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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:47 am
Kozai might have doubted the scorpion's ability to lead them to water but Akihana wouldn't give up on the little guy. As they followed the desert creature, the young man beside her more reluctantly so, Akihana found herself wondering not for the first time how he had gotten this... Was cynical the right word? Or was he just practical and she the anomaly? It wouldn't surprise her for though she saw the world with considerably sympathetic lenses, she knew she was more often than not the odd one out. The blonde couldn't help but wonder if she was as much of an oddity to Kozai as he was to her.

"So what brought you to Haven," she asked casually. It wasn't difficult to keep the scorpion in view but even if it had been, Akihana had made sure it would always find it's way back to them. After all, not all jutsu had to be flashy. The young woman practiced and in fact preferred techniques bothering on the subtle. "Kozai had mentioned not having a mother and she had known better than to ask if he was on the run from someone. Shinobi didn't live into adulthood without making enemies and the less she knew about it, the less she could be implicated.

But that didn't lessen her concern for the young man any. "Wouldn't someone be worried for you? You mentioned leading a village once. It's not a position one holds without making emotional ties." Of course, the kunoichi herself had hardly led anything but she had worked closely with village leaders, Yaju, Misa, Maku, even Den - as much as he disliked the position - had cared for their people. And those people in turn had cared for their leaders. To find one all alone and trying to sneak into a shinobi village for simply the sake of sneaking in was odd to say the least.

The scorpion crawled along, oblivious to the to ninja following in it's wake.

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:47 pm
The blonde nodded as he mentioned wondering around. It sounded like a tiring life. Perhaps it was her luck but she had now met two such wanderers in a short amount of time and both Takeo and Kozai didn't sound particularly happy with the whole wandering aspect of the situation. Was it true that the heart desired a home? Perhaps, she would never delve into philosophy like that. Akihana had always believed in a much simpler fact, that home was with the people you loved. Her home was wherever Arata felt at home and that was Hoshi now.

Perhaps Kozai suffered from not having anyone to call home. If homes were made of people and he lacked human connections, Akihana suddenly understood the desperation to be wanted, needed, to belong to someplace. She would never embarrass the young man by voicing her thoughts out loud but she wished she could hug him - the very instinct she'd had of him even as he'd stood threatening the innocent of Hoshi with a Display of Power so gruesome, it likely gave children nightmares. Not for the first time, she could see how Kozai was really just a child. But now she knew he was a child looking for a home.

And she wished she could tell him that Hoshi would be that home.

"Sad about Konoha," she said instead, fighting all her maternal instincts to reach out to the librarian. "I heard their Hokage passed away. My brother visited me a while back with the sad news. He was quite young from what I heard." Jason Senju's death had indeed been a blow to Hoshi. But sympathy letters were sent as were new treaty offers towards the new Kage who also happened to be Akihana's former superior, the Raikage. Though from Kasuga's account, Kurisu-sama had mellowed a bit. He'd have to, Akihana had only ever seen him once, and even that too in the heat of a war of nations.

"One second," the kunoichi stopped, having lost track of the scorpion. Bending down in the sand, she drew a rough circle, pouring a tiny bit of chakra into it. With a poof, the scorpion appeared once more, treading along it's merry way as Kozai spoke of his ties in Iwa, or lack thereof. He didn't want to talk about this special person and Akihana would never make him. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try to make him feel better.

"Village destruction... well, they happen. I used to stay wake and agonize about what it was that i could have personally done to stop mine. But perhaps there was nothing I could have done, you could have done." Turning her golden eyes to his, she spoke softly. "It wasn't your fault."

Just as she finessed speaking, a cluster of cacti loomed ahead of them. Kozai had been right, there was no water source nearby.

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki)

Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:37 pm
So he planned on returning to Konoha? She wondered if he had been close to the fallen Kage and wanted to deliver his condolences in person. But she hadn't pressed him about his connections in Iwa and she wasn't about to press him on his connections at the Leaf. There appeared to be no word of her own family from Konoha - the few travelers who came from there unaware of the family's existence let alone movement - and that was good news. When it came to the Akari, no news was always good news.

She'd just have to believe that.

Hearing him deadpan reply about Iwa's destruction caused her no small amount of stress. They had never really talked about it but she knew who was behind it. Somehow she'd always known and yet she had done the thing she claimed to never do. She'd lied to herself about it. But that lie had come with a price and as it turned out, she was the only one responsible for paying it. She probably deserved it too, it would teach her never to lie again, even if to herself and even if for just a moment.

Averting her gaze from his, she motioned to the plants ahead. "I guess the scorpion really was leading us to a cactus, one of several," she stated the obvious, shaking her head in disappointment. "Any more ideas on where we should look? Maybe we're misreading the map?" It was possible that there was more information to be dug in this miracle cure and they just weren't looking in the right place.

"Or has the famed guardian decided we aren't worthy?" she added to inject a little humor into the situation. The blonde had no idea how much she believed in a scribbled note about a guardian dispensing this cure to the pure of heart but at this point, anything sounded better than returning home empty handed.

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:39 pm
After listening to him, the Kunoichi nodded, letting the small slug still dutifully collecting nature energy on the blonde's behalf out of her sleeve. "What do you say, Cream?" she asked the creature, petting its tiny head with her index finger. "Can you get us a rock sample?" No sooner were the words out than Cream let go, falling from her arm to the sands below. In a moment, his tiny body was covered by the desert as he burrowed deep underground, looking for what they sought.

While the slug was away, both shinobi took to studying the plants, Akihana keeping a an eye out for the original scorpion who had brought them there in the first place. Though she could always track him through mark seal tracking now, the blonde still preferred keeping the little thing in sight. It took a while, gathering all the samples and postulating on the different seasons and timings of the aquifer to "appear" but it was pleasant company. When Cream finally returned with the samples, Akihana extracted it carefully from the slug's person before handing it to Kozai.

"That sounds fine to me," she replied to his final question as they got ready to leave. It seemed Kozai was more at home in the middle of nowhere and it helped him relax, talk about himself. The young woman had a feeling that regardless of whether they ever found the miracle cure, these excursion might result in one positive thing: a possible friendship.

(Exit, claims coming in a bit)

TWC: 3, 773

1, 500 - Temporary Paralysis
1, 500 - Mark Tracking
750 - Marked Area Circle Seal
23 - to charity

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Raised Inhibitions (p,nk,Aki)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:17 pm
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