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Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:19 am
”Well it never actually got arranged silly.” Shouhei responded to the blushing girl. “And as for the rest…you are thinking way too much into it. I’m not some princess who wanted something better, but had to make sure I wasn’t found out that I could mold chakra – or be a witch or hexer as it used to be called – before the hidden village was established and I could attend the academy.” His eyebrows cut a frown for a moment, but his expression turned more indifferent as he changed the subject so it wouldn't get sour. He didn't want to preach either, so he wanted to leave it as a detail rather than full blessed story with flashbacks.

“So are you pulling a prank on me?” He asked bluntly. “Comparing the both of your eyes they are way too similar. No human eye are the same after all if you have been following your biology classes.” He was of course lying about having observed it, but like in a game of poker, if she took the bait he would win anyhow. “If so, I would applaud you for your effort.” He gave her a thumbs up to amplify the bluff.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 201.
Total Word Count: 2,170.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Sat Dec 24, 2016 1:19 pm
Hikari would hear what he had to say and understand, she didn't have any deep story about becoming a ninja either. She had just wanted to, and when the opportunity came up, she just took it. She could understand why he would just want to drop the rest of his life off and pick up being a ninja.

Then,he would bring up whether or not she was pulling a prank on him. With all honesty, Hikari thought that he had some how found out about her exam and had just been playing dumb with her for a while. Then he would start talking about eyes and no humans have the same eyes, and Hikari would actualy loose him for a second before remembering about her 'twin sister'. Hikari didn't know what to say, she didn't think about that, but then, Emil would jump in, "We do? I didn't know that! Well, we are identical twins right now, I know that is one of the ways to tell twins apart. Wait if that's the case, we could probably swap clothes and pretend to be each other! Just like we did when we where younger! Isn't that right Hikari?"

Hikari and her clone, while they had the same memories, didn't have a shared mind, so just because Hikari knew something, didn't mean that Emil knew it if Hikari learned it afterwards. Hikari didn't know what Emil had been thinking to be able to lie like so quickly, but she must of been ready to be called out on the situation if it came up, probably paying less attention on the conversation while she was at it. Hikari would look at her and agree, "Yes! That would be strange! But you know... he is right about us pranking him, we have been pushing it off long enough about what the main reason we came here today. You know, besides it being that time of the week." Hikari would stand up and take a deep breath, well, moment of truth. Hikari would reach down and grab the bottom of her sweater and start to pull it up, she rose it a little bit more than what was necessary out of nerves, hoping that she didn't think she was stripping for him, and would show him that wrapped around her waist, was a brand new, shiny white hoshi headband, the one she had gotten when she passed the genin exams.

Word count: 408
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:14 pm
Admittedly, Shouhei hadn’t looked into if she had graduated or not. It was a simple thing to look up, but he figured she would tell him or surprise him. However, when she said that they should no longer keep him waiting and stopping the prank, Shouhei did not think it related to that. His thoughts were still on the possibility that she was using a clone so just before Hikari took off her sweater he responded with the following. “So did you use a clone to fool me that you had a twin-” But his voice was cut off by the surprise by her lifting up her sweater.

“Oi oi oi!” His face flared up in embarrassment turning a bright red. Swiftly he stood up as if he wanted to cover her up, but didn’t think ahead as he grabbed the tablecloth of the tea table and pulled it off. It went mostly smooth as he held it in front of Hikari, but somehow in a twist of fate, his own teacup flew into the air and landed on top of the head of Emil. Fortunately, the tea had cooled off being lukewarm, but that is only a small redeeming feature.

Not having noticed what had happened to Emil, Shouhei hastily said (so fast it was almost inaudible), to Hikari. “You don’t need to take your sweater off. I can borrow you a t-shirt if you have it hot.” His face was still red, but there were also genuine concern in his face.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 253.

Last edited by Shouhei Sato <3 on Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:16 pm
As Hikari showed off her headband to Shouhei, and Shouhei would start saying something about her clone and he would suddenly start to blush in embarrassment and would start to pull up the table cloth and held it in front of Hikari, she looked over and saw the tea cup rise and fall down on Emil, hitting her in the top of the head. Luckly, even though Hikari wasn't that strong, this wasn't enough to be considered, 'fatal,' and drop the clone. It didn't hurt, but the tea would drench Emil with tea, drenching her outfit.

Hikari dropped her shirt and looked over to Emil, "Oh, Emil, are you ok?" Hikari would walk over to Emil and drop her shirt as she checked on her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm ok, but what was that all about?" Emil would grab some of the table cloth and would start to dry her face and clothes off. Hikari and Emil would then remember what happened just moments ago and would look to each other, realizing what they had just done.

Hikari couldn't mentally communicate with her clone, but they looked at each other, and shared a private message with each other, 'We got him!'

Word count: 208
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:03 am
Shouhei had a bit of a sigh of relief when Hikari covered herself up again. However, as she turned towards Emil, Shouhei’s head turned with her and saw the accident that had happened. How he felt about this, it was all expressed by him sighing the word “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” and he preceded to shift next to her ignoring the gaze the both of them had. “Are you okay, Emil? At least I didn’t add sugar or milk to that.”

