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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:19 pm
Genevieve had worked quite hard the morning before while training with Kenshin, and went home to spend the rest of the morning napping. When she had finished, she did her daily cleaning of her home and had nervously gone out to pick out something to wear; she couldn't keep wearing her one dress nor could she wear her more ceremonial/formal dress. Thankfully, the clerk in the nearby shop was quite helpful in helping her select a more casual type of clothing article that she could afford. She had purchased, quite happily ferrying the small bag back to her home and tucking herself inside. Geni eagerly put her new item in the washer and continued on with her chores, changing it to the dryer when it was necessary, and showering before finally pulling the dress on and patting out the slight wrinkles. She stood in front of the mirror as she brushed her hair, tying it back in a high ponytail- two parts of her bangs that didn’t make the cut, framed her face instead, and she smiled and left her room and then her home.

She nervously headed towards the address that Kenshin has given her the day before, hoping to see him in there- though she was disappointed. “Do you want a menu, miss?” The waiter asked, a man with short black hair and an average build, but she smiled politely and took two menus; one for herself and one for Kenshin. She picked a quiet little table in the back that would be just enough for the two of them and took up a seat where she could see the door, in case he came in, so that she would wave him over.

However, in the meantime, she politely tried to tolerate and deflect the waiter’s persistent advances to see if she was waiting for someone or needed someone to wait with her.
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:24 am
With a small smile on his pale lips the silver haired Chunin known as Kenshin would make his way through the streets of Hoshi, yesterday had been...interesting to say the least, first, he had trained a bright young woman named Genevieve Oasis. She proved herself to be quite skilled in the way of the Shinobi, as she had picked up each and every jutsu and skill that he showed her with practiced ease, and to make things even more interesting she had invited him out to lunch today. After that encounter he went to meditate in the water Gardens, only to see two of his fellow Genin’s being attacked by a group of queensmen, they managed to take out most of the queensmen with ease, but one of them seemed to possess the ability to use and manipulate chakra. After he had managed to stop a relatively weak jutsu from injuring the two other Genin the queensman did something unexpected, he had taken the form of a great wolf, proving himself to be a Lycan, or as they were more commonly known, a werewolf, and he was a vicious one at that. The silver haired youth had been forced to use himself as a human shield to save one of the boys from being mauled by the beast's claws, but in the end his knowledge and skill in the art of Medical Ninjutsu completely healed all of the damage done by the claws before it could even truly affect him. After that he had severed the beasts hands in order to disable it before it could do anymore damage to the other Genin in the area, the beast had proven to be too weak to truly harm him, but it had harmed them.

An hour or so after that he took the beast before the current regent of Hoshigakure, Princess Tehniyat, so that the Lycan could be judged for attempting to murder of two of Hoshi’s up and coming Genin. The ‘trial’, if it could even be called that, had been quite the specticle, the blonde who sat upon the throne had proved that she was two steps ahead of everyone in the room, including Kenshin himself, something that impressed him quite a bit due to the fact that he was usually one step ahead of everyone else. Needless to say Tehniyat managed to play the man like a fiddle, and within a matter of minutes the man had all but declared his quilt, resulting in him being ‘invited’ to stay within the confines of the palace until the rest of the investigation was finished. Shortly after, as he was about to leave the palace, Tehniyat rewarded him for his service to the village by allowing him to skip one of the Chunin promotion missions, and he only had one more mission remaining, and as such he had ascended in rank. After that he had decided to get some late night training in at the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve, where he had ended up meeting a young boy and his fox summon. All in all the day had been quite eventful, he had helped one of Hoshi’s newer Genin become a little stronger, he had stopped another two from being killed by a werewolf, and he had been given the rank of Chuniin.

