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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:47 pm
Miyamoto was up the next day as the town seemed to be on edge.  It seems that the subsequent ordeals surrounding the shinobi inside of Hoshi have come to start a movement.  Inside Hoshi there are those with such disdain for shinobi that they are making movements to try and push them out.  Miyamoto’s grandfather was not doing too well...he had been confined to his bed since the ordeal in the Water Gardens.  It was like karma paying Miyamoto back for what he had done.  Miyamoto was sitting next to his grandfather as his mother was out working today.

His grandfather love to hear about Miyamoto’s newfound abilities.  He too was an old shinobi of Amegakure and knew too well the dangers of the world and was often a support for Miyamoto, even going as far as to give him old stories and techniques of water.  He was quick to give advice, and was also the one that told Miyamoto about his father as he knew the man well.  When Miyamoto entered the room he smiled and motioned for Miyamoto to take a seat.

“Miyamoto, have I ever told you about the two wolves that live in each and every person on the planet?”  He asked with a genuine curiosity as his face was alight with happiness.

“No...what is it?”  Miyamoto would ask before taking a seat next to his grandfather’s bed.

“A fight is going on inside of us all,” he began.
“It is an age long, and terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego...”  He continued as he looks over at Miyamoto, noticing his stare giving away his deep thoughts.
“The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too...No one person is exempt from this.”  He took a breath and smiled.

It was then that Miyamoto chimed in after thinking about it for a minute, asking his grandfather finally with a confused look.

“Which wolf will win?”  Miyamoto asked.

His grandfather simply replied with a smile, “The one you feed.”

His grandfather fell silent, letting Miyamoto take in all that he had just said.  Thing was, Miyamoto had no idea that his grandfather, this frail old man, had made connections around the village.  He knew the hardships that Miyamoto was going through, he too had the same experience as a youngster.

His mind flashed back to a time when he was a young boy fresh out of the academy with enough knowledge to make him dangerous as he took missions in Amegakure with the ambition of one day impressing the Kage enough to gain a high seat so he no longer had to be in the easily flooding areas of the village.  Of course then he went by a name other than grandfather, back then he was known as “the red rain, Mito Kaze”.  He could still remember fighting in the city when the Kage’s waged war against one another, the destruction was all kept to a minimum because of Worr’s abilities, and Miyamoto would be the next in the line to be powerful enough to destroy a village or protect it with minimal effort.

Miyamoto was thinking back to the water gardens, training with Kyousuke, training with Isshin, and other newer experiences where he had come into contact with the separated consciousness that modeled itself after Worr and a darker version of himself.  He was coming to terms of the shinobi world in an unsafe way.  Were the two wolves that his grandfather spoke about the two visions inside his mind.  Miyamoto was silent as the room was still, both he and his grandfather were both lost within their own trains of thought at the current time.

After about ten minutes or so of silence, Miyamoto finally broke the silence as he hugged his grandfather.  He had made the decision to go ask the monks how to control their emotions so that they can remain calm at all times.  He noticed no matter how hard he hit Isshin, he stood back up with a smile and never showed any signs of negativity during their training, and that calm and peace was something he desired greatly.

“Grandfather, thank you very much for the advice...I think I know what I have to do to get back to my old self.  Once mom gets home I am going to be out for a bit, training never stops for shinobi does it.”  He said keeping the smile on his face that his grandfather remained the only one to notice that was his true smile, a small parting of the mouth flashing teeth on his left side gave it away.

“Moto, go do what you have to do, I understand that training is important to you and as it would be to ANY shinobi.”  He looked at his grandson and saw the smile on his face and he could tell that he was genuinely happy, something he has not seen since they arrived in the village.
“Go on ahead Moto, you do not need to worry about me.  I may be old, but the only one that confined me to this bed was your mother and that blasted doctor.  I can still get around if I need to.  Go on ahead, go make yourself better than any other shinobi that has ever been.”  He would say as he coughed a little into his hand but then showed that same exact grin as Miyamoto did a few seconds ago.

