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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:08 am
(Stealth bump)
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:42 am
(Got permission to join this thread by Ren)

The Uchiha girl had been in the back of her class, perhaps she should have been paying more attention to her studies, but at this point, she had been more interested on her drawings this lesson. Instead of paying close attention and taking notes, she instead this morning had an idea pop into her head that she couldn’t get out of her head. As such, the young Angel Bur would have ignored the teacher in class and would try to get the thought out of her head by drawing about it on a piece of paper. The thought that she had that was stuck in her head was a rainbow, not just any rainbow though, but more of what she would call a gothic Rainbow. While it was a variety of colors, similar to that of a rainbow, all the colors were instead shades of black, white, and grey. The thought was it was being rained down onto a colorful world, making the world turn into a darker and less enjoyable place. She had finished up drawing the outlines of everything, mostly including the rainbow and the area around it, which was supposed to be more of a candy land like area, where all the people were giant teddy bears, the houses were made of ginger breads and everything seemed very happy. However, the dark rainbow would screatch across the sky, and as it did, everything below it, was turned into a darker version of itself. The teady bears turning into starving humans, children playing on the ground was changed into dead corpses, and the houses were being changed from gingerbread to more standard, uniform living quarters, (Having a very similar look to that of the houses inside Kiri, the blonde’s new home.)
Taking a second to make sure the outline was done, the 17 year old would try to sneak her long slender hands down into her backpack and try to retrieve her colored pencil’s from it, hoping that her teacher wouldn’t notice it. If this was done successfully, she would swap the pencil she was using out with one of her colored pencils, and proceded to start to draw with it, coloring in the drawing that she had started. Hopefully the teach wouldn’t notice this, and then the young Angel Burr could get this little creative spurt out of her system.

WC: 401
Rin Togakawa
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:00 am
Of course Ren wasn't an inept teacher, rather he'd been aware that the Girl hadn't been paying attention during the entirety of the class; having finished everything he had planned for the class Ren spoke up, "Well then that marks the end of everything I had planned for today, so you can all have an early minute." Ren said, gesturing for the students to leave as he strode down and sat at his desk and looked up the name of the girl in the back who had caught his eye, 'Ahh Angel Uchiha' he thought, When the young girl walked past him to leave the classroom Ren would speak up again. "Oh Angel Uchiha, Stay back would you, theres something I'd like to discuss with you" Ren would say, gesturing for the young girl to stand to the side while he waited for the class to empty. 

Once the room was empty Ren would wait till the girl was shifting uncomfortably or asked why she was here before speaking, oh well you see you seemed to be doing so well in the class that I thought I'd give you a chance to perform the Genin exam right now" Ren would say, with a smile at the girl.
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:40 am
Angel wouldn’t have time to finish up the her art piece before she noticed that everyone was standing up around her, and heading out. Well, The young Uchiha sighed, another day without her really paying attention to anything in her classes. She really needed to spend more time learning about her ninjutsu and less time practicing her art. Her days as an artist and carpenter were behind her now, she needed to focus on her survival abilites, after all, people would probably try to kill her, and she needed to be able to defend herself, this class, it was probably a matter of life and death for her, but here she was, franticly holding on to her past artisan ways. Sighing, the girl with the long blonde hair would stand up, and start to collect her things, however, during that time, her teacher would go out and call out to her

“Oh Angel Uchiha, Stay back would you, theres something I'd like to discuss with you”
The young girl would have a heart attack, this was one of the first days she had been in the academy, and this was the first time her teacher called the young girl with her last name. Normaly, it wouldn’t bother her, but her teacher didn’t use the name she gave people, she gave her proper last name. The name that basicly put a mark on her, She wasn’t sure why, but apparently, shinobi that had the last name of Uchiha, had a mark on them, where people would hunt them down. Angel wasn’t sure why….. but the young Uchiha knew from her father that keeping her name secret was a matter of life or death at some times.

As Such, Angel would look back at her teacher, and try to bluff her way through the situation,
“Angel… I’m sorry, I think you misspoke my name
My name, is Angel Burr, Sir.
And until one day when I get married, Burr will be the Name I proclaim.”

Once the room was empty, Angel would ask, “So…. Um.. why did you keep me after class?”

