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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:08 am
Despite her happiness for being on a mission with Kenshin, she felt a bit… useless. They had been walking around the sewer systems for at least 30 minutes and she couldn’t sense anything. How was she supposed to be a good ninja or a help to her country in these shinobi arts if she couldn’t locate 2 people? It was making her doubt herself as they continued to walk along the path and she tried to think of something to help. Perhaps if she changed form now, then  it would help them both… or at least make her a bit more helpful- then she felt something on her shoulder and looked up at Kenshin, listing to him shush her quietly and slowly pull his hand away from her shoulder,

“I can sense them, they are hiding down the tunnel on the right, around 140 meters down, I doubt you can sense them just yet but trust me when I say that they are there.” Kenshi spoke and she listened, all joking aside, “Now, I have a plan, you approach them from the front and activate the Hidden Mist jutsu, this should draw their attention, once you have done that you should use your hydrification and merge with a nearby source of water, still within the mist, this should confuse any sensory techniques they have as the mist is laced with your chakra.” He explained and she nodded slightly to his words to show she was listening and ready to go along with his plan, “Be wary, while I have no doubt you can handle one of these two, the other possesses chakra reserves much higher than yours, and I would rather not take the risk that they possess more chakra than skill. If you do that I will take care of the rest; Wait two minute before making your approach.”

And she did as he vanished and she looked forward, staying where she was. She needed to wait two minutes per Kenshin’s orders and so she waited two minutes and began to walk forward. Her senses still up, she felt around for the others- and when her senses brushed against something else other than the presence of the rats, she made the hand seals for the Hidden Mist technique and took a deep breath. She pursed her lips and blew out the mist; blowing it towards the dark water first then up to the side of the walkway and along the walkway, letting it roll forward like a foreboding phantom. Geni walked forward into the mist and as soon as she was surrounded and enveloped by it; she divided her body into water and separated herself among the water droplets that comprised the mist itself. After a few seconds, she moved herself from the fog on the pathway to the mist billowing against the surface of the black water; and slipped under the surface. Taking what bubbles of pure water there was among the sludge as the rest passed through her. She quietly moved through the water and ensured to lie still among her own mist technique; moving with it when it lulled and swayed. Careful to not disturb the surface of the water.

AP Usage:

[WC: 534]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:51 pm
Even as Maya walked out, there was no one to see or try her genjutsu on. The missing nin was sure she had sensed something. Could Lucille be wrong? There was only mist and nothing else. Confused, the female waited for the hoshi ninja to show themselves. Once they saw her, it would be all over.
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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:23 pm
Kenshin would continue to creep towards the two infiltrators with his chakra suppressed, he was now only 20 meters from their position and he was able to make out the outlines of their shadowy figures in the darkness of the sewers. One of the two was crouched down in the shadows much like he was, while the other was standing a few feet ahead and appeared to be looking down further into the tunnel, no doubt she was looking at the mist that Genevieve had summoned. As soon as he came within ten meters of the two he would strike, at a speed of 75 he would put his hands together to form the ram hand seal, and in a blur of pure speed he would vanish from the position he was previously in. At a speed of 165 the silver haired teen would appear directly behind the infiltrator who was standing in the path, meaning that he would be only a couple of feet in front of the one who was crouching.

Kenshin wouldn’t wait even a single second before striking, as soon as he appeared behind Maya he would lash out with an open palm thrust at a speed of 75, the strike would have 40 strength behind it and would be aimed directly at the centre of Maya’s spine. The palm strike itself was not what was going to disable her, no, what was going to disable her was the technique that the scar faced teen was using the palm thrust to activate, the Body Pathway Derangement, a technique that would not fail to take her out of the fight, should it actually connect. The Body Pathway Derangement would possess a power of 70 and should the technique actually connect it would serve to scramble the signals that Maya’s brain sent the rest of her body, which would render her unable to properly control her own body's movement.

As the silver eyed teen was doing this he would also be using his chakra in order to convert the saliva in his mouth into extremely viscous and sticky spider silk, thankfully the process for doing so was extremely simple once one had mastered it and the speed at which it happened was almost instantaneous. The instant that his palm connected with the first infiltrators back Kenshin would turn his head to face the other infiltrator, who was only a couple of feet away from him, and would launch two nets of pure adhesive spider silk from his mouth, each net would be travelling at a speed of 40 and would possess a power of 35. If both of the nets succeeded in hitting her then she would be plastered to the wall behind her and unable to break free unless she had a strength higher than 35, if only one of the nets managed to hit her than it would possess a knockback force of 35, and if she was unable to avoid being knocked back into the wall then she would be stuck to it.

If both of these maneuvers managed to work then both of the infiltrators would have been taken out of the fight and subsequently captured, but on the other hand if either of these maneuvers failed then Kenshin would adjust his plans and act accordingly.