Miyamoto kept that grin as he hugged his grandfather, not too tight though he did not want to hurt him.  He then laughed and was off like a bolt of lightning as he waved to his grandfather one last time.  He grabbed his gear and made one more stop by his grandfather’s room as he peeked in.  His grandfather was already waving at him as he looked in.

“You don’t get into any more fights unless you have to.  I love you grandson.”  He said as he felt a pain in his chest, he kept a smile to keep it hidden .

“I love you too grandpa rain, thank you for all the advice you give and always being there for me.”  The smile was still there as he left his grandfather’s door open as he left the house.

After the door closed and he knew Miyamoto was gone he coughed hard, his hands shaking as he struggled to find breath.  After the fit ended he was gasping for air as he fetched the glass of water from his bedside table.  He took a drink and coughed a bit more before setting the glass back down and sighing.

“It seems that soon I must go on a journey that only I can take…" He said with a sigh as he looked over to where Miyamoto once stood to see a ghostly visage of his partner and lost wife Agamihe, she was dressed in a long flowing white dress and her hair was down and waving as it always did she had not aged a day since she was ripped from the world.
“Won’t be long now my love...wait for me a bit longer.  I want to see how this day pans out for our grandson.”  He smiled as the visage disappeared from his view.

Mito got out of his bed as he dressed in simple attire; commoner clothes with his old rain cloak as he made his journey to the monk temple, he wanted to see exactly what sort of training Miyamoto was going to do today.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:01 pm
Miyamoto made his way to the temple as he saw it was still guarded heavily by the monks.  Something bad had to have happened to garner this kind of response.  He walked to the first monk he saw not carrying a weapon.

“Excuse me...I am sorry but what has happened to cause such high alert?”

The monk looked at Miyamoto and then dismissed him as if he were just dirt.  Miyamoto did not understand, so he persisted asking again three more times before the Monk looked to get in an offensive stance.  Miyamoto tried his hardest then to not back down as he did not know what just happened.  He just wanted to know why the temple seemed to be on alert, he wanted to find Isshin.  Miyamoto then sighed and backed off, deciding to head towards the water gardens as there seemed to be a lot of people out and about today. 

He made it to the water gardens without much effort, monks were all out in force, some even sporting weapons like queensmen.  Something had to be going on, but without much effort he was able to pick Isshin out from a crowd that seemed to be near the gazebo. He took off his headbands and tucked them away before messing with his hair.  He approached the commotion as what seemed to be monks were pushing people back, even some of their own as they were screaming about how Hoshi has become “infested” with shinobi and that we are pulling the village away from its once simple and sacred traditions.  Isshin was one of the few monks in the crowd trying to plead with everyone that the shinobi were not evil or that they have no ill intentions.  There were even queensmen among the group just watching as the monks did their thing.  Isshin saw though as he was pushed away that there was no reason to be had anymore.  The minds of the masses had begun to cry out for change.  What would happen, who would take charge.  Why wasn’t Kyousuke here when he was needed most.

Isshin stepped away from the crowd and began to walk from the gardens to the temple once more as Miyamoto stopped Isshin, he revealed who he was as Isshin stood there, his face showed no emotion, he took a breath and then smiled down at Miyamoto.

“How are you doing my little friend, sorry if you saw any of that.  It seems SOME of our brothers have decided to take up arms against the shinobi of the village.  It is going to be a hard time coming up if no one intervenes.  What can I help you with today?”  Isshin said as he smiled down at Miyamoto.

“No need to be sorry, people are just mean sometimes. The shinobi will hopefully do well and intervene soon.  I have to ask though, how does one come to control their emotions.  Or is that a thing that is even possible?”  He asked curiously as he had no smile or other expression on his face.

