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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Hostile Takeo-ver

Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:27 am
Ren strode into the Kage building, a face lost in thought, and a bundle of papers under his arm. The news of Xyxer's return was concerning, Where once the Mist's future had looked bright under the leadership of Lord Hyuuga now the village was once again under the thumb of the betrayer; like two sides of the same coin both men aspire to make the village great but their methods were greatly different. Taking a deep breath Ren would enter the waiting room of the kage's office, assuming there was no one there he would knock on the door to lord Xyxers office and wait for permission to enter.
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:59 am
Xyxer sat behind the desk that had briefly been Haru's, one armed furled on the stone armrest, with his chin propped up on the resulting fist that was exposed from that limb. It was all so.. dull. Missing Shinobi. Genin. ANBU. Kage. It was all the same.. all.. unexciting. Why did nothing excite him anymore? He was living an empty life, and the only things that brought him some form of satisfaction.. were few and far between. Torture.. combat.. twisting the truth.. Youta had perished before he could pull his grand scheme, and it pissed Xyxer off. He wanted to watch the two fight, and she had the audacity to simply die on him. A frown furrowed on his face momentarily, with a single movement lobbing a bone all the way from his desk to the corner of his office space, where his hounds were chained up once again. Then there came a rapping, a rapping at my chamber door. Jester opened the door to reveal quite possibly the most feminine looking boy he had ever witnessed, and in fact, he was momentarily certain that this was a girl. Wraith, who was on the other side of the door, gestured for him to come in. Xyxer rubbed his thumb against his index finger meanwhile, expecting some form of entertainment from this scenario, lest he'll be disappointed. Once the boy had entered, the door would be closed behind him.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:46 am
The blood drained slightly from Ren's face as the Anbu operative opened the door to reveal the most feared man in all of the village or indeed, in Ren's mind, most of the world. It took a moment for Ren's mind to kick into gear enough for him to remember just who it was he was dealing with, 'Remember Ren don't show fear, you've heard the stories, if he thinks your a liability to the village then your dead.' Ren thought to himself as he straightened his back and strode into the man's office, doing his best to ignore the demonic hell hounds chained up on the corner of the room. "Lord Xyxer" Ren said, making a kurt but respectful bow as he maintained eye contact with the man. 'By the gods, just being in the same room as him feels like I'm in the eye of a storm, just moments away from being thrown into oblivion' Ren thought as he began to sense the shear mass of chakra that was sitting across the room from him. "I realise your busy, but I have a proposal for you that I expect might be of some use to the village. I couldn't help but notice that the Tech facility that uses the remains of our knowledge of tengakure technology hasn't turned a profit in quite a while." Ren began as he strode forwards to stand at attention just in front of the Kage's desk. Ren wasn't a complete idiot, and he wouldn't sit down without the Kage's permission. 

Sliding one of the papers detailing Ren's plans across the desk Ren continued "If you sign over control of the business and research facilities then I guarantee the'll be running at a profit by the end of the month, and of course the business will be subjected to the villages tax laws so ten percent of the profits would go to the village." Ren continued doing his best to present the idea as profitable both to the mist and to the man himself.
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:20 pm
Xyxer listened to the male speak, but there was a problem.. He had continued talking after his initial greeting. What had Haru been doing with these poor shinobi, to make them believe.. they could simply walk in, as his underlings, and show no sign of being a suppliant? He ignored everything that had been said after 'Lord Xyxer', and instead focused his cold, blue eyes on Ren. He tried to pick him apart visually, throwing his face through his mind as if to try recall seeing him before, but alas he could not put a name to his face. Once the boy had finished his little speech, as Xyxer was polite, he spoke out towards him. "Why are you not kneeling to your Mizukage, child? Do you feel that you're exempt from tradition, simply because you endured a lesser man than me as your Kage?" He snarled, waiting for the boy to reprimand his actions.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:38 am
Ren noticed the man's eyes upon him as he continued his proposal; at first Ren thought that the man was just focussing on what Ren was saying, but it wasn't long before Ren got that feeling again, like he was a fish about to be swallowed whole by a shark. Ren's face began to drain in colour as he heard the Mizukage's words, Immediately dropping to his knees in response. 'I should have knelt, of course I should have, Gahh lord haru's idea of etiquette and lord xyxers are completely different.' Ren took a deep breath, at last failing to completely mask his concern at the Mizukage's words. taking a few moments to simply display his deference to his lord before he replied "My apologies lord Mizukage, I never had the chance to speak with you during your first reign and the Lord second's ideas of etiquette are not entirely in line with your own." Ren paused for a second, needing a moment to recollect himself before continuing. "I will endeavor to ensure it does not happen in future my lord." Ren said as he internally steeled himself for what ever reaction the creature in front of him had to his words.
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:48 am
Now, assuming that Ren had dropped to one knee as was customary for greeting a superior, instead of dropping to both knees that was customary for meeting your boyfriend, he gave a small pause to listen to his apology. Of course, he cared very little for it as it was simply repeating what he had said, it was almost as if there was a feminine echo in the room, but alas, this was what the boy had to endure with Haru as a Kage. The punishment would be simple this time around, he simply wouldn't allow for the boy to rise the enter meeting to drill the position into him. "What's your proposal?"
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:17 am
Breathing a sigh of relief as the lord Mizukage refrained from separating his head from his body Ren would remain kneeling on one knee as he began to present his proposal. "Well my lord, as I was saying the remains of the tengkure tech facility is highly unprofitable at the moment. The records show it hasn't generated any revenue for the village in ages; with your permission I intend to take over the facility and use it both for my research into new seal's for the village, and to sell an array of new weapons and resources. The business would of course still be subjected to the villages tax laws so some of the profits would go to you as well." Ren would pause for a moment to look at the Mizukage; assuming Xyxer didn't look interested in the specifics Ren would quickly finish his speech with "but I needn't bore you with the details my lord, everything is laid out in the paperwork and I have the forms you would need to sign to transfer ownership to me right here" Ren would say, holding out the pile of forms to Xyxer in a deferential manner
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:31 pm
Xyxer took the papers from the boy, as truth be told he couldn't be bothered with the running of the shop. He had heard there had been complications, and perhaps a new face was what they needed to spruce it up a little. Reading over the papers briefly to ensure he wasn't gambling away something he actually cared for, he noted that only the shop and it's contents were mentioned, and he signed them, adding on afterwards. "This shop doesn't venture outside of Kirigakure. To utilise it, they must be inside of Kirigakure, no deliveries or branching out. Understood?" With the dull paperwork over, the meeting would likely be concluded.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:04 am
Ren afforded the man in front of him a grateful smile as the papers were signed, "Of course my lord as you wish, you wont regret this" Ren would say before pausing for a moment. "With your permission my lord?" Ren would say gesturing towards the doorway. Assuming Xyxer gave him permission Ren would stand, taking his copy of the paperwork with him and leave the office.

[Exiting unless stopped]
[Claiming Ownership of the Tengakure tech shop]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Hostile Takeo-ver Empty Re: Hostile Takeo-ver

Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:36 am

Approved @ Ren <3
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