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Kuka [P] Empty Kuka [P]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:06 am
Atem had finally gained his snake summoning contract which meant he could summon snakes and with that being available for him it would be smart to go ahead and began training his snake summons now instead of waiting, with this in his mind he would begin to summon the contract snake in order to learn the names of each snake. Atem would then slam his hands on the ground to actually summon the snake that he once seen at the Ryuchi Caves when he initially signed the contract. As he looked at the snake who could not speak due to him having a giant scroll in his mouth, Atem would greet him and begin to look at the scroll to see all of the names he could choose from. He then came upon a name that was so hard to say he couldn’t even think of it in his mind. “Excuse me? Do you know how to say this name?” Atem would ask the snake with his mouth full, soon the contract would puff into smoke allowing the snake to be free of the restricting movements of the contract. “Ah, that feels so much better.” The snake would say as he relaxes it’s jaws and begins to speak. “Yes, it is pronounced ‘Eey’, I know it is very weird, but that is how he likes it to be pronounced nonetheless. Would you like to summon him.” the snake asked Atem. “Yes please, what rank is he.” Atem asked back. “He is a B Rank, one of the mightier ones at that so i would suggest him as a summon, don’t judge a book by it’s cover I always say.” The snake would say with a weird chuckle. It was strange that Atem was actually talking to a snake, and it laughed too. “How does he look, I need to figure out his appearance so i can summon him here.” Atem said not realizing he was inside of Lucien’s house. “You idiot, don’t summon him here,  you will break the whole house.” The snake said whipping his tail at Atem at the speed of 70. Atem caught it with his left hand and stared at the snake, “My bad, we can go out to the training grounds then.” Atem said letting go of the of the snake’s tail and heading out of the house. “Okay, since we are travelling I will go ahead and tell you how Eey looks.” The snake said right next to Atem as they were traversing the village.

“Well, he a naturally grey snake is fifteen meters long, with a thickness two meters in radius. He has slight horns coming out of his head showing that he is one of the more dominant snakes in our realm. His personality isn’t that well known to me as we have had no problems out of him, he is certainly a quiet one at that.” The snake said knowledgeably. “Ah, i see. Well then once we get to the training grounds it should be fairly easy to summon him now that i have a mental picture of him.” Atem said as they finally got into one of the more forest-like training grounds. “Alright so here we are, I will begin the summon here in the forest and we will discover his personality here.” Atem said as he bit his finger to draw blood and placed around half of his chakra into the hand that he had just bitten and then slapping it down to the ground to cause a poof of smoke that was fairly big to appear. As the smoke dissipated Atem could see a grey or silver looking snake with green eyes appear. “Who has summoned me.” Eey asked as he looked at his new surroundings. “I have, Atem Chasseur. You will now be my snake, I know you must have some loyalty to Den, I won’t make you fight him nor do I have any intention to do so, so what do you say about being my summon.” Atem asked as he put his hand over his chest and bowed forward. “Well, you are certainly kind, I’ll give you that, but what makes you think i should be your summon.” The snake asked Atem in a deep voice. “Well, I have no concrete reason in all actuality so in this situation I would say nothing, but then that leads to the question of why wouldn’t you?” Atem Asked the snake. “Well, that is fairly true, but there are a lot of summons who get hurt by their summoners due to them being weak, are you a weak one.” Eey would ask. “Well, how about you come and find out.” Atem would tell the snake as he backed up 20 meters from the snake while still staying within the forest clearing. “

“Ah, you’re not scared to face me eh? This should be fun.” Eey said with a grin only a snake could produce. “This is the first time I have heard him speak, he had a voice I would expect, but he is even cooler than I thought.” The snake would say sounding as if he were some sort of fanboy. “Very well then, I will set the tempo.” The snake said as it began to disappear in thin air. “Ah, invisible are we? I will not be deterred by this though.” Atem would say as he would try to get a reply out of the snake. The snake wasn’t that foolish though, it remained silent as it treaded the grass. “Hm, how will I reveal its presence.” Atem says. He is then hit from behind, not only was this snake invisible, but it was also fast so Atem needed to find out how he would be able to decipher where it was. That is when he seen the grass was crumbled underneath where the snake had been. “I have found you.” Atem would tell the snake although he hadn't found him yet he was on his way to doing so. Atem would then scan the immediate area which was a 40 meter forest clearing. He would then see that some grass from 10 meters to his right was being crumbled as he was thinking, he then turned to that path a little too early in which the Eey knew that he was on to him and  knew where he was. Atem would weave the signs for a fireball which would then be countered with something Atem had never expected. There was odorless gas all around the area causing the fire to become out of control. The snake then materialized itself once more taking the fireball easily and appearing right through the flame to strike at Atem. Atem having an insanely high reaction time would back away from the snake at the speed of 95 which would then be countered by the long snake grabbing his ankle. The snake drew closer and closer until it began to speak. “I win, you still have some time to go before yuo can beat me, but you are still good nonetheless. I will accept you because you amuse me, so what do you need master.” The snake said loyally. “It’s okay you don’t have to call me master, just call me Atem. Anyhow, I don’t need anything I just wanted you to be my summon, my first one at that. I thought your name was fairly unique so I chose you and that snake over there let me know how you looked and what not.” Atem would say as he pointed at the feeble snake 8 meters away.