Isshin knelt down then as he was at eye level with Miyamoto.  He ruffled his hair a little and then looked around.  “The issue is not control Moto, the issue is patience.  Most people lack the patience to see the scene in front of them and dissect the facts or problems and form a solution that would work best for everyone.  Controlling your emotions comes from patience, before patience there is training, and before even that there is thought.  You must be able to take the good and the bad, weigh your options, train to overcome the hardships that come next, and control will come to you in time.  I will teach you one day, for now you can start with meditation…”  He said as he made a motioned to the field they trained in the other day.
“If you do as I instructed you the other day, take in the world and clear your mind...then you can start teaching yourself patience.  Going with the flow as it were.  I hope that helps, now if you'll excuse me.  I must go see some of my brothers at the temple.  It seems a shinobi went rouge and hurt a new brother to the point that he was at the brink of death.  Young minds and uncontrolled emotions are what put these events in motion.  I hope you learn from all of this.”  He said finally before standing and proceeding to walk away.

Miyamoto stood there in silence as Isshin walked away, his explanation seemed so basic that he almost could not accept it for what it is.  Miyamoto sighed as he looked out to the area in the direction of which Isshin referred to.  He took in a deep breath before exhaling slowly as he started to walk in that direction. He was determined to begin his journey of control.

WC: 825/2125
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:37 pm
Mito watched as the crowd was dispersed as the monks seemed to have taken control of the area.  His eyes narrowed as he saw Isshin, an old queensmen that he kept up with from time to time since he arrived.  They played chess often or talked about old battle stories, Isshin being a younger fighter than Mito made it more fun to pass down knowledge that seems to be being passed down to Miyamoto as he spied that the pair were talking in the distance.  After a few minutes it seemed that they were done speaking as they parted ways.  Miyamoto heading towards the woods and an old monk training ground.

“I wonder what dribble Isshin told him…”  He started in but was overcome by a coughing attack as he nearly doubled over, people moving past him as he was pushed over and lost in the crowd.

After a few moments of movement and trying to stand up, he was picked up by a monk as they told him to leave the area.  He had lost sight of Miyamoto already as his face grew sullen, he looked at the monk and pushed away from him before heading off towards Miyamoto’s direction.

Meanwhile Miyamoto had made quick work of the travel as he walked to the clearing once more.  He made his way to the center of the clearing as he sat in the ground and did his breathing exercises from the day before.

“In slowly...clearing my head so that I can take in the world around me…”  He started as he felt the mess in his head begin to clear away.
“No you don’t.  You are not getting away from me, the fact that I have been silent this entire time makes me kind of impressed.  I do not think you can do this, I mean you want to control me...the other guy maybe, but not me.  You are not strong enough to conquer me.”  The now familiar voice of his self doubt spoke up finally.
“Leave him alone...he can do anything he sets his mind to.”  Worr finally spoke up as he slapped the shadowed version of Miyamoto.  

There they were, the good, and the bad, and himself all in one place.  They knew his thoughts, and as he was thinking of punching his self doubt, it looked at him with a smile.  

“Go ahead kid, I am just a part of you after are not actually strong enough anyway.  So stay put and keep allowing me to mess with everything.  Worthless twerp.”  It said as Worr shook his head, it seemed even he was getting down.

“You can shut up now, the fact that you sprung up is bad enough, but I will not allow you to stop me anymore.”  Miyamoto said as both Worr and his self doubt stared back at him.  
Worr smiled, his self doubt...scowled as if he had a deep festering hate for Miyamoto as he spit on the ground before both vanished before his eyes.  

Miyamoto was left by himself as the darkness gave way to light as in his head it was all clear, he could visualize the clearing in his mind’s eye. The wind blew through his hair, the earth was warm, and the sun kept him awake and aware as the sweat beaded up, then dripped down his forehead as his breathing was slow and steady.  He kept breathing as he focused on the earth, it had been a while since he attempted to learn an earth type jutsu.  He gathered the natural chakra of the earth as he visualized the last technique he wanted to learn.  The earth began to rise slowly as he could feel it, first two pillars, then four, then finally five as they rose around him almost like a prison.  He heard the voice of self doubt whisper into his ear as he he continued to focus on the technique.

“You are too naive to think you can get rid of me that easily.”  It said as Miyamoto continued to breath, keeping his cool as he whispered back aloud.
“I do not wish to get rid of you, I only wish to subdue you and make you more agreeable.”  His retort was quick as he opened his eyes as the spears flew up at least three meters into the air as he laid back on the ground.  Short term wise, he was able to get the hang of a jutsu quickly as he sighed a sigh of relief.

