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Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai] Empty Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai]

Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:41 am
Daiko sighs, wiping his forehead. It was pretty hot on this day, and the time was about noon. He figured it was best if he started his day off with some good old fashioned book learning. Walking up the steps to the library, he opens the door and walks inside, the cooler air refreshing him. The boy would then walk over to a random bookshelf, seeing if he couldn't find something that would help him in learning more water techniques. He was happy with what he had learned so far, but decided it would be best if he could find more.

Scanning the bookshelves, Daiko's attention was kept trying to find a book. Unless, of course, someone were to interrupt his searching.

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Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai] Empty Re: Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai]

Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:04 am
Daiko, continuing to scan the shelves, still does not find the book that peaked his interest. Taking a few steps back, he stretches. Maybe there was someone around here that would help him out with something like this. As he turned to go find someone, he sees a dark haired man looking at him. Slightly startled, the young ninja blinks once.

The man had asked him if he required any assistance, and that was the case. The man sounded as if he was giving a threat or some kind of foreshadowing to something dark, but Daiko just ignored it. Focusing on his words, he begins talking normally, not showing any sign of being intimidated by the dangerous looking library attendant. He was going to make sure not to talk too loud on days he came in here.

"Yes, help would be great... I was looking around for books about Suiton nature or Doton nature techniques? I'm trying to learn about more for my training."

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Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai] Empty Re: Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai]

Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:35 pm
Daiko looked at the librarian, scratching his chin. He had no idea what jutsu in specific he was looking for, hence the reason he had come to a library. It was no matter, though, as he assumed he would find what he needed in the various books around the establishment. It was also a possibility however, that the man standing before him would be able to teach him some of the water techniques he had found, or at least point him in the direction of someone who could.

"No, I can't really think of any specific jutsu... I will probably be looking for techniques that seem useful, really. It would be very helpful if you would be able to point me in the direction of someone who would be able to teach me some of the techniques that stand out to me, or something that would be useful. I have only suiton and katon natures, though."

Daiko would look at the man, waiting for any kind of response.


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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai] Empty Re: Books are hard to find [p/nk/Kozai]

Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:04 pm

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