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Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Training Empty Training

Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:12 am
Ketsueki stood at the doorway, looking up at one of the chunin teachers, all he gave was a nod, and he was waived through to the training room, posts with targets were set up for students trying ranged weaponry like kunai and shuriken, needles for ninja-hunting wannabees. Ketsueki stood at the 5 feet mark and wove sign. Thinking. "Ou Tsuba!" He then spat out...Nothing.

 Absolutely nothing but spit. He coughed, and resolved to try again, weaving sign, building his chakra as he thought of the jutsu "Ou Tsuba!" and spat once more,  a thin stream of water that just barely hit the 3 foot mark and looked much more like that of a near empty squirt gun firing. Nevertheless it was progress, he tried again, sign, chakra, name. "Ou Tsuba!" He spat out again, this time it was heavier, hitting two feet, at least making a decent impact on the ground when it landed, but that would only matter when the target actually was the ground.

 He sighed, taking a breath, weaving sign, kneading chakra, and then the name. "OU TSUBA!" He thought, spitting out an actual stream, albeit thin, it hit the very bottom of the target. Progress! He repeated the process. "OU TSUBA!" The bottom of the target, it hit with harder impact this time. He did not relent-(How scary, E rank jutsu.)

Again, "OU TSUBA!" This time it hit the center of the post but not the target painted on. Again. "OU TSUBA!" He spat once more, feeling a bit faint. It hit just below the target, on the white outline, one last try. He inhaled. Calmed and repeated the process. "OU TSUBA!

It hit the bulls-eye, but barely. Ketsueki wasn't quite happy yet, but this jutsu is usually used up to 5 times in succession. Even in games of tag he used to frequent. He pulled out his little note pad and began writing in it, next to the "Master and turn Fish spit into a viable, salt attack" He wrote, "WIP" He smirked. Taking a short break.

 It would take much more for his already viable Chakra pool to grow to it's original, however, but he got back to it, stepping back to 7 feet, knowing this is the most it would be viable to, he repeated the process, inhaling. "OU TSUBA!" Again, Sign, Chakra, "OU TSUBA!" Again! Sign, Chakra, "OU TSUBA!" A hit! it was perfect. But he knew going further back would be pointless, he continued firing more of the fish spit, hitting all over the post, largely just below the bulls-eye. He needed to focus on keeping the pressure of his spit concise and powerful, but what he knows he doesn't miss is the Chakra pool necessary and the chakra control necessary to go beyond the average.

 He paused at once, panting softly and looking up toward the ceiling, hanging targets came to mind, good practice for next time. He then looked back at the post, he had two more rounds in him, he may be able to get through a few in succession, he performed the sign, breathed in, built up his chakra and thought, "OU  TSUBA!" Before spitting the water, hitting the post dead in the bulls-eye, he did it once more, this time with less of a break, "OU TSUBA!" he repeated. "OU TSUBA!" He then rested his hands on his knees, panting. He then walked to a bench, still breathing rather heavy.

                                                (553 words. Claiming Ou Tsuba,+1 Chakra and +1 Stamina)

Last edited by Ketsueki on Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:58 am; edited 3 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Training Empty Re: Training

Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:32 pm

You can also claim 2 stats. <3
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Training Empty Re: Training

Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:58 am
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Training Empty Re: Training

Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:05 pm
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