Mito meanwhile reached edge of the clearing as he watched Miyamoto breathing calmly as he attempted an earth jutsu.  The smile that came to him was of pure joy as he felt his heart nearly jump and skip a beat.  It hurt, but it was insignificant to the pride he felt as he watched over Miyamoto.  He then looked on as he saw the visage of his wife once more.  Tears filled his eyes as he knew he was close to the end of the journey of life.  He simply nodded in disagreement to the visage of his wife as he wanted a little more time.  The visage looked as if it shed a tear and then as the wind blew, she was gone.  His heart was heavy, but he leaned against a tree and watched his grandson.  

“Not much time left…”  He said softly.

WC: 904/3029
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:14 pm
Miyamoto looked up and into the sky, his breathing was short as he took in everything, committing it all to memory.  The trees hugged the clearing like the loving embrace of a woman and it was here that he retired to in times of great stress of when he just wanted to be alone.

“That was pretty good shrimp, but techniques of the body will not help you in your fight against me.”  His self doubt spoke up inside of his head.  

It went silent afterwards as if waiting for a retort from Miyamoto, but it never came.  Miyamoto had his sights set on making sure he was no longer brought down by the voices, not by ignoring them, but by showing them that he is not going to let his mind bully itself.  He stood up finally as he used his earth chakra to crumble the pillars around himself to free himself from the sort of prison he made for himself.  He scanned the area, feeling an unfamiliar presence, but as he did so it seemed to disappear.  He shrugged as he yawned and finally retorted back to his self doubt.

“The fact that I have not asked for my mind to be erased by some sort of medical shinobi should show you I am a bit more understanding than most.”  He too waited for a response from the voice of self doubt, but none came.”Seems like you are already becoming more docile.”  He would say almost antagonising the voice in his head.

Miyamoto stood up and dusted himself off now as he walked out and stretched out.  It seemed like forever since he felt like he finally had control again.  His body did not ache, his mind was almost at ease, and most importantly he could go home to tell his grandfather all about it.  He just wanted to try out one more technique.  He had heard that there was a fire elemental technique that could help out in ranged attacks, and since Miyamoto hated to be out of range of anything, this was going to be the best thing for him to help round out his current moveset. 

He stood there and took in two deep breaths before muttering to himself.
“Clear your mind, visualize your goal.”  He said as he took in two more breaths and exhaled slowly till he could see clearly with his mind’s eye that he wanted one thing.
“The Demon Lanterns…”  He said with realization.

He began to move the fire chakra through his body as he transitioned his weight, shifting balances between his feet as he would move as if doing a difficult martial arts demonstration.  First he was leaning forward, then moving back, then pushing out while taking a step as his body temperature began to rise as he made the appropriate hand seals for the technique he pushed out with all of his might as a little puff of smoke erupted from his hands as he was able to summon a small lantern that traveled across the clearing before exploding, except Miyamoto did not really consider it an explosion due to there not being any concussive force or flames.

“Well it is a start, not much of one, but a start nonetheless.”  Miyamoto said as he chuckled and continued to train.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:28 pm
Isshin was back at the monk temple as he was able to enter and leave as he pleased.  He was still treated with respect, and others even seemed to move out of his way as he made his way to the top floor of the temple.  As soon as he made it to the top floor there were just three monks in the room, all kneeling before a jade statue of the deity of peace and tolerance.  Isshin made his way to the center of the room where he kneeled down and began to pray silently as the others stood up and acknowledged his presence.

“I assume that the Water Garden assembly has been put into full effect and that the village is becoming difficult to sway towards one ideal or the other.”  The smallest of the three spoke to Isshin in a manner that showed some sort of hierarchy that has never been displayed before.

