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Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Lone Battler  Empty Lone Battler

Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:27 pm
Logic was walking around in the city. With basically nothing to do. He had this strange to urge to battle to people, or at least test some of his skills. He didn't really mind who he would be sparring with but he had a feeling that despite not being able to do much in terms of arsenal wise feats such as the amount of jutsu he knew or the amount of techniques he could utilize. He still had decent confidence in his fighting abilities and wouldn't hesitate to verse someone even if their prowess was obviously above his at the time.

He sat there in an alley way, hoping someone formidable would show up. Just anyone really.

WC: meh
AP still the same.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:43 pm
On the top of roofs, Yuri was looking at the sky of kirigakure enjoying the winds that still holds at the very moment of her sitting down right now. With little to no obstruction to her senses, she could tell that there is someone moving below her just a while ago. Not bothered about the person's action, she continues to enjoy the winds. However, she turned around and looked down from curiosity. A shinobi was just sitting there. Using the bright sun above, her hand moved to a position that her shadow was cast on the person's lap, waiting for his reply.
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:56 pm
"Well well... looks like someone noticed me here. Now to see if they want to spar." Logic thought. This could mean two things, someone was generally noticing him or greeting... or someone was trying to attack him with a sneak move. Though it didn't seem that smart to go ahead and do that if one planned on killing someone. Judging by how slowly the shadow appeared over his lap, 5 speed to be specific, it was either a typical gesture or one of strange intent.

"Hey, you... wanna spar? I've been looking for someone to go against for the longest." Logic said sounding bored and tired. At this time, he drew a shuriken from his right pocket with his right hand with minimal movement 33 speed. Holding it to his side, waiting for a response.

Should anything threatening happen, Logic would change his actions accordingly. If they declined, he wouldn't do anything. However if they accepted, then he'd spar on the spot.

WC: is still meh
AP: still hasn't changed.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:57 pm
It would seems that Yuri is greeted by an actual weapon and being asked for practice. Upon a moment of thought, Yuri decides to test him. Yuri gestured him with her right hand to climb up to the rooftop. Not having any tricks up her sleeves, Yuri would make a few steps backwards to get herself away from his view as a start. However, she thought of something while moving backwards. She remembered how her one of her former squad members stood during a fight, it was always that weird stance with one hand pointing diagonally up the sky and backwards with another hand pointing diagonally towards the ground at the front. Also, the body posture was lowered with the leg slightly spaced out as though a whirlwind is going to happen from him. With those in mind, she would simply imitate that stance, waiting for him to get up.
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:47 am
Nito was given the go. "Well I don't know their level of power yet. But I don't care and I'll figure it out soon enough." He'd grab another kunai from his left at top speed holding it in a reverse grip before silently getting up at the speed of 30. He'd then turn his body around at his top speed before jumping backwards at hist top speed to reach a building that was nearby of same height, it was a flat roof giving them a 5 meter distance.

"Let our battle commence." The cat would outlet. And with that, the battle was awoken. In truth, they weren't very powerful thus it wasn't going to be epic. But, a test of skills nevertheless.

Nito would take his left kunai and hurl it precisely at his opponent's left knee at the speed of 40. Secretly this was already tagged with a paper-bomb, with the position and angle it was thrown at, it would glimmer in the light and the bomb side would be hidden.

"Just letting you know. This is still a Kiri. And thus, this is a duel to the death. I presume you're stronger than me to let your presence be known so readily. Thus, don't run. You've got no need. And don't hold back. I hate that the most." Nito said with a cold tone.

Should Nito have been interrupted with something threatening, he'd change his actions accordingly.

Nito, off the edge of the building, would jump to the ninja's position at his top speed. His jump gave basically 0 height keeping him level in the motion, this was easy, being a cat and all.

With his right shuriken in the lead, he was prepared to land and confront the ninja head-on. However, he'd change his actions accordingly if someone new presented itself.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:18 pm
Yuri saw her opponent now on the same level of vision as her. However, it was not what she had anticipated for him to leave a gap between both of them. The next move made from him drew a weapon and Yuri could see it leaving his hands. In a weird fighting stance as she is now with her leg extending the gap between each other, that would hit her leg. She simply resumed standing position to evade it and starts hearing the blabber about being in Kirigakure, for she know that it was simply an attack on her mind. After that is where it gets interesting, Yuri could see the initiative coming from him to get to her side of the roof by starting a run at her. Now that she thought about it, the blabber looked to be useful after all. She moved to her right to see the kunai passing her by the left about 3 meters away from her. The moment he lifted himself off, she simply made a full speed dash and jumped to the flat rooftop at a height of a foot's length to where her opponent stood before he left in an attempt to lower his composure. To ensure her safety during the jump, she would take glance on her left just in case he pulls off something.
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:18 pm
Nito watched as she dodged the attack simply by regaining a normal stance. "As expected, minimal movement." 

She'd then move to re-position herself before waiting for the exact moment that he decided to jump forward to then jump to the flat rooftop. She would swap positions in this jump, jumping to where Nito once was. However, he wasn't having that. 