Now, he was on his way to the small restaurant he had suggested to Genevieve for their lunch today, it was not too large yet at the same time not too small, coming across as quite the homely location. It was located near the Water Gardens of Hoshi, and due to how popular the Water Gardens of Hoshigakure were the restaurant always had a decent amount of people within, in Kenshin’s opinion it was far too many, but then again he considered anything more than four people (including himself) to be too many. As he got within range of the restaurant he had to resist the urge to smirk, for he could feel the chakra signature of Genevieve there already, she was early, how did he know this, well he himself was actually a little early. It was definitely not a bad thing, as he hated being kept waiting, and seeing that she had arrived earlier than he had only elevated his opinion of this young woman. He knew that she would be able to sense him as well, as his chakra signature was not suppressed, and his reserves were large enough to be felt by anyone who could sense chakra even without the need to activate the ability. What was the silver haired teen wearing you ask, well, he was wearing the very same attire that he had chosen to wear when he stood before the regent of Hoshigakure. Sure Genevieve was definitely not the regent of Haven country, but in his mind all people were equal, so if he was willing to wear this simply to meet Tehniyat nothing less could be accepted for his lunch date with the former priestess.

He was clad in a white dress shirt with black pinstripes, along a pair of dark grey formal pants, his shinobi sandals were left at home and on his feet now was a pair of black dress shoes, on his hands a pair of white gloves and over the white shirt he was wearing a black vest, to complete the look he was wearing a black tie and a formal black jacket. All in all the outfit was very formal, the only change was the fact that he had chosen to wear the pinstripe shirt this time compared to the pure white one he had worn to meet the regent, and that was simply because he preferred the look of the pinstriped one. As the silver haired teen arrived at the restaurant he was immediately greeted by the sight of Genevieve at one of the tables in the back, a more secluded location he noted, a pleased smile on his face, as he was glad to be a little further away from the other customers. Almost immediately he was spotted by the young galaxy haired Genin, and she wasted no time in waving him over to the table that she was seated at, so taking that as his signal he would begin to approach, quickly reaching the table at the back of the small restaurant. “Good day Genevieve, you are a little early I see” the silver haired teen would say with a small chuckle as he glanced over at the clock, confirming his suspicion that the two of them had indeed arrived early.

“You look nice” Kenshin would say in a friendly and polite way as he looked over her “I particularly like how you wore hair, it looks very nice like that” he would then say as he looked at the new style, complimenting her further, he had not seen her wear her hair in a ponytail before, but it suited her nicely. After he had paid her that final compliment he would sit down, giving her a small smile as he did so, he would allow her to speak if she wished to, and only when she picked up her own menu would Kenshin pick up the one sitting in front of him.

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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:21 pm
Genevieve had been more than happy to wave Kenshin over when she noticed him coming into the restaurant, elegantly dressed. He was clad in a white dress shirt with black pinstripes, along a pair of dark grey formal pants, his shinobi sandals traded for a pair of black dress shoes, on his hands a pair of white gloves and over the white shirt he was wearing a black vest, to complete the look he was wearing a black tie and a formal black jacket. He was quite dashing and she felt severely under-dressed even as he came to the table- complimenting her and smiling his little smile even. She smiled shyly as he complimented her about her hair style and her dress that looked so plain compared to his own attire. “Thank you, Kenshin; I wanted to be early rather than late and I’m glad I was able to surprise you a bit.”

She enjoyed his company and wasn’t unnerved by his appearance as everyone else seemed to be- which bothered her the most. The other patrons gave him such strange looks and she didn’t completely understand herself as to why. It was something she didn’t dwell on though; she liked his quiet little smiles. Perhaps she liked the thought that he did it quite often around her and very rarely seemed to do it around other people; it made her believe, just a bit, that these smiles were just for her. Maybe that was just her hopes rising up and she smiled back, “You look really nice today, Kenshin, I really like your outfit. It makes you look very handsome.” She said as she lifted up the menu to try and decide what to eat; however, her palette of foods was extremely small that she felt out of place in a restaurant that offered such a variety.

“I’m not completely sure what to get...the Church keeps our palettes restrained unless we go off the grounds…” Geni admitted quietly, looking at Kenshin, “Is there something you would suggest that I try, Kenshin? I regret to say that I’m at a loss here…” She vocalized and noticed several of the other patrons looking their way before averting their eyes when they noticed Geni looking at them- again. It was making her a bit anxious about being at the table with Kenshin, because she didn’t want him to be stared at through their whole meal. “Does this restaurant have a private dining room or just this one?” She asked him.
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:58 am
As soon as the silver haired youth arrived in the restaurant he became aware of the eyes that were fixed on his form, however the strange thing was the looks he was receiving were not the usual looks of pity, disgust and fear that he usually received due to his unique appearance. These looks were more akin to suspicion mixed with...curiosity, or at least that’s what he felt the looks conveyed, he was generally good at reading the expressions of others so he felt rather confident with that assessment. The reason for the looks, more than likely due to the fact that he was wearing such fancy and high class clothing within such a small restaurant, it was obviously not due to his scars or his stitched scars, as all of them were covered, as was the majority of his skin. In fact the only visible part of his body was actually his head, where there was only one scar visible, his eyes could be the cause, but due to the way he had his hair styles there were mostly hidden behind his long silver locks. No matter, the looks meant little to him, for one because they were not giving him those infuriating looks of pity, disgust and fear, and for two because they would end up losing interest in him rather quickly, while he did indeed stand out in such a small place they would realize why he was dressed in such a way when they noticed him approaching a table where a rather beautiful young woman waited.