Ren would then respond, telling the young Uchiha that he was going to offer Angel to take the Genin exams. As he did this, Angel would look at the teacher strangely.
“Sir…?” She would asked confusedly, “I know I am older than your average student, but surely you jest? I have only been here for about a week, there is no way I am ready to go out and enter the world of the Shinobi? And Test… I don’t even know the…. The….” Angel would rack her brain, she had already been told what missions and sort of jutsu she would need to know for the exam….. but for the life of her should couldn’t recall! It came up in class multiple times.. but she hadn’t been paying attention enough to remember it.

WC: 487
TWC: 888
Rin Togakawa
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:53 am
Ren looked at the girl with her little outburst and simply raised an eyebrow, he got the hint of course, although he didn't appreciate the tone he appreciated the wit of hiding your name when it was such a famous one "I know many things miss Burr, but perhaps your right I do have many students after all." Ren would say before turning back to his papers and making a note to change the girl's name in the Academy Records, once the room had emptied out Ren would speak again "Keeping your name hidden is smart my girl, but perhaps it would be smarter not to register on public records with your real name" Ren would say pausing and giving the girl a chance to try an explain herself before cutting her off if she provided a less than adequate excuse, which of course she no doubt would. Once that was done with Ren would remain silent until the girl asked why she was there as he had originally intended, only now rather than replying immediately he would look up from writing on his desk and look the girl in the eye for a solid ten seconds before replying.

"Oh well you see you seemed to be doing so well in the class that I thought I'd give you a chance to perform the Genin exam right now" He would say, smiling a little to himself at her predictably confused reaction. "Well you obviously have time to ignore my lessons Angel, so you must obviously have already mastered all I am teaching in the class correct?" Ren would say, cutting off her protests. "Now then lets start with the Clone technique hmm, show me what you can do" Ren said leaning back in his seat and placing his legs up on the table as he got into position to watch the show.
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:20 am
Angel would sit down and while trying to figure out what she was going to say, The teach would intrupt he train of thought. “I know many things miss Burr, but perhaps your right I do have many students after all. Keeping your name hidden is smart my girl, but perhaps it would be smarter not to register on public records with your real name." And with that the blonde Uchiha would sigh, well, when she was moved over hear from old Kiri she was forced to register with the government, wanting to keep an eye on all the new people here, Angel had been forced to show off any official documentation that she had, all of which showed her last name as Uchiha. Angel would sigh, “I know… but I didn’t have much of an option. my official last name Is Uchiha… and as such I am required to report that. My damn parents didn’t think to make my last name Burr instead when I was born… so… that kind of is a sorrow I have to deal with now, but, hey, A girl can try, right?” Angel would then realize that she swore and say, “Sorry, It’ is improper for me to swear, I am awear, but just… it kind of makes me mad… I am forced to hide my name from people, but my parents gave me that name. It seems like it would be easier if they just officialy gave me my mother’s surname.”

After that, the teacher would go on and explain about the exams. "Oh well you see you seemed to be doing so well in the class that I thought I'd give you a chance to perform the Genin exam right now”. Well you obviously have time to ignore my lessons Angel, so you must obviously have already mastered all I am teaching in the class correct?"

Angel would start to complain, she knew she had been caught, but still, doing genin exam so soon after joining the academy? No one that she knew of had done that before! But the teacher had none of that, saying, “Now then let’s start with the Clone technique hmm, show me what you can do.”

Angel would take a deep breath, well, the greatest artist always strived under pressure, Angel would think to her self (That is a complete and utter lie, but don’t tell the poor girl that).

Angel would think back to her lessons, the teacher talked about this even earlier today! She had to of remembered just a little bit of it.

Handsigns, that was the first step of preforming a jutsu. The handsigns for a clone was…. Horse →Snake → Tiger? Yes, that must be it.

Angel would then preform said hand signs, and try to mirror herself and make an illusion that looked just like her. After building up her chakra, a clone would appear, but it looked nothing like her, crashed on the ground, contorted into a sick, malformed version of the blonde.

Angel would look up at the teacher, a slight blush appearing on her face.