Seeing her intentions the moment she jumped in his direction, at his time speed, Nito lifted and held his left arm and hand outwards as he jumped, this was done at his top speed. This was a moment after she began moving, thus she wouldn't be able to change her momentum. With his left hand in the direction of his foe, the left hand used Dark River Breaking Seal, bolt of chakra (40 Power, 45 Speed). This was aimed directly at his opponent's face, in between the eyes and nose.
Simultaneously, he grabbed for another kunai from his right ninja pouch with his right hand at his top speed. At the very moment he grabbed it, the chakra bolt should have hit his opponent and temporarily blinded them.

He'd take that moment to throw the kunai at his top sharpness and speed of 40 directly for the opponent's neck.

Should anything new happen to make his change his actions such as a new danger of point requiring focus, he'd change his actions accordingly for the entirety of his plans.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:16 pm
Yuri expected the guy to do something. However, this was something she did not anticipate. It was her first time meeting him anyway. By a glance, she could see a bolt coming at her face by via estimation from where he fired the bolt the moment none of her feet was still in contact with the roof (jump spd at 60). This would change her landing position for now. Fortunately, she could still gauge the speed of the bolt to lower her head down to evade it, that would mean that she had to land on the roof with her hands first. She rotated her eyes to the left immediately while lowering her head to catch him in the midst of throwing the kunai. Thankfully the bolt was evaded and her neck got lowered as well or else the kunai will take a hit on her. With no time to lose after she got further from him in air, she turned her eyes upwards to land on the rooftop properly via a forward roll. Something that she had 2 moments to focus on, one being the moment roll was done halfway with her head in contact to the rooftop, while another being the landing moment to rotate her eyes downwards. Both to check for any new incoming attack from him. Now that she know that he could fire bolts other than throwing weapons, he could mean much more threat than she would have thought.

With him trying to get her in air, she hoped that he would not land crashing to the rooftop with the divided attention.
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:59 am
It would seem that Nito had missed his initial plan to defeat the kunoichi. Luckily, that was just a diversion anyways. At the moment his opponent ducked there head to avoid the chakra bolt as he expected they'd instinctively do. Nito waited until they were within 2 meters due to the paths they took when swapping both roofs. This was essentially at the moment she'd duck her head. 


With his left hand which he knew would be closest to the opponent, he had previously used the seal to divert their attention temporarily, next would be using that closest hand to envelope his opponent into another problem, hopefully one good enough to kill them. 

At his top speed, Nito stretched his left hand outwards as far as he could to his opponent, easily putting his hand within 1.8 meters of her. His eyes were still keeping the opponent in view as well as the roof he was going to land on. 

Simultaneously as moving his left hand outward, that hand formed the seal of confrontation and it would remain like that. 

At the very moment, a 360 2-meter radius barrier appeared in the air enveloping his opponent who would, if she didn't stop all her momentum somehow, hit the side of it. Granted she was in the air and moving with momentum, she wouldn't be able to escape it either.

Nito held his seal of confrontation with his left hand before landing on the right roof and moving away from the barrier while still staying on the roof. This was done at 15 speed. 

If anything too insane were to happen, he'd change any and all of his actions if required. 
"Looks like this brawl is going to come to an end now."

Only needing his right hand at his top speed, Nito would apply a bomb tag to his kunai that he'd yet to throw in his right hand. Coating the kunai and bomb tag in his chakra, it would then be capable of entering the barrier. 

Again, Nito would do the same with another, holding both in his fingers. 

If anything would interrupt him here, he'd change his actions accordingly. Granted, the opponent couldn't escape the barrier to his knowledge. 

With the two, Nito would throw them at 45 speed into the center of the barrier, in the center, both bomb tags would explode. Assuming that she'd dodge the initial two kunai, the bomb tags would create an explosion in the small area filling the barrier with smoke rising and dominating the upper half of the barrier. If the explosion didn't kill her, and the smoke didn't kill her. It wasn't like he was going to stop.  

Another bonus of the smoke would be hindering the vision of the opponent, and breathing. 

Nito continued holding the seal of confrontation, maintaining his barrier. 

WC: will get this later
AP: 190
Used Barrier Confining Tech
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Lone Battler  Empty Re: Lone Battler

Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:41 pm
After getting a view of him with her lowered head, it did not take long for Yuri's hands to feel something that stopped her in the air. Just when she was worried about not having her advantage back, her opponent gave her ground in a place that ground is not supposed to be available. However, this separated her from him and gave her stable vision of her after stabilizing on the sphere with full speed. This allowed her to operate at her full potential again, noticing that he was holding a handseal longer than usual. She would guess that he needs to maintain this technique. Knowing that, she formed the Ram handseal immediately (155 spd moving to Nito). Judging by his movements, this should give her a superior advantage of speed over him. Without delay and before he could fully leave the barrier, she got partially behind and above him thanks to the barrier and caught him by the wrist of the hand that supposedly maintains the technique, hoping that his backup plan requires him to stop maintaining the seal. If that wasn't enough, Yuri would twist his wrist, forcing him into changing plans. With her left hand busy, her right hand would grab him by his other arm in tandem, effectively separating his hands and stopping him from using his arms to get her while also expecting reaction from his head or his legs anytime.
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