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Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:32 am
darkness laid down on the ground and rolled around. "that doesnt heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp." she whined and pouted."i have been thinking of me being water but it doesnt help." she said sitting up again crossing her arms. and then the jounin came and began talking to dusk. she tilted her head and waited quietly till dusked asked for her to help. darkness tilted her head to the other side. "what do you have in mind?" she asked. she was sure that dusk could do this on his own. she knew she couldnt do much but him asking for help, she wouldnt say no. it would be nice to do a mission. she helped the paper in her hands and  listened to dusk. she didnt even think about why it was utmost importance. she didnt understand how everything worked yet in hoshi. but she didnt question it. someone needed help and so they will get help. thats all she needed to know. maybe this would help her learn to be a better ninja. maybe make her faster. she wondered who this person would be. the person seeking help. was it a guy? a girl? someone smart or someone nervous. 

twc 1176
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:21 pm
Dusk shook his head as he chuckled and scratched his head," You will understand in due time what it means Darkness. Sometimes its as simple as the chakra flowing through you. We all have something we are going to be better at. Mine is water for example. You just have to find out why you need it and what you want to use it for is all," from there moving on he looked at her as she gave her answer and away the two of them went. He waited in an alley as the day went from day to night, the cool moon overlaying the city. As Dusk gathered closer to the church he remembered what the scroll said and the persons name. Making sure no one was around he held the snake hand seal as mist began to fill the streets and air, light enough to where everyone could see but then just good enough for good get away so they could get their target to the church. Walking in he slowly took off his hood and explained why they were there in the church. Though at first the priest looked at him angrily, moreso because he was a ninja he sighed and allowed them to do their examination of the people.

[From here it'll be up to you how this mission goes]
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Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:24 am
darkness sighed as she got close to the church and saw dusk going inside. and she got close to the building looking for a way inside. she found an open window and climbed in. luckily she had a skinny body so she fit just barely. all she knew was she needed to get the girl and get out. she looked around the room. it looked like a small office full of books. she crept towards the door and peered into the hallways. she could hear someone talk angrily but she couldnt hear the words. she looked around the hallway and walked away from the voice. she opened the closet door to her and peered in. it held nothing of important. she closed the door. she sighed and counted how many doors where left. she felt like this would take a long time. and she continued to look in each door. she complained in her head as she went to the next door.
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:51 am
From the entrance Dusk had continued to walk through the area while talking to the priest assuring him that he was only here to observe and find someone of which he needed to talk to . For a moment the priest growled in discontent, letting Dusk know that he did not like his presence here," I assure you Mister Priest that I am only here to observe and look. You have nothing to fear from me, this I can assure you," to which the priest mumbled and walked off into his office. Meanwhile he had been wondering just where Darkness had gotten off to but decided to continue his own search.
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Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:52 pm
darkness heard someone walking. she panicked and rushed into a room before the coming priest would noticed. she sighed as she looked around the room and heard someone talk to a room next to her. it was a soft voice. shouldnt be the priest. was it the person they needed to get? she hoped but he could hear footsteps still. she looked around the room and waited till she could move again. she hated the wait, she could feel her blood pulse. she was nervous. she heard the foot steps stop a little away from her, probably in that one office type area. she wanted to hurry so she could get out of the church. she had bad memories herself from a church. she tried peeking out of the door to see if it was safe.
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:43 pm
Dusk had kept the priest busy long enough for Darkness to find her target and after assuring the young person that they were going to make sure they were going to get away safely they made haste. Once the priest that had been walking past them disappeared, Darkness and the target moved from room to room before hopping out of the window, the small movements given away to Dusk as he smiled and waved to the head priest," Thank you for your time. Have a nice night." Soon he made it out into the misty night and met up with the two, intensifying the mist until they had came to the water gardens. When there Dusk made sure that everything went off with a hitch before patting Darkness on the back," You did well.. Now head on back to the palace so you can be rewarded and get some sleep," with that Dusk slowly disappeared into the mist as it disappeared behind him.

[Exit, no rewards]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Darkness meets Dusk (private)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness meets Dusk (private)

Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:44 pm

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