WC: 526
TWC: 1414
Rin Togakawa
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:56 am
Ren nodded his head at the girls words, "We'll unfortunate as it is I'll see what I can do about it, at the least any internal documentation for the accademy will refer too you as Burr from now on" Ren would say to the girl. After that he would explain the exam and watch the girl proceed, Ren was surprised to see that the girl had been paying so little attention to his lessons that she didn't even know the right hand signs for the technique, although impressively Ren watched her chakra and noticed that despite the failed technique she had a surprisingly good control over her chakra. "No, Angel; It's Ram, Snake, Tiger; and your putting too much chakra into it, stop trying to force it and just let it flow naturally." Ren would say, performing the three hand seals himself and creating a copy to demonstrate the technique for her. "Now try again" He said "Otherwise I might have to think that you've not been learning anything in my classes at all"
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:32 am
Angel would take a deep breath, learning that her name would be slightly more hidden, that was a relief. She would then proceeded to do the exam as stated above. When she was done, the teenage girl would look up to her teacher, while embarrassed, who would tell her “No, Angel; It's Ram, Snake, Tiger; and your putting too much chakra into it, stop trying to force it and just let it flow naturally.”

Angel would blush and make the hand signs proper this time. Her hands would slowly form the sign of the Ram, followed by the sign of the Snake and finishing it up with the sign of the tiger Tiger. Once this was done, she would start to clone herself… making an illusion of herself out of her energy, but going out of her way to not force it out like ren said, just letting the energy flow out of her, and manifest itself into a clone of herself. Once it was done, Angel would open her eyes and find a perfect clone of herself… well, almost. She noticed that the clone made no shadow, and would look at her teacher. “Dang it, almost had it…” She would complain, pouting a little bit, “How can I make it form a shadow?”

WC: 215
TWC: 1629
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:44 am
Ren watched, the girl perform the technique a second time, surprisingly she actually managed to complete the technique without too much trouble. 'Well thats surprising, I'm pretty sure that she hasn't been paying any attention at all to my lessons, so she must have at least some natural talent to be able to learn the technique so quickly.' Ren thought to himself, his thoughts confirmed a moment later when the girl asked him why her clone didn't have a shadow. 'Yep, definitely not paying attention to my classes if she's asking that, although to not understand the technique and yet still be able to learn to use it so quickly... The prowess of the Uchiha, is not just rumours it would seem' Ren thought to himself before speaking to the girl, answering her question.

"You really didn't pay much attention at all did you?" Ren sighed, "You've got the technique correct there though, making a clone with a shadow is a far more advanced technique that you might learn later on in your carer depending on what path you decide to take. Irregardless, dont expect me to count that as a pass, you failed it the first time so I'll expect to see further proof that you know what your doing before I sign you off on that, but for now we'll move on to the transformation technique. Lets see you impress me." Ren would say, this time he expected the girl would at least be able to perform a poor example of the technique since he'd spent quite a while teaching the class that technique...
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Entering the Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Entering the Academy

Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:13 am
Once Angel finished her technique, Ren would look a bit disappointed, sighing, as she said “You really didn't pay much attention at all did you? You've got the technique correct there though, making a clone with a shadow is a far more advanced technique that you might learn later on in your carer depending on what path you decide to take.” Angel would sort sigh, and here she thought she had done enough to impress her Teacher…. So worst part is, he would continue on, “Irregardless, don’t expect me to count that as a pass, you failed it the first time so I'll expect to see further proof that you know what your doing before I sign you off on that, but for now we'll move on to the transformation technique. Lets see you impress me.”

Angel would think for a second. Transformation… that technique…. Damn…. I know this… Think…. After some thinking, the girl would recall that the hand signs for that technique was Dog → Boar → Ram. She would form these handsigns and would transform into…. Herself? No, The Uchiha girl would tell herself. That is stupid, do anyone else…. Like…the teacher!’ [/i]With that, Angel would transform into the teacher. She would disappear into a big cloud of smoke, but the smoke disappeared, she would appear and look similar to the teacher, but not the same, this isn’t due to the fact that she didn’t do the transformation correctly. No, its more like she didn’t really pay close enough attention to what the teacher looked like to determine what to transform into.

WC: 275
TWC: 1904
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