“The people of Hoshi are becoming restless...they know not which side is right or wrong, but things have been set in motion that will allow us to take the noble that showed signs of lycanthropy…” He began as he finished his prayer and stood up in front of them, standing as an equal.
“However, there might be a way for us to restore our village to the simplicity that has long since left us if I keep up the mentorship of a rising star as it were to the Hoshi shinobi ranks.”  He finished as he waited for response.

The monks all looked to each other then nodded before looking to Isshin.

“Then keep up the charade for as long as possible.  Until it is no longer of use for us...that is all for now brother Isshin.”

Isshin nodded and with his new orders he left the room and proceeded to go out into the town to sow more mistrust and confusion.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:03 pm
Mito Walked from Miyamoto’s training as he held his chest, it was becoming harder and harder to breathe.  He had not much time left in the world of the living, he knew this, but he wanted to see his grandson in action.  Knowing now that he was able to see him become a shinobi gave him enough hope for the future of the world.  He was understanding, compassionate, and most of all...strong willed.  A terumi through and through, after all it would be wrong if he did not at least ACT like Worr.  He was walking past the monk temple as he spied Isshin on his way out into the village.  He stopped him and smiled to his friend as he shook his hand, his heart was heavy, but he needed to say one last thing before leaving.

“Thank you for helping my grandson Miyamoto, he never knew his father, and to have a strong figure to help him like you have...I am truly happy to have met you as well.”  He said as he wheezed through the last part and had a small coughing fit.

Isshin caught Mito and held him up as he listened to his kind words.  In his head he knew exactly what he was doing to Miyamoto, he was setting him up to fall...he hated the shinobi world, and wished for the people of Hoshi to go back to their old ways before the shinobi interrupted.  Still though, Mito was a good friend and his companionship would be missed, he knew that Mito was close to death.  He just helped him to stand before finally responding.

“Mito it is an honor to help bring up this young shinobi to help the world.  You have nothing to worry about, go be with your wife and family.  Everything will be alright, I will watch over Miyamoto as if he were my own.”  Isshin said with a straight face that would be unnerving to look at if you knew his secret.

Mito smiled and gave Isshin one last handshake before leaving him as he walked home, he was happy, and confident that he was leaving the world in better shape than when he entered it.  Upon arriving home he would settle back into bed and sigh.  Looking over to his nightstand he would pull out a letter and lay it down before drinking the rest of the glass of water.  A satisfying sigh escaped his lips as he felt his thirst quenched.  He took a few deep breaths before looking over beside him.  His wife was sitting there and waiting as she smiled sweetly, holding her hand out and beckoning him to follow her as a white light began to overtake the room.

“ ready my love.  Let’s go home.”  He said as he closed his eyes for the final time.

The note on the table read…”To my family, be strong, it was my time.  The burden I have put on all of you was too great to continue, I love you all...I am happy and I am in no pain any longer.  I want you all to know that if there is anything you may need and if you can get to Amekagure there is a small fortune I have left for the family.  The map is on the back of this note.  Also sell my belongings, they will make sure you all can live a happy life and not have to want for anything."

WC: 584/4486
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:47 pm
Miyamoto felt as if something was tugging at his heart at that moment.  He attributed it to training as he was pouring sweat at the current moment, his body was worn and covered with scorch marks.  The ground was pockmarked in places as he got a grasp on the Demon Lantern technique he was making bigger explosions, but none of them seem to have a controlled type of explosion, which is what he needed.  He sighed as he had not heard Worr of his self doubt speak up now in some time, as he was told as long as he had a goal nothing could stop far that was proving to be true.

“If I can learn this, the area of coverage would be incredible.  There is no way I could be overtaken, especially if I combined the attack with the temple of hephaestus I could make sure I could withstand any wise ass that wants to try and attack me while I direct the lanterns.”  Miyamoto spoke with a newfound confidence. 

Miyamoto settled into his own self as he began to concentrate the fire chakra into his hands.  His breathing was slow and calm as he made the hand seals slowly, taking the time to memorize the seals and commit them to his memory.  When he felt confident he quickly made a clone of himself before leaping  up into a tree.  Now he was concerned with concentrating the Demon Lantern to condense to just one before launching it at his clone.  He visualized all of this step by step as he closed his eyes.  His chakra senses pointed to him where his clone was stationed as he made his move.