After Kenshin took his seat Genevieve would begin speaking “You look really nice today, Kenshin, I really like your outfit. It makes you look very handsome” the former priestess would say as she lifted up her menu and began scanning it. Thankfully due to that she would not see the prominent blush upon the young albino’s face, due to the paleness of his snow white skin he was positively glowing due to his embarrassment, why did this embarrass him so you ask, well, never in his life had he been called handsome before. ‘Damn hormones’ Kenshin would think to himself as he picked up the menu and held it in such a way that it concealed most of his face from Genevieve’s view. This was the only excuse he could come up with as to why he found himself reacting in such a way to the young woman, it was only natural he figured, he could easily admit that he did find her to be quite attractive. Plus he was indeed at such an age where his hormones would be raging, but usually he could control these baser desires and emotions with ease, and the fact that he found his natural defenses lowering themselves around this girl frightened him more than he could ever hope to explain. He had spent most of his young life constructing them for a reason, he suppressed his feelings and emotions For A Reason, he did not allow himself to become attached to people FOR A REASON,  so why was this woman able to dismantle these carefully crafted defenses with such ease.

“I’m not completely sure what to get...the church keeps our palettes restrained unless we go off the ground” he would hear Genevieve admit, her voice unusually silent as she looked up at him, thankfully his blush had long since faded by this point, so he lowered the menu somewhat to look her in the eye. “Is there something you would suggest I try, Kenshin? I regret to say that I’m at a loss here…” she would then ask, what should he suggest for her, something sweet, something savoury, perhaps something spicy? Well seeing as he had no idea what types of food she usually enjoyed eating he found himself at a loss, as he did not wish to suggest something that she would not like, it would only end up causing her to have an unpleasant lunch, as it was obvious to him that she was the type who would force herself to eat it and pretend to enjoy it, for the sake of politeness. Right as his pale lips were about to part Genevieve spoke once more “Does this restaurant have a private dining room or just this one?”  she would ask with what appeared to be a minute frown upon her face, her attention clearly focussed on the people around them...people that he just noticed were STILL gawking at him. He could only give a small sigh, before turning slightly in his seat so that he could look over his shoulder “If you could stop staring at me I would appreciate it, it is making me quite uncomfortable” he would say, his voice just as deadpan as the look he was sending them.

That seemed to do the trick as well, as it did not take long for most of them to return to their meals, but of course there just had to be one stubborn one amongst them, he appeared to be middle aged, his thinning hair starting to turn grey in certain portions, while his face was cleanly shaved. He seemed to be in quite good shape, both the way that his body was built and the amount of callouses on the man's hands just screamed labourer, what kind he was unsure of as there was no real way to distinguish between professions without speaking to the man, but for some reason the man just continued staring at him. The look on his face was not one of malice, anger, disgust, pity or even fear, it appeared to just be simple curiosity, perhaps the man thought him to be a noble of Haven Country because of how he was dressed? Either way it mattered not to Kenshin, he simply wished for the man to stop staring at him so that he and Genevieve could enjoy their lunch, so what did he do to stop the mans staring you ask, he sent the man a rather chilling glare, his silver pupils beginning to glow ominously from behind his silver hair. It seemed to do the trick quite well, as the man gave a sudden flinch and began to focus on devouring his meal with gusto, no doubt to get as far away from Kenshin as quickly he could, something that only served to bring a small smirk to the albino’s scarred face.

