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Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen] Empty Re: Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen]

Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:17 pm
Sasuke was walking to the library to get some books on training when he saw a disappointing sight. The library was closed. The young boy sighed and watched as a man locked the place up and went over to sit. He looked up at the magnificent hall of learning and shook his head. He had missed closing time but tomorrow was another day. Sasuke Toriyama was wearing a purple jumpsuit and skirt with his custom made pink utility belt and dark lavender cape. He wore a masquerade ball's mask over his eyes and his hair was dyed a spectacular purple. He had pink lip gloss and painted lavender nails to match his outfit as well as a pair of dark purple boots. He was like an atheist at a funeral, all dressed up and nowhere to go. Sasuke turned and looked at Kozai who was pleasantly resting to himself. There was something about him that drew the genin towards this mysterious stranger. He was apparently the librarian if he had the authority to lock the place up and so he might know a thing or two about getting stronger.

Sasuke had an obsession with competition and proving himself to be the best genin in the village and that wasn't going to happen until he got a proper teacher. Unfortunately he couldn't seem to find a single teacher in Hoshigakure and so he decided to spend some time learning on his own. It was a hard and long road but it was pretty worth it all things considered. He figured the librarian might help him find a book or even recommend a training sensei. Something about the man made him look really cool to Sasuke and so he walked over and bowed politely. It was a rare act. Sasuke was usually way too arrogant to boy to anyone, even a superior. 

"Hiya. I'm Sasuke Toriyama. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a sensei or maybe some books about getting stronger

He was being awfully social and chatty. This was a bit new to him as he was usually reserved and to the point with his bluntness. But he felt abnormally comfortable in the prescence of this person. He didn't know that Kozai was immortal, a shinobi, and a person who had beat down the Hoshi Kage but he could feel a latent longing to learn from this person. Perhaps it was destiny that the two should meet and become Sensei and Student.

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Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen] Empty Re: Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen]

Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:35 pm
Sasuke swallowed as Kozai looked him over. He hoped that he looked presentable and hadn't been off-putting or rude. The older man answered his questions and to Sasuke's glee he didn't seem very angry. In fact he seemed eager to help. He informed Sasuke that the library was closed until 10 in the morning which for him wasn't that big of a deal but then he mentioned that in order for him to recommend a sensei he needed to know what Sasuke could do. And so Sasuke replied to him in a respectful tone: 

"Well I'm good with Ninjutsu and my main element is Wind. That's about it really I just graduated from the academy not too long ago"

Sasuke was more or less a blank slate. He hadn't started formalized training and so his skill set was limited. He was adept at Ninjutsu and had discovered his main element was wind but other than that there was no more information to volunteer. He wanted to ask what the man knew about shinobi life he didn't want to insult Kozai so he merely said nothing and blushed a bit.

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Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen] Empty Re: Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen]

Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:39 pm
As Kozai stood Sasuke noticed that the man was wearing a lab coat. He took keen interest in the apparel as he realized that this guy was probably a doctor. He mulled over Sasuke's words and flickered through a series of seals. Sasuke stared dumbfounded as he realized this librarian-doctor person was also a shinobi and a skilled one at that if he could do handsigns so quickly. He performed a Wind Release Technique capable of snapping off a branch. The boy was completely mesmerized by Kozai's skill and felt compelled to follow him to the ends of the Earth. It was a bit out of character for him to be so easily impressed but his gut told him that if he stuck by this person he could be more powerful than he had ever imagined. Kozai asked if Sasuke wanted to be his first student and in response he vigorously nodded. He was at a loss for words so all he could do was smile and nod for the time being.  Kozai was new to Hoshi which meant that he was a transfer ninja of some kind or perhaps a Nuke-Nin that had left and returned with the Kage's permission. 

The tidbit of information only caused Sasuke to be more excited at the prospect of training with this guy. So Sasuke graciously accepted the older man's proposal of increasing his chakra reserves. The more chakra, the better.

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Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen] Empty Re: Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:15 pm
Sasuke continued to nod as Kozai instructed him on the importance of chakra. He needed to build up his energy levels by surpassing his previous limits. It shouldn't be a problem, Sasuke enjoyed the idea of training until his bones broke. He was a hard worker and was very interested in proving to his new Sensei that he was capable of rising to whatever challenge. The boy watched in awe as Kozai created a large sphere of water. He expected him to use the Water Walking Technique to climb up on it. He immediately focused chakra into his hands and feet while taking a few steps back to get a running start. Once he was 10 feet back, he ran as fast as she could and picked up momentum before leaping onto the sphere and utilizing the water walking technique to climb up its surface as quickly as he could. The movement was very draining and required his completely concentration as chakra continuously seeped out of his hands and feet to maintain his connection to the surface. He wasn't sure what Kozai had in mind for the rest of his exercise but as he made his way up the water sphere he figured that this would be an easy task. 

210 WC = + 1 Chakra

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Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen] Empty Re: Human Limitations [p,nk,Nyguyen]

Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:08 pm
The water sphere modulated and then began to collapse in on itself just as Sasuke was reaching the top. Kozai had removed his arm from the construct and thus it began to lose its form causing Sasuke to fall to the ground in water. He landed on his stomach with a thud as he tried to process exactly what happened. He furrowed  his brow in frustration and annoyance but said nothing as he realized Sensei must have somehow canceled the technique before he could reach his goal. He stood up and watched as Kozai said they'd move onto something else entirely. Sasuke wondered what the point of the previous exercise was if they didn't stick with it. But he cleared it from his mind and tried to pay attention to what Kozai was teaching him at the moment.  He looked at the arrow then back at Kozai. He had no clue what a vector was and he stated as such:

"Nope. What's a vector?

It sounded like some really advanced stuff that a genin was not expected to know.
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