just as hazardous to the person taking in as the people giving out."

"Tell me, Ren, what do you know of the legends of the great Tailed Beasts." the ANBU would say, awaiting a reply. Presuming one was given, Altar would continue in kind. "Legendary creatures composed entirely of chakra, that ravaged the ninja world. They possessed an insane amount of power. But they could be housed in a host of able body, most of the time via a strong seal, considered unbreakable."

"The seal's secondary function is as such. It can transfer chakra and permanently boost reserves. It wasn't much of a stretch to make it do the same with large bodies made entirely of chakra. In short, the seal can hold a Tailed Beast within a host." the ANBU would say, a confident smirk creeping on his face.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:51 am
Ren would stand there tapping the pen against his cheek as he continued to run through mental simulations and calculations as altar paced back and forth, he could feel his charka network swelling with energy as it absorbed the energy from altar's own network. "By the heavens, I've always had a massive chakra supply but this is starting to rival that of the deamons of legends." Ren muttered to himself more than to altar.

When Altar spoke up about Ren's newest idea he simply nodded "Your right of course, each and every one of these ideas were discussing are masterpieces that would be considered wonders that you might create only once in your lifetime, but kirigakure has the largest library of advanced theories and texts on the continent, and if anyone can do it, its the two of us. There will be some failings of course but in the end if we succeed, just picture it." Ren would say in response to the boy's doubt. "At any rate I'll make a note to look into ways to achieve it when I get back to the academy."

When Altar mentioned the Tailed Beasts Ren froze for a moment, listening to his words. "You mean they... I've heard of them of course, the legends that is, but I always assumed they were just legends, you mean to tell me that creatures composed entirely of chakra are possible?" Ren asked amazed... "Sealing them inside you to form that sort of power... Hmm, i wonder if we could create something similar, a mass of natural and man made chakra that becomes completely independant, reliant only on its own chakra generating abilities..." Ren would say, struggling with the implications of what he'd just been told. "Well I must say this has been a day full of revelations, but shall we call this a day, I'll see about applying the seals we've discussed to the rest of the resistance tomorrow." Ren said, placing down the pen and collecting up all the papers filled with information that he'd drawn over their session.
[Potential Exit Altar Willing, Will post claims after confirmation]
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:53 am
Shrugging, the boy would agree silently with Ren. The chuunin seemed to have much to work on with the two new seals in development, the Thousand Hands seal already mostly done. He would most likely take the rest of the day off, but that was no business of his.

Grabbing Ren, the ANBU would teleport them back to reality, removing the Tralativa seal and silently nodding to Ren before walking off and out of the academy, making his way home.

~Exit, TWC: 3,167~
~Draining max AP from Ren, new total of 1300~
~Requesting 3,167 words towards creation of a Prism Stone, at 3167/5000~

Last edited by Altar Shinkou on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~ - Page 2 Empty Re: The Makings of Harmodius ~P, NK~

Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:34 pm
Upon arriving back at the academy Ren went to work reinforcing his own seals with what he'd discovered this session, as well as improving altar's before he left.
TWC: 3977
Draining AP back from Altar, new total of 2200 base
Sealing Release (975/1688) 25%
Claiming Asura Embodiment Seal (3000/3000) 25%
Placing Asura Embodiment Seal on myself and Altar using Searing Seals for +20 fire power, Advanced Fuin passive buff for +10 Fuin power , and Integrated Sealing. Fuin Enhancing gloves +25 fuin
Base power 60; Chakra 125 = 90 scaled +30 skill buffs, +25 Item buff = Power 145.
Placing all of these on myself and altar as well
CIS Same calculation as above
Fuin Barrier BP 50 +35 scaling = 85 +30, +25 = 140
FRS Same as Fuin Barrier
Sealed Eye BP 65 +30 Scaling =95 +30 +25 = 150
Charka Storage Seal BP 30 Scaling +30 = 60 +30, +25 = 115 (storing 230 ap in it ofc)

Placing these with Advanced Fuin
CIS AP cost (45+50)*2 =190 =Storing 380AP
Fuin Barrier (40+50)*2 =180 =Storing 360AP
FRS (100+50)*2 = 300 =Storing 600AP
Sealed Eye (100+50)*2= 300 Storing 600AP
Charka Storage Seal (30+50)*2 = 160 Storing 320AP

Last edited by Ren Tsubasa <3 on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:52 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Adjusting for v6 patch ;-;)
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