The seals were lightning fast as he pushed his hand out calling forth only one single lantern to fly from his being as it flew fast and straight to his clone.  He condensed the chakra energy as he opened his eyes and watched the Demon Lantern hit the clone and exploded as soon as it did.  The explosion was contained and small as it engulfed the clone quickly before flames spread out among the air, the heat was immense enough that he could feel it from his distance.

“Good, I was hoping that the blast would be significant.  Now that I know that the technique can do this I can cover an area in a last ditch effort to take my target down.  Or to make sure they go down with me hahaha!”  HE said with a booming laughter as fire caught in the grass. 

Miyamoto was quick to jump off the tree and use his earth chakra to build up energy and cause the earth to rise up and move causing the earth to smother out the fire.

“Jeez...could have really damaged some stuff had I gone all out.”  He said as he heard the familiar voice in his head, Worr was back it seemed.
“Seems that you have a handle on things at least, better than your first time learning a technique.”  Worr sounded a bit darker, but at least it was all business as usual.

His mind’s eye was still clear as he took in a few deep breaths and then remembered that he needed to get home to check on his grandfather.  Miyamoto took off towards the village as he passed through the very edge of the Monk Temple noticing that security still seemed to be beefed up he made a quick note of the time and continued on without fail.  He was able to clear the grounds quickly as he made it home, looking at the clock inside he noticed he was home right before his mother was supposed to be home.  

That is when he noticed how quiet it was, his body went cold and his mind and body froze.  The last time he felt like this he was falling from Mama Dough  and into the water at the gardens.  He was quick to get to his grandfather’s room.  He started to cry, his body shaking he looked at the bed.  His grandfather’s face was white as parchment.

“ now…”  He was sobbing uncontrollably as he walked in and fell to his knees beside his grandfather’s bed.  

His grandfather laid there with a smile on his face, the door opened behind him, he had not even heard the noise as his mother stepped in behind Miyamoto and watched from the doorway.  The room was full of tears as Miyamoto’s mother joined him and held him close as she asked when it happened.  Miyamoto explained how the day progressed and his mother was not shocked, but she still cried as she thought of her father alone as he left this world.  That is when she noticed the note on the bedside table.  She read it slowly as she choked back tears and Miyamoto noticed this as he tried to stop the waterworks, but it was no use.  

After the note was read his mother looked down to Miyamoto.

“I love you son, I am so sorry you had to come home to this.  I am so sorry…”  she said as Miyamoto looked up at his heartbroken mother as he stopped crying and let her embrace him for a few minutes. 

When his mother finished, Miyamoto embraced his mother and held her close.  There was no voice of self doubt, no voice of Worr...he was alone in his head as he realized that this was it.  In order to leave a peaceful life, one had to throw away what did not matter to them.  Miyamoto was still on the verge of crying, but his body stopped him.  In that instant, Miyamoto showed what he thought was the way of being a man as he continued to comfort his mother before finally calling a local doctor and funeral service. He began to make final preparations with his mother as the days seemed to blend together as the wake, the viewing, and the service passed by without little incident.  Miyamoto just went through the motions, including training with Isshin as Isshin made sure to keep his mind busy, but Miyamoto just did not care.  

His body was numb.

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Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:41 pm
Miyamoto just passed through the motions, he made sure that everything was taken care of, but his demeanor turned cold.  He was not the same, and then Isshin showed up like clockwork, this time he was dressed in normal clothes instead of his monk garbs.  He looked at Miyamoto and pushed him with a chuckle.  It was a teasing manner, but the wrong person could take offense, but nobody did.  Miyamoto’s mother was out trying to make sure the family was taken care of just as his grandfather asked, leaving miyamoto with his thoughts, which seemed to finally be silent after all this time.

“Come on, it is time I got a measure of what you can really do.”  Isshin goaded Miyamoto as Miyamoto looked at him with surprise.