“Due to the size of this restaurant this is the only dining room, but don’t worry, we should be able to enjoy our meal in peace now” The would say, sending the galaxy haired woman a small smile. “Now, as it stands right now I am not well suited to advising what you eat, as I simply do not know what kinds of food you enjoy” he would say with a slightly amused smirk on his face. “So, what kinds of food do you like, sweet, savory, spicy? Are you a vegan? Are you a vegetarian? Do you mind eating fish? Hmm, those are the main questions I need answered, after you have given me your answers I believe I can suggest a meal that you would enjoy” Kenshin would explain with the same amused smirk on his face, so far the lunch was going fantastically...well, nothing had gone wrong anyway

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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:30 pm
Genevieve had been trying to enjoy Kenshin’s presence to the fullest, but with the stars and the anxiety she got from them, it made it very difficult- until he took note of it and addressed the onlookers. “If you could stop staring at me I would appreciate it, it is making me quite uncomfortable.” Kenshin said, his voice a straight deadpan. It was assertive and bold and she was extremely appreciative of the actions, relaxing much more when several of the people looked away; aside from one. After a second or two, he flinched and turned back to his meal before Kenshin turned back around to her to give his full attention once more as he turned a small smirk back to her.  It was little actions like this that made her feel- strange- and she tried to pay no mind to them, however, as time progressed the feelings grew more persistent than they did before.

“Due to the size of this restaurant this is the only dining room, but don’t worry; we should be able to enjoy our meal in peace now.” Kenshin would say, giving her another small smile. “Now; as it stands right now I am not well suited to advising what you eat, as I simply do not know what kinds of food you enjoy.” The fellow shinobi said with a slightly amused smirk on his face. “So, what kinds of food do you like? Sweet, savory, maybe spicy? Are you a vegan? Are you a vegetarian? Do you mind eating fish? Hmm, those are the main questions I need answered. After you have given me your answers, I believe I can suggest a meal that you would enjoy.” She smiled and looked down at her menu shyly. It was probably the first time someone had asked her about her preferences entirely. She lived alone in her quaint home and her teammates were usually busy. Then there was the time she spent with dropping off her badly-made scarves and helping those in her church where she could. However, it was strange for someone to ask her about things she actually liked.

“I’m not a vegan or a vegetarian; I’ve never had seafood before, however, I do like savory food.” Geni said and looked back at her menu, “I’m sorry; no one really bothers to ask me anything about myself, so I’m not quite sure how to respond.” She admitted and looked back at the menu; taking note of a lot of dishes that included seafood. However, she did feel much better about the fact that the other patrons weren't staring at Kenshin; much better, in fact. The sheer rudeness of it was more of a shell-shock to her than anything. Geni spend several internal moments inside her own mind, thinking about how to grow closer to Kenshin even though she didn’t know how; but she knew that one w was to gain something that Kenshin had quite a bit of; courage. Like her summon had told her, she needed to be assertive and bold.

So, Geni gracefully rose from her seat and went over to a seat closer to Kenshin, sitting down. Unsure if it was unorthodox or not, but she tucked one of the long strands framing her face, behind her ear, and held up the menu a bit, looking at him, “Which of these do you think would be best? Or would you mind if I ordered what you were getting? I’m open-minded to expanding my palette but I’m just… a bit nervous… about making a fool of myself in front of you…” Geni said shyly as she tilted her menu closer to her face to cover the lower-half of her face.

[WC: 618]
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:19 am
After he had asked his questions Kenshin would begin to think about what he was going to order, personally he much preferred savoury to sweet, in fact...he disliked most sweet things in general, there was just something about the taste of sweet foods that just left him feeling a little sick after eating them. The silver haired teen absolutely loved the taste of meat, and he knew from experience that the chefs at this restaurant made very nice steak, the cut that they used was rib-eye, like most restaurants that served good steaks used, and it was only given a light seasoning before cooked, it was not marinated, which Kenshin definitely preferred, as it let the taste of the meat itself shine. He usually ordered the steak medium rather than the more commonly ordered medium rare, along with a side of a nice fresh salad, and if he was feeling particularly ravenous on the day, a side of mashed potatoes, although most of the time his appetite simply was not large enough for him to eat all of that. Hmm...he had to admit...a juicy steak sounded very good right about now...but there were just so many other delicious dishes on the menu, for example the seared salmon, it was to die for, the fillets were seasoned with salt and pepper before being cooked to perfection, it was then served with a side of fresh salad and some lemon wedges, an extremely simple, healthy, and overall delicious dish.

