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Hinoki Hyūga
Hinoki Hyūga
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Harder, Probably Faster and maybe Stronger. - Page 2 Empty Re: Harder, Probably Faster and maybe Stronger.

Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:56 pm
Hinoki looked back at Haru, letting off another puff of smoke. “We both know we would kill each other If we needed to. There are no personal killings, just what needs to be done. The That’s what makes us good Shinobi after all. Honor making your acquaintance, it was fun speaking to you; Farewell, Haru” he said, walking off towards home. While on his way, he decided to take a detour; To the Mizukage’s Statue. Since he was sent on a mission to clean it, he was somewhat drawn to sit down and reflect on his future. As he stood there, silently sitting on a bench in front of it, his cigarette on its last embers. He was obviously lost in thought.

He didn’t aspire to be a Mizukage. Lord Xyxer built a village that none could rival and Hinoki knew that him of all people was not cut out for that type of job. Yet, he knew that his place would be at his service, to further the cause of his village. To crush his enemies. Yes, Maybe Hinoki was no cut for Marriage but that does not mean he was totally useless. There was a long way to go. The Mizukage built the village of the concept of the strongest survive to crush the weak. Among Genin he may be strong but he knew that in reality, he was no prodigy. He was a coward that fled in the face of bigger danger. He hasn’t killed a single soul in his life. He may have opened the first door by awakening his byakugan but the long road was far from finished. Becoming stronger and faster was going to advance him but he knew that without the needed mindset he would be useless like the others. Assuming he did not die; He knew that now things were not going to be so easy. Remembering he had a nap to go back to, he slow descended into slumber once again, cigarette in mouth and all.

[2090 +336] = [2426]
Claiming 12 stats [2400]
Completed Training for Tenketsu Needle [C Rank] [400]
Completed Training for Mist Servant Technique [D Rank] [800]
Trained Shadow Shuriken Technique [D Rank] [1000]
Started Training for Tenketsu Needle [A Rank] [200/2000]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Harder, Probably Faster and maybe Stronger. - Page 2 Empty Re: Harder, Probably Faster and maybe Stronger.

Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:22 pm

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