Miyamoto followed wondering why after all this time Isshin would want to spar Miyamoto.  His answer came to form as they arrived to the Temple grounds, the training was significantly greater today as everyone bowed to Isshin as he approached.  Miyamoto followed suit until they reached the front of the training regiment and everyone gathered around them as if they were going to beat them down.

Isshin looked at the monks as he bowed to them and looked to Miyamoto.

“My brothers, this is the shinobi I have told you about, my student, Miyamoto Terumi.  Today we have gathered to show Miyamoto and for Miyamoto to show us...what it is like to be in a fight for your life.  No killing strikes are allowed, but do not hesitate to go all out.  So without further explanation...let us begin.”  He looked to Miyamoto and stepped back leaving Miyamoto in the circle.

Miyamoto instantly went into a defensive stance as he looked around at the group.

“ not what I wanted, Isshin...what the hell…”  He began as the first punch came in and stuck him in the gut, causing Miyamoto to be pushed back.  Miyamoto coughed for a second as the next punch he blocked with ease and deflected using his free hand to strike the monk in the face.

“What the hell…”  He spoke under his breath as he gave into his instincts, his mind snapping from its stupor from days past.

Miyamoto grabbed a monk from the edge of the group, kicked his knee, causing the man to fall down screaming in pain as Miyamoto kicked him square in the back causing him to fly into an oncoming attacker as he was able to react quick enough to dodge another attacker to his left before countering with an left elbow to the face of the attacker.  His breathing was even and calm as his face was full of determination.  He stepped back and unleashed the power of his Leaf Gale technique before following it with a Leaf Whirlwind attack causing numerous attackers to be caught off guard by the power and speed of a ten year old shinobi versus a monk with decades of fighting experience.  

Miyamoto was caught off guard though as a monk seemed to slide under him and sweep his legs holding him in a submission hold.  Miyamoto knew not when to quit as he was reminded of his sparring sessions and the waterways as he quickly performed the hand seals to activate the temple technique.  His body instantly changed colors as the remaining monks looked at Miyamoto like he as a freak.  This caused Miyamoto to smile in a way he has never smiled as he showed his new set of teeth off to his attackers, to any religion he looked like a demon in that moment.

“What, scared of a ten year old, I would be too if I knew he had the ability to harness the thermal power of the core of this world.”  He would say before performing the hand seal for Lava Fling as he flung his caustic sweat at his attackers.

Miyamoto watched as some of the monks backed off leaving three left as Isshin watched the unfoldings of the training session, noting how Miyamoto moved and how his move set seemed to revolve around the raw power of fire.  The three monks all came at Miyamoto, two coming from the side with kicks as the front one came at him from the front.  Miyamoto was calm as he put his new techniques to use.  He performed the hand seals for the Demon Lantern as he shot just one forward as it traveled just a few inches before Miyamoto detonated it as he flipped backwards.  He then instinctively used the Earth Spear technique as they all aimed for Isshin.  

Isshin looked at Miyamoto, spears inches from his face as he smiled at Miyamoto.  Miyamoto canceled the technique before looking at the group that once stood there.

“Isshin...this is the last time we will be practicing together...never darken my door again, this could have been disasterous had I not learned control.”  Miyamoto said as he canceled his techniques and looked at the monks with a heavy heart.

He did not become mopey and sad, he just looked at Isshin as he acknowledged what he had done and it was something that as soon as Isshin saw it in his eyes...he smiled a nervous smile.

Isshin knew he no longer had a hold on this animal he had created, but he also knew that Miyamoto could not have mastered patience that quickly.

“Think about what you are saying, I told your grandfather before he died...apparently he saw you training, and he knew I had more to teach you.  If you walk away now...all that disappears.”

Miyamoto turned away from the monks as he began to walk away.  He did not dignify a response to Isshin, but the quip nearly made him turn his head.  He kept his cool, choosing to take the high road out of this particular instance.  He sighed as he had one thought.  Keep becoming stronger.

Earth Flow Spears (1118 from another topic)

Demon Lanterns

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Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO] Empty Re: Miyamoto's Lament Pt. 2 [P,NK, IO]

Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:31 pm

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