“Ah, yes, I now know about your personality. I will add that to my memory index.” The snake said staring into a space a bit and then coming back to reality. “There we are, now hello there Eey.” The snake said. “Hello, contract holder, this is actually my first time seeing you without the contract in your mouth.” The snake would give a hearty chuckle. “You know i expected you to be a mean summon since you were so high in rank, I wonder what made you different?” Atem asked the snake. ‘Well, i have no clue really this is just the way I was born and raised, I honestly can’t remember the last time I have been mad at someone, but I am certainly no pushover as you can see. I also have some sense of hubris about myself and my race as well.” Eey would say looking deeply within the eyes of Atem. “I see, you are very patriotic, but you won’t become a martyr, not on my watch, as long as you are with me I won’t allow you to die.” Atem said promising on his life. “I’m glad you are so sure of your ability, you must be hiding something.”  Eey said. “Well, I guess you could say that, but I am just certain that we would be a good combo, by the way there are about three to four ninja hiding over there. They seem to be very skilled as their footsteps are hard to trace, they are on the left side though, my left your right.” Atem said loud enough for Eey to hear. “I see, what shall we do?” Eey asked Atem. “Well, first we shall smoke them out, is your gas still around?” Atem said looking at the snake and only at the snake to make so he didn’t seem like he realized that the ninja were watching. “Yes, it has about a minute left before it dissipates.” Eey said just loud enough for Atem to hear. “Cool, I’ll send this their way.” Atem began to weave the signs to the fire phoenix jutsu, once he did this he would send it in the direction of the ninja that were watching them. After doing this they would scatter from the bushes revealing themselves all of them dodging the fire ball except for one. As the one on the left hopped out thinking he made it passes the fireball Atemn would turn it at a 90 degree angle so that it would hit him unexpectedly setting him ablaze. As their partner screamed they would turn to him turning their attention away from the two they were trying to engage. At this moment Eey would take off at his maximum speed while invisible weaving in and out  and then engulfing the other two people. “Ah, it had been quite some time since I last had a human.” Eey said as his body began to digest the people within him.

“Well, I’m glad you showed no mercy to them, me and you are quite alike and I like it.” Atem would say rubbing the nose of Eey. “I surely appreciate it, but I am no pet, words are enough to console me.” He said in a slightly annoyed manner. “Don’t try to act, you know you liked being rubbed.” Atem would say continuously rubbing the snake's nose. “Ah, you got me, I will allow you to rub my nose when I do good, but just don’t do it in front of the enemy.” Eey said as he began to wiggle his tail. “I swear you guys are nothing but a ball of toughness trying to hide your emotions and what not, let me tell you. That will get you know where.” Atem said with a serious face towards the end of his dialogue. “I see human, it seems you have been through some things in the past, is that what causes your sadistic nature?” Eey asked Atem curiously. “Sadistic? I had no clue I was, but I guess since you said something about it it could be attributed to my father in some ways.” Atem said looking into the sky dramatically. He would then look back down and begin to laugh hysterically. “Just kidding, I’m not that cliche.” Atem contorted, he then put his hands on his hips and began to sit down side by side. Soon The contract snake showed up next to them, “So, have you guys fully bonded?’ He asked. “Well, I would assume so, the human isn’t as bad as I had originally thought.” The snake spoke. “Same to you, Kuka, that will be your nickname.”  the snake looked at Atem, “Ah, a nickname, is that just a way to shorten my name, I’m not against it. I actually like it.” He said with a smile only a snake could make. “I’m glad you do, I can’t talk to many people the way I can talk to you. Most humans are self absorbed so i’d rather not come into contact with them.” Kuka said looking into the eyes of Atem. “Well, I could say the same about my own race, they are nothing but hubristic mongers of the world, I don’t know what any of that means, but I said it and I’m pretty sure it got the point across.” Atem and the snake then laughed dozing off immediately after. “How can you two even sleep?!” The contract snake would ask getting no reply as the responders were asleep. “Well, I’m glad they bonded and I was able together data about ‘Kuka’ which is good, I just need to learn of two more snakes.” The snake contract said poofing away into the smoke back to his realm.
[WC 2223]

[Exit, claiming Kukabarkhansanme summon, 22AP]
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Kuka [P] Empty Re: Kuka [P]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:20 am

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