AP usage:

WC: 552

TWC: 4548 (so far)

4000 words towards Body Pathway Derangement, claiming
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:27 pm
(Conceding, both Maya and Lucille captured. You guys can take it from here. <3)
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Ryo : 500

Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:18 pm
She lurked and she waited in the mist, listening for something as she floated closer towards the chakras on the edges of her senses. What she was specifically looking for, she didn’t know but she knew that the mist was fading soon and so, she moved her separate form from the water and back into the mist, lingering in a state where she had no eyes. Just the barest and most limited of her other senses that she tried to rely on a little more with one of her senses lost to her in this form.

However as she moved from the water and creeped up the side of the walkway, she heard two distinct thuds that rippled their echos through the sewer tunnels and she spent no time in reforming herself on the walkway, thinking perhaps her partner for the mission was in trouble- and she could not have been more wrong. In front of Kenshin, Maya laid upon the ground, twitching in sudden but minuscule movements that Geni wasn’t sure whether they’d be called ‘sporadic’ or ‘spastic’; and a few feet behind him, Lucille was pinned to the wall with two thick nets of webbing that looked to belong to an unnervingly large spider. However, with a quick glance over in the unhelpful lighting down in the sewers, Kenshin was uninjured, “You did a wonderful job, Kenshin!” Geni vocalized happily as she dispelled the Hidden Mist Technique and walked over to him, looking down at Maya. She would have been forgiving and a bit more understanding; perhaps even put in an effort in negotiating better treatment from her mission partner- had they not been lurking in the sewers with no honor and no self-respect. She smiled down at the one in front of her, crouching down just over the murky stones and looking at her, “You and your friend are quite the rascals, hm? Can you hear me?”

"Oh she can hear you, and while they were indeed misbehaving I believe both she and her accomplice will behave from here on out." Kenshin would say with a small smirk on his face and went to Lucille who was stuck on the wall, putting his hand up to the threads and distributing his chakra among them. Like wet paper rubbed too much, the threads fluttered apart meekly under his imposing touch. He grabbed her by the front of her shirt with little care and tolerance as Geni tried to pick up the other body while Kenshin walked over. She stopped a moment to set the unconscious Lucille on her feet for the briefest of seconds before wrapping an arm around her waist and carrying her like an old rug, Geni catching on and pulling Maya to her feet so that he could collect her too-

“Do you need me to help, Kenshin?” She asked and Kenshin politely declined her offer, suggesting that she go ahead and lead the way out so that they could go to the jail and deposit their “new friends”. However, as she lead them out, remembering the path, she also remembered that this was possibly the last time she would see Elusive- No, Kenshin. However, she wanted a little more time with Kenshin and she struggled to think of something as they exited the Sewers. She scooped down and grabbed her boxed lunch and her water bottle and sipped away  to replenish what she lost from the water bottle’s contents, glancing back at Kenshin now that they were in the sunlight, to ensure he really wasn’t wounded; and he still wasn’t. And she stayed mostly quiet as they went to the Jail and Kenshin handed over the two infiltrators to be put behind bars.

“Um, I know that we have not had a chance to talk much, Kenshin-San," Geni started and the taller ninja turned to her outside the jailhouse as she tried to summon up the courage to finish her sentence; forcing herself to do so just this once. “I was wondering if maybe you would be willing to teach me that jutsu you used to make the spider silk nets? The ones that caught the girl?”

AP Usage:

[WC: 693 / Total WC: 3,051]
[Claiming: Hydrification: Mastery (2k WC) + Hydration (1k WC), 2,000 Ryo, 5 AP, and A Medal of Courage ]

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:44 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : changed claims)
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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:14 pm
Kenshin would give the slightest of smirks when his plan went off without a hitch, Maya lay face down on the ground in front of him, her body giving the occasional twitch and spasm as she tried to move, but due to the effects of the Body Pathway Derangement the electrical signals her brain was attempting to send to her arms and legs were being sent elsewhere. Lucille was also stuck to the wall behind her by the two nets he had shot at her, due to the short range at which he had launched the nets and the speed at which he had done it she hadn’t even been able to think of dodging before she had been hit by the nets. At this point Kenshin would hear the footsteps of Genevieve as she emerged from the mist, he would see as she gave both of the now captured infiltrators a once over, before doing the same with him, no doubt checking to see if he had sustained any injuries.