There were just so many different dishes that he enjoyed eating on this menu that his choice when eating here was always both easy and hard, easy because he knew he would enjoy whatever it was that he chose, yet hard because he was not always sure about just what he wanted to eat each time. No matter, at the moment he still had to decide on something for Genevieve to eat, and in order for him to decide well he would definitely need to pay attention to the answers that she gave to his questions. “I’m not a vegan or a vegetarian” the former priestess would say, getting the faintest of grins from the scar faced Kenshin, he was actually quite glad about this, simply because he had not had many good experienced with people who claimed to be vegans in the past. Most of them had tried to make him feel bad about eating meat in front of them, of course he had simply kept eating said meat with a smile on his face just to annoy them, but still...they tried to disturb steak time...and nobody disturbed steak time. Seriously, if he was not bothered by brutally slaughtering humans then why in hell would he give even the slightest of fucks about the animals that died to feed him...simple answer, he did not, sure, he liked nature and all, but humans were on the top of the food chain for a reason, and that reason was not because they felt bad about eating other animals.

“I’ve never had seafood before” Genevieve would say, continuing to answer her question as she looked down at the menu, and as such she missed the way that Kenshin had reacted to hearing the news that she had never tried any form of seafood looking no different to how he usually looked. Honestly while the knowledge that she had never before tried seafood of any kind was a little surprising to the heart stealing Chunin it was not exactly a life changing revelation, all it meant was that Genevieve herself simply did not know whether or not she would enjoy the taste of it...although that did raise the question of whether or not Genevieve could in fact have some type of allergy to seafood. No matter, if she did indeed turn out to have some form of allergy to the food that he chose his knowledge of Medical Ninjutsu would be very useful, he highly doubted that she would just so happen to have an allergy to one of the foods that he suggested, but still, there was always the chance, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. “However, I do like savoury food” the young galaxy haired woman would say as she continued to peer at the foods on the menu. It was indeed a very good thing that she also preferred savoury foods to sweet foods, as should she have preferred the latter he simply would have been unable to direct her towards a dish that she may enjoy.

“I’m sorry; no one really bothers to ask me anything about myself, so I’m not quite sure how to respond.” Genevieve would say, before doing something that caused his silver brows to raise slightly, she rose from her seat opposite him and made her way around the table, taking the seat that was free beside him. She would then tuck one stray strand of hair behind her ear and hold her menu up as she looked at him “Which of these do you think would be best? Or would you mind if I ordered what you were getting? I’m open-minded to expanding my palette but I’m just…a bit nervous....about making a fool of myself in front of you…” the young woman would explain in a rather shy tone, before tilting her menu closer to herself in a way that covered the lower half of her face. The silver haired teen would have to resist the urge to smirk at the embarrassment that was clear on Genevieve’s face, and he wondered if this sudden change in attitude from nervous, to confident, and back to nervous again had something to do with his and the dragons comments to her yesterday, where the two of them had told her to be a little more assertive. Either way, he found the attempt from her to be a little more confident by taking a seat right next to him, before reverting back to the same shyness that he had come to expect from her, to be a little bit...cute.

‘Hmm, there’s that word again…’ The Chunin of Hoshigakure would think to himself, once more he had associated that word with Genevieve, and to be honest he was not sure why...something that managed to both confuse and annoy him, if only he was more in tune with his own feeling and emotions. “Please feel free to order the same meal I am ordering if you believe you would enjoy it. I was planning on ordering the steak” Kenshin would say, informing Genevieve of his own decision. “Although one other dish I feel you may enjoy would be the seared salmon, it is very good” he would then say. He would await her answer before signalling over one of the waiters so that she could take their orders.

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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:06 am
Making a mid-thread claim, 3074 words towards Kenshin's Improved Skin, claiming (I can list all the other threads in which I gained the WC if needed)
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:08 am
Le approved for mid thread claim. Officially Now shipping Kenshin x Genevieve
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:16 pm
Geni wondered if this closeness was too much, now that she sat in a chair next to him and she wondered if it was a standard. Glancing at the other tables and other couple,s it seemed more of a common occurrence to sit across from him. Perhaps she had been too bold, taking this chance to try and be more assertive and ruining it by making the whole action seem as if she was trying to rush things. She wasn’t  and she hoped it didn’t come off that way- well- perhaps she should have just stayed home.