However, now that he was up close to the both of them, a thought came to mind and his eyes meet their gaze. They were the same same, except for maybe a few irritated vessels in her eyes from the tea. “Well I guess I don’t have to offer ‘Emil’ to borrow the use of the shower.” He concentrated on Hikari specifically now. “You can disband your shadow clone now.” He padded her on the shoulder. “Nice attempt however!” and he gave her a smile. “Though I’d still offer getting it cleaned…” He looks at the clothes Emil wore. “It doesn’t look like it needs to be dry cleaned so that shouldn’t be too hard.” A thought of showing her the house – heck one or both of their gardens even – also came to his mind, but there was not a need to shower her with ideas and suggestions right now.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 228.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:39 am
Hikari would go over and help pat Emil down, trying to get as much of the tea off her as possible. This wasn't good, the clone was intact, but her clothes were all dirty, and this was one of her favorite dresses! Was she about to have to go home and let her clone change clothes? Hikari was trying to think this through, but then Shouhei would say that he had figgured them out. Hikari was half tempted to try to force the joke and keep going, but at this point it was just insane. Also the fact that if she kept the prank up, Hikari would have to take her clone home to 'change.'

With that, Hikari would drop the clone and let it disappeared, letting the clothes fall to the ground where they were. "Drat, I had you there for some time though!" She would, slightly angrily storm back and sit in her chair. “I had worked for two days straight to try to surprise you with that!”

At this point, Hikari took and understood what 'Emil' was thinking, being a clone, it was in her interest to pay more attention to try to keep her secret away from Shouhei, (After all, it was kind of her entire point of living. As such, from the start she was taking careful note as to what Shouhei was paying attention to.) As such, Emil did knew that he wasn't looking close enough to tell the differences between their eyes.

Word count: 253
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:22 pm
Shouhei looked at the clothes that had fallen off the clone as it disappeared. He had to admit that it was a big shame that it good ruined so he picked it up in a bundle – in case there was underwear and or a bra in the mix – so he could eventually hand it over to one of the maid. “Well if you could have held it together for two days I would have had to invite you for dinner and a date.” He responded in a slightly teasing tone, and not skipping a beat, he followed that up in a more serious tone that hopefully didn't get drowned out by his last statement. “However, I am still serious about making sure this gets cleaned on my bill. Give me a second and I will give it to one of the maids. Nothing beats the knowledge of a veteran maid when it comes to judging on how to remove a mess like this.” He smiled at her as if anything was going to be okay. “And don’t worry. It is not going to be an awkward situation as if my parents catch us together. I can be subtle sometimes.”

With that, he left and came back maybe three minutes later; smiling as if things had went well. “So yeah, Aoi understood the situation. Your clothes will be hand washed and should be as good as new in two hours. Sorry about the awkwardness.” He gave her a small bow then he sat back down and he started to reach out to feel her chakra signature noticing something different from the last time they meet. Besides her being able to perform the shadow clone technique. “So have you taken your genin exam yet?” He asked not wanting to make any great leaps of logic for once.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 307.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:02 pm
Hikari would sit down, still flustered that her plan failed. As she would fiddle her thumbs, she would here what Shouhei would say about a date, which brought down Hikari's feelings a lot. Not that he would ask for a date, but that she didn't really impress him. Not that she wanted the date, but that she didn't impress the person that taught her ninjutsu. Hikari would then here that he was offering to get it cleaned at his expense, and Hikari was about to interrupt him and say that she was the one at fault right now, it was her prank that caused the mess, and as such, it was her that should probably pay for the cleaning, but then, Shouhei would explain how he had a maid that could do it, and Hikari felt like this would be fine. (Although it felt wrong, six months ago, she would be the maid being called to do that.)

Hikari would let him sit down then would ask if she had taken the genin exams, and she was half tempted to keep that prank going, but she really was tired of the jokes at this point. Hikari would pull her shirt up again, (this time, not nearly as high up, that way, he propbably wouldn't jump and protect his eyes.) "What, do you think that I was striping for you? Maybe you wish, but I'm not that kind of girl." Hikari would show her white headband that was wrapped around her stomach. "I Passed two days ago." She would stick out her tongue and smile.

Word count: 268
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:08 pm
”Ohh that’s great!” He proclaimed at her response about graduating smiling proudly at her. He even Ignored her taunting tongue behavior (I said taunting not teasing!), and his state of mind was more concentrated on being proud for her.

However, he wouldn’t be Shouhei if he didn’t at least once or trice put his foot in his mouth, so instead of letting the stripping comment slide by he responded with the following in a somewhat clinical tone. “I am honestly not sure what your motivations were. In all honestly we haven’t known each other for that long so you could still have surprised me by being the teasing pretend big sister type.”

Hopefully before she snapped at his remarks, he would attempt to quickly changed the subject back to her graduation. “Buuut it is still great to hear you graduated. Do you want to show me what you got? We could even go out into the garden if you want to go all out.” He gave her a smile along with at thumbs up.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 174.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Weasal your way in [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Weasal your way in [P]

Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:54 pm
Hikari would smile, she was glad that she was able to make sure that she was happy that she had gotten the approval of the boy that taught her Ninjutsu. She would smile at his, however he would make a point, why did she surprise him like that? Well, the answer to that was simple, she wasn't wearing her head band under her clothes because of Shoushei, she was planing to wear her headband like that all the time. Hikari read in a book at the library that if one pressed the headband, one would be able to send out a signal to everyone wearing the headband, like an SOS. If she could learn how to do that, then it might be a good idea to have that hidden on her person at all times.

Namikaze would be about to explain that, but then Shoushei would offer to let Hikari, 'show him what she's got.' Hikari would blush, she wasn't wearing the proper clothes for this! (She knew she should of brought a change of clothes!) But at the same time, what was she supposed to do? She couldn't just say no! She didn't even know if she meant just her techniques, or in a sparring match with Shoushei!

Hikari would take a deep breath, smile, and respond "Sure! I would love to!" What was she saying? This is a horrid idea! She wasn't ready to show him what she could do!

Word count: 245
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