“You did a wonderful job, Kenshin!” he would hear her vocalise in a happy tone of voice, something that caused his minuscule smirk to widen a touch, he too was rather pleased with how he had handled the situation, he had put the plan together rather hastily and the attack itself took place over the span of a couple of seconds, and yet here he was, both infiltrators captured before they even had a chance to fight back. Kenshin would feel as the chakra filled mist that Genevieve had called in began to fade away now that she knew the situation had been handled, and she began to walk over to him and the now disabled infiltrators, before coming to a stop right over Maya and crouching down slightly “You and your friend are quite the rascals, hm? Can you hear me?” he would hear her ask, her teasing of the downed infiltrator filling the scar faced teen with amusement

“Oh she can hear you, and while they were indeed misbehaving I believe both she and her accomplice will behave from here on out” the silver haired teen would say as he sent a small smirk to Genevieve, the smirk served to show that he was indeed amused by her teasing. At this point Kenshin would turn to face Lucille, who was still stuck to the wall by dual layered spider silk net, and when he laid his eyes on her face he had to suppress the urge to laugh, and the reason for this was incredibly simple, it was because of the look that she was giving him. The look that she was giving him was one of pure, unadulterated fear, it was almost as if she actually expected him to kill both her and her accomplice, which admittedly was something that he would have absolutely no problem with doing, in fact he would probably have enjoyed doing it, but the fact of the matter was that both she and her partner were far more valuable to Hoshi alive than they were dead, as if they were dead then it would be impossible to find out just why they infiltrated the village.

The silver haired teen would look Lucille in the eyes as he placed his hand on the webbing that stuck her to the wall behind her, and the second that his hand came into contact with the silk he would use his chakra to force it to begin breaking down, an act that caused the once adhesive silk to begin flaking away. Without giving her even a second to get used to the feeling of freedom the silver eyed teen would roughly grab hold of the front of her shirt and pulled her forward until her face was only inches away from his own “If you resist there will be consequences” he would whisper to her in an extremely menacing tone of voice. The already terrified girl would give the tiniest of whimpers before fainting from the sheer amount of fear that she was feeling, something that got an extremely sadistic grin from Kenshin, he knew that he had enjoyed that far too much but he honestly could not bring himself to care enough to feel any amount of guilt from his actions, besides, her being unconscious actually saved him some trouble, now rather than ensuring that she did not try to escape as they traveled to the prison all he had to do was carry her body.

Kenshin would release his grip on the front of Lucille’s shirt and crouch down slightly, just enough to allow her unconscious form to slump forward, right onto his right shoulder, he would wrap his right arm around her waist to secure her before standing back up once more and turning to face the other captive. As he did so he saw that Genevieve had already pulled her up to her feet and was about to grab hold of her, but before she was able to do so Kenshin grabbed hold of a fistful of fabric on the back of Maya’s shirt, and using that he would lift her off the ground and pull her behind his back, his left hand going over his left shoulder and holding Maya there. “Do you need me to help, Kenshin?” he would hear Genevieve offer in a rather kind way, something that caused his smirk to shift into a small smile “Thank you for the offer but I would prefer to carry them myself” Kenshin would say in a very polite way. “Perhaps you could lead the way out of these sewers and to the jail, we really should deliver our new friends to their new place of residence as soon as we possibly can” he would then suggest, his voice carrying an extremely poorly masked undertone of amusement, although it should be noted that he was not trying to mask that feeling of amusement at all.

From here the silver haired teen would follow the lead of Genevieve as she lead them out of the sewers, thankfully the length of time it took them to exit the foul smelling tunnels was nowhere near as long as it was for them to enter, as this time they did not have to search down all of the smaller side tunnels looking for enemies. As the left the tunnel Genevieve quickly picked up both her empty water bottle and her boxed lunch before continuing to lead both him and the captives towards the village jail, as they walked through the streets the two of them received odd looks from the people of the village, no doubt due to the two unconscious girls that he was carrying, well actually one unconscious girl and one disabled girl, but they didn’t know that. That and the smell that they were exuding, after all they had been in the sewers for quite awhile and there was no way that they would be smelling clean after such an expedition. It only took a couple of minutes for them to reach the jail, and once there he quickly handed the two infiltrators over to one of the chunin, who wasted no time in throwing the two of them into one of the many cells.

As he and Genevieve left the jailhouse he would hear her begin to speak “Um, I know that we have not had a chance to talk much, Kenshin-san” he would hear her say as he turned to face her, he was not sure why she seemed nervous but rather than ask why he simply chose to stay silent and wait for her to speak. “I was wondering if maybe you would be willing to teach me that jutsu you used to make the spider silk nets? The ones that caught the girl? She would finally ask, causing him to finally understand just why she had appeared so nervous, she was asking for help in getting stronger and obviously she was worried that he was going to decline. “If you are willing to learn then I am willing to teach” he would say with a small smile on his face, far too often foolish pride prevented people from asking for help, he was impressed to see that Genevieve was not one of them. “We shall begin your training tomorrow” the silver haired thread user would say as he turned away from her once more and began to walk home, he needed to have a shower and burn the clothes that he was currently wearing, lest the smell that had been absorbed by them was absorbed by the rest of his garments, if that happened then he would be forced to burn his entire wardrobe

WC: 1457

Exit for me and Genesis

Claiming 2000 ryo, 5AP and a Medal of Courage

TWC: 6005 (already used 4000 on Body Pathway Derangement)

2000 words towards mastery of Spider Web Flower, claiming mastery
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting Serious [P, W/Ken, Mission]

Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:19 pm

Approved <3
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