Then she wouldn't be worrying and fretting over something like this for so long. She wouldn't be worrying about, if her meager dress was appropriate for a situation like this, or if she should have gone with another hairstyle for the occasion. She could have weeded the small garden in the little front yard of her temporary home, or she could have taken a seat at the little table in the garden and knitted another badly-made scarf and enjoyed the sunshine, or even taken a nap on her couch. Did that make her a ‘homebody’? Probably but she wouldn’t have minded much at all- it would have been less anxiety-triggering and embarrassment-rising than this perhaps. He mentioned ordering the steak, and though she hadn’t had one before, she decided to be adventurous and try one, “Oh, then I’ll follow your lead and get a steak as well, if you don't mind.”  He smirked and signaled a waitress over (thankfully it wasn’t the male waiter who had been bothering her), and she smiled at the two, “Hello, may I have the-” Geni spared a moment to glance at the menu again before smiling at the woman, “I’d like the steak please, just by itself.”

The waitress nodded and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen to write it down, quipping “How would you like it?” And Geni sat there a moment, blinked, and she repeated kindly, “By itself.” The waitress looked at her and clarified, “How would you like it cooked? Rare, medium rare, medium well?”

And Geni blanked completely, lost in the question and terminology.

“I… will have the... steak medium rare…with a sprite please.” Geni said slowly and ended the sentence confidently as if she knew what she was actually ordering. No, not at all, she had no bloody idea at all, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t eat it. The woman taking their order turned to Kenshin and smiled, asking what he liked and in response, would write it down, before quietly leaving to put their order in.

[ WC: 440 ]
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The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin] Empty Re: The Evening of the Bear [P, Kenshin]

Mon May 01, 2017 7:38 am
Upon mentioning that he planned to order the steak Genevieve would begin to speak “Oh, then I’ll follow your lead and get a steak as well, if you don’t mind” the galaxy haired young woman would say, her words getting a small smirk from Kenshin “Of course I don’t mind Genevieve, if you believe that you will enjoy the steak then please order it, all I want is for you to enjoy this meal” he would say as he signalled a waitress over to their table. When the waitress arrived she would smile politely at the pair and await their orders “Hello, may I have the-” Genevieve would start to say, before once more peering down at her menu “I’d like the steak please, just by itself” she would say, getting a nod from the waitress who would quickly proceed to pull out a pen and notepad to jot down the order. “And how would you like it” the waitress would ask as she looked expectantly at Genevieve, whose only response to the question was to blink owlishly, or course she would not know what the waitress had meant, she had never eaten steak before “By itself” Genevieve would then repeat in a kind tone. The waitress’s face would scrunch up in confusion, obviously not understanding that the young woman before her had never had any form of steak before “How would you like it cooked? Rare, medium rare, medium well?” the waitress would then ask, clarifying exactly what she had meant, but based on the look on Genevieve’s face he could tell that she had absolutely no clue what the waitress meant by that.

“I...will have the...steak medium rare...with a sprite please” she would then say, obviously choosing one of the terms that the waitress had spoken earlier without truly knowing what it had meant, but the answer was enough for the waitress, who jotted those details down before turning to Kenshin with an expectant look on her face. “I would like the steak, medium if possible, with a side of salad” he would say with a polite smile upon his scarred face “And your drink?” she would ask as she wrote his order down on her small notepad “Just a water thank you” he would reply, the answer getting a small nod from the waitress, who would flash the two of them a small smile before going to give their order to the chef. The very same waitress would return mere moments later with their drinks in hand, and with a small smile on her face she would inform them that their orders would be out shortly “Thank you” Kenshin would say with a small smile on his pale lips. If there was one thing that he truly liked about this particular restaurant, aside from the food, it would have to be the exceptional customer service of the staff, aside from that one waiter anyway, he was just a horny little prick. Speaking of, it seemed that he was attempting to chat up another young lady who was seated alone, but it seemed that this woman was having none of that, as she did not hesitate to throw her drink, which appeared to be some form of juice, right into his face, an action that managed to draw a light chuckle from Kenshin’s lips.

WC: 559
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