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Training Empty Training

Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:56 pm
Hikaru had finally found his own training ground. It was not official but it was finally a place he could call his own. Hikaru smirked, none of the weaklings from the academy were going to get in his way. He began his warm up routine of stretches and light jogging. After his warm up he began the standard kiri taijutsu form that he had learnt in the academy. He punched the tree rapidly, striking in quick succession. He had learnt early on that due to his small build he could not dish out heavy strikes nor take them. As such, he relied on his speed and quick reactions to win. he darted round the tree punching and kicking it as fast as he could. To anyone else he was a blur, running round and around the tree. Eventually he stopped, the dizziness had finally got to him and he had to sit down.

He sat down and closed his eyes, surely there must be other ways of training? His mind raced through many possibilities, eventually he came to the conclusion that he would have to train his chakra. He had never been good at control, as he didn't see the point in learning about it if he could knock out his enemies with a simple neck jab. But the more he thought about it the more practical it seemed. He nodded to himself, he could inflict more pain onto his enemies. He got up and grabbed a leaf and pressed it to his forehead. He concentrated on the leaf and slowly drew his chakra to stick the leaf to his forehead. He let go off the leaf and it immediately shot off his forehead about 3 feet. He stared at it with an uninterested gaze before grabbing another leaf and trying again.

He tried many times through the evening until he could stick the leaf comfortably on his forehead. Next, he tried to move around with the leaf still stuck to his forehead. Suffice to say, keeping track of the leaf and moving around was proving difficult. Eventually he could move around and train normally with the leaf still stuck to his head. He then tried this with multiple leaves and it was, Once again, proving difficult. Eventually he figured out how to do it. 

After many hours of the leaf control exercise he felt drained. He couldn't tell why though, he had barely done any strenuous exercise. He realised he must be suffering from a minor case of chakra exhaustion. He made his way back to the orphanage. As he laid down in his bed he absently played with the sheets with his chakra. The sheets clung to his hands as he shifted his hands up and down. He smirked inwardly, his chakra control was getting better and better. 

(Word count: 470
Claims: 2 stat point)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Training Empty Re: Training

Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:59 pm

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